243 research outputs found

    Design of the strut braced wing aircraft in the agile collaborative MDO framework

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    The paper describes the deployment of the AGILE Development Framework to investigate the Strut Braced Wing aircraft configuration. The design process consists of a multilevel multidisciplinary architecture, progressing from the initial conceptual synthesis to the physics based analysis. All the main disciplinary domains, including on board system design and cost assessment, are accounted for in the assembled workflow. Due to the specific characteristics of the Strut Braced Wing configuration, the aeroelastic analysis is the main focus of the study and it is addressed at both high and low fidelity levels. The integration of the engine-wing system is also included in the design process. All the design competences, which are hosted at the different partners, communicate via CPACS (Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Schema) data schema. All the results generated, including the multidisciplinary design process itself, will be published and made available as part of the AGILE Overall Aircraft Design database

    Synthesis and Characterization of Nonaqueous Deposited Nanocrystalline Cds Film

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    A nanocrystallineCdS film can be deposited by chemical bath deposition using non aqueous medium. XRD analysis confirms the crystalline structure of CdS (002) with 34 nm crystallite size. The as deposited films are stoichiometric in nature with Cd and S atomic % ratio equal to 1.0. The field emission scanning electron miceoscope and atomic force microscopy studies revels a densely packed non porous granular deposit with RMS value of roughness equal to 92nm. The band gap of the film is measures by spectroscopy and it is observed to 2.40 eV which is good agreement with the reported result. The photoluminescence prominent peak of the CdS film is observed to be 392 nm

    Germline-encoded neutralization of a Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor by the human antibody repertoire.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is both an important pathogen and a human commensal. To explore this ambivalent relationship between host and microbe, we analysed the memory humoral response against IsdB, a protein involved in iron acquisition, in four healthy donors. Here we show that in all donors a heavily biased use of two immunoglobulin heavy chain germlines generated high affinity (pM) antibodies that neutralize the two IsdB NEAT domains, IGHV4-39 for NEAT1 and IGHV1-69 for NEAT2. In contrast to the typical antibody/antigen interactions, the binding is primarily driven by the germline-encoded hydrophobic CDRH-2 motifs of IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, with a binding mechanism nearly identical for each antibody derived from different donors. Our results suggest that IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, while part of the adaptive immune system, may have evolved under selection pressure to encode a binding motif innately capable of recognizing and neutralizing a structurally conserved protein domain involved in pathogen iron acquisition

    Psychedelics and schizophrenia: Distinct alterations to Bayesian inference

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    Schizophrenia and states induced by certain psychotomimetic drugs may share some physiological and phenomenological properties, but they differ in fundamental ways: one is a crippling chronic mental disease, while the others are temporary, pharmacologically-induced states presently being explored as treatments for mental illnesses. Building towards a deeper understanding of these different alterations of normal consciousness, here we compare the changes in neural dynamics induced by LSD and ketamine (in healthy volunteers) against those associated with schizophrenia, as observed in resting-state M/EEG recordings. While both conditions exhibit increased neural signal diversity, our findings reveal that this is accompanied by an increased transfer entropy from the front to the back of the brain in schizophrenia, versus an overall reduction under the two drugs. Furthermore, we show that these effects can be reproduced via different alterations of standard Bayesian inference applied on a computational model based on the predictive processing framework. In particular, the effects observed under the drugs are modelled as a reduction of the precision of the priors, while the effects of schizophrenia correspond to an increased precision of sensory information. These findings shed new light on the similarities and differences between schizophrenia and two psychotomimetic drug states, and have potential implications for the study of consciousness and future mental health treatments

    High-pressure photoluminescence study of ordered Ga<sub>0.5</sub>In<sub>0.5</sub>P alloys grown on GaAs by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy

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    Photoluminescence (PL) measurements on Ga0.5In0.5P grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on GaAs substrates at various growth temperatures have been made as a function of pressure up to about 4.5 GPa. In the pressure range 0-3.8 GPa the PL spectrum exhibits a shift to higher energies. It is found that the pressure coefficient of the PL peak energy depends significantly on the growth temperature and hence on the degree of ordering. These results are partly explained in terms of repulsion between the Gamma-folded energy states in the CuPt-type ordered structure

    Metagenomics reveals impact of geography and acute diarrheal disease on the Central Indian human gut microbiome

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    © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Background: The Central Indian gut microbiome remains grossly understudied. Herein, we sought to investigate the burden of antimicrobial resistance and diarrheal diseases, particularly Clostridioides difficile, in rural-agricultural and urban populations in Central India, where there is widespread unregulated antibiotic use. We utilized shotgun metagenomics to comprehensively characterize the bacterial and viral fractions of the gut microbiome and their encoded functions in 105 participants. Results: We observed distinct rural-urban differences in bacterial and viral populations, with geography exhibiting a greater influence than diarrheal status. Clostridioides difficile disease was more commonly observed in urban subjects, and their microbiomes were enriched in metabolic pathways relating to the metabolism of industrial compounds and genes encoding resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. By linking phages present in the microbiome to their bacterial hosts through CRISPR spacers, phage variation could be directly related to shifts in bacterial populations, with the auxiliary metabolic potential of rural-associated phages enriched for carbon and amino acid energy metabolism. Conclusions: We report distinct differences in antimicrobial resistance gene profiles, enrichment of metabolic pathways and phage composition between rural and urban populations, as well as a higher burden of Clostridioides difficile disease in the urban population. Our results reveal that geography is the key driver of variation in urban and rural Indian microbiomes, with acute diarrheal disease, including C. difficile disease exerting a lesser impact. Future studies will be required to understand the potential role of dietary, cultural, and genetic factors in contributing to microbiome differences between rural and urban populations

    Exploring the Dynamic Range of the Kinetic Exclusion Assay in Characterizing Antigen-Antibody Interactions

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    Therapeutic antibodies are often engineered or selected to have high on-target binding affinities that can be challenging to determine precisely by most biophysical methods. Here, we explore the dynamic range of the kinetic exclusion assay (KinExA) by exploiting the interactions of an anti-DKK antibody with a panel of DKK antigens as a model system. By tailoring the KinExA to each studied antigen, we obtained apparent equilibrium dissociation constants (KD values) spanning six orders of magnitude, from approximately 100 fM to 100 nM. Using a previously calibrated antibody concentration and working in a suitable concentration range, we show that a single experiment can yield accurate and precise values for both the apparent KD and the apparent active concentration of the antigen, thereby increasing the information content of an assay and decreasing sample consumption. Orthogonal measurements obtained on Biacore and Octet label-free biosensor platforms further validated our KinExA-derived affinity and active concentration determinations. We obtained excellent agreement in the apparent affinities obtained across platforms and within the KinExA method irrespective of the assay orientation employed or the purity of the recombinant or native antigens

    Metagenomics Reveals Impact of Geography and Acute Diarrhoeal Disease on the Central Indian Human Gut Microbiome

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    Background: The Central Indian gut microbiome remains grossly understudied. Herein, we sought to investigate the burden of antimicrobial resistance and diarrhoeal diseases, particularly Clostridioides difficile, in rural-agricultural and urban populations in Central India, where there is widespread unregulated antibiotic use. We utilised shotgun metagenomics to comprehensively characterise the bacterial and viral fractions of the gut microbiome and their encoded functions in 105 participants. Results: We observed distinct rural-urban differences in bacterial and viral populations, with geography exhibiting a greater influence than diarrhoeal status. Clostridioides difficile disease was more commonly observed in urban subjects, and their microbiomes were enriched in metabolic pathways relating to the metabolism of industrial compounds and genes encoding resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. By linking phages present in the microbiome to their bacterial hosts through CRISPR spacers, phage variation could be directly related to shifts in bacterial populations, with the auxiliary metabolic potential of rural-associated phages enriched for carbon and amino acid energy metabolism.Conclusions: We report distinct differences in antimicrobial resistance gene profiles, enrichment of metabolic pathways and phage composition between rural and urban populations, as well as a higher burden of Clostridioides difficile disease in the urban population. Our results reveal that geography is the key driver of variation in urban and rural Indian microbiomes, with acute diarrhoeal disease, including C. difficile disease exerting a lesser impact. Future studies will be required to understand the potential role of dietary, cultural and genetic factors in contributing to microbiome differences between rural and urban populations

    Forcing Versus Feedback: Epidemic Malaria and Monsoon Rains in Northwest India

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    Malaria epidemics in regions with seasonal windows of transmission can vary greatly in size from year to year. A central question has been whether these interannual cycles are driven by climate, are instead generated by the intrinsic dynamics of the disease, or result from the resonance of these two mechanisms. This corresponds to the more general inverse problem of identifying the respective roles of external forcings vs. internal feedbacks from time series for nonlinear and noisy systems. We propose here a quantitative approach to formally compare rival hypotheses on climate vs. disease dynamics, or external forcings vs. internal feedbacks, that combines dynamical models with recently developed, computational inference methods. The interannual patterns of epidemic malaria are investigated here for desert regions of northwest India, with extensive epidemiological records for Plasmodium falciparum malaria for the past two decades. We formulate a dynamical model of malaria transmission that explicitly incorporates rainfall, and we rely on recent advances on parameter estimation for nonlinear and stochastic dynamical systems based on sequential Monte Carlo methods. Results show a significant effect of rainfall in the inter-annual variability of epidemic malaria that involves a threshold in the disease response. The model exhibits high prediction skill for yearly cases in the malaria transmission season following the monsoonal rains. Consideration of a more complex model with clinical immunity demonstrates the robustness of the findings and suggests a role of infected individuals that lack clinical symptoms as a reservoir for transmission. Our results indicate that the nonlinear dynamics of the disease itself play a role at the seasonal, but not the interannual, time scales. They illustrate the feasibility of forecasting malaria epidemics in desert and semi-arid regions of India based on climate variability. This approach should be applicable to malaria in other locations, to other infectious diseases, and to other nonlinear systems under forcing

    Volume-based solvation models out-perform area-based models in combined studies of wild-type and mutated protein-protein interfaces

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Empirical binding models have previously been investigated for the energetics of protein complexation (ΔG models) and for the influence of mutations on complexation (i.e. differences between wild-type and mutant complexes, ΔΔG models). We construct binding models to directly compare these processes, which have generally been studied separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although reasonable fit models were found for both ΔG and ΔΔG cases, they differ substantially. In a dataset curated for the absence of mainchain rearrangement upon binding, non-polar area burial is a major determinant of ΔG models. However this ΔG model does not fit well to the data for binding differences upon mutation. Burial of non-polar area is weighted down in fitting of ΔΔG models. These calculations were made with no repacking of sidechains upon complexation, and only minimal packing upon mutation. We investigated the consequences of more extensive packing changes with a modified mean-field packing scheme. Rather than emphasising solvent exposure with relatively extended sidechains, rotamers are selected that exhibit maximal packing with protein. This provides solvent accessible areas for proteins that are much closer to those of experimental structures than the more extended sidechain regime. The new packing scheme increases changes in non-polar burial for mutants compared to wild-type proteins, but does not substantially improve agreement between ΔG and ΔΔG binding models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that solvent accessible area, based on modelled mutant structures, is a poor correlate for ΔΔG upon mutation. A simple volume-based, rather than solvent accessibility-based, model is constructed for ΔG and ΔΔG systems. This shows a more consistent behaviour. We discuss the efficacy of volume, as opposed to area, approaches to describe the energetic consequences of mutations at interfaces. This knowledge can be used to develop simple computational screens for binding in comparative modelled interfaces.</p
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