223 research outputs found

    Stopped Flow Kinetics of MnII Catalysed Periodate Oxidation of 2, 3- dimethylaniline - Evaluation of Stability Constant of the Ternary Intermediate Complex

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    The formation of ternary intermediate unstable complex during the oxidation of aromatic amines by periodate ion catalysed by MnII has been proposed in case of some anilines. This paper is the first report on stopped-flow kinetic study and evaluation of stability constant of ternary complex forming in the MnII - catalysed periodate oxidation of 2, 3-dimethylaniline (D) in acetone-water medium. Stop-flow spectrophotometric method was used to study the ternary complex formation and to determine its stability constant. The stop-flow trace shows the reaction to occur in two steps. The first step, which is presumably the formation of ternary complex, is relatively fast while the second stage is relatively quite slow. The stability constant evaluated for D - MnII - IO4- ternary complex by determining equilibrium absorbance is (2.2 ± 1.0) × 105. Kinetics of ternary complex formation was defined by the rate law(A) under pseudo first order conditions. ln{[C2]eq / ( [C2]eq -[C2])} = kobs . t (A) where, kobs is the pseudo first order rate constant, [C2] is concentration of ternary complex at given time t, and [C2]eq is the equilibrium concentration of ternary complex. © 2015 BCREC UNDIP. All rights reserve

    A novel mathematical tool for generating highly conserved protein domain via different organismal genomic landscapes

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    Darwinian evolution hypothesizes that a short stretch of DNA was first constructed and then it expanded to give rise to a long strand. This long strand then produced a mix of exons, introns and repetitive DNA sequence. The order of production of above three kinds of DNA sequence is unknown. Reshuffling of stretches of DNA like above within organisms has given rise to different chromosomes. Till date it is not known how this process is governed. In this paper we show that starting with a sixteen base-pair human olfactory DNA sequence one can form a highly conserved protein domain. Once this domain is formed repetitive DNA sequences of a particular kind starts generating which signifies that this particular conserved protein domain will be unique in nature. The entire mathematical exercise presented in this paper is based on simplest possible context free L-System which we think has been adopted by biological system in general

    Quadruple context-free L-System mathematical tools as origin of biological evolution

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    It is well known that A, T, G, C annealed together early in evolution and the long stretch of DNA was found which ultimately resulted into chromosomes of different organisms. But it is unclear till date how exons, introns, conserved protein domains was formed. Using the DNA sequences of the largest known gene-family present in human genome, i.e., olfactory receptors and simplest possible quadruple context-free L-Systems, we show that conserved protein domains and intergenic regions which lies at the heart of the biological evolution started with a sixteen base-pairs stretch of DNA

    Interaction of Laser Beam with Micropolar Thermoelastic Solid

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    The present investigation deals with the deformation of micropolar generalized thermoelastic solid subjected to thermo-mechanical loading due to thermal laser pulse. Laplace transform and Fourier transform techniques are used to solve the problem. Thermo-mechanical laser interactions are taken as concentrated normal force and thermal source to describe the application of approach. The closed form expressions of normal stress, tangential stress, coupled stress and temperature are obtained in the transferred domain. Numerical inversion technique of Laplace transform and Fourier transform has been implied to obtain the resulting quantities in the physical domain after developing a computer program. The normal stress, tangential stress, coupled stress and temperature are depicted graphically to show the effect of relaxation times. Some particular cases of interest are deduced from the present investigation. Keywords: Pulse Laser, Integral Transform, Thermoelastic, Boundary value Problem