2,136 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the present research was to describe and compare the personality traits male female in volleyball player (sociability, extraversion, dominance, self-concept, conventionality, mental toughness, emotional stability) of competitive volleyball game in male and female sports. The method of the study is descriptive analyses, total fifty (Each 25) samples representing both in male and female were selected and to collect the data the standardized scale devised by Dr Ajith Sing has administered on the subject who are participating in all India interuniversity tournament, later ‘t’ test was applied to assess the significant difference in self-concept factor of personality traits between volleyball sportsperson of male and female, the conclusion was drawn that male sportsperson have possessed the high self-concept personality  traits comparing to their counterpart, it was rationalized that nature of  male participation develops and cultivates the self-concept values and character among the participants volleyball player.    Article visualizations

    The Deep Purple Color and the Scent are Two Great Qualities of the Black Scented Rice (Chakhao) of Manipur

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    Specialty rice varieties with unique properties such as unique color, flavor, aroma and nutraceutical qualities are increasingly in demand other than the traditional white rice varieties. Black rice has various nutraceutical properties with high anthocyanin content and the anthocyanin antioxidants are very important in preventing various diseases. Black scented rice of Manipur, which are commonly known as Chakhao, are deep purple colored and scented, and are very glutinous, as well. Two Chakhao cultivars, Chakhao Poireiton and Chakhao Amubi, were shown to have high anthocyanin and phenolics content and strong antioxidant activity. The main anthocyanins of Chakhao Poireiton are delphinidin 3‐galactoside, delphinidin 3‐arabinoside, cyanidin 3‐galactoside and cyanidin 3‐glucoside and that of Chakhao Amubi are delphinidin 3‐galactoside, delphinidin 3‐arabinoside and cyanidin 3‐galactoside. By GC‐MS analysis, a cross mixture of 26 volatile compounds from Chakhao Poireiton and 11 volatile compounds from Chakhao Amubi were found to be responsible for emanating the aroma. Among the complex mixture of volatile oil components, n‐hexadecanoic acid and octadec‐9‐enoic acid were the most abundant in Chakhao Poireiton and 17‐pentatriacontene, l3‐octadecenal (Z) and hexadecenoic acid eicosyl ester in Chakhao Amubi

    Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience

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    As communication technology in the workplace becomes more complex, students need to learn how to evaluate and develop applications for that technology. This article describes a team-taught, interdisciplinary multimedia development course created to address such technology issues. Included in this description is a rationale for the course, an overview of the topics covered, and the development projects assigned in this capstone course. Based on our belief that high-quality multimedia applications are the result of team-based development, the class reflects a collaborative learning model. Undergraduate students from two academic disciplines, Management and Information Science and Communication, shared their expertise in computing, electronic media production, and group communication and presentational skills

    Orif of lateral Hoffa's fracture with irreducible patella dislocation and incarcerated patella in lateral Hoffa's fragment: rare injury presentation

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    Majority of lateral Hoffa fracture are associated with knee injury. Presenting a case of 30-years-old gentleman who presented with pain, swelling, deformity in knee of right side after road traffic accident.  On local examination there was marked swelling with inability to palpate patella, inability to flex knee. On clinical examination, there was patella dislocation as it was not in place and unable to reduce. Radiological investigation showed a lateral Hoffa's fracture with dislocation of patella and patella being incarcerated in Hoffa fragment. Operative and follow up: Patient was operated by open reduction of patella dislocation and CC screw fixation for lateral Hoffa fracture. On six weeks follow up normal ROM achieved. Patient was surgically treated to relocate locked patella fragment in Hoffa's fragment and fix Hoffa's fragment and achieved good range of motion

    Metal Recovery Using Oxalate Chemistry: A Technical Review

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    Energy-efficient metal recovery and separation processes from a mixture of valuable metals are vital to the metallurgy and recycling industries. Oxalate has been identified as a sustainable reagent that can provide both the desired selectivity and efficient leaching capabilities for a variety of mixed metals under mild reaction conditions. The oxalate process has a great potential to replace many of the existing metal recovery processes that use inorganic acids such as sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids. In this Review, the use of oxalate chemistry in four major metal recovery applications is discussed, namely, spent lithium-ion batteries, spent catalysts, valuable ores, and contaminated and unwanted waste streams. Recycling of critical and precious metals from spent lithium-ion batteries and catalysts has significant economic opportunities. For efficient metals recovery, reaction conditions (e.g., temperature, pH, time, and concentration), metal–oxalate complex formation, oxidation and reduction, and metal precipitation must all be well-understood. This Review provides an overview from articles and patents for a variety of metal recovery processes along with insights into future process development

    A rare case of immune-related pseudotumor of ovary mimicking ovarian malignancy

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    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting various body organs. However, genital tract involvement is rarely reported. A 40 years old reproductive-age woman presented with a solid abdominopelvic mass of 20 weeks size. CECT revealed a large multiloculated solid cystic lesion arising from right adnexa with multiple enlarged lymph nodes and omental thickening with gross right-sided hydroureteronephrosis suggestive of ovarian malignancy stage III. Surprisingly, tumor markers were normal. Intraoperatively, we noticed a 15×15 cm right ovarian mass encasing the right ureter all around and constricting it. The mass was densely adherent to recto-sigmoid and right pelvic wall, which mandated extensive surgery. Histopathological examination with immuno-histo-chemistry (IHC) suggested the diagnosis of IgG4-RD of ovary. Awareness about its occurrence in ovary will help in arriving at the diagnosis which may influence the extent of surgery. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with fibrosis in histopathological examination warrants IHC analysis for achieving a diagnosis

    CloudSim Express: A Novel Framework for Rapid Low Code Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments

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    Cloud computing environment simulators enable cost-effective experimentation of novel infrastructure designs and management approaches by avoiding significant costs incurred from repetitive deployments in real Cloud platforms. However, widely used Cloud environment simulators compromise on usability due to complexities in design and configuration, along with the added overhead of programming language expertise. Existing approaches attempting to reduce this overhead, such as script-based simulators and Graphical User Interface (GUI) based simulators, often compromise on the extensibility of the simulator. Simulator extensibility allows for customization at a fine-grained level, thus reducing it significantly affects flexibility in creating simulations. To address these challenges, we propose an architectural framework to enable human-readable script-based simulations in existing Cloud environment simulators while minimizing the impact on simulator extensibility. We implement the proposed framework for the widely used Cloud environment simulator, the CloudSim toolkit, and compare it against state-of-the-art baselines using a practical use case. The resulting framework, called CloudSim Express, achieves extensible simulations while surpassing baselines with over a 71.43% reduction in code complexity and an 89.42% reduction in lines of code
