165 research outputs found

    RNA chaperone activity and RNA-binding properties of the E. coli protein StpA

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    The E. coli protein StpA has RNA annealing and strand displacement activities and it promotes folding of RNAs by loosening their structures. To understand the mode of action of StpA, we analysed the relationship of its RNA chaperone activity to its RNA-binding properties. For acceleration of annealing of two short RNAs, StpA binds both molecules simultaneously, showing that annealing is promoted by crowding. StpA binds weakly to RNA with a preference for unstructured molecules. Binding of StpA to RNA is strongly dependent on the ionic strength, suggesting that the interactions are mainly electrostatic. A mutant variant of the protein, with a glycine to valine change in the nucleic-acid-binding domain, displays weaker RNA binding but higher RNA chaperone activity. This suggests that the RNA chaperone activity of StpA results from weak and transient interactions rather than from tight binding to RNA. We further discuss the role that structural disorder in proteins may play in chaperoning RNA folding, using bioinformatic sequence analysis tools, and provide evidence for the importance of conformational disorder and local structural preformation of chaperone nucleic-acid-binding sites

    Dynamic competition of DsrA and rpoS fragments for the proximal binding site of Hfq as a means for efficient annealing

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    Hfq is a key regulator involved in multiple aspects of stress tolerance and virulence of bacteria. There has been an intriguing question as to how this RNA chaperone achieves two completely opposite functions—annealing and unwinding—for different RNA substrates. To address this question, we studied the Hfq-mediated interaction of fragments of a non-coding RNA, DsrA, with its mRNA target rpoS by using single-molecule fluorescence techniques. These experiments permitted us to observe the mechanistic steps of Hfq-mediated RNA annealing/unwinding at the single-molecule level, for the first time. Our real-time observations reveal that, even if the ring-shaped Hfq displays multiple binding sites for its interaction with RNA, the regulatory RNA and the mRNA compete for the same binding site. The competition makes the RNA-Hfq interaction dynamic and, surprisingly, increases the overall annealing efficiency by properly aligning the two RNAs. We furthermore reveal that when Hfq specifically binds to only one of the two RNAs, the unwinding process dominates over the annealing process, thus shedding a new light on the substrate selectivity for annealing or unwinding. Finally, our results demonstrate for the first time that a single Hfq hexamer is sufficient to facilitate sRNA–mRNA annealing

    Rapid binding and release of Hfq from ternary complexes during RNA annealing

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    The Sm protein Hfq binds small non-coding RNA (sRNAs) in bacteria and facilitates their base pairing with mRNA targets. Molecular beacons and a 16 nt RNA derived from the Hfq binding site in DsrA sRNA were used to investigate how Hfq accelerates base pairing between complementary strands of RNA. Stopped-flow fluorescence experiments showed that annealing became faster with Hfq concentration but was impaired by mutations in RNA binding sites on either face of the Hfq ring or by competition with excess RNA substrate. A fast bimolecular Hfq binding step (∼108 M−1s−1) observed with Cy3-Hfq was followed by a slow transition (0.5 s−1) to a stable Hfq–RNA complex that exchanges RNA ligands more slowly. Release of Hfq upon addition of complementary RNA was faster than duplex formation, suggesting that the nucleic acid strands dissociate from Hfq before base pairing is complete. A working model is presented in which rapid co-binding and release of two RNA strands from the Hfq ternary complex accelerates helix initiation 10 000 times above the Hfq-independent rate. Thus, Hfq acts to overcome barriers to helix initiation, but the net reaction flux depends on how tightly Hfq binds the reactants and products and the potential for unproductive binding interactions

    The RNA annealing mechanism of the HIV-1 Tat peptide: conversion of the RNA into an annealing-competent conformation

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    The annealing of nucleic acids to (partly) complementary RNA or DNA strands is involved in important cellular processes. A variety of proteins have been shown to accelerate RNA/RNA annealing but their mode of action is still mainly uncertain. In order to study the mechanism of protein-facilitated acceleration of annealing we selected a short peptide, HIV-1 Tat(44–61), which accelerates the reaction efficiently. The activity of the peptide is strongly regulated by mono- and divalent cations which hints at the importance of electrostatic interactions between RNA and peptide. Mutagenesis of the peptide illustrated the dominant role of positively charged amino acids in RNA annealing—both the overall charge of the molecule and a precise distribution of basic amino acids within the peptide are important. Additionally, we found that Tat(44–61) drives the RNA annealing reaction via entropic rather than enthalpic terms. One-dimensional-NMR data suggest that the peptide changes the population distribution of possible RNA structures to favor an annealing-prone RNA conformation, thereby increasing the fraction of colliding RNA molecules that successfully anneal

    The HIV-1 transcriptional activator Tat has potent nucleic acid chaperoning activities in vitro

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    The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a primate lentivirus that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In addition to the virion structural proteins and enzyme precursors, that are Gag, Env and Pol, HIV-1 encodes several regulatory proteins, notably a small nuclear transcriptional activator named Tat. The Tat protein is absolutely required for virus replication since it controls proviral DNA transcription to generate the full-length viral mRNA. Tat can also regulate mRNA capping and splicing and was recently found to interfere with the cellular mi- and siRNA machinery. Because of its extensive interplay with nucleic acids, and its basic and disordered nature we speculated that Tat had nucleic acid-chaperoning properties. This prompted us to examine in vitro the nucleic acid-chaperoning activities of Tat and Tat peptides made by chemical synthesis. Here we report that Tat has potent nucleic acid-chaperoning activities according to the standard DNA annealing, DNA and RNA strand exchange, RNA ribozyme cleavage and trans-splicing assays. The active Tat(44–61) peptide identified here corresponds to the smallest known sequence with DNA/RNA chaperoning properties

    Transient RNA–protein interactions in RNA folding

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    The RNA folding trajectory features numerous off-pathway folding traps, which represent conformations that are often equally as stable as the native functional ones. Therefore, the conversion between these off-pathway structures and the native correctly folded ones is the critical step in RNA folding. This process, referred to as RNA refolding, is slow, and is represented by a transition state that has a characteristic high free energy. Because this kinetically limiting process occurs in vivo, proteins (called RNA chaperones) have evolved that facilitate the (re)folding of RNA molecules. Here, we present an overview of how proteins interact with RNA molecules in order to achieve properly folded states. In this respect, the discrimination between static and transient interactions is crucial, as different proteins have evolved a multitude of mechanisms for RNA remodeling. For RNA chaperones that act in a sequence-unspecific manner and without the use of external sources of energy, such as ATP, transient RNA–protein interactions represent the basis of the mode of action. By presenting stretches of positively charged amino acids that are positioned in defined spatial configurations, RNA chaperones enable the RNA backbone, via transient electrostatic interactions, to sample a wider conformational space that opens the route for efficient refolding reactions

    Stringency of start codon selection modulates autoregulation of translation initiation factor eIF5

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    An AUG in an optimal nucleotide context is the preferred translation initiation site in eukaryotic cells. Interactions among translation initiation factors, including eIF1 and eIF5, govern start codon selection. Experiments described here showed that high intracellular eIF5 levels reduced the stringency of start codon selection in human cells. In contrast, high intracellular eIF1 levels increased stringency. High levels of eIF5 induced translation of inhibitory upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in eIF5 mRNA that initiate with AUG codons in conserved poor contexts. This resulted in reduced translation from the downstream eIF5 start codon, indicating that eIF5 autoregulates its own synthesis. As with eIF1, which is also autoregulated through translation initiation, features contributing to eIF5 autoregulation show deep evolutionary conservation. The results obtained provide the basis for a model in which auto- and cross-regulation of eIF5 and eIF1 translation establish a regulatory feedback loop that would stabilize the stringency of start codon selection

    Spectroscopic observation of RNA chaperone activities of Hfq in post-transcriptional regulation by a small non-coding RNA

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    Hfq protein is vital for the function of many non-coding small (s)RNAs in bacteria but the mechanism by which Hfq facilitates the function of sRNA is still debated. We developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay to probe how Hfq modulates the interaction between a sRNA, DsrA, and its regulatory target mRNA, rpoS. The relevant RNA fragments were labelled so that changes in intra- and intermolecular RNA structures can be monitored in real time. Our data show that Hfq promotes the strand exchange reaction in which the internal structure of rpoS is replaced by pairing with DsrA such that the Shine-Dalgarno sequence of the mRNA becomes exposed. Hfq appears to carry out strand exchange by inducing rapid association of DsrA and a premelted rpoS and by aiding in the slow disruption of the rpoS secondary structure. Unexpectedly, Hfq also disrupts a preformed complex between rpoS and DsrA. While it may not be a frequent event in vivo, this melting activity may have implications in the reversal of sRNA-based regulation. Overall, our data suggests that Hfq not only promotes strand exchange by binding rapidly to both DsrA and rpoS but also possesses RNA chaperoning properties that facilitates dynamic RNA–RNA interactions

    Genomic SELEX for Hfq-binding RNAs identifies genomic aptamers predominantly in antisense transcripts

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    An unexpectedly high number of regulatory RNAs have been recently discovered that fine-tune the function of genes at all levels of expression. We employed Genomic SELEX, a method to identify protein-binding RNAs encoded in the genome, to search for further regulatory RNAs in Escherichia coli. We used the global regulator protein Hfq as bait, because it can interact with a large number of RNAs, promoting their interaction. The enriched SELEX pool was subjected to deep sequencing, and 8865 sequences were mapped to the E. coli genome. These short sequences represent genomic Hfq-aptamers and are part of potential regulatory elements within RNA molecules. The motif 5′-AAYAAYAA-3′ was enriched in the selected RNAs and confers low-nanomolar affinity to Hfq. The motif was confirmed to bind Hfq by DMS footprinting. The Hfq aptamers are 4-fold more frequent on the antisense strand of protein coding genes than on the sense strand. They were enriched opposite to translation start sites or opposite to intervening sequences between ORFs in operons. These results expand the repertoire of Hfq targets and also suggest that Hfq might regulate the expression of a large number of genes via interaction with cis-antisense RNAs

    Analysis of nucleic acid chaperoning by the prion protein and its inhibition by oligonucleotides

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    Prion diseases are unique neurodegenerative illnesses associated with the conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) into the aggregated misfolded scrapie isoform, named PrPSc. Recent studies on the physiological role of PrPC revealed that this protein has probably multiple functions, notably in cell–cell adhesion and signal transduction, and in assisting nucleic acid folding. In fact, in vitro findings indicated that the human PrP (huPrP) possesses nucleic acid binding and annealing activities, similarly to nucleic acid chaperone proteins that play essential roles in cellular DNA and RNA metabolism. Here, we show that a peptide, representing the N-terminal domain of huPrP, facilitates nucleic acid annealing by two parallel pathways nucleated through the stem termini. We also show that PrP of human or ovine origin facilitates DNA strand exchange, ribozyme-directed cleavage of an RNA template and RNA trans-splicing in a manner similar to the nucleocapsid protein of HIV-1. In an attempt to characterize inhibitors of PrP-chaperoning in vitro we discovered that the thioaptamer 5′-GACACAAGCCGA-3′ was extensively inhibiting the PrP chaperoning activities. At the same time a recently characterized methylated oligoribonucleotide inhibiting the chaperoning activity of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein was poorly impairing the PrP chaperoning activities