1,611 research outputs found

    Entropic nonextensivity as a measure of time series complexity

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    Information entropy is applied to the analysis of time series generated by dynamical systems. Complexity of a temporal or spatio-temporal signal is defined as the difference between the sum of entropies of the local linear regions of the trajectory manifold and the entropy of the globally linearized manifold. When the entropies are Tsallis entropies the complexity is characterized by the value of q.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physica

    Analysis of the impact of injuries caused by the influence of mechanical and abiotic factors on the occurrence of harmful fungal organisms

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    U radu je istraživan aspekt pojave patogenih mikroorganizama na bukovom drvetu u odnosu na prisustvo ozleda na stablima, u cilju zaštite i očuvanja ove vrste u Srbiji. Istraživanja su vršena u istočnoj Srbiji, u brdskoj šumi bukve Fagetum moesiacae submontanum, generativnog porekla. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno dva lokaliteta na 51 oglednoj parceli, sa ukupno 829 stabala i konstatovano je prisustvo 21 vrsta gljiva. Na prvom lokalitetu konstatovano je da pojava gljiva prvenstveno zavisi od prisustva mehaničkih oštećenja na stablima (čak 73.46%), a gotovo uopšte nije u vezi sa prisustvom abiotičkih oštećenja (svega 3.21%). Na drugom lokalitetu postoji jaka korelaciona veza između pojave gljiva i prisustva mehaničkih oštećenja - 51.88%, kao i između gljiva i abiotičkih oštećenja - 47.96%. Konstatovano je da za zdravstveno stanje visokih bukovih sastojina izuzetan značaj ima pažljivo i pravilno manipulisanje prilikom seče, a svaka ozleda na bukovim dubećim stablima počinjena pri seči je otvoren put za zarazu patogenim mikroorganizmima.The research described in this paper is focused on the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms on beech trees relative to the presence of tree injuries, with the aim to ensure protection and preservation of this species in Serbia. The research was conducted in Eastern Serbia, in a hillside beech forest Fagetum moesiacae submontanum of generative origin. The testing was carried out on two sites over 51 testing plots, with a total of 829 trees and 21 species of identified fungi. On the first site it was found that the appearance of fungi primarily depends on the presence of mechanical damage on trees (as much as 73.46%), while the presence of abiotic damage has almost no bearing (only 3.21%). On the second site there was a strong correlation link between the occurrence of fungi and presence of mechanical damage - 51.88%, as well as between the fungi and abiotic damage - 47.96%. The health condition of high beech stands was found to be heavily dependent on careful and proper manipulation during harvesting, while each injury inflicted on a beech live tree during logging opens the door to infection with pathogenic microorganisms

    Additions and analysis of data on poisonous plants in the Flora Croatica Database

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    Podaci o otrovnosti biljaka značajni su za botaniku, farmaciju, veterinu, medicinu i dr. Usprkos tome što su izvori podataka o otrovnom bilju brojni, kumulativni prikazi za Hrvatsku su oskudni i nepotpuni. Najveći udio kompiliranih podataka sabran je u sklopu baze podataka Flora Croatica – Korisno bilje, no nadopune su moguće i nužne. Analiza podataka, upotrebom FCD web sučelja, pokazala je da je ukupan broj zabilježenih otrovnih vrsta u Hrvatskoj flori 553 od ukupno 1193 vrste koje imaju zabilježenu ekonomsku upotrebu. Podaci o otrovnosti sadržani u Lewis i sur. (2007) analizirani su, pretočeni u podržani standard za ekonomski botaniku FCD-a, te su potom uneseni u bazu. Dopuna je provedena za 53 vrste. Analiza dopunjenih podataka ukazuje na prisustvo 553 otrovne vrste u flori Hrvatske, najveći broj unutar porodica Ranunculaceae (49), Asteraceae (36) i Fabaceae (36). Gledajući sa aspekta ugroženosti, 4,52 % otrovnog bilja se nalazi u Crvenoj knjizi. Otrovna su samo 4 endema. Analiza podataka je pokazala upotrebu otrovnih biljaka u razne svrhe: 65,46 % se koristi kao lijekovi, 27,49 % kao hrana, 24,77 % kao medonosne biljke, 15,01 % kao dodaci hrani, 14,1 % na neki drugi način (npr. droga/za pušenje, za izazivanje pobačaja, u religiozne svrhe...) i 12,84 % kao životinjska hrana. Upotreba otrovnih biljaka za hranu ili kao dodatak hrani, povezana je s nejednolikom razdiobom toksina u biljnom tijelu, što omogućuje upotrebu samo netoksičnih dijelova. Unatoč tome što mali broj izlaganja otrovnom i štetnom bilju rezultira otrovanjem, postoji potreba za povećanjem svijesti, istraživanja i dokumentiranja flore i njenih svojstava, jer se time povećava mogućnost ekonomskog iskorištavanja i smanjuje opasnost od trovanja i štetnih djelovanja.Data about the toxicity of plants are important for botany, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, medicine, etc. Despite the fact that the sources of information about toxic plants are numerous, cumulative views for Croatia are scarce and incomplete. The largest part of compiled data is collected in the database Flora Croatica - Useful plants, but updates are possible and necessary. Data analysis using the FCD web sites showed that the total number of reported toxic species in the flora of Croatia is 553 of a total of 1193 species that have documented the economic use. Toxicity data contained in the Lewis et al. (2007) were analyzed, transformed into a supported standard for FCD-economic botany, and were then entered into the database. Amendment was carried by 53 species. Analysis of the amended data indicates the presence of 553 toxic species in Croatian flora, most within the family Ranunculaceae (49), Asteraceae (36) and Fabaceae (36). From the aspect of vulnerability, 4.52 % poisonous plants are located in the Red Book. Only 4 endemic plants are poisonous. Data analysis showed the use of poisonous plants for various purposes: 65.46 % is used as remedies, 27.49 % as food, 24.77 % as a honey plant, 15.01 % as feed additives, 14.1 % in another way (e.g. drugs / smoking, to induce abortion, the religious purposes ...) and 12.84 % as animal food. Using poisonous plants for food or food additive is associated with the uneven distribution of toxins in the plant body, which allows you to use only non-toxic components. Despite the small number of exposure to toxic or harmful plants results in toxicity, there is a need for increased awareness, researching and documenting the flora and its properties, because it increases the possibility of economic exploitation and reduces the risk of poisoning and adverse effects


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