72 research outputs found

    EXAFS and XANES study of the incorporation of Mn cations into a chabazite-like AlPO molecular sieve

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    The relation between parliament and constitutional court in exercising and protection of constitutionality of law

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    Однос парламента и уставног суда у остваривању и заштити уставности закона представља тек један сегмент односа ова два органа власти. Овај сегмент представља кључни сегмент њиховог односа, будући да дотиче саму суштину основних функција поменутих органа власти: функцију изворног уређивања друштвених односа на примарном нивоу (законодавну функцију) као и функцију нормативне уставносудске контроле у изворном, основном облику тј. (функцију испитивања уставности закона). Уопштено, могло би се рећи да се суштина функционисања модерне демократске државе управо своди на питање који је облик институционалног дизајна најприхватљивији у односима уставних органа власти. Тежиште ових односа своди се на однос законодавне и уставносудске власти, нарочито у области остваривања и заштите уставности закона. У складу са тим, предмет истраживања овог рада је природа односа који се успостављају између уставног суда и парламента у области остваривања и заштите уставности закона у Републици Србији, са освртом на компаративну праксу. Предмет истраживања обухвата све облике остваривања и заштите уставности закона у поступцима пред парламентом и уставним судом. Посебан осврт учињен је на питање пасивног поступања оба органа у остваривању својих уставом прописаних надлежности, у смислу непоступања, непотпуног као и „тактичког“ поступања. У истраживању су коришћени правни (догматскоправни, нормативни), социолошки, аксиолошки, историјскоправни и компаративни метод. Истраживање је спроведено с циљем да се утврди на који начин се и у којој мери темељни уставни постулат, садржан у захтеву за сагласношћу закона са уставом, реално и остварује у оквиру поступања парламента и уставног суда, односно у ком правцу имплементација овог уставног принципа дефинише односе поменутих органа.The relation between the Parliament and Constitutional Court in exercising and protection of law constitutionality represents just one segment of these two governmental organs. This is the key segment of their relationship, as it touches upon the very core of basic functions of the aforementioned governmental organs: the function of genuine regulation of social relations on primary level (legislative function) as well as the function of regulatory constitutional control in its original form (i.e. function of testing law constitutionality). Generally speaking, it could be said that the core of functioning of a modern democratic country comes down to the question of what is the most acceptable form of institutional design in relations of constitutional organs of government. The focus of these relations comes down to the relation between legislative and constitutional authorities, particularly in the field of exercising and protection of constitutional law. With respect to this, the subject of this research paper is the nature of relations established between the Constitutional Court and Parliament in the field of exercising and protection of law constitutionality in the Republic of Serbia, with emphasis on comparative practice. The subject of this research comprises all the forms of exercising and protection of law constitutionality in proceedings before the Parliament and Constitutional Court. A special emphasis has been placed on the question of passive activity of both bodies in exercising their constitutionally prescribed jurisdiction, i.e. inactivity or incomplete as well as ‘tactical’ activity. The survey used legal (dogmatic legal, regulatory), sociological, axiological, legal history and comparative method. This study has been conducted with the aim to determine in what way and to what extent the basic constitutional postulate, contained in the request for agreement of laws and constitution, has been realized within the proceedings of the Parliament and Constitutional Court, i.e. in what direction the implementation of this constitutional principle defines the relations between the aforementioned authorities

    Common fixed point results for weakly isotone increasing mappings in partially ordered partial metric spaces

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    In this paper we prove some common fixed point results for pair of weakly isotone increasing mappings in the context of partially ordered partial metric spaces. Thus our results in the new context generalize, extend, unify, enrich and complement fixed point theorems of contractive mappings in several aspects. We provide examples to illustrate the usability of our results

    A study of defect structures in Fe-alloyed ZnO: Morphology, magnetism, and hyperfine interactions

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    In order to study the effect of Fe cation substitution on the local structure, defect formation, and hyperfine interactions in ZnO, Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements of the microwave processed Zn1−xFexO (x=0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20) nanoparticles, together with ab initio calculations, were performed. Complementary information on the distribution of particle size and morphology, as well as magnetic properties, were obtained by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and squid-magnetometry. The selected model for analyzing the Mössbauer spectra of our samples is a distribution of quadrupole splittings. The fitting model with two Lorentz doublets was rejected due to its failure to include larger doublets. The Fe3+ ions do not yield magnetic ordering in the samples at room temperature. The results from first-principles calculations confirm that the major component of the Mössbauer spectra corresponds to the Fe-alloyed ZnO with Zn vacancy in the next nearest neighbor environment. The magnetic measurements are consistent with the description of the distribution of iron ions over the randomly formed clusters in the ZnO host lattice. While at room temperature all the samples are paramagnetic, magnetic interactions cause a transition into a cluster spin-glass state at low temperatures

    Investigation of Ion Release from Ni-Cr Alloy in Various Acidity Conditions

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    Cytotoxicity is in direct correlation to the level of ion release, with non-precious alloys having higher ion release than that of precious alloys. The most often used non-precious dental alloy is Ni-Cr alloy. The aim of the investigation was to determine the type and quantity of ions released from Ni-Cr alloy (Wiron 99(r), Bego, Germany), in acid solutions with different pH values, and to determine the influence of the type of acid solution, its pH value, and duration of interaction on ion release. The overall sample consisted of 180 pieces of Ni-Cr alloy, 60 samples submerged in each of three different solutions (buffered phosphate solutions pH 3.5 and pH6, and lactic acid solution pH 3.5). Quantity of ion release was measured on solution samples taken at 10 different time intervals by means of the ICP-AES method. Average release of Ni ions in lactic acid solution was 432.42 μg/L, while the highest average Ni+ ions release of 541.67μg/L was measured in buffered phosphate solution pH 6.0. MANOVA demonstrated significant influence of the type of solution on Ni ion release (p<0.01), while the time of exposure was not a significant factor (p=0.23). Zn ions demonstrated the lowest average ion release (88.95 μg/L, phosphate solution pH 3.5). Statistically significant influence of the type of solution and pH value on ion release was determined, except for chromium ions (p<0.05). Dentobacterial plaque acidity is sufficient to start corrosion of Ni-Cr dental alloys

    Dvojni lijekovi primakina i nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova: Sinteza, hvatanje slobodnih radikala, antioksidativno djelovanje i keliranje Fe2+ iona

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    Novel primaquine conjugates with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (PQ-NSAIDs, 4a-h) were prepared, fully chemically characterized and screened for radical scavenging and antioxidant activities. The synthetic procedure leading to twin drugs 4a-h involved two steps: i) preparation of NSAID benzotriazolides 3a-h from the corresponding NSAID (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen hydroxy and methylene analogues, diclofenac or indomethacin) and benzotriazole carboxylic acid chloride (BtCOCl, 1), ii) reaction of intermediates 3a-h with PQ. The prepared PQ-NSAIDs exerted moderate activities in the DPPH free radical test and -carotene-linoleic acid assay. Moreover, ketoprofen derivatives 4d and 4b demonstrated a notable Fe2+ chelating ability as well. On the other hand, negligible antiproliferative and antituberculotic effects of conjugates 4a-h were observed.U radu je opisana sinteza novih konjugata primakina s nesteroidnim protuupalnim lijekovima (PQ-NSAIDs, 4a-h), njihova potpuna karakterizacija te testiranje sposobnosti hvatanja slobodnih radikala i antioksidativnog djelovanja. Sintetski postupak za pripravu dvojnih lijekova 4a-h uključuje dva koraka: i) pripravu NSAID-benzotriazolida 3a-h iz odgovarajućih nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova (ibuprofena, ketoprofena, fenoprofena, hidroksi i metilenskih analoga ketoprofena, diklofenaka i indometacina) i klorida 1-benzotriazol karboksilne kiseline (BtCOCl, 1), ii) reakciju intermedijera 3a-h s primakinom. Novi PQ-NSAID konjugati pokazuju umjerenu sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala u DPPH testu te umjereno antioksidativno djelovanje u pokusu s -karotenom i linoleinskom kiselinom. Osim toga, derivati ketoprofena 4d i 4b imaju primjetnu sposobnost keliranja Fe2+ iona. Svi konjugati 4a-h pokazuju vrlo slabo antiproliferativno i antituberkulotsko djelovanje

    Natural mycobiota and aflatoxin B1 presence in bee pollen collected in Serbia

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    Total fungal count, incidence of fungi and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) concentration were studied in 33 samples of bee pollen randomly collected from beekeepers in Serbia. The total number of fungi was determined by dilution method whereas AFB1 was detected using the Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA). The mycological estimation showed the presence of nine genera of fungi as followed: Acremonium, Alternaría, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epiccocum, Fusarium, Mucor, Pénicillium and Rhizopus, with total number ranging from 1 x 103 to 1 x 105 CFU g-1. The results have shown the predominance of the fungi from the genera Aspergillus and Alternaria. Among Aspergillus species it was observed that the most frequent species was A. flavus with incidence of 27.27 %. Mycotoxin AFB1 was detected as 100% positive in all samples (100%) with an average concentration of 8.61 μg kg-1. The obtained results indicated that honey bee pollen must be strictly controlled during its manipulation in the harvesting and manufacturing. Therefore, the implementation of good manufacturing (beekeeping) practice to define procedures for honeybee products could be crucial to reduce the risk of possible contamination and provide natural and safety product without risk on the human health

    Point defect-enhanced optical and photoelectrochemical water splitting activity of nanostructured Zn1-xFeyO(1-x+1.5y)

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    Even has been under study since 1935, zinc oxide (ZnO) based materials still attract a huge scientific attention. Owing to a wide band gap energy (3.37 eV at room temperature) and a large exciton binding energy (60 meV) ZnO has a variety of application, e.g. in electronics, optoelectronics, spintronics and photocatalysis. Besides, it has been shown that zinc oxide-based materials have a great potential as photoelectrocatalysts in the processes of water splitting, yielding an increased both photocurrent density and photoconversion efficiency. However, with a band gap energy of 3.37 eV, ZnO is restricted to absorb UV light only. This restriction can be overcome by modifying optical properties of zinc oxide particles. During the years different approaches have been applied to modify the visible light photocatalytic activity of ZnO materials, for example: (1) metal and nonmetal ion doping, (2) hydrogenation, (3) the incorporation of crystalline defects in the form of vacancies and interstitials, (4) the modification of particles morphology and surface topology, etc. In this study we employed 3d metal ion substitution to improve visible light-driven photoactivity of zinc oxide particles. We investigated the influence of Fe concentration in Zn1-xFeyO(1-x+1.5y) nanoparticles on crystal structure, textural, optical and photoelectrocatalytic properties. Zn1-xFeyO(1-x+1.5y) nanoparticles with nominally 5, 10, 15 and 20 at.% of Fe ions were synthesized by microwave processing of a precipitate. The crystal structure and phase purity of the samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Mössbauer spectroscopy was carried out to clarify the valence state of the iron ions in the ZnO crystal structure. Effects of the iron ions concentration on particles morphology and texture properties were observed with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE–SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with elemental mapping, and nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm, respectively. The optical properties were studied using UV–Vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Photoelectrochemical activity of the Zn1-xFeyO(1-x+1.5y) samples as anode material was evaluated by linear sweep voltammetry in Na2SO4 electrolyte; the oxygen evolution kinetics were determined and compared. In addition, a series of first principles calculations were performed to address the influence of the iron concentration on the electronic structure of Zn1-xFeyO(1-x+1.5y) samples