6 research outputs found

    Integrated effect of bio-organics with chemical fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata)

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    This experiment focused on the effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid in combination with three different levels of fertilizers on growth, yield and quality traits of Brassica oleracea L. Results indicated that treatments comprising 100% recommended fertilizers package coupled with seedling treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid caused significantly higher plant height, dry matter in leaves (head), higher number of non-wrapper leaves and head yield (54.38 tonnes/ha) over 50% recommended dose of fertilizer with Pseudomonas fluorescens applied. Treatment 50% recommended dose of fertilizer applied with Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid was at par with 100% recommended dose of fertilizer alone. Total carbohydrate content in head (40.46%) was significantly higher with use of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer with Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid. Maximum protein content (18.54%) was noticed with application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer with Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid that was 10.90% higher than recommended dose of fertilizer alone. Fibre content in head was improved remarkably with the use of Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid. Significantly higher content of ascorbic acid (34.51 mg/100 g) in head was also registered with application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer with Pseudomonas fluorescens and humic acid

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    Not AvailableA field experiment was carried to study the performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as influenced by FYM, Biofertilizers castor cake and levels of nitrogen and phosphorus during 2008-09. Chickpea plants exhibited significant responses to various bio-organics with respect to growth, yield and yield attributes. Application of FYM + castor cake and FYM + Rhizobium + Azotobacter + PSB gave the maximum values. Application of 100% RDF gave significantly the highest values for all the growth and yield attributes. Treatment combination B3F3 was at par with B4F3 produced significantly higher number of pods plant-1. Significantly maximum grain yield was recorded under B4F3 which failed to statistically superior over B4F1, B4F2, B4F0 and B3F3.Not Availabl

    Microbial Diversity and Adaptation under Salt-Affected Soils: A Review

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    The salinization of soil is responsible for the reduction in the growth and development of plants. As the global population increases day by day, there is a decrease in the cultivation of farmland due to the salinization of soil, which threatens food security. Salt-affected soils occur all over the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The total area of global salt-affected soil is 1 billion ha, and in India, an area of nearly 6.74 million ha−1 is salt-stressed, out of which 2.95 million ha−1 are saline soil (including coastal) and 3.78 million ha−1 are alkali soil. The rectification and management of salt-stressed soils require specific approaches for sustainable crop production. Remediating salt-affected soil by chemical, physical and biological methods with available resources is recommended for agricultural purposes. Bioremediation is an eco-friendly approach compared to chemical and physical methods. The role of microorganisms has been documented by many workers for the bioremediation of such problematic soils. Halophilic Bacteria, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Cyanobacteria, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and microbial inoculation have been found to be effective for plant growth promotion under salt-stress conditions. The microbial mediated approaches can be adopted for the mitigation of salt-affected soil and help increase crop productivity. A microbial product consisting of beneficial halophiles maintains and enhances the soil health and the yield of the crop in salt-affected soil. This review will focus on the remediation of salt-affected soil by using microorganisms and their mechanisms in the soil and interaction with the plants

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    Revisiting the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria: lessons from the past and objectives for the futurePlant beneficial rhizobacteria (PBR) is a group of naturally occurring rhizospheric microbes that enhance nutrient availability and induce biotic and abiotic stress tolerance through a wide array of mechanisms to enhance agricultural sustainability. Application of PBR has the potential to reduce worldwide requirement of agricultural chemicals and improve agro-ecological sustainability. The PBR exert their beneficial effects in three major ways; (1) fix atmospheric nitrogen and synthesize specific compounds to promote plant growth, (2) solubilize essential mineral nutrients in soils for plant uptake, and (3) produce antimicrobial substances and induce systemic resistance in host plants to protect them from biotic and abiotic stresses. Application of PBR as suitable inoculants appears to be a viable alternative technology to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Furthermore, PBR enhance nutrient and water use efficiency, influence dynamics of mineral recycling, and tolerance of plants to other environmental stresses by improving health of soils. This report provides comprehensive reviews and discusses beneficial effects of PBR on plant and soil health. Considering their multitude of functions to improve plant and soil health, we propose to call the plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR) as PBR.Not Availabl