77 research outputs found

    A new class of highly efficient exact stochastic simulation algorithms for chemical reaction networks

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    We introduce an alternative formulation of the exact stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) for sampling trajectories of the chemical master equation for a well-stirred system of coupled chemical reactions. Our formulation is based on factored-out, partial reaction propensities. This novel exact SSA, called the partial propensity direct method (PDM), is highly efficient and has a computational cost that scales at most linearly with the number of chemical species, irrespective of the degree of coupling of the reaction network. In addition, we propose a sorting variant, SPDM, which is especially efficient for multiscale reaction networks.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; accepted by J. Chem. Phy

    A partial-propensity formulation of the stochastic simulation algorithm for chemical reaction networks with delays

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    Several real-world systems, such as gene expression networks in biological cells, contain coupled chemical reactions with a time delay between reaction initiation and completion. The non-Markovian kinetics of such reaction networks can be exactly simulated using the delay stochastic simulation algorithm (dSSA). The computational cost of dSSA scales with the total number of reactions in the network. We reduce this cost to scale at most with the smaller number of species by using the concept of partial reaction propensities. The resulting delay partial-propensity direct method (dPDM) is an exact dSSA formulation for well-stirred systems of coupled chemical reactions with delays. We detail dPDM and present a theoretical analysis of its computational cost. Furthermore, we demonstrate the implications of the theoretical cost analysis in two prototypical benchmark applications. The dPDM formulation is shown to be particularly efficient for strongly coupled reaction networks, where the number of reactions is much larger than the number of species

    Noise-Induced Modulation of the Relaxation Kinetics around a Non-Equilibrium Steady State of Non-Linear Chemical Reaction Networks

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    Stochastic effects from correlated noise non-trivially modulate the kinetics of non-linear chemical reaction networks. This is especially important in systems where reactions are confined to small volumes and reactants are delivered in bursts. We characterise how the two noise sources confinement and burst modulate the relaxation kinetics of a non-linear reaction network around a non-equilibrium steady state. We find that the lifetimes of species change with burst input and confinement. Confinement increases the lifetimes of all species that are involved in any non-linear reaction as a reactant. Burst monotonically increases or decreases lifetimes. Competition between burst-induced and confinement-induced modulation may hence lead to a non-monotonic modulation. We quantify lifetime as the integral of the time autocorrelation function (ACF) of concentration uctuations around a non-equilibrium steady state of the reaction network. Furthermore, we look at the first and second derivatives of the ACF, each of which is affected in opposite ways by burst and confinement. This allows discriminating between these two noise sources. We analytically derive the ACF from the linear Fokker-Planck approximation of the chemical master equation in order to establish a baseline for the burst-induced modulation at low confinement. Effects of higher confinement are then studied using a partial-propensity stochastic simulation algorithm. The results presented here may help understand the mechanisms that deviate stochastic kinetics from its deterministic counterpart. In addition, they may be instrumental when using uorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) or uorescence-correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to measure confinement and burst in systems with known reaction rates, or, alternatively, to correct for the effects of confinement and burst when experimentally measuring reaction rate

    Discreteness-induced concentration inversion in mesoscopic chemical systems

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    Molecular discreteness is apparent in small-volume chemical systems, such as biological cells, leading to stochastic kinetics. Here we present a theoretical framework to understand the effects of discreteness on the steady state of a monostable chemical reaction network. We consider independent realizations of the same chemical system in compartments of different volumes. Rate equations ignore molecular discreteness and predict the same average steady-state concentrations in all compartments. However, our theory predicts that the average steady state of the system varies with volume: if a species is more abundant than another for large volumes then the reverse occurs for volumes below a critical value, leading to a concentration inversion effect. The addition of extrinsic noise increases the size of the critical volume. We theoretically predict the critical volumes and verify by exact stochastic simulations that rate equations are qualitatively incorrect in sub-critical volumes

    Cop1 constitutively regulates c-Jun protein stability and functions as a tumor suppressor in mice

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    Biochemical studies have suggested conflicting roles for the E3 ubiquitin ligase constitutive photomorphogenesis protein 1 (Cop 1; also known as Rfwd2) in tumorigenesis, providing evidence for both the oncoprotein c-Jun and the tumor suppressor p53 as its targets. Here we present what we believe to be the first in vivo investigation of the role of Cop1 in cancer etiology. Using an innovative genetic approach to generate an allelic series of Cop1, we found that Cop1 hypomorphic mice spontaneously developed malignancy at a high frequency in the first year of life and were highly susceptible to radiation-induced lymphomagenesis. Further analysis revealed that c-Jun was a key physiological target for Cop1 and that Cop1 constitutively kept c-Jun at low levels in vivo and thereby modulated c-Jun/AP-1 transcriptional activity. Importantly, Cop1 deficiency stimulated cell proliferation in a c-Jun-dependent manner. Focal deletions of COP1 were observed at significant frequency across several cancer types, and COP1 loss was determined to be one of the mechanisms leading to c-Jun upregulation in human cancer. We therefore conclude that Cop1 is a tumor suppressor that functions, at least in part, by antagonizing c-Jun oncogenic activity. In the absence of evidence for a genetic interaction between Cop1 and p53, our data strongly argue against the use of Cop1-inhibitory drugs for cancer therapy

    Challenges to curing primary brain tumours.

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    Despite decades of research, brain tumours remain among the deadliest of all forms of cancer. The ability of these tumours to resist almost all conventional and novel treatments relates, in part, to the unique cell-intrinsic and microenvironmental properties of neural tissues. In an attempt to encourage progress in our understanding and ability to successfully treat patients with brain tumours, Cancer Research UK convened an international panel of clinicians and laboratory-based scientists to identify challenges that must be overcome if we are to cure all patients with a brain tumour. The seven key challenges summarized in this Position Paper are intended to serve as foci for future research and investment

    Smoking‐induced genetic and epigenetic alterations in infertile men

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    Male fertility rates have shown a progressive decrease in both developing and industrialised countries in the past 50 years. Clinical and epidemiological studies have demonstrated controversial results about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking on seminal parameters. Some studies could not establish a negative effect by tobacco smoking on sperm quality and function, whereas others have found a significant reduction in sperm quality and function. This study reviews the components in cigarette smoke and discusses the effects of smoking on male fertility by focusing extensively on smoking‐induced genetic and epigenetic alterations in infertile men. Chromosomal aneuploidies, sperm DNA fragmentation and gene mutations are discussed in the first section, while changes in DNA methylation, chromatin remodelling and noncoding RNAs are discussed in the second section as part of epigenetic alterations

    A partial-propensity variant of the composition-rejection stochastic simulation algorithm for chemical reaction networks.

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    We present the partial-propensity stochastic simulation algorithm with composition-rejection sampling (PSSA-CR). It is an exact formulation of the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) for well-stirred systems of coupled chemical reactions. The new formulation is a partial-propensity variant [R. Ramaswamy, N. Gonzalez-Segredo, and I. F. Sbalzarini, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 244104 (2009)] of the composition- rejection SSA [A. Slepoy, A. P. Thompson, and S. J. Plimpton, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 205101 (2008)]. The computational cost of this new formulation is bounded by a constant for weakly coupled reaction networks, and it increases at most linearly with the number of chemical species for strongly coupled reaction networks. PSSA-CR thus combines the advantages of partial-propensity methods and the composition-rejection SSA, providing favorable scaling of the computational cost for all classes of reaction networks
