63 research outputs found


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    Power systems have inspected a transformation brought on by the rise of strength generators fed by renewable resource sources (RESs). The convolution of prestige systems has been increased including the rising penetration of RESs that have more uncertain behaviour and lower inertial response. This paper presents the transient stability analysis of prestige system plus wind driven induction generator during short circuit faults. Pitch control system is proposed to prevent the windmill from excess speed increase and its effect on transient stability is analyzed. A three-line-to-ground (3LG), twofold line-to-ground (2LG) and single-line-to-ground (1LG) deficiencies were connected to one of the doubled circuit transmission lines of the test system to explore the R-type SSFCL transient stability execution. Furthermore, a Bridge type Fault Current Limiter (BFCL) and an LR-type Solid-State Fault Current Limiter (SSFCL-LR) are additionally considered to contrast their execution and the proposed R-type SSFCL. Simulations were done in MATLAB/Simulink programming. Simulation results demonstrate that the SSFCL upgrades the transient stability of the DFIG system. Besides, this R-type SSFCL upon fuzzy logic principal works superior to the R-type SSFCL near pi administrator, BFCL, and LR-SSFCL in each prospect

    Stress and Resilience among Medical Students during Pandemic

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    Medical students who are future physicians are faced with a lot of uncertainties during this pandemic. It includes both academic as well as clinical difficulties. Previous literature has revealed that the stress among medical students is higher when compared to their peers. The stress has even been more during the pandemic as their role during the pandemic is not clear. The purpose of medical training is to produce good doctors but not at the cost of the integrity of the individuals.’Moral inquiry’ is a term used to represent the ethical dilemma faced by doctors during life-death situations. Helplessness faced by students during emergencies leads to moral inqury which in turn leads to more distress. Most of the Medical universities have responded to the pandemic rapidly, by switching to online mode in teaching. This unpatrolled response also has to lead to more stress among medical students. Resilience, by definition, is the capacity to bounce back productively during a stressful situation. Resilience can be viewed as a personality trait or as a fluid process that nurtures according to the situation and the individuals’ reservoir. In this article, we have tried to emphasise the importance of Resilience


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    Objectives: Optimization, isolation, and characterization of bioactive compounds from Streptomyces lavendulocolor VHB-9 isolated from granite mines of Mudigonda village of Khammam district of Telangana state.Methods: The potent strain was identified as S. lavendulocolor VHB-9 by polyphasic taxonomy. The influence of culture conditions on growth and bioactive compounds production was investigated. Purification of bioactive compounds was done using column chromatography. The structures of the compounds were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analysis including Fourier transform infrared, electron spray ionization mass spectrophotometry,1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and13C NMR. The antimicrobial activity of the compounds produced by the strain was tested against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi in terms of minimum inhibitory concentration.Results: Isolation and identification of two compounds, namely (2R, 3R)-2, 3-Butanediol (B1A), and nonadecanoic acid (B1B). Fraction B4 was isolated partially purified fraction and identified by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. B1B compound exhibited the highest activity against Bacillus megaterium, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans when compared to B1A and B4 compounds

    Wealth from waste-utilisation of fish waste for production of biogas

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    A biogas unit was installed in the premises of Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI during November, 2016 in order to utilize the fish waste generated from the biological analysis done in the lab. This biogas unit installed is first of its kind in the state to utilize fish waste. A unit was installed gainfully utilizing the fish waste generated after the biological analysis of fish. Disposal of the fish waste generated periodically at the Research Centre during sampling made for biological studies was becoming difficult. However, with the installation of the biogas unit- designed and supplied by private manufacturer in Kerala, solved the disposal problem of fish waste

    Samarasya-National workshop on Harmonizing Coastal Industrialization with Marine Ecosystem Health

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    Sāmarasya, the Souvenir released on the occasion of National Workshop, HCIMEH, 2017 at Mangaluru, commemorating the Platinum Jubilee of ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (National workshop on Harmonizing Coastal Industrialization with Marine Ecosystem Health

    Formulation, evaluation & comparison of traditional poly herbal shampoo powders with marketed formulation

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    The aim of present work is to formulate poly herbal powder by using different natural herbs like Aswagandha, Tulsi, Ginger, Hibiscus, Aloe vera, Amla and Soap nut to have safety and effectiveness which can avoid toxic effects by chemical ingredients and prepared formulations were compared with marketed poly herbal shampoo. Prepared formulation strengths hair growth, prevents hair fall, dandruff and also acts as antibacterial conditioner and foaming agent without affecting or damaging hair. All the herbs have been selected to formulate poly herbal traditional shampoo powder on the basis of traditional system with scientific modern uses of poly herbs. In this present work herbs like Aswagandha, Tulsi, Ginger, Hibiscus, Aloe vera, Amla and Soap nut were collected, dried, powdered and sieved by passing through sieve no.60, stored in an air tight container and used for further formulation. Then the powders were formulated into four different formulations namely F1, F2, F3, F4 and evaluated for their organoleptic properties like color, odor and texture etc., General powder characteristics like angle of repose, bulk density and true density etc. and physiochemical properties like pH, moisture content, total ash contents, acid insoluble ash, other parameters evaluated were dirt dispersion and foaming capacity. All the four formulations offered good results in all the evaluation tests. The organoleptic characteristics were found to be good, general powder characteristics results were in specified limits and physicochemical evaluation like pH, foaming action, Dirt dispersion were found to yield good satisfactory results. So, the present work successfully formulated poly herbal traditional shampoo powder which meets the modern uses of hair without causing any damage to both skin and hair. Further the Scope of work need to be extended to carry out the stability studies.  Keywords: Poly herbal, Traditiona

    Training Manual on Capture Based Aquaculture Practices

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    Mariculture is defined as the cultivation of marine organisms in their natural environment (Webster’s Dictionary). In other words mariculture is the rearing of the aquatic organisms under controlled or semi-controlled conditions in coastal and offshore waters. The mariculture environment thus includes sea, backwaters, estuaries and coastal lagoons. Marine organisms include both migratory species to estuaries/backwaters and non-migratory species confined only to the sea. Mariculture today includes predominantly migratory marine fishes such as seabass, shrimps,lobsters, cobia, snappers, mullets, pearlspot, milkfish etc. Most of these species are capable of tolerating variations in the environmen

    Impact of Aggregating Devices on Cuttlefish fishery

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    The Class Cephalopoda comprising of squids, cuttlefishes and octopus includes the largest known living invertebrates within the animal Kingdom. Cephalopods have well developed head and a body consisting of a muscular mantle and mantle cavity. Head bears circumoral appendages (arms, tentacles), a feature that reflects the origin of the name ‘Cephalopoda’, which is derived from the union of the two Greek words: ‘kefale’, head, and ‘pous’, feet. These soft-bodied bilaterally symmetrical groups are commercially important fishery resources occurring in all marine habitats in depth ranging from intertidal to over 5,000 m. Salinity is considered as the limiting factor restricting their distribution between 27 and 37 psu, with few exceptions. The cuttlefishes belonging to the family Sepiidae are of significant commercial value to artisanal and industrial fisheries. Cuttlefishes are primarily bottom-dwellers over a range of habitats, including rocky, sandy, and muddy substrates, seagrass, seaweed and coral reefs. They are slower swimmers than the more streamlined squids. Cuttlefishes are able to attain neutral buoyancy by regulating the relative amounts of gas and fluid in the chambers of the cuttlebone, and they are able to hover in midwater, with fins acting as stabilizers. Large species such as Sepia latimanus, S. officinalis and S. pharaonis are restricted to much shallower depths and show very different septal spacing and sutures than the deeper water species. Some species migrate seasonally in response to temperature changes and aggregate, usually in shallow water, at spawning time. Cuttlefishes have broad sac-like bodies with lateral fins that are narrow and extend along the length of the mantle; posterior lobes of the fins free (subterminal) and separated by the posterior end of the mantle; 10 circumoral appendages, the longest 2 (tentacles) are retractile into pockets on the ventrolateral sides of the head; the 8 remaining arms frequently with 4 series of stalked suckers with chitinous rings; eyes are covered with a transparent membrane and eyelids are present. They are characterized by the presence of a dorsally placed internal calcareous shell known as the cuttlebone, which is a finely chambered shell, thick, and chalky

    Utjecaj superdezintegratora na oslobađanje efavirenca iz tableta

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    Efavirenz (EFV) tablets of different doses were prepared by a wet granulation process using different superdisintegrants such as crosscarmellose sodium (CCS), sodium starch glycollate (SSG) and crosspovidone (CP) to evaluate the role of different disintegrants on the in vitro release of EFV. Further, the mode of addition of disintegrants on EFV dissolution from tablets containing 600 mg of the drug was evaluated by incorporating the disintegrant extragranularly (EG), intragranularly (IG) or distributing them equally (IG and EG). In vitro dissolution of the prepared tablets was conducted using the recommended medium and a dissolution medium developed in-house, which had the propensity to discriminate between the formulations. The t50 and t80 values were indicative of the fact that drug release was faster from tablet formulations containing CP. CP was able to release the drug faster than the other two disintegrants in both dissolution media and the drug release was unaffected by the mode of CP addition.U radu je opisana priprava tableta s različitim dozama efavirenca (EFV) metodom vlažne granulacije. Za tabletiranje korišteni su različiti superdezintegratori, poput natrijeve kroskarameloze (CCS), natrijeva škrobnog glikolata (SSG) i krospovidona (CP), kako bi se procijenio utjecaj vrste i načina dodavanja dezintegratora na oslobađanje EFV in vitro. U tu svrhu pripravljene su tablete sa 600 mg EFV, a dezintegrator je dodavan ekstragranularno (EG), intragranularno (IG) ili je bio podjednako raspršen (IG i EG). In vitro oslobađanje praćeno je u preporučenom mediju i mediju izrađenom u našem laboratoriju kako bi se uočila razlika između formulacija. Vrijednosti t50 i t80 ukazuju na to da je oslobađanje lijeka brže iz formulacija koje sadrže CP u oba medija. Način dodavanja CP nema utjecaj na oslobađanje lijeka, osim za CCS, gdje se ekstragranularno dodavanje pokazalo povoljnijim

    Performance characteristics of positive and negative delayed feedback on chaotic dynamics of directly modulated InGaAsP semiconductor lasers

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    The chaotic dynamics of directly modulated semiconductor lasers with delayed optoelectronic feedback is studied numerically. The effects of positive and negative delayed optoelectronic feedback in producing chaotic outputs from such lasers with nonlinear gain reduction in its optimum value range is investigated using bifurcation diagrams. The results are confirmed by calculating the Lyapunov exponents. A negative delayed optoelectronic feedback configuration is found to be more effective in inducing chaotic dynamics to such systems with nonlinear gain reduction factor in the practical value range.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. To appear In Pramana - journal of physic