635 research outputs found

    Study on Improving the Network Life Time Maximazation for Wireless Sensor Network using Cross Layer Approach

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    In recent the espousal of Wireless Sensor Networks has been broadly augmented in numerous divisions. Battery operated Sensor nodes in the wireless network accomplish main task of capturing and responding to the surroundings. The lifetime of the network depends on the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. This paper contributes the survey on how the energy consumption should be managed for maximizing the life time of network and how to improve the efficiency of Network by using Cross layer architecture. The traditional MAC Layer, Network Layer & Transport for WLAN having their own downsides just by modifying those we can achieve the network life time maximization goal. This paper represents analytical study for Energy efficiency by modifying Scheduling algorithm, by modifying traditional AODV routing algorithm for efficient packet transmission and by effectively using TCP for End to End Delivery of Data

    Experimental Research on the Effects of Waste Foundry Sand on the Strength and Micro-Structural Properties of Concrete

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    Now a days, a great distance has to be travelled to find good quality natural river sand. These supplies are also running out very quickly. So, a replacement for river sand is being sought after. Natural river sand is non-renewable and takes millions of years to be produced. By using manufactured sand, natural sand is completely replaced. Lack of research has led to the substitution of leftover waste foundry sand for manufactured sand in concrete. By adding used foundry sand to concrete, it is possible to enhance mechanical properties like compressive strength, fracture toughness, and flexibility. Using tests on cubes, cylinders, and unreinforced beams, the mechanical properties of concrete made with waste foundry sand and manufactured sand as fine aggregate were assessed. Tensile, splitting, and flexural strengths of the concrete were all determined after 7, 14, 28, 56, and 90 days of curing. SEM, EDS, and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA/DCs) were also used to perform micro structural analyses on the control mixture and mixtures containing 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% waste foundry sand. The strength differences that occur when fine aggregates are replaced with waste foundry sand in different proportions are better understood, thanks to the micro structural experiments. In order to justify its use as a replacement for fine aggregate in terms of strength and microstructure studies, just the right amount of WFS was added to the concrete. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-010 Full Text: PD

    Attribute Selection Algorithm with Clustering based Optimization Approach based on Mean and Similarity Distance

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    With hundreds or thousands of attributes in high-dimensional data, the computational workload is challenging. Attributes that have no meaningful influence on class predictions throughout the classification process increase the computing load. This article's goal is to use attribute selection to reduce the size of high-dimensional data, which will lessen the computational load. Considering selected attribute subsets that cover all attributes. As a result, there are two stages to the process: filtering out superfluous information and settling on a single attribute to stand in for a group of similar but otherwise meaningless characteristics. Numerous studies on attribute selection, including backward and forward selection, have been undertaken. This experiment and the accuracy of the categorization result recommend a k-means based PSO clustering-based attribute selection. It is likely that related attributes are present in the same cluster while irrelevant attributes are not identified in any clusters. Datasets for Credit Approval, Ionosphere, Annealing, Madelon, Isolet, and Multiple Attributes are employed alongside two other high-dimensional datasets. Both databases include the class label for each data point. Our test demonstrates that attribute selection using k-means clustering may be done to offer a subset of characteristics and that doing so produces classification outcomes that are more accurate than 80%

    An intriguing autopsy case of gangrene intestine

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    Background Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a known cause of hyperlipidemia. There is a strong correlation between coronary and mesenteric vessel atherosclerosis. Acute mesenteric ischemia is a cause of intestinal hemorrhagic infarction. Case history We present an autopsy case of 35-year-old male who presented with features of obstruction and edema with previously undetected hypothyroidism. Conclusion Hypothyroidism associated with atherosclerosis can lead to fatal intestinal gangrene as corroborated by this autopsy case. Key words –Hypothyroidism, intestinal gangrene, autopsy, atherosclerosi

    Clinical study of acute subdural haematoma – a level I trauma care centre experience

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    Background: Acute subdural hematoma is the most common type of traumatic intra cranial hematoma accounting for 24% cases of severe head injuries and caries highest mortality. The aim of this study is to analyse the clinical spectrum, and to evaluate the postoperative outcome.Methods: This is a prospective observational Study which included 150 patients  admitted  in King George hospital, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, India over the past two years (01st August 2013 to 30th August 2015) with head injury, diagnosed to have Traumatic subdural Hemorrhage. A detailed clinical history, physical examination, CT scan was performed in all patients. Patients who were subjected to surgery, post-operative out-come were compared.Results: The maximum patients suffering from SDH are in the age group of 20-40 years (63%) with male predominance (73%). The most common mode of injury is RTA (73.33%). 40% of cases presented to hospital with gcs 10mm and midline shift of >5mm, Basal cisterns obliteration, post traumatic seizure and delay in interval between the surgery had greatly affected on outcome of patients. Out of 150 cases, surgical approach was considered in 120 patients while remaining 30 patients were managed conservatively.Conclusions: Interval between injury to surgery with interval <4 hours having favourable outcome. Basal cistern obliteration, which is an indicator of increased intra cranial pressure is the single most important factor for unfavourable outcome. Hypotension and post traumatic seizures influence high mortality


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      Objective: Heart septal defects (HSD) account for 50% of the congenital heart malformations and are characterized by the hole in the wall of tissue which separates the heart chambers. The known causes of the SD are multifactorial and complex inheritance.Methods: Isolated 15 subjects with ostium secundum atrial SD (OS-ASD) and one subject with perimembranous ventricular SD (VSD) among 125 clinically diagnosed SD were included in the study. Sanger sequencing was performed for all the exons of TBX5 genes using genomic DNA of these patients.Results: Sequence variation c.444 G&gt;A substitution, leads to the alteration of tryptophan residue into premature stop codon at codon 148. We observed a divergent phenotype within a family of four, where one sibling and the mother had OS-ASD, another sibling had phenotype of perimembranous VSD, and the father had normal genotype.Conclusion: We believe that this novel sequence variant in TBX5 gene is one of the factors in the SD and may hold a key determining the role of TBX5 gene in the heart development

    Antibacterial Activity of a Mushroom - Stereum ostrea

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    The antimicrobial activity of crude culture filtrate and methanol extract of Stereum ostrea was evaluated by disc diffusion method against two Gram-negative bacteria- Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and three Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus sps. To determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) we studied concentrations of 10-50 µl of crude and methanol extract of Stereum ostrea against selected bacteria. Crude culture filtrate was highly inhibitory when compared to methanol extract, which were evident through the increased zones of inhibition against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Crude culture filtrate of Stereum ostrea showed highest and lowest percent of inhibition zone against Bacillus subtilis (15.9 mm) and Klebsiella pneumonia (9.1mm). These results indicate that crude culture filtrate of Stereum ostrea possesses potential broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Keywords: Stereum ostrea, Crude culture filtrate, Methanol extract, Antimicrobial activity, MI

    Effect of nano- and micron-sized K0.5Na0.5NbO3 fillers on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PVDF composites

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    Polymer nanocrystal composites were fabricated by embedding polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) with K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) nanocrystallites of different volume fraction using the hot-pressing technique. For comparison, PVDF-KNN microcrystal composites of the same compositions were also fabricated which facilitated the studies of the crystallite size (wide range) effect on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties. The structural, morphological, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of these nano and micro crystal composites were investigated. The incorporation of KNN fillers in PVDF at both nanometer and micron scales above 10 vol% resulted in the formation of polar beta-form of PVDF. The room temperature dielectric constant as high as 3273 at 100 Hz was obtained for the PVDF comprising 40 vol% KNN nanocrystallites due to dipole-dipole interactions (as the presence of beta-PVDF is prominent), whereas it was only 236 for the PVDF containing the same amount (40 vol%) of micron-sized crystallites of KNN at the same frequency. Various theoretical models were employed to predict the dielectric constants of the PVDF-KNN nano and micro crystal composites. The PVDF comprising 70 vol% micron-sized crystallites of KNN exhibited a d (33) value of 35 pC/N, while the nanocrystal composites of PVDF-KNN did not exhibit any piezoelectric response perhaps due to the unrelieved internal stress within each grain, besides the fact that they have less domain walls


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    This paper proposes the effect of different dielectric constants to construct a microstrip patch antenna deployed on Jean's textile covering military wireless applications. Initially, the structure is designed with double L-shaped slits inserted on both sides of the patch with an FR4 dielectric constant of 4.4. Antenna dimensions are 40 × 25 mm2, which is miniature compared to the wave's length (λ) at the desired operating frequency. The proposed antenna performance in terms of simulated parameters such as gain in dBi, reflection loss (S11), directivity, and patch antenna radiation efficiency are executed by the CST MW EM simulator. However, the conventional way of this design with FR4 may not be so reliable when it is designed on Jean's substrate. Besides all the above parameters extracted from the simulator should hold a low value to implement a high-performance deployed wearable antenna. The paper's outcome shows the importance of simulations and measurements undertaken for the proposed antenna assuming both the dielectric constants of FR4 and Jeans cloth material (with ℇr of 1.7). The main contribution of the antenna is to resonate at the frequencies of 3.17 GHz with circular polarization and 5.04 GHz with linear polarization. The antenna prototype is described, and its performance is validated using measurements. The proposed structure also provides a better enhancement in terms of 10-dB impedance bandwidth, with an average gain of 5 dBi