79 research outputs found

    Detecting Emerging Areas in Social Streams

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    Detecting the emerging areas becomes interest by the fast development of social networks. As the information exchanged in social networks post include not only the text but also images, URLs and video therefore conventional-term-frequency-based approaches may not be appropriate in this context. Emergence of areas is focused by social aspects of these networks. To detect the emergence of new areas from the hundreds of users based on the responds in social network posts. A probability model is proposed for mentioning behavior of social networks by the number of mentions per post and the occurrence of users taking place in the mentions. The basic assumption is that a new emerging topic is something people feel like discussing, stating or forwarding the data further to their friends. In the proposed system the link anomaly model is combined with word based and text based approach. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039

    Compare the Diagnostic Accuracy of Sonourethrogram and Retrograde Urethrogram

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    INTRODUCTION: Stricture urethra is a very common urological disease. We perform on an average 12 Visual Internal Urethrotomies and one urethroplasty per month. Common Etiology being inflammatory anterior urethral strictures and post traumatic bulbomembranous strictures. The standard diagnostic modality we use is Retrograde urethrogram and Combined Cysto Urethrogram. Since sonography has become the urologist's stethoscope, we evaluated stricture urethra with sonourethrogram and compared sonourethogram to RGU, weighing the pros and cons of each. AIM: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of sonourethrogram and Retrograde Urethrogram. To find out the degree of spongiofibrosis by sonourethrogram. Application of doppler USG to locate the bulbourethral arteries in men with normal urethra and to study anatomical alterations in men with urethral stricture. Parameters that have a major influence on the selection of therapy in urethral stricture disease being exact length of stricture, its location, density and percentage narrowing of urethral lumen. Identifying the exact location of bulbourethral arteries could help avoid injury to the vessels during VIU. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrograde Urethrogram - 60% meglumine diatrizoate 10ml + 10 ml of normal saline was loaded in a 20cc syringe with a small cannula fixed to the nozzle, the tip of which was placed in the meatus contrast injected and overhead film exposure made with the patient in 45 degree oblique position, lying on either side and the dependent thigh acutely flexed. Sonourethrogram - High frequency linear array transducers 5 MHz and 7 MHz were used to evaluate the urethra. Images obtained in longitudinal and transverse planes by placing the probe on the ventral aspect of penis and perineum. The anterior urethra which passes through the length of penis is not visualized when collapsed, but it imaged when distended by retrograde injection of saline loaded in 20 cc syringe, the nozzle of which is placed in the meatus. With the tip of penis pinched manually. The flow of saline through the urethra was also observed during real time imaging. RESULTS: No.of cases studied - 50 cases. The parameters studied being length of stricture, degree of spongiofibrosis, percentage narrowing of urethral lumen. The results were correlated to urethroscopy - SPC scopy, VIU and urethroplasty findings of the same. Doppler USG localisation of bulbourethral arteries was done in 15 normal men and 15 men with urethral stricture. Out of 50 cases studied, Short bulbar strictures - 22 cases, Stricture of pendular and bulbar urethra - 15 case, Bulbomembranous stricture - 8 cases, Penile urethral stricture - 5 cases. Common etiologies are BXO, post bacterial urethritis sequalae, traumatic catheterisation or long-term indwelling catheters, perineal trauma, post TURP, unknown etiology. One case was associated with extensive GUTB. CONCLUSION: We believe that sonourethrogram is a very useful modality in the evaluation of anterior urethral strictures. It is superior to retrograde urethrogram in stricture length and spongiofibrosis assessment, which aid in choosing the ideal therapeutic approach. By preoperatively identifying bulbar strictures too long for resection and end-end anastamosis, we may plan for flap or graft procedure. Excision and end-end anastamosis may be planned for strictures appearing sonographically 25mm or less and substitution urethroplasty for longer strictures. Dense strictures as evidence by higher grade of spongiofibrosis and more than 75% luminal narrowing predict poor VIU outcome and in such stricture the bulbourethral arteries lie very close to the lumen and be a source of torrential bleed during VIU. Sonourethrogram is good for the patient for a number of reasons. Multiple examinations are often required in stricture cases and hence reduces exposure to radiation. The 3 dimensional nature of urethra can be appreciated on sonourethrogram which is a simple, convenient and rapid investigatory modality. Both cross sectional and longitudinal images can be easily obtained. The procedure is well tolerated by patients, who are protected from the allergic and anaphylactic reactions induced by iodinated contrast extravasation during RGU. Intraluminal filling defects including stones and growth FB, can be visualised by sonourethrogram . Subtle changes associated with urethritis are identifiable. Antegrade sonourethrogram may come to play a major role in post hypospadias repair cases, where placement of injection port in the neo-meatus may be difficult and descending SU may be more physiological. TRUS or trans vaginal sonar visualisation of urethra and bladder may play a major role in future in the evaluation of voiding dysfunction

    Giant-cell tumors of bone in South India

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    Giant-cell tumors of bone are rare or uncommon. Dodge reported that giant-cell tumor is rare in Ugandan Africans, but Hadley and associates and Rockwell and Small noted that giant-cell tumor of bone is comparatively common in South India. In this paper we give an account of the general prevalence of giant-cell tumors of bone in our part of South India

    Constraint-Aware Approach to Web Service Composition

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    To improve the quality and composite the services with specific constraints using web services, Constraint aware approach based web service composition machines can automatically select, integrate and invoke different web services in-order to achieve the user specified task according to the user constraints. To implement this, first user has to register and get a unique username and password. Before that we have to compose all different web services together into one using web service composition method. The composition system has two kinds of participants, service provider and service requestor. The service providers propose web services for use. The service requestors consume information or services offered by service providers. If the service requestor requests for a service, then the provider search for a service that composes the available services in the service repository. Requestor can get the correct result as output if the input satisfies the constraints of the service. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16040

    Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas - A Framework for Community Based Resource Management: Vembanad, Kerala 2016

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    The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 emphasizes Conservation and Sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Further, India's National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environmental and Development, 1992 and the National Environmental Policy, 2006 recognize the importance of multi stakeholder partnership in implementation of conservation plans for sustainable development of natural resources

    Characterization Studies of Medicinal Plants & I’ts Biological Evaluation Towards Anti-Bacterial Study

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    The traditional system of medicine proves to be one of the best sources for treating illness and infections. Murraya koenigii (curry leaves) and Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) are the two medicinal plant species that have numerous medicinal properties like antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, etc. In this study, the Ultrasound extraction and the Soxhlet mode of extraction were carried out using two different solvents such as Hexane and Ethyl acetate. Analysis and Retention factor were was carried out thin layer chromatography. The purification was performed using column chromatographic method and the various phytoconstituents such as tannins, terpenoids, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids, flavonoids, phlobatannins were analysed for the extracted samples. Retention factors have been calculated for both the extracted samples and the samples were further processed for sterility test in order to check for any contamination. The extracted samples were characterized using GC-MS analysis. The anti-bacterial evaluation was performed. The highest zone of inhibition found in 1000µg/ml concentration for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 500µg/ml concentration for Staphylococcus aureus. The minimum inhibitory concentration for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is predicted as 250µg/ml concentration and for Staphylococcus aureus as 500µg/ml concentration. The rate of kill was higher in 500µg/ml concentration for both bacterial samples. The crystal violet assay was performed and observed the cell viability. Further the In-silico analysis was performed towards the GC analysis compounds and their structure activity relationship were studied towards the protein

    Hyaluronic Acid Nanomaterials in Targeted Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy

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    Hyaluronic acid and the CD44 receptor have been the subject of 3D interaction and molecular analysis that has revealed crucial residues, binding specificity, stabilizing relationships, and structural insights within the complex. The analysis has focused on amino acid interactions. It is a crucial field of study with both fundamental and applied consequences because this understanding not only illuminates the molecular mechanisms directing their interaction but also shows promise for future therapeutic approaches. The new methods cover a variety of strategies, such as creating highly focused treatments, combining treatments with other well-known techniques like immunotherapy and chemotherapy, and moving toward customized medicine. Combining state-of-the-art nanotechnology with hyaluronan-based pharmaceuticals could improve lung cancer therapy's precision, bioavailability, and drug delivery. Clinical trials will be essential in proving these medicines' safety and effectiveness so that they may be incorporated into standard cancer treatment. Moreover, investigating immune regulation via hyaluronan may open up new avenues for bolstering the body's defenses against  cancer. With a calculated binding energy score of -6.70, the interaction between hyaluronan and the CD44 protein receptor was observed to be remarkably strong and favorable, suggesting a robust connection. This highlights the potential for utilizing hyaluronic nanomaterials to facilitate the targeted delivery of commercially available cancer drugs to specific cancer sites

    Selective Glitch Reduction Technique for Minimizing Peak Dynamic IR Drop

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    Abstract This paper proposes a glitch co mpensation technique which involves reducing glitch power in selected combinational cells to reduce peak current which contributes to dynamic voltage or IR drop. The proposed methodology can be seamlessly integrated to existing physical design flo ws. A glitch is an undesired transition that occurs before intended value in dig ital circuits. A glitch occurs in CMOS circu its when d ifferential delay at the inputs of a gate is greater than inertial delay, which results into increased gate switching and hence notable amount of power consumption. When such large nu mber of logic gates switch close to the same t ime they will contribute to power integrity challenge called pe ak dynamic IR drop. The glitch power is becoming more pro minent in lower technology nodes. Introduction of buffers at the input of the Logic gate may reduce glitches, but it results into large area overhead and dynamic power. In the proposed methodology we are using transmission gate as a compensation circuit to reduce extra leakage and dynamic power. A flo w is proposed for charactering the pass transistor logic to cater different delay values. The proposed methodology has been validated on a plac e and routed Multiply Accumulate (MA C) layout imp lemented using Synopsys SAED 9 0n m Generic library. Experimental results show 12% to 50% reduction in top 10 peak transient IR drop numbers with just 12% g litch power reduction in selected combinational cell instances. When compared to traditional on-chip decoupling capacitor (Decap) cells insertion method the proposed technique could reduce the peak IR drop numbers by the same amount with just 5% increase in total core capacitance

    Analytical Study of Base Isolation- A Review

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    Now a days the rate of happening of seismic events increasing and due to that so many structures got collapsed or damaged. In order to reduce the damage to structures during earthquakes, now a days the base isolation system is widely adopted and used over the world. This paper makes a wide review on the various base isolation techniques adopted and used. Different types of isolating bearings and materials used in it are reviewed. Here the review is done for the isolation system in normal R.C buildings (regular and irregular in plan) and also for bridges. The effect of base isolation system on some historic structures is also reviewed. The various advantages and disadvantages of different isolating bearings are reviewed. Here the effect of temperature on some isolating devices are also reviewed

    Prospective nutritional, therapeutic, and dietary benefits of camel milk making it a viable option for human consumption: Current state of scientific knowledge

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    For over five thousand years, people in Asia and Africa have known about the health benefits of camel milk. Thus, it is used not only as a food source but also as a medicine. The similarities between camel milk and human milk have been scientifically proven. Camel milk is unique among ruminant milk because it is high in vitamins C and E and low in sugar and cholesterol. Still, it contains a wide variety of beneficial minerals (including sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium), besides being rich in several nutrients, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, serum albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, lysozyme and the hormone insulin. Because of these components, many medical professionals now recommend camel milk as a treatment for various human ailments. It has been demonstrated to be effective in treating gastrointestinal issues, Type 1 diabetes, and food allergies. As a bonus, camel milk has been utilized to cure autism, lower cholesterol, prevent psoriasis, heal inflammation, aid tuberculosis patients, boost the body's natural defences, and impede the spread of cancer cells. Those who have problems digesting lactose may still be able to tolerate it. Conversely, camel milk can also help reduce an excessively high bilirubin, globulin, and granulocyte count. Drinking camel milk does not affect the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin concentration, and leukocyte count. The proteins in camel milk have an adequate ratio of critical amino acids. Immunoglobulins, which fight disease, are contained inside, and their small size allows antigens to penetrate and boosts the immune system's efficacy. This article highlights the health benefits and medicinal uses of camel milk