31 research outputs found

    Regulativa energetske efikasnosti zgrada u regionu i softver „KnaufTerm2“

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    U radu se daje osvrt na najbitnije razlike u nacionalnim regulativama koje definišu oblast energetske efikasnosti zgrada, u Srbiji, Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Albaniji, dakle na tržištima za koje je objavljen softver „KnaufTerm2“, u verzijama programa prilagodjenim lokalnim osobenostima, i to sa aspekta energetske sertifikacije, dozvoljenih vrednosti koeficijenata prolaza toplote i tretmanu linijskih transmisionih toplotnih gubitaka.The paper provides an overview of the most important differences in national regulations that define the area of energy efficiency in buildings, in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, countries for which software "KnaufTerm2" is released, in versions adapted to local characteristics, in terms of energy certification, allowable values of the coefficient of heat transfer and the treatment of linear transmission heat losses

    Effects of window replacement on energy renovation of residential buildings - case of the Serbian building practice

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    Achieving the desired degree of energy efficiency in buildings has become an imperative of nowadays construction.This requirement is set in relation to both new and existing buildings, in order to reduce their energy consumption, but also to improve the overall comfort, especially thermal, contributing in this way to a creation of a healthier place. Measures that are applied in order to improve energy efficiency in buildings include various interventions on its thermal envelope, which in the case of energy renovation of existing residential buildings is not necessarily all-inclusive.The effectiveness of the measures implemented to assess the appropriate calculation methodology of the energy required for heating, as in the case of existing regulations in Serbia, implies that applied enhancement should contribute to the improvement of their energy class for at least one energy rate. Such improvement, especially in the case of larger buildings, could be achieved only by improving the air-tightness of the existing windows, but their replacement with windows of high energy performances is the most common measure in practice. However, without energy rehabilitation of surrounding façade walls, such intervention could cause condensation along the peripheral, insufficiently insulated, non-transparent structures. Thus, the positive effects of the improvement measures could be questioned. Taking into account the characteristics of the existing building stock in Serbia, typical situations of existing contacts between the façade walls and the corresponding windows are simulated in the paper, in relation to the risk of condensation and consequent potential users’ health problems

    E(nergy) p(erformance) c(ertificate) of buildings and dwellings Influence of Disposition and Orientation

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    Following the guidance set by the Directive on the energy performance of buildings (recast) (EPBD2), current regulations in Serbia which refer to the issue of energy efficiency and energy certification of buildings provides an opportunity of certification of selected unit of a building, such as a dwelling. This measure was set in order to make it possible for owners or tenants of the building or the building unit to assess and compare its energy performance. From the user's perspective this measure is very important since, apart from reviewing the quality or the deficiencies of space in which they live, it would be an important parameter of economic evaluation of the apartment in the future. As energy performance of the apartment is not a priori identical to that of the whole building, the paper will analyze and compare these values for different positions in a horizontal and vertical plan of the same apartment within the building. Comparison of the results obtained for individual dwellings and for a building as a whole, will provide insight into the extent to which the disposition and the orientation of the apartment affect its energy performance

    The impact of users’ behaviour on solar gains in residential buildings

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    Regulations governing the relevant procedures for the energy certification of buildings in Serbia do not consider the impact of users’ behaviour on the level of heat loss or gain. In the case of solar heat gains, the gains are calculated both through transparent, as well as through non-transparent thermal envelope positions. Solar gains through transparent parts - windows and balcony doors are dominant, and depend on thermal properties of windows, orientation, shadings. In this regard, the regulation stipulates that all transparent (and semi-transparent) surfaces in the residential areas, other than those oriented to the north, northeast and northwest, must have non-transparent protection from direct solar radiation in the summer period. Shading elements can be permanent and movable, and their shading effect is defined by the standard EN 13790. Users express different attitude towards the possibilities of solar gains provided through the glazed parts. This is mainly determined by the dynamics of moving (lifting) the shadings, which depends on their presence and, to a large extent, on the heating system (with the assumption that in buildings connected to the district heating system and the lump sum of heat consumption per m2, users are not motivated to contribute actively to the heat gains). The paper analyses the ratio of lifted / lowered (outer) shadings at different times of the day in the winter period on several examples of collective housing in Belgrade, with the aim of establishing the effective calculated area of the window for solar gains. The comparison of the obtained results with the parameters of the reduction due to sun protection equipment defined by the standard EN 13790, aims to establish and promote the design values that are realistic for use in the energy certification procedure of residential buildings

    Construction and Characterisation of Double Layer Capacitors

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    Electrochemical double-layer capacitor (also called supercapacitor) is an electrochemical energy storage device with a high power density, which could be used in application such as pulse power devices or electric vehicles. The paper describes construction of an electrochemical double-layer capacitor that consists of two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte with a separator between them. One electrode consists of a current collector in contact with the active material, while the other one is a counter electrode. Commercially available activated carbon (AC) material, Composite RuO2 + AC and natural copper sulfides are used as the active electrode material. Characterization has been performed by an electrochemical system fully developed at Technical Faculty in Bor. The system is based on a PC P4, a commercially available ADDA converter and an external interface for analog signal processing. The software platform is LabVIEW 8.2 package and application software is adapted to investigations of the systems containing high capacitances

    Energy Refurbishment of Serbian School Building Stock- A Typology Tool Methodology Development

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    Energy refurbishment of school buildings is a priority regarding both energy consumption in buildings and improving comfort conditions for sensitive young occupants. During 2016–18, a group of teachers and associates from the Faculty of Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering from the University in Belgrade participated in the project “Energy efficiency in public buildings” in cooperation with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture and Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia. During 2016 and 2017, a comprehensive survey and database of public buildings were conducted by the local community. The focus of the research was the facilities of children’s institutions, and detailed data were collected to determine the current building stock conditions, energy consumption, and possible improvements. This paper presents the methodology of the project based on defining the typology of buildings, determining the representatives of the characteristic periods of construction, and analyzing their energy performance. Five possible scenarios were considered: designed condition, existing state, and three levels of a building improvement. The main goal of this project was to ascertain the entire fund for school buildings, indicate the potential for energy savings of this type of public building at the national level, and use this as a starting point for developing strategic decisions and further energy efficiency policies. This paper presents the complete results of the research on school buildings in Serbia, their energy performance, and possible energy savings. Key findings show that a great majority of schools are in a poor state in terms of their energy efficiency, but at the same time, there is a large potential for improvement of building envelope, HVAC, and lighting systems, which can cut the current energy need for heating to up to 80%.Енергетска реконструкција школских зграда представља приоритет како са становишта потрошње енергије тако и са становишта побољшања услова комфора младих генерација које у њима бораве. Током 2016-18 године група наставника и сарадника са Архитектонског, Машинског и Електротехничког факултета у Беогаду учествовала је у пројекту “Енергетска ефикасност јавних зграда” који је рађен у сарадњи ГИЗ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Универзитет у Београду – Архитектонски факултет и Министарство рударства и енергетике Републике Србије. За потребе пројекта током 2016. и 2017. године спроведен је попис јавних зграда од стране локалне заједнице према упитницима који су формирали истраживачи на пројекту а који је управо дефинисао све неопходне информације о зградама, као полазиште за рад на пројекту. У фокусу истраживања били су објекти дечијих установа: школских и предшколских и за њих су прикупљени детаљни подаци како би се утврдило стање зграда, потрошња енергије и сагледала могућа унапређења. У раду је приказана методологија пројекта базирана на типологији зграда где су утврђени репрезенти карактеристичних периода грађења и на њима је вршена анализа енергетских перформанси. Разматрано је пет могућих сценарија: пројектовано стање, затечено стање и три нивоа унапређења и на тај начин сагледане су могуће енергетске уштеде укупног фонда зграда дечијих установа. Основни циљ овог пројекта је био да се истражи целокупни фонд школских зграда, укаже на потенцијал за уштеду енергије ове врсте јавних зграда на националном нивоу и то постави као полазна основа за доношење стратешких одлука и генералне политике енергетске ефикасности. У овом раду су представљени комплетни резултати истраживања школских зграда у Србији, њихових енергетских перформанси и могућих уштеда енергије. Резултати показују да је већина школа у јако лошем стању у погледу њихове енергетске ефикасности, али истовремено постоји велики потенцијал за побољшање омотача зграда, као и система грејања и система осветљења, што може смањити потрошњу енергије и до 80%

    Methodology for Residential Building Stock Refurbishment Planning—Development of Local Building Typologies

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    This paper presents the methodology for the implementation of building typology principles as a tool for the strategic planning of residential building stock energy retrofits on a municipal level in Serbia. Research was conducted under the IEE EPISCOPE (Intelligent Energy Europe EPISCOPE/ TABULA project) project with the aim of developing an adequate tool for creating building stock energy retrofit management strategies on a local level. An approach that envisions the diversity and uneven spatial distribution of building stock in smaller scale municipalities and includes statistically relevant sampling of all relevant building types was developed and tested in the pilot project that focused on the city of Vršac. Two options for local typology development were formulated: a top-down approach, which relies on the data from the national typology or other available databases by reducing them to the local level, and a bottom-up approach, which represents a new data gathering and processing method. Both approaches were tested in the pilot project and the results are compared in this paper. From the conclusions of these analyses, a common methodology for the development of local building typologies has been defined. It can be used in the strategic planning of building stock, whether for the purpose of developing local energy action plans (LEAPs) or other purposes internationally

    Monitoring efekata toplote hidratacije betona

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    U ovom radu su praćeni efekti toplote hidratacije različitih betona upotrebom termovizijske kamere i termodavača priključenih na osmokanalni sistem za monitoring temperature na bazi PC i LabVIEW paketa, razvijen za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Temperatura ambijenta (laboratorije) beležena je i memorisana pomoću posebnog digitalnog instrumenta. Praćenje temperature svežeg betona je trajalo 24h. Vršena su poređenja temperatura površine izmerenih termodavačima i termovizijskom kamerom. Na osnovu toga uspostavljene su korelaciju koje bi mogle dovesti do pojednostavljenja daljih ispitivanja, posebno masovnih

    Termički mostovi u zgradama kao posledica urbanističkih transformacija

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    The paper analyzes the deterioration of energy performance in buildings and construction defects caused by thermal bridges resulting from changes taking place in urban planning, for example in Vojvode Stepe street in Belgrade. The transformation of the urban matrix done over the last 50 years coupled with a time lag in implementation, resulting in partial sequences to completed buildings, has left a number of free side walls (gable ends), which are exposed to temperature influences. In some cases, these walls are adequately heat-treated, but in many others (especially in existing buildings) they are not, causing increased heat loss mould growth, leading to construction damage, and health risks to users. This paper presents a methodology for testing the risk of condensation in a specific example, using the computational support of T Studio software, intended for 2D calculations of thermal bridges, with an emphasis on contact temperature in the interior, relative humidity, and a term that is new to us: Temperature factor.U radu se analizira pogoršanje energetskih performansi zgrada, kao i građevinska oštećenja koja su nastala usled dejstva termičkih mostova, a kao posledica nekih od promena koje se odvijaju u urbanizmu, na primeru ulice Vojvode Stepe u Beogradu. Transformacija urbane matrice koja se odigrava poslednjih 50 godina, a naročito danas, spregnuta sa vremenskim pomakom u realizaciji, rezultuje delimično kompletiranim nizovima zgrada, sa brojnim slobodnim bočnim zidovima (zabatima), koji su eksponirani temperaturnim uticajima. U nekim slučajevima, ove pozicije su na adekvatan način termički tretirane, a u brojnim slučajevima, koji su naročito prisutni kod postojećih zgrada nisu, te su to mesta gde su pojačani toplotni gubici, i zone u kojima se odvija razvoj buđi, koji vodi građevinskim štetama i zdravstvenim rizicima po korisnike. U radu se prezentuje metodologija provere rizika od kondezacije, na konkretnom primeru, uz računsku podršku autorskog softvera T Studio, namenjenog za 2D proračune termičkih mostova, sa naročitim osvrtom na kontaktne temperature u enterijeru, relativnu vlažnost vazduha i pojam koji je nov u nas: temperaturni faktor

    Programski paket za dimenzionisanje elemenata od drveta i lepljenog-lameliranog drveta

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    Designing of the wooden constructions and laminated wood, gives to the engineers great possibilities. Considering this fact, it is from great necessity of ITs (Information Technologies) in the purpose of quicker, more rational and successful solving of constructive problems as well as more efficient preparing of relevant information and data for constructing the objects. .Projektovanje konstrukcija od drveta i lepljenog lameliranog drveta pruža inženjerima velike mogućnosti. Pri tome, neminovna je pomoć savremenih tehnologija u cilju bržeg racionalnijeg i uspešnijeg rešavanja sve složenijih i interesantnijih konstruktivnih problema kao i efikasnijeg pripremanja neophodnih podataka i dokumenata za izvođenje objekata.