126 research outputs found

    Research of the structure of gallstones by IR-spectroscopy method

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    The composition of gallstones was studied by IR spectroscopy. It is shown that it is possible to establish the presence in the gallstones of such compounds as bilirubin and its salts, calcium phosphates, calcium carbonate, which are present in them in small amounts and difficult to determine

    Cross-lingual Approaches for the Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions in German from a Patient's Perspective

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    In this work, we present the first corpus for German Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) detection in patient-generated content. The data consists of 4,169 binary annotated documents from a German patient forum, where users talk about health issues and get advice from medical doctors. As is common in social media data in this domain, the class labels of the corpus are very imbalanced. This and a high topic imbalance make it a very challenging dataset, since often, the same symptom can have several causes and is not always related to a medication intake. We aim to encourage further multi-lingual efforts in the domain of ADR detection and provide preliminary experiments for binary classification using different methods of zero- and few-shot learning based on a multi-lingual model. When fine-tuning XLM-RoBERTa first on English patient forum data and then on the new German data, we achieve an F1-score of 37.52 for the positive class. We make the dataset and models publicly available for the community.Comment: Accepted at LREC 202

    Brown bowel syndrome: A rare complication in diseases associated with long-standing malabsorption

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS Longtime chronic malabsorption may among other things cause a lack of liposoluble vitamins. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to formation of lipofuscin aggregates. Its deficiency is also associated with an increased lipofuscinosis of the bowel, i.e. brown bowel syndrome. METHODS Systematic research via Medline on brown bowel syndrome, lipofuscinosis, and vitamin E deficiency was performed. We combined our own clinical experience and a review of the literature for this paper. Its goal is to inform about the possible consequences of severe malabsorption and brown bowel syndrome. RESULTS Systematic data about the occurrence of severe malabsorption and brown bowel syndrome are rare. Only about 27 scientific reports can be found on this subject. Brown bowel syndrome is found mostly in conjunction with vitamin E deficiency and lipofuscinosis of the bowel. The clinical findings are caused by both malabsorption and lipofuscinosis. Case reports show a therapeutic effect of vitamin E. CONCLUSION Vitamin deficiency caused by longtime chronic malabsorption can lead to the development of brown bowel syndrome, which is seen as the expression of lipofuscinosis of the bowel, and can cause further clinical disorders. Patients with malabsorption should therefore be monitored regarding their vitamin E levels

    Hydrogen power engineering, renewable energy resources and energy saving

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    The role of HR - Manager in the effective management of human resources

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    The article describes the duties and responsibilities of a competent HR- manager. It stresses that a good HR-manager must possess a certain set of professional knowledge: the knowledge of the economy and the market system, understanding of entrepreneurship and business principles. This specialist should fulfil certain professional duties - to manage the personnel - it means being a psychologist to understand any person, to combine available human resources in order to fulfil the potential of the company. According to official statistics, in companies where a personnel manager works, employees’ productivity increases by an average of 20%. In conclusion, it is proved that the position of a personnel manager of the company is necessary for the successful operation of the company, and for the positive positioning of the company in the market.В статье рассматриваются обязанности компетентного менеджера по персоналу. Указывается то, что хороший менеджер по кадрам должен обладать определённым набором профессиональных знаний: знаниями экономики и рыночной системы, пониманием функционирования частного предпринимательства и деловых принципов. Этот специалист должен выполнять определённые профессиональные обязанности - управлять персоналом, что подразумевает умение быть хорошим психологом и разбираться в людях с первого взгляда, совмещать доступные человеческие ресурсы для успешной реализации потенциала компании. В соответствии с официальной статистикой, в компаниях, имеющих должность менеджера по персоналу, производительность работников возрастает в среднем на 20%. В заключении доказывается, что должность менеджера по персоналу необходима для успешной деятельности компании и позиционирования компании на рынке

    Semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields

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    The S-matrix theory formulation of closed-orbit theory recently proposed by Granger and Greene is extended to atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields. We then present a semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed fields, which succeeds in resolving individual lines in the spectrum, but is restricted to the strongest lines of each n-manifold. By means of a detailed semiclassical analysis of the quantum spectrum, we demonstrate that it is the abundance of bifurcations of closed orbits that precludes the resolution of finer details. They necessitate the inclusion of uniform semiclassical approximations into the quantization process. Uniform approximations for the generic types of closed-orbit bifurcation are derived, and a general method for including them in a high-resolution semiclassical quantization is devised