158 research outputs found

    Improvement opportunities: Quality service in public schools

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    O artigo avalia a qualidade do serviço ofertado por escolas públicas situadas no sertão paraibano e adjacências. Para isto, foram apreendidos as expectativas (importância) e o desempenho em relação a um conjunto de 18 atributos; os quais estão relacionados aos docentes (conhecimento técnico, didática, estímulo ofertado aos alunos), aos aspectos tangíveis (salas de aula, banheiros, biblioteca), aos materiais didáticos disponíveis, à organização escolar (horários, serviços administrativos) e à reputação institucional. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado para capturar as respostas de 1394 alunos de dezessete instituições de ensino. Com o auxílio do Statistical Package for the Social Science – SPSS, versão 19.0, foram extraídas estatísticas descritivas e realizado o teste de Spearman. Os resultados relevaram que o padrão de expectativas dos alunos, em essência, foi heterogêneo. Em geral, os atributos mais valorizados referem-se aos docentes (conhecimento e estímulo), ao passo que aqueles relacionados à infraestrutura (internet, recursos multimídias e segurança) foram percebidos como menos importantes. Ademais, o conjunto de ações apontado pelas matrizes de posicionamento competitivo e de avaliação de desempenho podem subsidiar às decisões gerenciais de aperfeiçoamento dos níveis de serviço prestados pelas escolas públicasThe article evaluates the quality of the service offered by public schools located in Paraiba and adjacencys. For this, were captured expectations (importance) and performance in relation to a set of eighteen attributes; which are related to teachers (technical knowledge, didactics, incentives offered to students), the tangible aspects (classrooms, toilets, library), the teaching materials available, school organization (timetables, administrative services) and institutional reputation. We used a structured questionnaire to capture the 1394 students answers from seventeen educational institutions. With the support of Statistical Package for Social Science - SPSS, version 19.0, descriptive statistics were extracted and the Spearman test was performed. The results showed that the standard of students' expectations, in essence, is heterogeneous. In general, the most valued attributes refer to teachers (knowledge and stimulus), while those related infrastructure (internet, multimedia resources and safety) were perceived as less important. Moreover, the set of actions appointed by competitive positioning matrix and performance evaluation matrix can assist in management decisions to improve the service levels provided by public school

    Disorder and the effective Mn-Mn exchange interaction in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We perform a theoretical study, using {\it ab initio} total energy density-functional calculations, of the effects of disorder on the MnMnMn-Mn exchange interactions for Ga1xMnxAsGa_{1-x}Mn_xAs diluted semiconductors. For a 128 atoms supercell, we consider a variety of configurations with 2, 3 and 4 Mn atoms, which correspond to concentrations of 3.1%, 4.7%, and 6.3%, respectively. In this way, the disorder is intrinsically considered in the calculations. Using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian to map the magnetic excitations, and {\it ab initio} total energy calculations, we obtain the effective \JMn, from first (n=1n=1) all the way up to sixth (n=6n=6) neighbors. Calculated results show a clear dependence in the magnitudes of the \JMn with the Mn concentration xx. Also, configurational disorder and/or clustering effects lead to large dispersions in the Mn-Mn exchange interactions, in the case of fixed Mn concentration. Moreover, theoretical results for the ground-state total energies for several configurations indicate the importance of a proper consideration of disorder in treating temperature and annealing effects

    Scanning Electron Microscopic/Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Analysis in Cases of Apical Periodontitis Refractory to Endodontic Treatment: A Case Series Study

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    This study aimed to present a case series of refractory endodontic treatment leading to persistent apical periodontitis. All cases were submitted to scanning electron microscopic/energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM/EDS) of the external surface of the surgically removed samples and identification of the elements present in the specimens. Carbon, oxygen and calcium were elements present in all of the cases in this study. The presence of microorganisms in close contact with the periapical surrounding tissues induced the perpetuation of the inflammation process. Despite the presence of other elements different from those normally expected in the tissues, we may not attribute any interference in the periapical response to them.Keywords: Apical Periodontitis; Bacterial Biofilm; Endodontic Failure; Extra Radicular Infection

    Effects of Disorder on the Exchange Coupling in (Ga,Mn)As Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

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    A theoretical study of the effects of disorder on the Mn-Mn exchange interactions for Ga 1−x Mn x As diluted magnetic semiconductors is presented. The disorder is intrinsically considered in the calculations, which are performed using an ab initio total energy density-functional approach, for a 128 atoms supercell, and by considering a variety of configurations with 2, 3 and 4 Mn atoms. Results are obtained for the effective J Mn−Mn n , from first (n = 1) all the way up to sixth (n = 6) neighbors via a Heisenberg Hamiltonian used to map the magnetic excitations from ab initio total energy calculations. One then obtains a clear dependence in the magnitudes of the J Mn−Mn n with the Mn concentration x. Moreover, we show that, in the case of fixed Mn concentration, configurational disorder and/or clustering effects lead to large dispersions in the Mn-Mn exchange interactions. Also, calculations for the ground-state total energies for several configurations suggest that a proper consideration of disorder is needed when one is interested in treating temperature and annealing effects. Keywords: Disorder; Exchange coupling; Diluted magnetic semiconductors In the past few years a lot of attention has been given to the study of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), due to possible applications in new devices by manipulating both the spin and the charge of the carriers in semiconductor systems. This was even more so after the successful growth of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As alloys We have performed total energy calculations within the density-functional theory (DFT) and the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation potential, with the electron-ion interactions described using ultrasoft pseudopotentials For three Mn atoms in a supercell with 128 sites, we have performed calculations for 10 different disorder configurations. We have also performed calculations for non-SQS configurations in which two Mn atoms are first neighbors, and a third Mn atom is placed in positions corresponding to fifth-, third-, and first-neighbor of the pair: we found that J 1 = −20.8 meV, −17.3 meV, and −8.1 meV, respectively. Thus, clustering tends to weaken the magnitude of the nearest-neighbor coupling. One may attribute this behavior as most likely resulting from the Coulomb repulsion between the holes, which leads to their delocalization as the Mn atoms group together, being therefore detrimental of their role as mediators of ferromagnetism. If, on the one hand, clustering tends to decreas


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    Este artigo pretende, a partir do diálogo com obras literárias infantojuvenis, apresentar uma proposta pedagógica de leitura que esteja para além do que somente uma aquisição de habilidades técnicas e de conteúdo, uma formação de leitores com menos signos e mais significado, mais poética e holística e menos pragmática e fragmentada. Desta feita, pretendemos sugerir uma concepção ontológica de construção do sujeito leitor, que leve o indivíduo a refletir sobre as questões que a obra literária pode suscitar. A ideia é discutir sobre a relevância que o educar poético precisa ter na teoria literária e na formação de leitores


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    Introdução: A consulta ginecológica na adolescência é geralmente cercada de ansiedade e desconhecimento para a adolescente. A falta de informação e o medo das novas descobertas fazem com que a adolescente protele a primeira consulta. Objetivo: Identificar aspectos relacionados e motivações determinantes para a consulta ginecológica na adolescência. Métodos: Foram aplicados 45 questionários semiestruturados em adolescentes do sexo feminino, de 10 a 19 anos, escolhidas aleatoriamente, dentre as frequentadoras do Adolescentro na Vila Embratel. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados pelo Epi-Info® 3.4.3, sendo expressos sob a forma de tabelas. Resultados: A idade média das adolescentes foi 14,5 anos, sendo a primeira consulta ginecológica realizada aos 12,9 anos. A menarca ocorreu entre 10 a 12 anos para a maioria das adolescentes. Aproximadamente 78% das entrevistadas não tinham iniciado a vida sexual e 55,6% conheciam a área em que atuava o ginecologista, sendo que somente 37,8% já comparecido a uma consulta ginecológica. A iniciativa de procurar atendimento ginecológico partiu das mães em 82,4% dos casos. O motivo de busca pelo ginecologista mais citado foi rotina ginecológica. Quanto as DSTs e os métodos anticoncepcionais, as adolescentes que já foram a consulta, referiram ter conhecimento em 100% e 70,6% respectivamente. Conclusão: A procura pela consulta ginecológica por iniciativa da adolescente ainda é muito baixa, sendo a mãe a principal responsável pela procura. Quanto maior o nível de escolaridade, a renda familiar e o conhecimento das DSTs, maior é a procura pelo atendimento ginecológico.Palavras-chave: Adolescente. Consulta ginecológica. Ginecologista.AbstractIntroduction: A gynecological appointment in adolescence is usually surrounded by anxiety and ignorance for an adolescent. The lack of information and fear of new discoveries make that the adolescent delayed this first consultation. Objective: To identify aspects and motivations for a gynecological appointment in adolescence. Methods: We applied 45 semi-structured questionnaires in female adolescents, 10 to 19 years, randomly selected from among the denizens of the Adolescentro in Vila Embratel. Data were tabulated and analysed by Epi-Info® 3.4.3, and expressed in the form of tables. Results: The average age of adolescents was 14.5 years. The average age that patients seek medical care was 12.9 years. The menarche occurred between 10 to 12 years for most teenagers. Approximately 78% of the interviewees did not start sex life and 55.6% knew the area in which the gynecologist served, whereas only 37.8% had attended a gynecological consultation. The initiative of seeking medical care comes from the mothers in 82.4% of cases. The most quoted reason for the search by the gynecologist was gynecological routine. As the DST's and contraceptive methods, the adolescents who had a consultation, said to meet them at 100% and 70.6% respectively. Conclusion: It was concluded in this work that the demand for consultation on the initiative of a teenager is still very low, being the mother the determining factor for this search. The higher the education level, the family income and the knowledge of STDs, the greater will the demand for a gynecological appointment.Key-words: Adolescent. Gynecological consultation. Gynecologist


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    Este trabalho constitui-se de uma reflexão sobre umas das atividades didático-pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelo subprojeto A Formação da Consciência Histórica: articulações entre metodologia e prática no ensino de História, elaborado por um coletivo de professores do Curso de História da Faculdade de Filosofia Dom Aureliano Matos (FAFIDAM), campus da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) em Limoeiro do Norte na Escola de Ensino Médio Arsênio Ferreira Maia no ano de 2017, explorando as relações entre o livro didático de História e a Literatura reforçando a dimensão educativa da biblioteca escolar e as possibilidades de utilização de seu acervo


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    Basil is a species with high exploitation potential. However, its production in semiarid regions is compromised due to the salts contained in the soil and in the water used in irrigation, requiring the adoption of techniques that increase the tolerance of plants to salinity, such as nitrogen fertilization. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of leaf nitrogen fertilization on growth and phytomass allocation in purple basil plants under irrigation with saline water. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design in an incomplete factorial scheme, with five levels of salinity (0.0; 0.81; 2.75; 4.69 and 5.50 dS m-1) and five levels of nitrogen (0.00; 58.58; 200.00; 341.42 and 400.00 mg L-1). Leaf succulence, sclerophilia index and shoot dry mass production, stem, leaf and root dry mass allocation, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio were evaluated. Foliar application of N attenuated the effects of salt stress on phytomass allocation, leaf succulence and shoot phytomass production index. N and salinity increased the specific leaf area and leaf area ratio in basil plants.O manjericão é uma espécie de elevado potencial de exploração. No entanto, sua produção em regiões semiáridas é comprometida decorrentes dos sais contidos no solo e na água utilizada na irrigação, sendo necessário a adoção de técnicas que aumente a tolerância das plantas a salinidade, como a fertilização com nitrogênio. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada foliar no crescimento e na alocação de fitomassa em plantas de manjericão roxo sob irrigação com águas salinas. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial incompleto, constando com cinco níveis de salinidade (0,0; 0,81; 2,75; 4,69 e 5,50 dS m-1) e cinco doses de nitrogênio (0,00; 58,58; 200,00; 341,42 e 400,00 mg L-1). Avaliou-se a suculência foliar, os índices de esclerofilia e de produção de fitomassa seca da parte aérea, alocação de fitomassa seca do caule, das folhas e da raiz, área foliar específica e razão de área foliar. A aplicação foliar de N atenuou os efeitos do estresse salino sobre a alocação de fitomassa, suculência foliar e no índice de produção de fitomassa da parte aérea. O N e a salinidade aumentou a área foliar específica e a razão de área foliar nas plantas de manjericão. Palavras-chave: estresse salino; Ocimum basilicum L.; nitrogênio.   Phytomass  and growth of purple basil irrigated with saline water under nitrogen foliar fertilization   ABSTRACT: Basil is a species with high exploitation potential. However, its production in semiarid regions is compromised due to the salts contained in the soil and in the water used in irrigation, requiring the adoption of techniques that increase the tolerance of plants to salinity, such as nitrogen fertilization. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of leaf nitrogen fertilization on growth and phytomass allocation in purple basil plants under irrigation with saline water. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design in an incomplete factorial scheme, with five levels of salinity (0.0; 0.81; 2.75; 4.69 and 5.50 dS m-1) and five levels of nitrogen (0.00; 58.58; 200.00; 341.42 and 400.00 mg L-1). Leaf succulence, sclerophilia index and shoot dry mass production, stem, leaf and root dry mass allocation, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio were evaluated. Foliar application of N attenuated the effects of salt stress on phytomass allocation, leaf succulence and shoot phytomass production index. N and salinity increased the specific leaf area and leaf area ratio in basil plants. Keywords: salt stress, Ocimum basilicum L.; nitrogen


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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), a medicinal and aromatic plant extensively cultivated in the Northeast region of Brazil, encounters growth challenges attributed to the salinity of irrigation water and soil. Nitrogen (N) is a crucial macronutrient employed to mitigate salt stress in plants. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the production of phytomass and chlorophyll synthesis in purple basil plants grown under salinity stress and nitrogen fertilization. The experiment was conducted in 2021 under protected environmental conditions at the Center for Agricultural Sciences, Universidade Federal Paraíba, Areia-PB, Brazil. Five levels of salt stress (0.0, 0.80, 2.75, 4.70, and 5.50 dS m-1) and five doses of N (0.00, 58.58, 200.00, 341.42, and 400.00 mg L-1) applied via foliar were studied. The results revealed that foliar fertilization with N increases plant tolerance to salt stress, promoting root fresh and dry mass accumulation at 294.96 and 205.36 mg L-1 and under ECw of 1.14 and 0.5 dS m-1, respectively. Applying 217.39 and 231.30 mg L-1 of N improves the production of stem dry biomass and the shoot/root ratio of basil plants subjected to salinity of 0.5 dS m-1. The electrical conductivity of irrigation water above 0.8 dS m-1 adversely affects biomass production. The salinity at 3.8 to 4.0 dS m-1 stimulated chlorophyll synthesis in purple basil plants. However, the foliar application of N proves to be a strategic approach to counteract these effects, resulting in increased total dry mass production and chlorophyll contents

    Uso turístico e educativo de sítios geológicos: estudo preliminar no baixo Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Uma das premissas básicas da geoconservação é a identificação de lugares de interesse geológico (LIGs) como medida  primordial para estabelecer um diagnóstico do território a fim de identificar, avaliar e classificar os sítios geológicos de acordo com seu valor científico, risco de degradação e potenciais de uso turístico e educativo, entre outros. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar LIGs com potencial para serem utilizados na estratégia de valorização e conservação da geodiversidade, agregando valor ao turismo praticado no baixo Rio Negro, no estado do Amazonas. O diagnóstico preliminar da geodiversidade e o potencial geoturístico do arquipélago de Anavilhanas consistiram em procedimentos de seleção, identificação, descrição, cadastro e avaliação de LIGs, tendo como ferramenta o Sistema de Cadastro e Quantificação de Geossítios e Sítios da Geodiversidade (GEOSSIT), bem como atividades de campo para reconhecer as feições geológicas, dentre outras. Foram avaliados quatro LIGs: Pedra Sanduíche, Gruta do Madadá, Pedra do Gavião e Cachoeira do Guariba, selecionados pelo seu valor turístico e uso educativo. A análise dos critérios usados na avaliação quantitativa no GEOSSIT indica a necessidade de adaptar alguns parâmetros de avaliação para os LIGs da região amazônica em virtude das várias especificidades desse território. Evidencia-se, portanto, a importância de tais propósitos visando circunstanciar os parâmetros quanto às subjetividades e às ponderações do pesquisador ao avaliar e valorar o patrimônio geológico.One of the basic premises of geoconservation indicates the identification of sites of geological interest (LIGs) as a primordial measure to establish a diagnosis of the territory, in order to identify, evaluate and classify the geological sites according to the scientific value, the risk of degradation and the potential for tourist and educational use, among others. In this context, the objective of this work was to identify potential LIGs that can be used in the strategy of valorization and conservation of geodiversity, adding value to the tourism practiced in the lower Rio Negro, in the state of Amazonas. The preliminary diagnosis of geodiversity and the geotourism potential of the Anavilhanas archipelago consisted of procedures for selection, identification, description, registration and evaluation of LIGs using GEOSSIT as a tool, field activities for recognition of geological features, among others. Four LIGs were evaluated: Pedra Sanduíche, Gruta do Madadá, Pedra do Gavião and Cachoeira do Guariba. Such sites were selected for their tourist value and educational use. The analysis of the criteria used in the quantitative evaluation in GEOSSIT indicates the need to adapt some evaluation parameters for the LIGs in the Amazon region, due to the various specificities of this territory. It is evident, therefore, the importance of such purposes in the sense of circumstantiating the parameters regarding the subjectivities and weightings of the researcher when evaluating and valuing the geological heritage