8 research outputs found

    Soil characteristics of Piva mountain

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    У овом раду су приказани резултати истраживања особина земљишта на подручју Пивске планине. На 14 локалитета отворено је 40 педолошких профила и извршена је идентификација систематских категорија земљишта. Од физичких карактеристика приказане су: механички састав, структура и стабилност структурних агрегата, запреминска и специфична маса, укупна порозност земљишта, водно-ваздушне особине (максимални водни капацитет, ретенциони водни капацитет, влажност увенућа, приступачна вода биљкама и апсолутни ваздушни капацитет) и физичко-механичке особине (пластичност земљишта, скупљање земљишта и физичка зрелост земљишта за обраду). Од хемијских карактеристика приказане су: садржај CaCO3, активна киселост, разменљива киселост, хидролитичка киселост, сума разменљивих адсорбованих базних катјона, капацитет размене катјона, садржај хумуса и укупног азота, садржај приступачног фосфора ( P2O5), калијума ( K2O), Ca и Mg. Резултати анализа указују на две еволуционе фазе земљишта на кречњацима Пивске планине - калкомеланосол (Моllic Leptosols) и калкокамбисол (Cambisols). На основу анализа минералног састава, механичких фракција земљишта, геолошког супстрата и нерастворног остатка геолошког супстрата, може се закључити да је највећи део минерала у испитиваним земљиштима исти као и у нерастворном остатку. Међутим, идентификован је и вермикулит, који се није налазио у нерастворном остатку, као и повећање садржаја кварца у песковитој фракцији, што је резултат трансформација минерала у самом земљишту.This paperwork is showing the research results of soil characteristics of Piva mountain area. Forty soil profiles has been excavated on 14 localities and identification of systematic categories of soil has been executed. The shown physical characteristics are: mechanical composition, structure and stability of structural aggregates, density and specific mass, total porosity of soil, water-air characteristics (maximal water-holding capacity, retentional water-holding capacity, wither humidity point, water accessible for plants and absolute air-holding capacity) and physical-mechanical properties ( soil plasticity, soil congregation and physical soil maturity for cultivation). The shown chemical characteristics are: CaCO3 quantity, active acidity, commutable acidity, hydrolytic acidity, sum of commutable adsorbed alkalic cations, cations exchange capacity, humus and total nitrogen quantity, accessible phosphorus (P2O5), potassium ( K2O), calcium and magnesium amount. The research results are indicating that there are two evolution phases of soil on limestone of Piva mountain - Mollic Leptosols and Cambisols. Based on analysis of mineralogical composition, mechanical fractions of soil, geological substrate and insoluble residue of the geological substrate, we can come to conclusion that the bulk of the minerals in the examined soils was identical as in the insoluble residue. However, vermiculite which had not been previously found in the insoluble residue was detected, as well as increase of quartz content in the sand fraction, which is the result of mineral transformation in soil

    Monitoring of respiratory volumes by an long period grating sensor of bending

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    Here, we present a method of respiratory volumes monitoring using a single fiber-grating sensor of bending. Measurements are conducted using simple monochromatic interrogation scheme that relies on a photodiode measurement of the power transmitted through a long period grating (LPG) sensor at fixed wavelength. Good sensor accuracy in measurements of tidal and minute respiratory volumes for different types of breathing is achieved.Conference on Light in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (LNN), Oct 20-22, 2015, Hissar, Bulgari


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    Megachile sculpturalis is the first non-native bee species established in Europe, originating from E-Asia. Since early detections in SW-Europe (2008–2010) its spreading resulted in a range currently spanning nearly 2,800 km x 1,100 km across the southern and central Europe. In SE-Europe establishment was confirmed since 2015 in NE-Hungary, followed by detection in N-Serbia (2017), and wider spreading across the eastern Pannonian Plain (2018–2019); eventually it was detected in NW-Bosnia & Herzegovina (2020). Accordingly, the repeated calls for monitoring of M. sculpturalis spread were voiced, aiming to address its potential invasiveness, but mostly lacking a more specific assessment protocol. A 'working concept' for a comprehensive monitoring of M. sculpturalis was proposed within the survey conducted in Belgrade (Serbia) during 2017–2019, based on quantitative assessment of bee population trends in relation to focal plant resources. There was a need to improve and broaden this initial framework, e.g., to allow for different spatio-temporal scales and various potential usage requirements. Therefore, in 2020 we considerably extended the research scope, defined at two spatial scales: LOCAL, for the Belgrade area – the continuation of protocol development, through a high-intensity assessment of M. sculpturalis abundance, bionomics, and distribution, in parallel with assessment of extended set of relevant plants (and potential bee-plant interactions); REGIONAL, a survey covering the bee spreading across Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, aiming to provide a reference time-section in expanding SE-European front, while also extending the knowledge of its environmental affinities. The study included the launching of a pioneering citizen science project, which enabled a remarkable geographic coverage despite modest return of positive reports. The Belgrade-scale survey yielded a modest increase in recorded locations, relative to 2019, but the recording efficiency was decreased, despite a much intensified surveying efforts and extended coverage. This corroborated the importance of inter-seasonal variation of key food resources, which affects both the population dynamics and detectability of this bee, through alternating concentration and dilution effects. We confirmed the strong association of detection success with availability and variability of blooming Styphnolobium, at both scales, indicating the highest relevance of inclusion of this plant into monitoring assessment protocols. The established phenological extent of M. sculpturalis activity (>70 days) also closely corresponded with the phenology of Styphnolobium blooming; yet it does not represent the entire phenological span for the region. Almost no record came from surveying other plants. The regional expansion of M. sculpturalis during 2017–2020 is documented from 19 wider locations (16 added in 2020). It is particularly well established in the Pannonian, and to a lesser extent in peri-Pannonian area of Serbia and B&H, while the approximated range extent was likely doubled during 2019–2020. Further south records were scarce, indicating the slower expansion across the hilly-mountainous part of the Balkans. Records largely came from urban or other settlements, only about a third from semi-natural or agricultural environments

    Mercury pollution of sediments from the river Tisa (Serbia)

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    Mercury (Hg) has been listed as a global high priority pollutant by many international organizations due to its mobility and persistence in the environments and high toxicity to organisms. This research was conducted with the aims to determine: (i) total Hg content (THg) and its spatial distribution in sediments of river Tisa along the river course, (ii) possible sources of THg and (iii) degree of THg pollution in sediments from the river Tisa through different criteria. Total Hg in the sediments ranged from 0.07 to 0.49 mg kg-1, with mean ± S.D. value of 0.26 ± 0.10 mg kg-1. The highest mean value of THg (0.30 mg kg-1) was found in the lower stream, while the lowest (0.13 mg kg-1) was found in the tributary. According to Principal Component Analyses (PCA) strong positive loading of metals in all parts of the river Tisa is mainly controlled from the same sources. These sources are related to anthropogenic activities based on calculated Enrichment Factor (EF) values. Total Hg are higher than background value. According to the Republic of Serbia official standard, THg values of river Tisa sediments were within the range of maximum permissible values. Compared with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) guideline, 80.49% of sediment samples indicated that THg in the river Tisa sediments represented minimal and possible risk towards the living organisms. Integrating the results of pollution assessment, it could be concluded that THg in river Tisa sediments in Serbia demonstrates considerable contamination according to Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo), and Contaminant Factor (CF), and high pollution risk according to Potential Environmental Risk Index (PERI)

    Importance of angle corection in transcranial color-coded duplex insonation of arteries at the base of the brain

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    Background/Aim. Transcranial color-coded duplex (TCCD) sonography allows visualization of the vessels being examined and measurement of the angle of insonation. The published literature suggests that blood vessels are insonated at the angle lower than 30 degrees, hence no correction for the angle is necessary. The aim of this study was to determine the availability of intracranial blood vessels for insonation, and the percentage of arteries and their segments which can be insonated at the angles lower than 30 degrees. Methods. The study included 120 patients (mean age 51). For each of the segments the angle of insonation was registered based on TCCD vizualization, and hemodynamic parameters were measured. The angle of insonation was measured using combined B-mode and color Doppler vizualization, as the angle between the direction of the ultrasound beam and the axis of the shown arterial segment. Results. The total success rate of insonation was 86.33% (1,554 out of 1,800). The mean angle of insonation value in all the examined arterial segments was 42 degrees. The insonation angle was higher than 30 degrees in about three quarters of the examined segments, especially in the A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery (98%), the P1 segmet of the posterior cerebral artery (87%) and in the terminal internal carotid artery (83%). The A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery showed the best insonation conditions with the angle of insonation lower than 30 degrees in 53% of the cases. Conclusion. The presented results of angles of insonation measurements for the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries and their segments, as well as the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery clearly indicate that their average values in tested segments were very often higher than 30 degrees, which can cause an error in blood flow velocity measurement that cannot be ignored. The results confirm the necessity of correcting flow velocity values on the basis of the angle of insonation in TCCD sonography

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