6 research outputs found

    Leadership in Nursing: Analysis of the Process of Choosing The Heads

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    The process of choosing heads can be strategic to achieve desired results in nursing care. This study presents an exploratory and descriptive research that aims to analyze the process of choosing heads for the ward, in the nursing area of a teaching hospital in Porto Alegre. Data was collected from registered nurses, technicians and nursing auxiliaries through a semi-structured interview technique and free choice of words. Three theme categories emerged from content analysis: process of choosing heads, managerial competences of the head-to-be and team articulation. Leadership was the word most frequently associated with the process of choosing heads. The consultation process for the choice of the leader also contributes to the success of the manager, as it makes the team members feel co-responsible for the results achieved and legitimizes the head-to-be in their group.El proceso de elección de dirigentes se reviste de importancia estratégica para el alcance de los resultados deseados en el cuidado de enfermería. Este estudio presenta una investigación exploratoria descriptiva, con el objetivo de analizar el proceso de elección de jefes de unidad, en el área de enfermería de un hospital de enseñanza, habiendo recolectado datos con enfermeros, técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería, mediante entrevista semiestructurada y evocación libre de palabras. Del análisis de contenido, emergieron tres categorías temáticas: 1) proceso de elección de jefes, 2) competencias administrativas del futuro jefe y, 3) articulación del equipo. La palabra liderazgo fue la más frecuentemente asociada al proceso de elección de jefes. El proceso de consulta para la elección de jefes contribuye para el éxito de la administración, ya que responsabiliza a los miembros del equipo por los resultados alcanzados y otorga legitimidad al futuro jefe del grupo.O processo de escolha de dirigentes reveste-se de importância estratégica para o alcance dos resultados desejados do cuidado de enfermagem. Este estudo apresenta pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, com o objetivo de analisar o processo de escolha de chefias de unidade, na área de enfermagem de um hospital de ensino, tendo-se coletado dados com enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, mediante entrevista semiestruturada e evocação livre de palavras. Da análise de conteúdo, emergiram três categorias temáticas: processo de escolha de chefias, competências gerenciais do futuro chefe e articulação da equipe. Liderança compreendeu a palavra mais frequentemente associada ao processo de escolha de chefia. O processo consultivo para a escolha dos chefes contribui para o sucesso da gestão, pois corresponsabiliza os membros da equipe pelos resultados alcançados e legitima o futuro chefe em seu grupo

    Victims of disaster : can ethical debriefings be of help to care for their suffering?

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    Victims of disaster suffer, not only at the very moment of the disaster, but also years after the disaster has taken place, they are still in an emotional journey. While many moral perspectives focus on the moment of the disaster itself, a lot of work is to be done years after the disaster. How do people go through their suffering and how can we take care of them? Research on human suffering after a major catastrophe, using an ethics of care perspective, is scarce. People suffering from disasters are often called to be in distress and their emotional difficulties 'medicalised'. This brings them often into a situation of long term use of medication, and one can wonder if medication is of help to them in the long run. In our paper, we will explore another moral perspective, focusing on the importance of the victims' narrative and their lived experiences. We will use Paul Ricoeur's phenomenological reflections from 'Suffering is not the same as pain' for conceptualizing human suffering and how to apply it to victims of disaster. Ricoeur suggests that suffering is not a quantity that can be measured, but a characteristic that should be studied qualitatively in interpersonal and narrative contexts. Above all, the perspective of care and listening could offer an opportunity to reconcile people from their loss and suffering