118 research outputs found

    Predictions for the relation between strong HI absorbers and galaxies at redshift 3

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    We combine cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations with accurate radiative transfer corrections to investigate the relation between strong HI absorbers (N_HI >~ 10^17 /cm^2) and galaxies at redshift z = 3. We find a strong anti-correlation between the column density and the impact parameter that connects the absorber to the nearest galaxy. The median impact parameters for Lyman Limit (LL) and Damped Lyman-{\alpha} (DLA) systems are ~10 and ~1 proper kpc, respectively. If normalized to the size of the halo of the nearest central galaxy, the median impact parameters for LL and DLA systems become ~1 and ~10^-1 virial radii, respectively. At a given HI column density, the impact parameter increases with the mass of the closest galaxy, in agreement with observations. We predict most strong HI absorbers to be most closely associated with extremely low-mass galaxies, M_star < 10^8 M_sun and star formation rate <10^-1 M_sun/yr. We also find a correlation between the column density of absorbers and the mass of the nearest galaxy. This correlation is most pronounced for DLAs with N_HI > 10^21 /cm^2 which are typically close to galaxies with M_star >~ 10^9 M_sun. Similar correlations exist between column density and other properties of the associated galaxies such as their star formation rates, halo masses and HI content. The galaxies nearest to HI absorbers are typically far too faint to be detectable with current instrumentation, which is consistent with the high rate of (often unpublished) non-detections in observational searches for the galaxy counterparts of strong HI absorbers. Moreover, we predict that the detected nearby galaxies are typically not the galaxies that are most closely associated with the absorbers, thus causing the impact parameters, star formation rates and stellar masses of the observed counterparts to be biased high.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The mean free path of hydrogen ionizing photons during the epoch of reionization

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    We use the Aurora radiation-hydrodynamical simulations to study the mean free path (MFP) for hydrogen ionizing photons during the epoch of reionization. We directly measure the MFP by averaging the distance 1 Ry photons travel before reaching an optical depth of unity along random lines-of-sight. During reionization the free paths tend to end in neutral gas with densities near the cosmic mean, while after reionizaton the end points tend to be overdense but highly ionized. Despite the increasing importance of discrete, over-dense systems, the cumulative contribution of systems with NHI1016.5 cm2N_{\rm{HI}} \lesssim 10^{16.5}~{\rm cm^{-2}} suffices to drive the MFP at z6z \approx 6, while at earlier times higher column densities are more important. After reionization the typical size of HI systems is close to the local Jeans length, but during reionization it is much larger. The mean free path for photons originating close to galaxies, MFPgal\rm{MFP_{gal}}, is much smaller than the cosmic MFP. After reionization this enhancement can remain significant up to starting distances of 1\sim 1 comoving Mpc. During reionization, however, MFPgal\rm{MFP_{gal}} for distances 102103\sim 10^2 - 10^3 comoving kpc typically exceeds the cosmic MFP. These findings have important consequences for models that interpret the intergalactic MFP as the distance escaped ionizing photons can travel from galaxies before being absorbed and may cause them to under-estimate the required escape fraction from galaxies, and/or the required emissivity of ionizing photons after reionization.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; submitted to MNRA

    Stars were born in significantly denser regions in the early Universe

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    The density of the warm ionized gas in high-redshift galaxies is known to be higher than what is typical in local galaxies on similar scales. At the same time, the mean global properties of the high- and low-redshift galaxies are quite different. Here, we present a detailed differential analysis of the ionization parameters of 14 star-forming galaxies at redshift 2.6-3.4, compiled from the literature. For each of those high-redshift galaxies, we construct a comparison sample of low-redshift galaxies closely matched in specific star formation rate (sSFR) and stellar mass, thus ensuring that their global physical conditions are similar to the high-redshift galaxy. We find that the median log [OIII] 5007/ [OII] 3727 line ratio of the high-redshift galaxies is 0.5 dex higher than their local counterparts. We construct a new calibration between the [OIII] 5007/ [OII] 3727 emission line ratio and ionization parameter to estimate the difference between the ionization parameters in the high and low-redshift samples. Using this, we show that the typical density of the warm ionized gas in star-forming regions decreases by a median factor of 7.15.4+10.27.1^{+10.2}_{-5.4} from z ~ 3.3 to z ~ 0 at fixed mass and sSFR. We show that metallicity differences cannot explain the observed density differences. Because the high- and low-redshift samples are comparable in size, we infer that the relationship between star formation rate density and gas density must have been significantly less efficient at z ~2-3 than what is observed in nearby galaxies with similar levels of star formation activity.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The impact of local stellar radiation on the HI column density distribution

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    It is often assumed that local sources of ionizing radiation have little impact on the distribution of HI in the post-reionization Universe. While this is a good assumption for the IGM, analytic arguments suggest that local sources may typically be more important than the background radiation for high column density absorbers (N_HI > 10^17 /cm^2). We post-process cosmological simulations with accurate radiation transport to investigate the impact of local stellar sources on the HI distribution. We demonstrate that the limited numerical resolution and the simplified treatment of the ISM that are typical of current cosmological simulations provide significant challenges, but that many of the problems can be overcome by taking two steps. First, using ISM particles rather than stellar particles as sources results in a much better sampling of the source distribution. Second, by rescaling the source luminosities so that the amount of radiation escaping into the IGM agrees with that required to produce the observed background, many of the results become insensitive to errors in the predicted fraction of the radiation that escapes the immediate vicinity of the sources. By adopting this strategy and by varying the assumptions about the structure of the unresolved ISM, we conclude that we can robustly estimate the effect of local sources for column densities N_HI << 10^21 /cm^2. However, neither the escape fraction of ionizing radiation nor the effect of local sources on the abundance of N_HI >~ 10^21 systems can be predicted with confidence. We find that local stellar radiation is unimportant for N_HI << 10^17, but that it can affect Lyman Limit and DLA systems. For 10^18 < N_HI < 10^21 the impact of local sources increases with redshift. At z = 5 the abundance of absorbers with N_HI >> 10^17 is substantially reduced, but at z = 0 the reduction only becomes significant for N_HI >~ 10^21 /cm^2.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A New 3D Potential-Density Basis Set

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    A set of bi-orthogonal potential-density basis functions is introduced to model the density and its associated gravitational field of three dimensional stellar systems. Radial components of our basis functions are weighted integral forms of spherical Bessel functions. We discuss the properties of our basis functions and demonstrate their shapes for the latitudinal Fourier number l=2l=2.Comment: 2 pages. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 245, "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges," M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, and B. Barbuy, ed

    Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematoma; a Case Report

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    Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSHE) is a rare entity can have several reasons. Its prevalence in population is 0.1 per 100,000 with the male to female ratio of 1/4:1. For the first time Jackson in 1869 reported a case of SSHE and after that it was declared as several hundred cases in literatures. Here, a case of SSHE was reported in a 52 year-old male referred to emergency department following severe low back pain