2,919 research outputs found

    Data-driven adaptive model-based predictive control with application in wastewater systems

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    This study is concerned with the development of a new data-driven adaptive model-based predictive controller (MBPC) with input constraints. The proposed methods employ subspace identification technique and a singular value decomposition (SVD)-based optimisation strategy to formulate the control algorithm and incorporate the input constraints. Both direct adaptive model-based predictive controller (DAMBPC) and indirect adaptive model-based predictive controller (IAMBPC) are considered. In DAMBPC, the direct identification of controller parameters is desired to reduce the design effort and computational load while the IAMBPC involves a two-stage process of model identification and controller design. The former method only requires a single QR decomposition for obtaining the controller parameters and uses a receding horizon approach to process input/output data for the identification. A suboptimal SVD-based optimisation technique is proposed to incorporate the input constraints. The proposed techniques are implemented and tested on a fourth order non-linear model of a wastewater system. Simulation results are presented to compare the direct and indirect adaptive methods and to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms

    Meneguhkan Kembali Jiwa Patriotik Generasi Muda melalui Semangat Bela Negara dalam Upaya Menjaga Keutuhan NKRI

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    Persatuan merupakan salah satu modal utama dalam menjalankan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara bagi negara Indonesia. Mengingat luasnya negara ini yang tebentang dari ujung barat hingga timur dengan semboyan bhineka tunggal ika nya maka sampai hari ini Indonesia masih tetap ada dan akan selalu ada bila semangat persatuan tetap dipertahankan sampai kapanpun. Indonesia ada karena jasa dan pengorbanan para pahlawan yang senantiasa sudi memberikan jiwa raganya untuk melawan penjajah demi merebut kemerdekaan bangsa. Semangat patriotik yang senada dengan jiwa kepahlawanan itu perlu ditanamkan pula bagi generasi muda saat ini yang terkepung oleh derasnya arus globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi yang menghadirkan gaya hidup baru. Bukan bermaksud untuk mengulangi pertumbahan darah seperti pada saat era perebutan kemerdekaan, namun semangat patritotik dalam bingkai semangat bela negara akan lebih ditekankan untuk bagaimana menjaga keutuhan dan per-satuan negara Indonesia sampai kapanpun. Bela negara yang akhir-akhir ini mulai marak diperbincangkan kembali dapat dijadikan salah satu cara menumbuhkan jiwa patriotik generasi muda dengan bingkai dan model yang lebih modern sesuai dengan kebu-tuhan dan kepentingan negara Indonesia ditengah arus globalisasi saat ini. Dalam penulisan artikel ini akan menggunakan metode kajian kepustakaan. Dari hasil kajian tersebut maka bentuk semangat bela negara yang modern untuk generasi muda dengan jiwa patriotik yang tepat dapat ditelaah lebih baik lagi dan dapat dijadikan sebagai media dan cara dalam menjaga persatuan dan keutuhan Indonesia. Kata kunci : patriotik, bela negara, generasi muda, persatua

    The Effectiveness of Think-Pair-Share Strategy on Improving Visually Impaired Students’ Speaking Skill at SLB-A Yapti Makassar

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    This study aimed to determine whether or not using the Think pair-share strategy could enhance students' speaking performance with visual impairments Grade XI of SLB-A Yapti Makassar in the academic year of 2020/ 202. This study was pre-experimental research in which the TPS strategy treated only one class. The data were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process during the implementation of the TPS strategy and interviewing the students about this strategy. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were gained by assessing the students’ speaking skills through the pre-test and post-test. The instruments for collecting the data were the speaking rubric, observation guidelines, and interview guidelines. The results showed that the TPS strategy effectively improved the students’ speaking skills of visually impaired students. There are different significant scores on the speaking performance of students on pretest and posttest. The frequency and percentage of student scores in specific categories indicating post-test results are higher than pre-test results. Nonetheless, the TPS strategy also has the drawbacks where it was very time consuming during the implementation since students need to be dealt with the given lesson and the screen reader


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     The aim of this study was to identify the types of technological tools and applications used by students with visual impairment at SLBA-A Yapti Makassar and analyze the students' perception and willingness in using various means of technology in their EFL Classroom. The questionnaires and interviews were used to perform the study methods in which the researcher used Google form that sent to students via WhatsApp feature. Despite the challenge of visual impairment faced by students in integrating technology in the classroom, the results showed that students have positive attitudes about the use of those technology and applications.

    Pengaruh Umur Bibit dan Pupuk N, P, K terhadap Padi Varietas Ir 42 di Lahan Pasang Surut dengan Metode Sri di Desa Kuala Mulya Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku

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    Research aims to understand bedween the ages of fertilizer and seeds N, P, K and interaksi to growth and the production of rice varieties ir in land tides on village Kuala Mulya Cinaku with the methods SRI. The study analyzed uses the design faktorials design random group consisting two factors thas is, factors first age seeds consisting three the economic situation, the second faktor four the economic situation and three remedial. The results of the analisis factor age fertilizer and seeds N, P, K had have real inpact on saplings maximum, heaviy dry, age out panicles, the number of grain panicles, heavy grain dry ground and heavy 1000 grains. Interaction age fertilizer and seeds N, P, K inpact to age out panicles, the amount of grain panicles, heavy gaba dry steamroller, and heavy 1000 grains of the rice plant varieties IR 42. Seeds age 7 day and fertilizer 50 kg Urea, 25 kg SP-36, 25 kg give grownth KCl better with the production of dried grain 2.388,50 kilogram/plot. Against interaction bedween treatment age seed and fertilizer N, P, K treatment and production Seeds age 7 day and fertilizer 50 kg Urea, 25 kg SP-36, 25 kg give grownth KCl most excellent

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Block System terhadap Prestasi Belajar Proses Industri Kimia Siswa Kelas XI Smti Pontianak

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    : This research aims to determine differences of learning achievement of CIP subject between students who are given block system learning with students who are given daily system learning and determine how much influence of block system learning to learning achievement of CIP subject student of eleventh grade of SMTI Pontianak. The research method that used is quantitative method. This type of research is Quasy Experimental Design. This research samples are 68 students that consist of 35 students as an experimental class and 33 students as control class, with sampling use cluster random sampling. Data analysis technique that used is Independent Sample T-Test. The results of data analysis show that there are differences of learning achievement of CIP subject between students who are given block system learning with students who are given daily system learning and the big influence of application of block system learning on improvement of learning achievement is 28.23%

    Analisis Kredibilitas Endorser, Kreativitas Iklan terhadap Efektivitas Iklan AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak Versi Tukang Ojek dan Brand Awareness AXIS di Pekanbaru

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    This research is conducted to analyze comprehensive influences between Endorser Credibility and Advertising Creativity as exogenous constructs towards Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” and Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru as endogenous construcs. There are four latent variables in this research such as Endorser Credibility (X1), Advertising Creativity (X2), Advertising Effectiveness (Y1) and Brand Awareness (Y2). There are 237 respondents in this study which are chosen by quota-area sampling from all Pekanbaru citizens as total population and data are taken by giving them structural questionaires. Meanwhile, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method are chosen for data analysis by AMOS version 21. The result of this research shows that Advertising Creativity and Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” affect both positively and significantly towards Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru. On the context of affecting Brand Awareness, Advertising Creativity takes greater effect than its Effectiveness. Moreover, Advertising Creativity is also affecting Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” both positively and significantly. Meanwhile, Endorser Credibility is the only affecting variable to Advertising Creativity, but it doesn\u27t affect either Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” or Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru
