58 research outputs found

    A committee neural network for prediction of normalized oil content from well log data: An example from South Pars Gas Field, Persian Gulf

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    Normalized oil content (NOC) is an important geochemical factor for identifyingpotential pay zones in hydrocarbon source rocks. The present study proposes an optimaland improved model to make a quantitative and qualitative correlation between NOC andwell log responses by integration of neural network training algorithms and thecommittee machine concept. This committee machine with training algorithms (CMTA)combines Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), Bayesian regularization (BR), gradient descent(GD), one step secant (OSS), and resilient back-propagation (RP) algorithms. Each ofthese algorithms has a weight factor showing its contribution in overall prediction. Theoptimal combination of the weights is derived by a genetic algorithm. The method isillustrated using a case study. For this purpose, 231 data composed of well log data andmeasured NOC from three wells of South Pars Gas Field were clustered into 194modeling dataset and 37 testing samples for evaluating reliability of the models. Theresults of this study show that the CMTA provides more reliable and acceptable resultsthan each of the individual neural networks differing in training algorithms. Also CMTAcan accurately identify production pay zones (PPZs) from well logs

    Seismic velocity deviation log: An effective method for evaluating spatial distribution of reservoir pore types

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    Velocity deviation log (VDL) is a synthetic log used to determine pore types in reservoir rocks based on a combination of the sonic log with neutron-density logs. The current study proposes a two step approach to create a map of porosity and pore types by integrating the results of petrographic studies, well logs and seismic data. In the first step, velocity deviation log was created from the combination of the sonic log with the neutron-density log. The results allowed identifying negative, zero and positive deviations based on the created synthetic velocity log. Negative velocity deviations (below − 500 m/s) indicate connected or interconnected pores and fractures, while positive deviations (above + 500 m/s) are related to isolated pores. Zero deviations in the range of [− 500 m/s, + 500 m/s] are in good agreement with intercrystalline and microporosities. The results of petrographic studies were used to validate the main pore type derived from velocity deviation log. In the next step, velocity deviation log was estimated from seismic data by using a probabilistic neural network model. For this purpose, the inverted acoustic impedance along with the amplitude based seismic attributes were formulated to VDL. The methodology is illustrated by performing a case study from the Hendijan oilfield, northwestern Persian Gulf. The results of this study show that integration of petrographic, well logs and seismic attributes is an instrumental way for understanding the spatial distribution of main reservoir pore types

    Appraisal of intra-reservoir barriers in the Permo-Triassic successions of the Central Persian Gulf, Offshore Iran

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    Owing to their tightness, intra reservoir barriers have the potential to prevent homogenization of reservoir fluids and so cause compartmentalization. Identification of these barriers is an important step during reservoir evaluation. In order to achieve this, three main approaches: i) detailed petrographic and core analysis, ii) petrophysical studies (flow unit concept) and iii) geochemical analysis (strontium residual salt analysis) were applied systematically in the Permo-Triassic carbonate reservoirs (Dalan and Kangan formations) of a supergiant gas reservoir located in the Central Persian Gulf. Integration of these approaches has led to a fullclarification of the intra reservoir barriers. Petrographic examinations revealed the potential stratigraphic barriers to fluids flow created by various depositional/ diagenetic characteristics. Petrophysical data such as poroperm values, pore throat size distribution and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis were used to differentiate the reservoir flow units from non-reservoir rock. According to different trends in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of residual salts, the existence of flow barriers was evaluated and proved. Finally, by integrating these approaches, three intra reservoir barriers were introduced in the studied reservoir interval. These intra reservoir barriers are depositional and diagenetic in nature and are located in stratal positions with sequence stratigraphic significance. The possibility of reservoir compartmentalization was evaluated in the studied wells, and then their existence was predicted at the adjacent fields. As shown in this study, integration of petrographic examinations with flow unit determination in a sequence stratigraphic framework has the potential for recognizing intra reservoir barriers and predicting compartmentalization of the studied Permo-Triassic reservoirs

    A Committee Machine with Intelligent Systems for Estimation of Total Organic Carbon Content from Petrophysical Data: an Example from Kangan and Dalan Reservoirs in South Pars Gas Field, Iran

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    Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content present in reservoir rocks is one of the important parameters which could be used for evaluation of residual production potential and geochemical characterization of hydrocarbon bearing units. In general, organic rich rocks are characterized by higher porosity, higher sonic transit time, lower density, higher gamma-ray, and higher resistivity than other rocks. Current study suggests an improved and optimal model for TOC estimation by integration of intelligent systems and the concept of committee machine with an example from Kangan and Dalan Formations, in South Pars Gas Field, Iran. This committee machine with intelligent systems (CMIS) combines the results of TOC predicted from intelligent systems including fuzzy logic (FL), neuro-fuzzy (NF), and neural network (NN), each of them has a weight factor showing its contribution in overall prediction. The optimal combination of weights is derived by a genetic algorithm (GA). This method is illustrated using a case study. One hundred twenty-four data points including petrophysical data and measured TOC from three wells of South Pars Gas Field were divided into eighty-seven training sets to build the CMIS model and thirty-seven testing sets to evaluate the reliability of the developed model. The results show that the CMIS performs better than any one of the individual intelligent systems acting alone for predicting TOC

    Petrophysical data prediction from seismic attributes using committee fuzzy inference system

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    This study presents an intelligent model based on fuzzy systems for making aquantitative formulation between seismic attributes and petrophysical data. The proposed methodology comprises two major steps. Firstly, the petrophysical data, including water saturation (Sw) and porosity, are predicted from seismic attributes using various Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS), including Sugeno (SFIS), Mamdani (MFIS) and Larsen (LFIS). Secondly, a Committee Fuzzy Inference System (CFIS) is constructed using a hybrid Genetic Algorithms-Pattern Search (GA-PS) technique. The inputs of the CFIS model are the output averages of theFIS petrophysical data. The methodology is illustrated using 3D seismic and petrophysical data of 11 wells of an Iranian offshore oil field in the Persian Gulf. The performance of the CFIS model is compared with a Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). The results show that the CFIS method performed better than neural network, the best individual fuzzy model and a simple averaging method

    A seismic-driven 3D model of rock mechanical facies: An example from the Asmari reservoir, SW Iran

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    Asmari Formation is one of the most prolific and important hydrocarbon reservoirs in Iran. This formation in the Cheshmeh-Khosh oilfield shows mixed carbonate-siliciclastic lithology and its elastic modulus changes are correlatable with facies changes. To address these changes, we investigated the relation between sedimentary environment (facies) and texture with various elastic moduli. The Young's modulus shows higher correlation with the facies changes. Data from three wells are analyzed and used for the construction of rock mechanical facies. Based on elastic properties, facies and texture changes as well as petrophysical characteristics seven rock mechanical facies (RMFs) are recognized in the studied formation. To predict RMFs at inter-well spaces more efficiently and capturing the lateral formation property variationsa 3D rock mechanical facies model is constructed based on seismic attributes. In this method, RMFs are correlatable between the studied wells and mappable by seismic attribute in the field scale. Finally, the distribution of RMFs and their related properties is investigated in the studied field

    Integrated approach for zonation of a mid-Cenomanian carbonate reservoir in a sequence stratigraphic framework

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    The mid-Cenomanian Mishrif Formation (Fm.) is considered as one of the most important rudist-bearing reservoir horizons in the Sirri Oil Fields of the Persian Gulf. Due to the general heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs, the use of an integrated approach is helpful for investigating porosity and permeability distribution along with recognizing controlling pore system factors in the reservoir. Thus, for the reservoir characterization of the Mishrif Fm., an integrated approach including facies analysis, diagenetic history and sequence stratigraphic analysis is considered. Detailed petrographic studies showed a total of eight microfacies and seven facies belts, related to inner ramp to the basin of a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Humid climatic condition and tectonic activity, associated with eustatic sea-level fluctuations during the mid-Cretaceous, led to meteoric diagenesis of the Mishrif carbonates during subaerial exposures (mid-Cenomanian and Cenomanian-Turonian disconformities). General diagenetic overprints and modifications include micritization, cementation, dissolution, compaction, dolomitization, pyritization and fracturing. Considering this reservoir in the sequence stratigraphic framework reveals that the reservoir zones development is basically related to the Cenomanian–Turonian sequence boundary, recognized in the three studied wells, and also to the mid-Cenomanian boundary, identified only in one well. In addition, pore system properties were inspected by differentiation of Hydraulic Flow Units (HFUs) within the reservoir. The identified flow units, based on their capability for fluid flow, can be classified into four main rock types with very high- (HFUD), high- (HFUC), medium- (HFUB) and low-quality (HFUA). Accordingly, this study shows that the main part of the Mishrif Reservoir is affected by diagenetic processes related to subaerial exposures, resulting in zones with higher storage capacity and fluid flow rates. So, the study of depositional and diagenetic characteristics of the Mishrif carbonates in the sequence stratigraphy framework is essential to unravel the reservoir heterogeneity, and to describe the reservoir zones and their distribution in the field and regional scale. In addition, observed changes in the thickness of hydrocarbon column are attributed to the different location of the studied wells on the anticline structures, which show a tilted oil-water contact with a slope to the North

    Integrated approach for zonation of a mid-Cenomanian carbonate reservoir in a sequence stratigraphic framework

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    The mid-Cenomanian Mishrif Formation (Fm.) is considered as one of the most important rudist-bearing reservoir horizons in the Sirri Oil Fields of the Persian Gulf. Due to the general heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs, the use of an integrated approach is helpful for investigating porosity and permeability distribution along with recognizing controlling pore system factors in the reservoir. Thus, for the reservoir characterization of the Mishrif Fm., an integrated approach including facies analysis, diagenetic history and sequence stratigraphic analysis is considered. Detailed petrographic studies showed a total of eight microfacies and seven facies belts, related to inner ramp to the basin of a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Humid climatic condition and tectonic activity, associated with eustatic sea-level fluctuations during the mid-Cretaceous, led to meteoric diagenesis of the Mishrif carbonates during subaerial exposures (mid-Cenomanian and Cenomanian-Turonian disconformities). General diagenetic overprints and modifications include micritization, cementation, dissolution, compaction, dolomitization, pyritization and fracturing. Considering this reservoir in the sequence stratigraphic framework reveals that the reservoir zones development is basically related to the Cenomanian-Turonian sequence boundary, recognized in the three studied wells, and also to the mid-Cenomanian boundary, identified only in one well. In addition, pore system properties were inspected by differentiation of Hydraulic Flow Units (HFUs) within the reservoir. The identified flow units, based on their capability for fluid flow, can be classified into four main rock types with very high- (HFUD), high- (HFUC), medium- (HFUB) and low-quality (HFUA). Accordingly, this study shows that the main part of the Mishrif Reservoir is affected by diagenetic processes related to subaerial exposures, resulting in zones with higher storage capacity and fluid flow rates. So, the study of depositional and diagenetic characteristics of the Mishrif carbonates in the sequence stratigraphy framework is essential to unravel the reservoir heterogeneity, and to describe the reservoir zones and their distribution in the field and regional scale. In addition, observed changes in the thickness of hydrocarbon column are attributed to the different location of the studied wells on the anticline structures, which show a tilted oil-water contact with a slope to the Nort

    Petrographical and geochemical evidences for paragenetic sequence interpretation of diagenesis in mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sediments: Mozduran Formation (Upper Jurassic), south of Agh-Darband, NE Iran

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    The Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation with a thickness of 420 m at the type locality is the most important gas-bearing reservoir in NE Iran. It is mainly composed of limestone, dolostone with shale and gypsum interbeds that grade into coarser siliciclastics in the easternmost part of the basin. Eight stratigraphic sections were studied in detail in south of the Agh-Darband area. These analyses suggest that four carbonate facies associations and three siliciclastic lithofacies were deposited in shallow marine to shoreline environments, respectively. Cementation, compaction, dissolution, micritization, neomorphism, hematitization, dolomitization and fracturing are diagenetic processes that affected these sediments.Stable isotope variations of δ18O and δ13C in carbonate rocks show two different trends. High depletion of δ18O and low variation of δ13C probably reflect increasing temperatures during burial diagenesis, while the higher depletion in carbon isotope values with low variations in oxygen isotopes are related to fresh water flushing during meteoric diagenesis. Negative values of carbon isotopes may have also resulted from organic matter alteration during penetration of meteoric water. Fe and Mn enrichment with depletion of δ18O also supports the contention that alteration associated with higher depletion in carbon isotope values with low variations in oxygen isotopes took place during meteoric diagenesis. The presence of bright luminescence indicates redox conditions during precipitation of calcite cement

    Geochemical investigations of Cenozoic cool-water carbonate sediments of South Australia : implications for diagenesis, paleoenvironment and paleoclimate / Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab.

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    Copies of authors previously published articles inserted.Bibliography: leaves 182-213.xxi, 213, [55] leaves, [23] leaves of plates : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 30 cm.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, 1998
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