5 research outputs found

    Employees' job satisfaction and its influence on willingness to work in teams.

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    This study examined the influence of employees’ satisfaction through achievement, recognition and nature of work towards their willingness to work in teams in order to reinforce the employees’ will towards working in teams. In this survey the relationship between the variables was tested among five major Malaysian organizations on the pathway of the theory of planned behavior. Herein, it was shown that the employees’ satisfaction towards their achievement, recognition received, and nature of work was positively related and motivational towards their willingness to work in teams. The study thus contributed to the process of organizing and human resource development in terms of willingness to work in teams

    Utility of Parental Mediation Model on Youth’s Problematic Online Gaming

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    The Parental Mediation Model PMM) was initially designed to regulate children’s attitudes towards the traditional media. In the present era, because of prevalent online media there is a need for similar regulative measures. Spending long hours on social media and playing online games increase the risks of exposure to the negative outcomes of online gaming. This paper initially applied the PMM developed by European Kids Online to (i) test the reliability and validity of this model and (ii) identify the effectiveness of this model in controlling problematic online gaming (POG). The data were collected from 592 participants comprising 296 parents and 296 students of four foreign universities, aged 16 to 22 years in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The study found that the modified model of the five-factor PMM (Technical mediation, Monitoring mediation, Restrictive mediation, Active Mediation of Internet Safety, and Active mediation of Internet Use) functions as a predictor for mitigating POG. The findings suggest the existence of a positive relation between ‘monitoring’ and ‘restrictive’ mediation strategies and exposure to POG while Active Mediation of Internet Safety and Active mediation of Internet use were insignificant predictors. Results showed a higher utility of ‘technical’ strategies by the parents led to less POG. The findings of this study do not support the literature suggesting active mediation is more effective for reducing youth’s risky behaviour. Instead, parents need to apply more technical mediations with their children and adolescents’ Internet use to minimize the negative effects of online gaming

    A model of online protection to reduce children's online risk exposure: empirical evidence from Asia

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    Children are surrounded by a variety of digital media and are exposed to potential risks that come with such easy accessibility. Learning how to be safe online is an important consideration for both children and their caregivers. The present study proposes an integrated model of online safety based on constructs from protection motivation theory and the health belief model, namely perceived severity of (and susceptibility to) risk, online self-efficacy, online privacy concern, and digital literacy. The study comprised a survey conducted among 420 schoolchildren aged 9–16 years. Using partial least squares-structural equation modelling, the results illustrated the presence of a negative effect of ‘perceived severity of online risk’ toward online risks, whereas the effect of ‘digital literacy’ was found to be positive. Children whose perception of online risks was more severe were less exposed to online risks if they had higher ‘online privacy concerns’ than the children with higher ‘digital literacy’ who are more exposed to online risk. Results of the study show that engaging in safe online behaviour requires children to have a high perception regarding severity of online risks as well as knowledge of online privacy concerns. Online risks and opportunities occur in parallel. Consequently, the factors that increase or decrease risk may also increase or decrease the benefits

    Relationship between employee perception of communicative teamwork and selected Herzberg's motivating factors in selected Malaysian organizations

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    This research was conducted to examine the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Communicative Teamwork within a selected number of Malaysian organizations. The study was based on Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory that explained the relationship between the factors such as Achievement, Recognition, Responsibility, Personal Growth and the Nature of Work with Communicative Teamwork. A survey was conducted on 357 respondents, representing the organizations in the Klang Valley area. A set of questionnaires were used as the instrument for data collection and the gathered data was analyzed through a Multiple Regression test of statistics by means of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study showed the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Communicative Teamwork. This will thus contribute to the process of organizing and other organizational and communication behaviors such as Communicative Teamwork. From the study, it was also found that the indicators of Job Satisfaction namely; Achievement, Recognition, Responsibility, Nature of Work and Personal Growth were positively related to Communicative Teamwork. Thus, suggesting that for a successful practice of Communicative Teamwork, it is essential for any organization to ensure that its members were able to have an understanding of Job Satisfaction in relation with this particular issue. This was shown in the study that the positive perspective of Achievement contributed to Communicative Teamwork. It was also shown that members who gained Recognition in the organization were also motivated in keeping up with practicing Communicative Teamwork. However, although understanding one’s a Responsibility shall contribute to better performance yet this variable did not contribute to Communicative Teamwork of the employees. Nature of Work or the openness and friendliness of the working environment have also shown a significant relationship with Communicative Teamwork, yet the relationship between Personal Growth and Communicative Teamwork was not considerable at all. The study has therefore contributed significantly to the understanding of Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

    Teachers‘ role in youth protection against cyber-bullying

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    Cybermobbing untergrĂ€bt das Wohlbefinden von SchĂŒlern, was durch ein systematisches digitales Kompetenztraining bewĂ€ltigt werden kann. Bislang konzentrieren sich die meisten Studien auf die Eltern als Hauptverantwortliche fĂŒr den Schutz vor Cybermobbing, trotz der EinschrĂ€nkungen, die Eltern in diesem Bereich haben. Die vorliegende Studie konzentriert sich auf Lehrer als eine potenziell wirksamere Gruppe von Betreuern gegen Cybermobbing. Nach Durchsicht der relevanten Literatur formulierte der Autor, um die digitalen Kompetenzen und die Bindung zwischen Lehrern und SchĂŒlern zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die ReaktionsfĂ€higkeit der Lehrer und die Selbstwirksamkeit der SchĂŒler zu erhöhen. Die Studie untersuchte die Möglichkeit des Aufbaus von Bindung zwischen SchĂŒlern und Lehrern basierend auf einer Integration von Bindungstheorie und Schutzmotivationstheorie. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie legen nahe, dass Lehrer ein großes Potenzial haben, ihre SchĂŒler vor Cybermobbing zu schĂŒtzen.Cyberbullying undermines the well-being of pupils which can be managed in the light of systematic digital competence training. So far, most studies focus on parents as the main care providers against cyberbullying, despite parents’ limitations in this field. The present study focuses on schoolteachers, as a more potential group of care providers against cyberbullying. After reviewing the related literature, the author formulated policies to enhance the digital competencies and attachment among teachers and pupils, while improving teachers’ response efficacy and pupils’ self-efficacy to prevent cyberbullying. This research investigated the possibility of attachment building between the pupils and schoolteachers based on an integration of Attachment Theory and Protection Motivation Theory. The results of this study suggest that teachers have a unique ground to protect their pupils against cyberbullying