496 research outputs found

    A review on the influence of drinking water quality towards human health

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    An adequate supply of safe drinking water is one of the major prerequisites for a healthy life. Inadequate of safe drinking water produce waterborne disease and a major cause of death in many parts of the world, particularly in children. Therefore, it must be treated properly before it can be used and consumed. This chapter provides the guidelines of important parameters for drinking water standard in order to ensure the safeness of drinking water. All the selected parameters were elaborated on the effect of high concentration if human consume the drinking water directly

    Performance modeling of e-procurement workflow using Generalised Stochastic Petri net (GSPN)

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    This paper proposes a Generalised Stochastic Petri net (GSPN) model representing a generic e-procurement workflow process. The model displays the dynamic behaviour of the system and shows the inter relationship of process activities. An analysis based on matrix equation approach enabled users to analyse the critical system's states, and thus justify the process performance. The results obtained allow users for better decision making in improving e-procurement workflow performance

    Applying Information System in Healthcare Organization: A Case Study in Small and Medium Sizes of Clinics.

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    Nowadays, people are rushing in chasing time in order to fulfill their daily work. This will make sure that every task that they do needs to be done quickly and correctly. We do realize that ICT can really assist people in real life and we simply know that Information System (IS) under ICT can be applicable in every single area of organization such as management, education, business, engineering, accountancy, researching and etc... Usually IS synonym to computer based information system which can implement for recording, storing and deleting the data from the users easily. Because of this point, focus of this research is to study on how information system can assist the organization like healthcare centre on specific to small and medium sizes of clinics carrying and managing their own data from manually to automatically with having ahigh usability, reliability, and security of the data itself. The study will differentiate the definition between small and medium sizes ofclinics itself and also trying to study further on how important and relevant to applied IS in this organization. The outcome of this study is to define and differentiate between small and medium size clinic function and services and as well as to build and develop a prototype based onthe information on the feedback from the users

    Foreign Workers And Migration In Malaysia: Legal Issues

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    Labour migration is a phenomenon that has been accepted by the local community and international levels. Movement of labour force from region to region and from country to country. International migration occurs when there is a movement by foreign workers that go across the borders of each country to another country. Many factors contribute to the phenomenon of migration between countries. The main attraction is a push factor. Economic situation of the country of origin and the lack of employment opportunities that has encouraged foreign workers to move out to other countries to get greater job opportunities. The rapid development of the country has led to the total labour force in great numbers. Indonesians, Bangladeshis, Philippines and workers from Southeast Asia and other southern countries migrate to Malaysia and worked in various economic sectors such as construction, manufacturing, agriculture, services and domestic. Positive results were of course the influx of foreign labour that has helped accelerate the pace of the national economy, especially in the industrial sector. Malaysia could not cope with the demand of labour needs. However, there were significant negative implications, especially in terms of social and labour repression. Given the large number of foreign workers, the crime rate was also found to have increased and often cause anxiety among local people. However, the government tried from time to time to reduce the number of foreign workers. This paper will discuss the issue on foreign workers' rights and migration in Malaysia and how the employer comply to them; the government efforts to manage the receiving and the returning of migrant labour via extensive policies, regulations and domestic laws and finally to investigate the latest planning by government in 11th Malaysia Plan in the effort to pursue the 2020 vision and to become a develop country in the near future

    Knowledge management and business performance of casual dining restaurants in Malaysia

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    This study examines the relationship between knowledge management and business performance in a restaurant industry. A theoretical model that is based on the resource-based view of the firm is developed and tested empirically. The model includes three main components of knowledge management which are knowledge actualization, knowledge dissemination and responsiveness to knowledge where the performance of the restaurant is measured based on profitability and also customer satisfaction from the perspective of managers. Survey data of 164 casual dining restaurants’ managers in the Klang Valley, Malaysia was used to test the relationship between the main constructs in the study.Analysis reveals that only responsiveness to knowledge has a positive relationship with business performance.These findings suggest that profitability and customer satisfaction of the casual dining restaurant in Malaysia depend on how well the restaurant responds to knowledge of its customers, competitors and market conditions

    Keberkesanan peta bulatan dan peta alir dalam meningkatkan penguasaan menulis karangan naratif murid-murid Cina

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai keberkesanan penggunaan peta bulatan dan peta alir dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kemahiran menulis karangan naratif dalam kalangan murid Cina di sebuah sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina. Kajian kuasi eksperimen ini dilakukan terhadap murid Cina tahun lima. Seramai 30 orang murid dijadikan sampel kajian bagi kumpulan eksperimen dan 30 orang murid dijadikan sampel bagi kumpulan kawalan. Melalui sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dalam kumpulan eksperimen diberikan rawatan menggunakan peta bulatan dan peta alir. Data yang diperoleh daripada pra dan pasca ujian. Data dianalisis menggunakan ujian-t dan ujian ANOVA. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap kemahiran menulis karangan naratif bagi sampel kumpulan eksperimen dalam pasca ujian dengan nilai t = nilai t = 2.114 dan sig = 0.039 (p<0.05). Dapatan kajian ini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan strategi peta bulatan dan peta alir dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu berjaya meningkatkan pencapaian menulis karangan naratif dalam kalangan murid Cina dari sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina

    Sustainable forest management and West Malaysian sawntimber supply analysis

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    This paper examines the dynamic effects of sustainable forest management (SFM) on the West Malaysian sawntimber supply. Both short-run and long-run effects on sawntimber supply are studied using a multivariate cointegration analysis. The proxy of SFM variable is permanent forest reserve. It is expected as an exogenous negative shock in the sawntimber supply. In general, given the fact that West Malaysian sawntimber supply is decreasing since 1990s, the results show that sawntimber supply is statistically influenced by SFM practices. Furthermore, reducing of harvested area of forest has significant effect on sawntimber supply decreases. While in the short-run, the results suggest that there are negative impacts of SFM practices on sawntimber supply at 10 percent significant level, in the long-run, the result is significant at 1 percent level. This may to some extent pull down the West Malaysian sawntimber supply together by bringing the forest harvests to sustainable level

    Financial and economic analyses of conventional and new technology harvesting systems

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    This paper examine the various committed new technology and improve logging activities ascribed in the 'Logfisher' Practice (LP) rather than Conventional Practice (CP). The result of cost analysis shows that the cost constitutes under LP is higher than under CP. Incremental average per ha total cost rose by 46.86% to RM13,576/ha. While the incremental average per m3 total cost increased by 57.41% to RM267.80/m3. Hence, CP was slightly more profitable and exceeds the Net Present Value (NPV) of LP. Similarly, the Benefit-Cost Ration (BCR) for CP is better than LP. On the other hand, the result of the economic analysis of 40-year period showed that the LP system (NPV = RM9302/ha) provided a higher level of overalls benefits and welfare to the society as a whole as opposed to CP (NPV = RM8497/ha)

    Determinants of deforestation in Peninsular Malaysia: an ARDL approach

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    The forested land in Malaysia is slowly giving way to agriculture especially oil palm and other forms of land use, creating a conflict between agriculture production and forest management. Land use for agriculture has changed over the years. While the land use for oil palm has been increasing steadily since the late 1980s, the relatively more drastic increment has been observed in the late 1990s. On the other hand, land use for other crops such as rubber and cocoa has been declining. This paper highlights the empirical evidence on tropical deforestation in Peninsular Malaysia. The economic factors and short-run and long-run effects of its determinants were examined in an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ADRL) approach. The results suggest that in the long run, there are no determinants that have significant impact on deforestation. Instead, the price of oil palm is significant at 10 percent level and has positive impact on forest area. In the short run, the results show that the weighted price of logs and the price of oil palm are negative and statistically significant at 10 and 1 percent level respectively. These results indicate that the determinants of deforestation in the short run do exist. They lead to the decline of forest area which increases the rate of deforestation in the Peninsular Malaysia

    Contribution of Nitrogen to Growth of Maize in Legume-maize Rotation on Limed Ultisols

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    Liming of soils and the use of legume residues in a crop rotation are considered good approaches to reduce the constraints of high aluminium and low native nitrogen affecting annual food crop production in Ultisols. Using this approach the values of nitrogen contributed to maize in three groundnut (L)-maize (M) sequences (LMLM, MLLM and LLLM) in an intensive rotational cropping system were estimated. The estimates were made by subtracting the total N-uptake by maize in the zero N-fertilized monocropping from the total N-uptake by maize under the respective legume-maize rotation. The results showed that it is possible to sustain an increased yield of groundnut and maize on limed Ultisols. In the groundnut-maize cropping system, the average N contribution was after one, two and three successive groundnut crops was 19, 33, and 56 kg N ha-1. The latter estimate is about one-third of the newly recommended total N requirement of maize, 159 kg N ha-1