379 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of ‘science learning based on the socio-scientific issues with Islamic values (PSBIS-NI)’ on form four secondary school students’ attitudes towards the socio-scientific issues. PSBIS-NI is a learning method that focuses on the socio-scientific issues with the integration of Islamic values. A learning module was developed based on PSBIS-NI conceptual model as a reference for the intervention of PSBIS-NI. The Pre-experimental design: One Group Pre Test-Post Test Design was employed in this study. The effects of PSBIS-NI on the variable were measured in the pretest, posttest and extended posttest. The purposive sampling was used to select 31 form four Muslim students from the science classes to undergo the PSBIS-NI intervention. A Science teacher and an Islamic Education teacher were involved collaboratively as facilitators during the intervention. Attitudes towards Socioscientific Issues Scale was administered to the students. Hypotheses were tested for statistical inference by using ANOVA repeated measures. Findings of the study indicate that PSBIS-NI has positive effects on the learners’ attitudes toward socio-scientific issues. This study contributes to science education in providing content and methods for implementation of PSBIS-NI through the development of PSBIS-NI Integrated Module. One of the suggestions for future research is to implement PSBIS-NI with a focus on specific skills such as argumentative and decision-making skills. Keywords: Attitude, Islamic values, Malaysia, socioscientific issues, Science learningCite as: Abd. Rahim, R. & Samsudin, M.A. (2017). Kesan pembelajaran Sains berasaskan isu sosiosaintifik dengan nilai Islam ke atas sikap pelajar terhadap isu sosiosaintifik [The effects of Science learning based on the socio-scientific issues with Islamic values on learners’ attitudes towards the socio-scientific issues]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 231-250.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp231-250 AbstrakKajian ini bertujuan mengkaji kesan pembelajaran sains berasaskan isu sosiosaintifik dengan nilai Islam (PSBIS-NI) ke atas sikap pelajar sekolah menengah tingkatan empat terhadap isu sosiosaintifik. Dalam kajian ini, sebuah modul pembelajaran dibina berasaskan Model Konseptual PSBIS-NI sebagai rujukan untuk intervensi PSBIS-NI. Reka bentuk Pra-eksperimen: Ujian Pra-Ujian Pos Satu Kumpulan digunakan dalam kajian ini. Kesan PSBIS-NI ke atas variabel sikap terhadap isu sosiosaintifik diukur dalam ujian pra, ujian pos dan ujian pos lanjutan. Kaedah pensampelan bertujuan digunakan bagi memilih 31 orang pelajar tingkatan empat aliran sains dan beragama Islam untuk menjalani intervensi PSBIS-NI. Seorang guru mata pelajaran Sains dan seorang guru Pendidikan Islam terlibat secara kolaboratif sebagai fasilitator semasa pelaksanaan intervensi. Soal Selidik Sikap Terhadap Isu Sosiosaintifik digunakan untuk mengukur sikap pelajar terhadap isu sosiosaintifik. Data diproses dan dianalisis berbantukan pakej statistik SPSS versi 19. Hipotesis kajian diuji secara statistik inferensi menggunakan Ujian Anova dengan Pengukuran Berulang. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa PSBIS-NI memberi kesan positif ke atas sikap pelajar terhadap isu sosiosaintifik. Kajian ini memberi sumbangan kepada pendidikan sains dalam menyediakan isi kandungan dan kaedah pelaksanaan PSBIS-NI melalui pembangunan Modul Bersepadu PSBIS-NI. Antara cadangan untuk kajian lanjutan adalah melaksanakan intervensi PSBIS-NI dengan menumpukan kepada kemahiran tertentu seperti kemahiran berhujah dan kemahiran membuat keputusan. Kata Kunci: Isu sosio-saintifik, Malaysia, nilai Islam, sikap, pembelajaran Sain

    Transformasi pengajian tinggi aliran Islam sebagai asas pembangunan modal insan: pengalaman APIUM

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    Artikel ini akan memfokuskan kajian terhadap transformasi pengajian tinggi aliran Islam yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya (APIUM). Sorotan telah dilakukan terhadap pengalaman APIUM yang telah menjadi salah satu dari pusat pembangunan modal Insan Negara. Kajian ini bertujuan melihat sejauh masa usaha APIUM dalam mentransformasikan pengajian tinggi aliran Islam bagi menjana pembangunan modal insan di Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif, kajian dilaksanakan melalui dua metode utama iaitu metode dokumentasi dan juga metode persejarahan. Kajian mendapati APIUM merupakan sebuah fakulti pengajian lengkap dengan matlamat melahirkan ulama, cendekiawan dan teknokrat Muslim yang cekap. Diharapkan modal insan yang telah dan bakal dilahirkan oleh institusi ini dapat memikul amanah dan tanggungjawab yang diberikan. APIUM juga mempunyai pelan strategik yang jelas bagi mencapai visi dan misi yang digariskan

    Fluid flow and heat transfer over corrugated backward facing step channe

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    The convective heat transfer and flow field characteristics through a backward-facing step (BFS) channel combined with a corrugated wall is investigated numerically and experimentally. Uniform heat flux is applied on 200 mm of the downstream wall, while the rest of the walls are considered isolated surfaces. The range of Reynolds number (Re) of the flow was between 5000 and 20,000. The governing equations were solved using the RNG turbulent model. The effects of wavelength and amplitude height of the corrugated wall on the friction factor and Nusselt number are studied. The results indicated that the fluid flow in the BFS channel combined with the corrugated wall significantly enhanced the heat transfer with increased friction. The average increase in the heat transfer rate and friction factor in the experiment is 40.7% and 46.2% respectively. The simulation results are comparable to the experimental ones. According to the simulations, the channel with an amplitude height of 4 mm and a wavelength of 20 mm has the highest heat transfer enhancement, reaching a performance evaluation criterion factor of 1.33 at 5000 Re

    Numerical study on the turbulent mixed convective heat transfer over 2D microscale backward-facing step

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    The current numerical study investigated over two-dimensional (2D) flat microscale backward-facing step (MBFS). The boundary conditions and the controls fixed by the finite volume method (FVM) and RNG k-ε model. The upstream and the step of the wall considered adiabatic, while the downstream of the wall heated by constant heat flux. The straightforward wall of the channel fixed at a constant temperature that is higher than the fluid inlet temperature. The Reynolds number (Re) range of 5,000 ≤ Re ≤ 15,000 was used in the study. The results show that the increase in the Re will resulted in increased of Nusselt number (Nu). The study also found that the highest Nu was produced from the ethylene glycol case. The current study also found that the recirculating range at steps is more significant than using water under the same Re by using ethylene glycol

    Tinjauan awal potensi ketidakstabilan cerun dan cirian fiziko-kimia tanah di Cameron Highlands, Pahang : Preliminary survey on potential slope instability and soil physico-chemical characteristic in Cameron Highlands, Pahang

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    Geologically Cameron Highlands was formed by a granite batholith intruding into the older sedimentary rocks. Intrusion of this acidic igneous rock formed metasedimentary rocks and other metamorphic rocks as roof pendants. The schist had been highly weathered, coloured bright grey to dark grey having fine to medium size grains with an obvious foliation. Meanwhile the granitic rock is composed of quartz, feldspar and biotite and/or tourmaline grains. Most of the road slopes cut across the granite body and slope instability survey was carried out based on type of failure, geometry and physico-chemical properties of soil slopes. Field observations showed that most of the failed slopes were soil slopes, and the slip that occurred were either shallow slip or deep slide types. Among the factors that influenced slope instability were slope geometry such as slope height and steep slope gradient, friable features of the weathering profile and the lack of surface vegetation cover. This rendered the slope surface exposed to the direct raindrop impact. Surface water run-off has also caused the development of erosion gullies on soil slope surface. Physico-chemical properties of slope material such as particle size distribution, pH, organic matter content, iron oxide content, water content, true and bulk density, and porosity were also influential in slope stability of the slopes investigated. Low soil pH (acidic) of all the slopes examined decreased iron oxide content of soil which acted as a cementing agent to soil aggregates. This has caused the soil aggregate to become weaker and easier eroded

    Environmental Knowledge and Attitude of Coastal Community in Decision Making to Participate in Mangrove Rehabilitation in Sinjai District South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Adversity in the past has provided lessons, information, and understanding of coastal communities about the importance of adequately conserving and managing mangrove forests and encouraged their attitude towards mangrove rehabilitation. The study aims are to analyse the influence of knowledge and attitude of coastal communities on the decision to participate in mangrove rehabilitation in Tongke-Tongke village, Sinjai district, South Sulawesi. A household survey was conducted in August 2019. Structured questionnaires were administered to 150 respondents who were selected through random sampling. The socioeconomic demographic characteristics of households were described using qualitative descriptive statistics, and a multiple regression equation examined the decision to participate with a logit model estimation. The majority of the coastal communities have a low-level education and rely on fishing and shrimp farming as their primary source of income. Knowledge and attitude play a critical role in determining their understanding and behaviour concerning mangrove rehabilitation, with positive and significant effects

    Improved lovastatin production by inhibiting (+)-geodin biosynthesis in aspergillus terreus

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    Lovastatin is widely prescribed to reduce elevated levels of cholesterol and prevent heart-related diseases. Cultivation of Aspergillus terreus (ATCC 20542) with carbohydrates or low-value feedstocks such as glycerol produces lovastatin as a secondary metabolite and (+)-geodin as a by-product. An A. terreus mutant strain was developed (gedCΔ) with a disrupted (+)-geodin biosynthesis pathway. The gedCΔ mutant was created by inserting the antibiotic marker hygromycin B (hyg) within the gedC gene that encodes emodin anthrone polyketide synthase (PKS), a primary gene responsible for initiating (+)-geodin biosynthesis. The effects of emodin anthrone PKS gene disruption on (+)-geodin and lovastatin biosynthesis and the production of the precursors acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA were investigated with cultures based on glycerol alone and in combination with lactose. The gedCΔ strain showed improved lovastatin production, particularly when cultivated on the glycerol-lactose mixture, increasing lovastatin production by 80% (113 mg/L) while simultaneously inhibiting (+)-geodin biosynthesis compared to the wild-type strain. This study thus shows that suppression of the (+)-geodin pathway increases lovastatin yield and demonstrates a practical approach of manipulating carbon flux by modulating enzyme activity

    Pretreatment strategies to improve crude glycerol utilisation and metabolite production by Aspergillus terreus

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    Crude glycerol (CG) can be used as a substrate for microbial bioconversion. However, due to presence of many impurities, manymicroorganisms are unable to utilise this substrate efficiently. +e present study is trying to improve CG using as the feedstock ofAspergillusterreusfor the production of lovastatin, (+)-geodin, and sulochrin. +e CG was pretreated chemically (solvents) andphysically (activated carbon (AC) and water softener (WS)) to separate most of the impurities from the CG. For solventpretreatments, petroleum ether (PE) produced the largest increase of lovastatin (92.8%) when compared to positive control andpure glycerol (PG) and up to 820% when compared to negative control (CG). In contrast, diethyl ether (DE) produced the largestincrease in (+)-geodin at 80.81% (versus CG) and 176.23% (versus PG). +e largest increase in toluene (Tol) was observed insulochrin production, at 67.22% (versus CG) and 183.85% (versus PG). For physical pretreatments, the pattern of metaboliteproduction in AC (lovastatin: 20.65 mg/L, (+)-geodin: 7.42 mg/L, sulochrin: 11.74 mg/L) resembled PG (lovastatin: 21.8 mg/L,(+)-geodin: 8.60 mg/L, sulochrin: 8.18 mg/L), while WS (lovastatin: 11.25 mg/L, (+)-geodin: 15.38 mg/L, sulochrin: 16.85 mg/L)resembled CG (lovastatin: 7.1 mg/L, (+)-geodin:17.10 mg/L, sulochrin:14.78 mg/L) at day 6 of fermentation. +ese results indicatethat solvent pretreatments on CG are excellent for metabolites production inA. terreus, depending on the solvents used. Incontrast, physical pretreatments are only feasible for (+)-geodin and sulochrin production. +erefore, different strategies can beemployed to manipulate theA. terreusbioconversion using improved CG by using a few simple pretreatment strategies

    Structural and contact analysis of disc brake assembly during single stop braking event

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    The aim of this paper is to examine stress concentration, structural deformation and contact pressure of brake disc and pads during single braking stop event by employing commercial finite element software, ANSYS. The paper also highlights the effects of using a fixed caliper, different friction coefficients and different speeds of the disc on the stress concentration, structural deformation and contact pressure of brake disc and pads, respectively. Results from the investigation could provide a better explanation of the variation in contact pressure distribution and in turn squeal generation. Thus, this study provides effective reference for design and engineering application of brake disc and brake pad

    Switched Beam Smart Antenna for Wireless Local Area Network

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    In wireless communication system, interference is one of the issue facing that can disturb in communicating between base station and mobile devices. This paper propose switched beam smart antenna system, an octagonal configuration of directional antenna is introduced and selecting beam to desire user. Each beam of antenna covered 45 degrees; by assembly of all directional antennas to create an omni-directional configuration with coverage all the beam 360 degrees. To control of the beam switching, an inexpensive microcontroller PIC 16F877 from microchip used, radio signal strength of mobile device receive as reference signal and compare to each of beam, the highest signal received is selected than microcontroller will lock to the desire beam. A few samples of received signal strength to be analysis by an algorithm to avoid multiple signals and select actual signal strength received. In this experiment 2.45 GHz ISM band used for the transmitter and receiver and testing have been conducted in outdoor environment. Results shows that switched beam smart antenna working fine base on mobile device location and able to switch the beam while mobile device is moving