10 research outputs found


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    Development as a process of life change should involve communities as intergral elements. People should not only be regarded as objects of development. The paradigm of the bottom up planning expects people to act as both the subject and object of development. In the context of the development of rural tourism, the planning process should involve the local communities from the beginning. Dieng Plateau as a tourist site has a diversity of attractions, and tourist-oriented villages are designed by local communities to complement the tourist attractions in Dieng. This Study focuses on the participation of the communities in western Dieng in developing tourist villages in their area.Various stages of the planning are completed collectively and then put into action together. By applying action research methods, this study has the following results: (1) the identi cation of problems in the development of rural tourism, (2) the mapping of the potential of rural tourism, and (3) the identi cation of potential inter-agency networking to support sustainable rural tourism in western Dieng

    Penguatan SDM dalam e-Marketing untuk Promosi Desa Wisata di Kabupaten Malang

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    Abstrak Kabupaten Malang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia yang sangat fokus terhadap pengembangan sektor wisata melalui konsep desa wsiata. Beberapa desa wisata tersebut telah cukup dikenal baik secara nasional maupun internasional. Namun demikian, masih terdapat desa-desa wisata lainnya yang belum banyak dikunjungi wistawan yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya promosi yang dilakukan oleh Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) pengelola desa wisata setempat. Keterbatasan kompetensi SDM menjadi salah satu penyebab minimnya usaha promosi yang dilakukan. Di sisi lain, perkembangan teknologi menuju era digital seharusnya semakin memudahkan upaya pemasaran atau promosi wisata karena kemudahan akses dan jangkauan yang luas melalui media online digital (e-marketing). Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kendala yang dihadapi oleh SDM desa wisata di Kabupaten Malang dalam upaya promosi atau pemasaran khususnya dengan menggunakan e-marketing. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskripstif kualitatif untuk memaparkan keadaan SDM dan promosi di desa-desa wisata Kabupaten Malang secara faktual. Data dianalisis secara langsung dengan langkah reduction, data serving, dan verification. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa SDM desa wisata Kabupaten Malang memiliki kendala dalam melalukan kegiatan promosi atau pemasaran secara e-marketing. Berlandaskan kesimpulan tersebut, penelitian ini berimplikasi praktis bagi Disparbud Kabupaten Malang khususnya, sebagai salah satu acuan penyusunan langkah-langkah penguatan SDM dalam e-marketing agar upaya promosi melalui media online digital dapat dimaksimalkan. Dengan demikian, diharapkan kunjungan wisata akan meningkat sebagai dampak dari meningkatnya kompetensi SDM dalam melakukan upaya promosi atau pemasaran online. AbstractMalang Regency is one of the districts in Indonesia which is very focused on developing the tourism sector through the concept of a wsiata village. Some of these tourist villages are well known both nationally and internationally. However, there are still other tourist villages that have not been visited by many tourists due to the lack of promotion carried out by the local tourism village management human resources. Limited competency of Human Resources (HR) is one of the causes of the lack of promotional efforts undertaken. On the other hand, technological developments towards the digital era should make tourism marketing or promotion efforts easier because of the ease of access and wide reach through digital online media (e-marketing). Based on these conditions, this study aims to identify the obstacles faced by human resources in tourism villages in Malang Regency in promotion or marketing efforts, especially by using e-marketing. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach to explain the condition of human resources and promotion in tourist villages in Malang Regency factually. Data were analyzed directly with reduction, data serving, and verification steps. This study concludes that the human resources of the tourist village of Malang Regency have obstacles in carrying out promotional or marketing activities by e-marketing. Based on these conclusions, this research has practical implications for Disparbud Malang Regency in particular, as a reference for preparing steps to strengthen human resources in e-marketing so that promotional efforts through digital online media can be maximized. Thus, it is hoped that tourist visits will increase as a result of the increased competence of human resources in conducting online promotion or marketing efforts

    Ekonomi Kreatif sebagai Poros Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kecamatan Kledung dan Bansari, Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya potensi wisata dan ekonomi kreatif di Kledung dan Bansari, Temanggung yang beragam. Namun sayangnya pengelolaan yang dilakukan sejauh ini terkesan apa adanya tanpa konsep, arah, dan strategi yang jelas. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensinergikan pengelolaan berbagai potensi wisata dan ekonomi kreatif tersebut supaya lebih dapat memberikan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini didekati secara deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, survey, observasi, dan FGD. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara rasional berdasarkan pola logika berfikir terntentu. Setelah itu data dikaitkan dengan gambaran perkembangan ekonomi kreatif sebagai penggerak pariwisata di lokasi tersebut. Pada akhirnya, hasil analisis akan diformulasikan untuk menarik kesimpulan terkait strategi pengembangan pariwisata berdasarkan ekonomi kreatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah; 1) kopi Kledung dan keseinan Bansari adalah klaster ekonomi kreatif dengan pengelolaan yang cukup baik di antara klaster lain; 2) orientasi pengembangan pariwisata didasarkan pada penguatan sektor ekonomi kreatif sebagai titik tumpunya; 3) rendahnya kompetensi SDM menjadi fokus utama dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis ekonomi kreatif. Akhir penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pegelolaan pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif belum tersinergikan dengan optimal. Keadaan tersebut kemudian membawa implikasi terhadap formulasi konsep, arah dan strategi yang secara faktual tertuang dalam dokumen visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran pengembangan pariwisata berbasis ekonomi kreatif. Dokumen tersebut akan menjadi dasar para stakeholder terkait dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis ekonomi kreatif agar fokus dan terarah sehingga akan mendekatkan pada kesejahteraan. AbstractThis research was motivated by the various tourism potential and creative economy in Kledung and Bansari, Temanggung. But unfortunately the management that has been carried out so far has been impressed without a clear concept, direction and strategy. Therefore, this study aims to synergize the management of various tourism potentials and the creative economy so that it can provide more welfare for the surrounding community. This research is approached descriptively qualitatively. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, surveys, observations, and FGD. The data obtained were then analyzed rationally based on certain logical patterns of thinking. After that the data is linked to the description of the development of the creative economy as a driver of tourism in that location. In the end, the results of the analysis will be formulated to draw conclusions regarding the tourism development strategy based on the creative economy. The results of this study are; 1) Kledung coffee and Kledung Bansari coffee are creative economy clusters with fairly good management among other clusters; 2) tourism development orientation is based on strengthening the creative economy sector as its fulcrum; 3) the low competency of human resources is the main focus in developing tourism based on the creative economy. The end of this study concludes that the management of tourism and the creative economy has not been optimally synergized. This situation then has implications for the formulation of concepts, directions and strategies which are factually contained in the document of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of tourism development based on creative economy. This document will be the basis for relevant stakeholders in developing tourism-based creative economy so that it is focused and directed so that it will draw closer to welfare

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kawasan Cagar Budaya

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    Abstrak Keberadaan cagar budaya di suatu daerah perlu melibatkan masyarakat setempat dalam pemanfaatannya. Masyarakat di sekitar cagar budaya ditempatkan sebagai subjek dan menjadi bagian dari kegiatan konservasi dan pemanfaatan. Mandat UU No. Warisan Budaya 11/2010, juga menempatkan masyarakat sebagai agen penting pelestarian, keamanan, perlindungan dan pemeliharaan pelestarian budaya. Artikel ini mengulas potensi dengan berfokus pada pengembangan program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Studi lokus di desa Seloharjo, Kecamatan Pundong, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Desa ini memiliki warisan budaya berupa Goa Jepang, Goa Surocolo, dan Sendang (musim semi) yang juga bernama Sendang Surocolo. Melalui pendekatan partisipatif, penambangan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi bersama yang melibatkan tokoh masyarakat untuk membahas peluang untuk kebutuhan dan program pemberdayaan. Pusat Studi Pariwisata UGM, Pusat Pelestarian Warisan Budaya DIY (BPCB), dan masyarakat setempat melakukan proses ini bersama. Hasilnya, berhasil memetakan potensi, berhasil merumuskan program bagi masyarakat sekitar untuk dapat memperoleh manfaat dari keberadaan pelestarian budaya. Keberadaan gua Jepang, mata air Surocolo dan didukung oleh pemandangan yang mengarah ke pantai Selatan dapat menarik wisatawan. Ekonomi "baru" dalam bentuk pariwisata telah dibentuk dan dijalankan oleh Kelompok Kesadaran Pariwisata setempat. Program pemberdayaan yang dihasilkan melibatkan multi pemangku kepentingan, dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang pariwisata, ekonomi kreatif, seni budaya dan pengembangan kapasitas di bidang kewirausahaan. Abstract The existence of cultural heritage in an area needs to involve the local community in its utilization. Communities around cultural reserves are placed as subjects and become part of conservation and utilization activities. Mandate of Law No. Cultural Heritage 11/2010, also places the community as an important agent of preservation, security, protection and maintenance of cultural preservation. This article reviews potential by focusing on the development of community empowerment programs. Locus study in Seloharjo village, Pundong sub-district, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This village has cultural heritage in the form of Goa Japan, Goa Surocolo, and Sendang (spring) which is also named Sendang Surocolo. Through a participatory approach, data mining is carried out by observation, in-depth interviews and collated discussions involving community leaders to discuss opportunities for needs and empowerment programs. Centre for Tourism Studies UGM, DIY Cultural Heritage Conservation Center (BPCB), and the local community carried out this process together. The result, succeeded in mapping potential, succeeded in formulating a program for the surrounding community to be able to benefit from the existence of cultural preservation. The existence of Japanese caves, Surocolo spring and supported by landscapes leading to the South coast can attract tourists. A "new" economy in the form of tourism has been formed and run by the local Tourism Awareness Group. The empowerment program produced involves multi stakeholders, in community empowerment in the fields of tourism, creative economy, cultural arts and capacity building in the field of entrepreneurship

    PENGEMBANGAN KAWASAN PEDESAAN SEBAGAI OBJEK WISATA : Perencanaan Model Kelembagaan, Pasar dan Paket Pariwisata Pedesaan Sekitar Gunung Merapi Yogyakarta

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    Berbagai aktivitas wisata yang tengah berkembang saat ini dilakukan dengan semangat kembali ke alam (back to nature). Salah satunya lewat pariwisata pedesaan. Beberapa desa di lereng selatan Gunung Merapi Kabupaten Sleman DI Yogyakarta telah menjadi pilihan untuk berwisata. Sejalan dengan paradigma pariwisata ke depan yang mendorong penghargaan kepada aspek lingkungan dan sosiokultural, pengembangan desasebagai objek wisata patut. dikedepankan. Tiga tujuan yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini yakn

    PENGELOLAAN DAN PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN BERBASIS KOMUNITAS (Studi Kasus Desa Wisata Sidoakur, Jethak II, Sidokarto, Godean, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    It is certain that every activity human does in a certain community has effect toward to environment. There is always such a interaction between human and their environment. As a matter of fact, tourism exactly has its close interaction with the environment. Based on promoting the tourism objects in a certain area, as a result tourism tends to create such environment damages, due to the tourists who visit those areas. It is hoped that environment conservation could be arouse and implemented through the awareness of the human themselves according to the ecotourism principalities in order to conserve the environment that would be free from any kinds of pollution. This study was conducted in Sidoakur Tourism Village Jethak II Sidoakarto Godean Sleman DIY, a tourism village which has environment and culture bases policy. The aims of this strudy followed : (1) to find out certain nfactors that have been done by the villagers of Sidoakur Tourism Village Jethak II Sidokarto Godean Sleman DIY in doing some efforts to conserve their environment, (2) to find out such strategies in environment conservation which have been implemented there, and (3) to find out the benefits that could be taken as a result from the environments conservation strategies. The descriptive study was used to describe and analyze the phenomenon and the situation in the object of study and also o provide the facts based on the theoretical framework in order to get clearer comprehension in making the conclusion


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    Indonesia has a lot of potential and natural resources that can be developed to support the creation of prosperity. Tourism has now become one of the rapidly growing industry. In tourism development to spread into rural tourism development. Tamanagung can be classified as rural maketh potential for rural tourism with the main characteristic craft of carving stone. With the state of the village has a variety of potential, few actors like governments, local communities and non-governmental organizations have begun to plan the development of Tamanagung village�s tourism potentials. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of the village that could be developed and could be offered as a package to the Village Tamanagung. SWOT analysis techniques are used to help maximize planning to find advantages and disadvantages of Tejowarno and Sidoharjo Hamlet. Rural development can cover flaws and look for a better solution. From the SWOT analysis will get an idea how to use force to take advantage of the opportunities that exist for Tamanagung village in terms of physical and environmental carrying capacity

    Resilience of families with the elderly amid the COVID-19 pandemic: lesson learned from two tourism villages in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic is affecting family members of all age groups in tourism villages in the Yogyakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta – DI Yogyakarta), Indonesia, due to the interruption of tourism activities. This study used a qualitative approach to adapt the theoretical framework of the Family Resilience Model (FRM) by exploring and comprehending the mechanisms through which families with elderly members, navigated the challenges. The result showed that the elderly provided some services to tourists and donated assets during the pandemic to support the family economy. The socio-cultural values of society and respect for the role of the elderly also contributed to the survival of the families. Moreover, the study contributed to understanding the maintenance of family resilience during the pandemic. This could be a lesson to develop assistance programs for the community and the elderly in using their potential