461 research outputs found

    Approximation theory on SU(2)

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    Zonal measure algebras on isotropy irreducible homogeneous spaces

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    AbstractThis paper analyzes the convolution algebra M(K\GK) of zonal measures on a Lie group G, with compact subgroup K, primarily for the case when M(K\GK) is commutative and GK is isotropy irreducible. A basic result for such (G, K) is that the convolution of dim GK continuous (on GK) zonal measures is absolutely continuous. Using this, the spectrum (maximal ideal space) of M(K\GK) is determined and shown to be in 1-1 correspondence with the bounded Borel spherical functions. Also, certain asymptotic results for the continuous spherical functions are derived. For the special case when G is compact, all the idempotents in M(K\GK) are determined

    The Waiver of Immunity in the Equal Access to Justice Act: Clarifying Opaque Language

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    This Comment first summarizes the relevant statutes and key judicial opinions in the section 2412(b) controversy. It then analyzes the disputed text, the impact of alternative textual interpretations on the EAJA as a whole, congressional intent as revealed by the Act\u27s legislative history, and the potential limitations created by the doctrine of sovereign immunity. This Comment argues that the text of the Act creates a presumption that section 2412(b) imposes liability for attorneys\u27 fees on the United States when the government commits an act which would impose such liability on another party. None of the other factors analyzed rebut the presumption; rather, they tend to support it. This Comment concludes that the minority solution to the section 2412(b) puzzle is correct but lacks a rationale applicable across the circuits and the broad range of federal fee-shifting provisions. It therefore offers guidelines for insuring that future interpretations of the waiver provision in relation to other federal fee-shifting statutes neither constrict nor expand the intended scope of section 2412(b)

    The Swedish Institute's scholarship policy as a soft power instrument

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    This paper examines how soft power, nation branding and academic cooperation came together in the scholarship policy pursued by the Swedish Institute (SI) from 1995 to 2023. An investigation of the organisation's materials, scholarship statistics and feedback interviews with SI programme alumni suggests that the implementation of the scholarship policy was erratic during the study period. A comprehensive analysis of the Institute's efforts was carried out to describe the relationship between nation branding, soft power and education. The focus was on the principles and practices behind promoting Sweden's image in an international educational setting, the evolution of the Institute's scholarship policy and the effect of soft power and nation branding on a grantee's academic track. Interactions between the SI and grantees during and after their stay in the country and scholarship distribution were examined to understand the dynamics behind the scholarship policy. The study draws on the concepts of nation branding and soft power to explore the corresponding elements in certain regional and national cases during the study period. It is concluded that the Institute is an effective tool of Sweden's soft power, with its scholarship policy promoting the Government's official position on global social, economic and political development. SI grantees complete their chosen programmes and get acquainted with the country's social and political institutions. As of today, the educational component seems to be subordinate to nation branding and soft power

    A 'Secret alliance' or 'Freedom from any alliances'? NATO accession debate in Sweden and Finland, 1991-2016

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    The authors analyze the policy of NATO towards Sweden and Finland, the neutral states of Northern Europe, in 1991-2016. The authors emphasize that Finland and Sweden have always been of high strategic importance for NATO and the EU defence policy. The authors investigate the main areas of cooperation between NATO and the non-aligned countries of Northern Europe. The authors describe the prerequisites, prospects and possible consequences of Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the policy of neutrality of these countries before and after their accession to the European Union. The aim of this research is to assess the evolution of political views of Sweden and Finland on the development and implementation of the policy of neutrality in 1991-2016. To achieve this goal, the authors use a comparative analysis to explore the stance of the governments of Sweden and Finland on the cooperation with NATO or membership in it. The authors reflect on the concepts of "Finlandisation", "freedom from alliances", "neutrality" and "secret alliance", which are often used in academic descriptions of the evolution of the position of both countries towards NATO. The authors hold that Finland and Sweden may become NATO members only if there is a direct threat to their security. Russian politics in the region may provoke them to take such a step. A referendum on joining the bloc seems to be highly unlikely; even though after the Crimean events, the number of NATO supporters in the two countries increased, they remained a minority. The authors conclude that both countries are involved in a "creeping" integration with NATO after they have become actors of the EU defence strategy. There is a minimum probability of Sweden and Finland's becoming full members of the Alliance. However, the traditional policy of neutrality of both countries is often compromised, particularly towards Russia


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    The paper deals with issues of cooperation between Denmark and Russia in Arctic research and academic mobility projects, making an emphasis on scholarship and grant policy. Despite the fact, that international cooperation in research and education is one of the core priorities in both Arctic strategies, before the year 2022 it was functioning in specific conditions. Scholarship and grant policy appeared to be a «soft power» tool for Copenhagen due to research topics, concentration of project management in Danish hands and disproportions in student mobility scholarship programmes. Interaction between Russian and Danish researchers has not been a subject to special attention from Danish authorities and foundations. On the contrary, researchers from both countries interacted within investigating the issues of the Arctic region actively. Even international turbulence after 2014 did not affect it: both countries stated that the «Arctic vector» is to stay aside from any turbulence. Expanding the scholarship programmes for Russian researchers in order to support their mobility to Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands enforced this idea. So did formal prioritization of cooperation with Russian research and educational institutions in Arctic research in 2021 for grant support. Though turbulent situation in 2022 led to suspending the interaction, it is clear that there are formal and informal grounds to restore it upon normalization. That fact will require revisiting the previous cooperation experience and implementation of the best grant and scholarship practices by Russian relevant agencies

    Идея наднациональной идентичности в сочинении Й. фон Хормайра «Австрийский Плутарх»

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    This paper considers an attempt at forming imperial identity in Austria in the early nineteenth century by means of constructing historical memory. The re-interpretation of the past for the sake of promoting dynastic patriotism can be most clearly seen in Joseph Hormayr’s Österreichischer Plutarch, a work which was aimed at creating an “All-Austrian Pantheon” and contributed a lot to mobilising the peoples of the empire to fight against Napoleon.Цsterreichischer Plutarch and its role in forming the historical memory and supranational identity of the Habsburg Empire between 1804 and 1815 have not been studied closely in Russian historiography. The author of the paper attempts to analyse the concept of Austrian history as a multinational state provided in the work. Besides, he assesses the influence of the work on the political discourse of the Habsburg monarchy paying close attention to the formation of identity by means of historical memory, and the methods for multinational state image integration into historical context.The analysis helps establish that Hormayr’s narrative became a means of constructing the supranational identity in the Habsburg monarchy, and the basis for the formation of conservatism and romanticism in Austria. Österreichischer Plutarch became a turning point for common historical memory touching upon the identity of all peoples living in the Habsburg monarchy. The concept found its place in conservative propaganda and education in the Empire. The image of Austria as a “family of peoples” found in the work is presented as historically motivated, having its own logic and the purpose to counter external threats. These results retained the same meaning even after Hormayr changed his political views.В статье освещается одна из попыток формирования имперской идентичности в Австрии начала XIX в. путем конструирования исторической памяти. Реинтерпретация прошлого в интересах укрепления династического патриотизма наиболее ярко проявилась в «Австрийском Плутархе» Йозефа фон Хормайра. Сочинение, которое преследовало цель создать «Общеавстрийский Пантеон», внесло существенный вклад в мобилизацию народов империи для борьбы с Наполеоном.Данный труд Хормайра и его роль в формировании исторической памяти и наднациональной идентичности империи Габсбургов 1804–1815 гг. до сих пор не получили достаточного освещения в отечественной историографии. Обратившись к этому сочинению, автор статьи попытался проанализировать представленную в нем концепцию истории Австрии как многонационального государства. Кроме того, оценивается влияние этого труда на политический дискурс монархии Габсбургов данного периода. Особое внимание уделено проблеме формирования идентичности с опорой на историческую память, а также методам интеграции образа наднационального государства в исторический контекст.В результате исследования установлено, что нарратив Хормайра стал средством конструирования наднациональной идентичности в монархии Габсбургов и основой для складывания австрийского консерватизма и романтизма. «Австрийский Плутарх» Хормайра — важная веха в формировании общей исторической памяти для всех народов монархии Габсбургов. Его концепция нашла применение в консервативной пропаганде империи, образ которой как «семьи народов» был представлен исторически обусловленным и наиболее эффективным для противостояния внешним угрозам. Данный труд сохранил соответствующее значение и после того, как изменились взгляды самого Хормайра.

    Idea of the Supranational Identity in Österreichischer Plutarch by Joseph von Hormayr

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    Поступила в редакцию: 15.12.2019. Принята к печати: 23.06.2021.Submitted: 15.12.2019. Accepted: 23.06.2021.В статье освещается одна из попыток формирования имперской идентичности в Австрии начала XIX в. путем конструирования исторической памяти. Реинтерпретация прошлого в интересах укрепления династического патриотизма наиболее ярко проявилась в «Австрийском Плутархе» Йозефа фон Хормайра. Сочинение, которое преследовало цель создать «Общеавстрийский Пантеон», внесло существенный вклад в мобилизацию народов империи для борьбы с Наполеоном. Данный труд Хормайра и его роль в формировании исторической памяти и наднациональной идентичности империи Габсбургов 1804–1815 гг. до сих пор не получили достаточного освещения в отечественной историографии. Обратившись к этому сочинению, автор статьи попытался проанализировать представленную в нем концепцию истории Австрии как многонационального государства. Кроме того, оценивается влияние этого труда на политический дискурс монархии Габсбургов данного периода. Особое внимание уделено проблеме формирования идентичности с опорой на историческую память, а также методам интеграции образа наднационального государства в исторический контекст. В результате исследования установлено, что нарратив Хормайра стал средством конструирования наднациональной идентичности в монархии Габсбургов и основой для складывания австрийского консерватизма и романтизма. «Австрийский Плутарх» Хормайра — важная веха в формировании общей исторической памяти для всех народов монархии Габсбургов. Его концепция нашла применение в консервативной пропаганде империи, образ которой как «семьи народов» был представлен исторически обусловленным и наиболее эффективным для противостояния внешним угрозам. Данный труд сохранил соответствующее значение и после того, как изменились взгляды самого Хормайра.This paper considers an attempt at forming imperial identity in Austria in the early nineteenth century by means of constructing historical memory. The re-interpretation of the past for the sake of promoting dynastic patriotism can be most clearly seen in Joseph Hormayr’s Österreichischer Plutarch, a work which was aimed at creating an “All-Austrian Pantheon” and contributed a lot to mobilising the peoples of the empire to fight against Napoleon. Österreichischer Plutarch and its role in forming the historical memory and supranational identity of the Habsburg Empire between 1804 and 1815 have not been studied closely in Russian historiography. The author of the paper attempts to analyse the concept of Austrian history as a multinational state provided in the work. Besides, he assesses the influence of the work on the political discourse of the Habsburg monarchy paying close attention to the formation of identity by means of historical memory, and the methods for multinational state image integration into historical context. The analysis helps establish that Hormayr’s narrative became a means of constructing the supranational identity in the Habsburg monarchy, and the basis for the formation of conservatism and romanticism in Austria. Österreichischer Plutarch became a turning point for common historical memory touching upon the identity of all peoples living in the Habsburg monarchy. The concept found its place in conservative propaganda and education in the Empire. The image of Austria as a “family of peoples” found in the work is presented as historically motivated, having its own logic and the purpose to counter external threats. These results retained the same meaning even after Hormayr changed his political views