7 research outputs found

    Impacts of COVID-19 on Market Access and Pricing of Fisheries Value Chain in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh

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    The present study analyzes the market access of the biggest fish market at Chattogram coastal region of Bangladesh affected by COVID-19. The food chain was reduced locally, regionally, and globally as supply chains were disturbed and international seafood exports were halted for a certain period. For data collection several qualitative data collection tools, such as individual interviews as well as secondary document analysis were employed. To realize the overarching aim of this research the whole market system was analyzed including the supplier, wholesaler, retailer, as well as the consumer of the domestic market in the Chattogram district. The result shows that the pandemic slowed the supply and demand in the domestic fish market, and as a consequence the price of fish was distinctly reduced in the whole market system. The result highlights that the most affected stages of the supply chains are the supply quantity, the interval of the supply, and the quantity of fish sales. Furthermore, the principally affected stages of the demand chains are consumer demand and alternation in the preference of the consumer. To overcome such situation, this study recommends governmental financial support to trades to ensure the smooth flow of the supply and demand and create an alternative market system for the consumer. The pandemic and the measures to address the pandemic have created significant new challenges for market access and controlling pricing in domestic markets. Regularly engage of the policymakers are thus the prerequisite to overcome the compensation of trades and ensure food security in this sector

    A Preliminary Work on Causative Verbs in Hindi

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    Abstract This paper introduces a preliminary work on Hindi causative verbs: their classification, a linguistic model for their classification and their verb frames. The main objective of this work is to come up with a classification of the Hindi causative verbs. In the classification we show how different types of Hindi verbs have different types of causative forms. It will be a linguistic resource for Hindi causative verbs which can be used in various NLP applications. This resource enriches the already available linguistic resource on Hindi verb frames (Begum et al., 2008b). This resource will be helpful in getting proper insight into Hindi verbs. In this paper, we present the morphology, semantics and syntax of the causative verbs. The morphology is captured by the word generation process; semantics is captured by the linguistic model followed for classifying the verbs and the syntax has been captured by the verb frames using relations given by Panini

    Dependency Annotation Scheme for Indian Languages

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    The paper introduces a dependency annotation effort which aims to fully annotate a million word Hindi corpus. It is the first attempt of its kind to develop a large scale tree-bank for an Indian language. In this paper we provide the motivation for following the Paninian framework as the annotation scheme and argue that the Paninian framework is better suited to model the various linguistic phenomena manifest in Indian languages. We present the basic annotation scheme. We also show how the scheme handles some phenomenon such as complex verbs, ellipses, etc. Empirical results of some experiments done on the currently annotated sentences are also reported.