867 research outputs found

    The politicization and depoliticization of ethnicity : a constructivist approach to power-sharing

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 1990, le partage du pouvoir est l’option favorisĂ©e pour la consolidation de la paix dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s multi-ethniques. Or, une importante littĂ©rature a remis en cause sa capacitĂ© Ă  consolider la paix sur le long terme. Ce mĂ©moire questionne l’approche de l’ethnicitĂ©, des institutions et des relations peuple-Ă©lites dans la thĂ©orie du partage du pouvoir. Il propose de la rĂ©approcher en se basant sur la thĂ©orie constructiviste de l’ethnicitĂ©, qui reconnaĂźt la multiplicitĂ© et la relative fluiditĂ© des identitĂ©s ethniques, sur une approche nĂ©o-institutionnaliste, qui Ă©tudie les interactions des institutions avec leur environnement, et en accordant une attention particuliĂšre au lien entre peuple et Ă©lites. Ce mĂ©moire dĂ©veloppe trois arguments principaux. 1–La politisation du clivage ethnique nuit au bon fonctionnement d’un systĂšme dĂ©mocratique, menace la durabilitĂ© de la paix et transforme la nature de la violence. Le « succĂšs » du partage du pouvoir peut donc ĂȘtre dĂ©fini comme la dĂ©politisation de ce clivage. 2–La politisation du clivage ethnique n’est pas naturelle, mais rĂ©sulte d’un processus dans lequel les institutions formelles et informelles ainsi que la violence jouent des rĂŽles clĂ©s. 3–La dĂ©politisation du clivage ethnique est possible si des garanties pour reprĂ©sentation politique et la sĂ©curitĂ© des catĂ©gories ethniques sont mises en place, et si des incitatifs pour la mobilisation d’identitĂ©s non-ethniques sont apportĂ©s. Ces principes peuvent guider l’élaboration d’accords de partage du pouvoir. Ce mĂ©moire thĂ©orique est complĂ©mentĂ© par une Ă©tude de plausibilitĂ© qui se focalise sur le cas crucial du Burundi.Since the 1990s, power-sharing has become the favoured option for peacebuilding in multi-ethnic societies. An important literature has however shed light on the limits of this approach and put into question its capacity to establish sustainable peace. This thesis questions three elements of powersharing theory: its approach of ethnicity, institutions and its elite-bias. It proposes to approach power-sharing theory through the lenses of a constructivist theory of ethnicity, which acknowledges the multiplicity and limited fluidity of ethnic identities; a neo-institutionalist approach of institutions, which pays attention to the interaction of institutions with their environment; and in paying attention to citizen-elite linkages. Three main arguments are developed: 1-The politicization of the ethnic cleavage is problematic since it hinders the good functioning of a democratic system, threaten the sustainability of peace, and transform the nature of violence. “Success” of power-sharing is thus defined as the depoliticization of ethnicity. 2-The politicization of ethnicity is not natural but results from a process in which formal and informal institutions as well as violence pay a key-role. 3-The depoliticization of the ethnic cleavage is, at least theoretically, possible if sufficient guarantees for the political representation and the security of the groups are established, and incentives are provided for the mobilization of non-ethnic identities. These principles may guide the design of power-sharing systems. This “theory proposing” thesis is complemented by a plausibility probe which focuses on the crucial case of Burundi

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    The patentability of electromagnetic and acoustic signals in Canada

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    The issue of the patentability of electromagnetic and acoustic signals has not been litigated in Canada. If, however, the issue does come forward for litigation, Canadian courts may decide differently than their American colleagues did. The Supreme Court of Canada’s ‘Harvard Mouse’ decision shows that the Canadian law on patentable subject matter differs from American law. Under the Canadian definition of manufacture, electromagnetic and acoustic signals could constitute patentable subject matter

    in/pulse (Original writing, Poetry).

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    in/pulse is a collection of poems written to the beat of the body                     a collection of poems        that reclaim           the body in/pulse  is                                                              within     the body Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0089. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability of Volterra Integro-dynamic Equation Systems on Time Scales

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    In this research we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the zero solution of scalar Volterra integro-dynamic equation on general time scales. Our approach is based on the construction of suitable Lyapunov functionals. We will compare our findings with known results and provides application to quantum calculus

    Assessing the potential health risk of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins in Lake Naivasha, Kenya

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    Cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) pose a threat to water quality and human health. The Lake Naivasha, Kenya community expressed concern about these events which prompted this study of influences, characteristics and health impacts of cyanoHABs. While eutrophication of Lake Naivasha was caused by years of nutrient loading from agricultural activities, land use changes and improper sewage treatment, results suggest that lake-wide cyanoHAB formation was controlled by shifts from drought to flood conditions, followed by relative stability. Particulate concentrations of the liver toxin microcystin were less than provisional guidelines; however, our limited knowledge on long-term microcystin impacts is limited and future cyanoHABs could have higher levels. CyanoHABs may play a role in dissolved oxygen dynamics and in turn fish health, but the extent of this is unclear without further study. Better management practices of Lake Naivasha’s ecosystem services will lead to enhanced health and wellbeing of the lake and community

    Reasons for Patent Protection and Cost-effective Patent Filing Options for SMEs

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    Many innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not seek patent protection for their innovations, either because they are skeptical about the perceived benefits or wary of the perceived costs. However, by failing to protect their intellectual property with patents, they leave themselves exposed to attack by other patent holders. This article explores arguments for patent protection as well as filing options that can protract the patenting process while simultaneously reducing patenting costs. By choosing their patent application filings wisely, SMEs can keep their patenting options open for as long as possible while delaying costs

    Eigenvalue problems for a three-point boundary-value problem on a time scale

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    Let T\mathbb{T} be a time scale such that 0,T∈T0, T \in \mathbb{T}. We us a cone theoretic fixed point theorem to obtain intervals for λ\lambda for which the second order dynamic equation on a time scale, \begin{gather*} u^{\Delta\nabla}(t) + \lambda a(t)f(u(t)) = 0, \quad t \in (0,T) \cap \mathbb{T},\\ u(0) = 0, \quad \alpha u(\eta) = u(T), \end{gather*} where η∈(0,ρ(T))∩T\eta \in (0, \rho(T)) \cap \mathbb{T}, and 0<α<T/η0 < \alpha <T/\eta, has a positive solution
