241 research outputs found

    Enhancing visual motion discrimination by desynchronizing bifocal oscillatory activity

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    Visual motion discrimination involves reciprocal interactions in the alpha band between the primary visual cortex (V1) and mediotemporal areas (V5/MT). We investigated whether modulating alpha phase synchronization using individualized multisite transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over V5 and V1 regions would improve motion discrimination. We tested 3 groups of healthy subjects with the following conditions: (1) individualized In-Phase V1alpha-V5alpha tACS (0° lag), (2) individualized Anti-Phase V1alpha-V5alpha tACS (180° lag) and (3) sham tACS. Motion discrimination and EEG activity were recorded before, during and after tACS. Performance significantly improved in the Anti-Phase group compared to the In-Phase group 10 and 30Â min after stimulation. This result was explained by decreases in bottom-up alpha-V1 gamma-V5 phase-amplitude coupling. One possible explanation of these results is that Anti-Phase V1alpha-V5alpha tACS might impose an optimal phase lag between stimulation sites due to the inherent speed of wave propagation, hereby supporting optimized neuronal communication

    The CD28-Transmembrane Domain Mediates Chimeric Antigen Receptor Heterodimerization With CD28.

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    Anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CD19-CAR)-engineered T cells are approved therapeutics for malignancies. The impact of the hinge domain (HD) and the transmembrane domain (TMD) between the extracellular antigen-targeting CARs and the intracellular signaling modalities of CARs has not been systemically studied. In this study, a series of 19-CARs differing only by their HD (CD8, CD28, or IgG <sub>4</sub> ) and TMD (CD8 or CD28) was generated. CARs containing a CD28-TMD, but not a CD8-TMD, formed heterodimers with the endogenous CD28 in human T cells, as shown by co-immunoprecipitation and CAR-dependent proliferation of anti-CD28 stimulation. This dimerization was dependent on polar amino acids in the CD28-TMD and was more efficient with CARs containing CD28 or CD8 HD than IgG <sub>4</sub> -HD. The CD28-CAR heterodimers did not respond to CD80 and CD86 stimulation but had a significantly reduced CD28 cell-surface expression. These data unveiled a fundamental difference between CD28-TMD and CD8-TMD and indicated that CD28-TMD can modulate CAR T-cell activities by engaging endogenous partners

    Development and Physicochemical Characterization of Desonide-Loaded Nanocapsule Suspensions

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    Desonide is a topical corticosteroid that has been used for more than 30 years; however, its prolonged use can induce several side effects, affecting dermis and epidermis. The present work consists of development desonide-loaded nanocapsule suspensions (D-NC) using different polymers (Eudragit S100® or Eudragit L100®) and desonide-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules (D-LNC). They were formulated by interfacial deposition using the preformed polymer method and all formulations showed negative zeta potential and adequate nanotechnological characteristics (particle size 161–202 nm, polydispersity index < 0.20). Simple and sensitive methods using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were developed to quantify desonide in LNC and to study its release kinetics. The method was linear, specific, precise, and exact and therefore can be applied in quantification of D-NC and D-LNC. We evaluated in vitro methods for drug release (dissolution, Franz diffusion cells, and dialysis sac) and we use mathematical models (monoexponential, biexponential, and Korsmeyer-Peppas) to show release kinetics from this system

    Liver transplantation in adult patients with portal vein thrombosis: risk factors, management and outcome

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    Abstract Background. Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is a well recognized complication of patients with end-stage cirrhosis and its incidence ranges from 2 to 26%. The aim of this study was to analyze the results and long-term follow-up of a consecutive series of liver transplants performed in patients with PVT and compare them with patients transplanted without PVT. Patients and methods. Between July 1995 and June 2006, 26 liver transplants were performed in patients with PVT (8.7%). Risk factors and variables associated with the transplant and the post-transplant period were analyzed. A comparative analysis with 273 patients transplanted without PVT was performed. Results. The patients comprised 53.8% males, average age 40, 7 years. PVTwas detected during surgery in 65%. Indications for transplantation were: post-necrotic cirrhosis 73%, cholestatic liver diseases 23%, and congenital liver fibrosis 4%. Child-Pugh C: 61.5%. Techniques were trombectomy in 21 patients with PVT grades I, II, IV, and extra-anatomical mesenteric graft in 5 with grade III. Morbidity was 57.7%, recurrence of PVTwas 7.7%, and in-hospital mortality was 26.9%. Greater operative time, transfusion requirements, and re-operations were found in PVT patients. One-year survival was 59.6%: 75.2% for grade 1 and 44.8% for grades 2, 3, and 4. Discussion. The study demonstrated a PVT prevalence of 8.7%, a higher incidence of partial thrombosis (grade 1), and successful management of PVT grade 4 with thrombectomy. Liver transplant in PVT patients was associated with an increased operative time, transfusion requirements, re-interventions, and lower survival rate according to PVT extension


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to characterise the resveratrol inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin (RCD) and evaluate their toxicity in wistar rats.Methods: The RCD were prepared in ultra-turrax. For characterization of the RCD were used: Fourier transform infra-red Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction. The RCD and others 4 treatments were performed by the chronic oral administration in 35 rats during 60 ds. After the treatments they were euthanized and the serum blood were collected to analyzed some hemogram and biochemical parameters including aspartyl aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (AST); phosphatase alkaline (ALP); total bilirubin (TB); direct bilirubin (DB); total protein (TP); total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TAG), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium, iron and phosphate using fully automated biochemistry analyzer.Results: The characterization results indicated a successful formation of the RCD. All hematological parameters analysed were within the normal values in all the groups. Furthermore, the hemogram and biochemical parameters were significantly (P&gt;0.05) similar to the control group.Conclusion: The daily oral administration during 60 d of RCD are not harmful on blood parameters of Wistar rats. Thus, RCD can be used safely for treatment of some metabolic diseases

    Agrocombustibles: ¿Otro negocio es posible?

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    Hoy en día, los agrocombustibles (principalmente biodiesel y bioetanol) son objeto de políticas públicas e incentivos, y se ha acelerado su producción a gran escala, con la intención de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y por tanto contribuir a la mitigación del cambio climático. Las y los autores de este libro integran el Grup de Bionegocis, un espacio multidisciplinario impulsado desde la Campaña “No te Comas el Mundo”, que investiga en Cataluña desde el año 2007 sobre la temática de los agrocombustibles. El principal objetivo de esta publicación se ubica en profundizar algunos aspectos con el objetivo de brindar herramientas de reflexión y de acción. Pretende responder a preguntas tales como: ¿Qué son los agrocombustibles? ¿Es positivo su rendimiento energético? ¿Cuál es la huella hídrica de estos carburantes? ¿Son realmente una respuesta ante el calentamiento global? ¿De dónde proviene la materia prima? ¿Mejoran las condiciones de vida en los países del Sur? ¿Cuáles son los intereses corporativos en este rubro? ¿Generarán los agrocombustibles una mayor Deuda ecológica? ¿Es la segunda generación una respuesta adecuada? ¿Qué perspectivas tenemos ante la Soberanía alimentaria y la Soberanía energética?Peer reviewe