2,229 research outputs found

    The Detectability of AGN Cavities in Cooling-Flow Clusters

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    Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed X-ray cavities in many nearby cooling flow clusters. The cavities trace feedback from the central active galactic nulceus (AGN) on the intracluster medium (ICM), an important ingredient in stabilizing cooling flows and in the process of galaxy formation and evolution. But, the prevalence and duty cycle of such AGN outbursts is not well understood. To this end, we study how the cooling is balanced by the cavity heating for a complete sample of clusters (the Brightest 55 clusters of galaxies, hereafter B55). In the B55, we found 33 cooling flow clusters, 20 of which have detected X-ray bubbles in their ICM. Among the remaining 13, all except Ophiuchus could have significant cavity power yet remain undetected in existing images. This implies that the duty cycle of AGN outbursts with significant heating potential in cooling flow clusters is at least 60 % and could approach 100 %, but deeper data is required to constrain this further.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of "The Monsters' Fiery Breath", Madison, Wisconsin 1-5 June 2009, Eds. Sebastian Heinz & Eric Wilcots; added annotation to the figur

    Jet Interactions with the Hot Halos of Clusters and Galaxies

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    X-ray observations of cavities and shock fronts produced by jets streaming through hot halos have significantly advanced our understanding of the energetics and dynamics of extragalactic radio sources. Radio sources at the centers of clusters have dynamical ages between ten and several hundred million years. They liberate between 1E58-1E62 erg per outburst, which is enough energy to regulate cooling of hot halos from galaxies to the richest clusters. Jet power scales approximately with the radio synchrotron luminosity to the one half power. However, the synchrotron efficiency varies widely from nearly unity to one part in 10,000, such that relatively feeble radio source can have quasar-like mechanical power. The synchrotron ages of cluster radio sources are decoupled from their dynamical ages, which tend to be factors of several to orders of magnitude older. Magnetic fields and particles in the lobes tend to be out of equipartition. The lobes may be maintained by heavy particles (e.g., protons), low energy electrons, a hot, diffuse thermal gas, or possibly magnetic (Poynting) stresses. Sensitive X-ray images of shock fronts and cavities can be used to study the dynamics of extragalactic radio sources.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, invited review, "Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray, held in Girdwood, Alaska, U.S.A. 21-24 May, 2007, minor text changes; one added referenc

    A technique to record the sedentary to walk movement during free living mobility : a comparison of healthy and stroke populations

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    Background Hesitation between moving from a sedentary posture (lying/sitting) to walking is a characteristic of mobility impaired individuals, as identified from laboratory studies. Knowing the extent to which this hesitation occurs during everyday life would benefit rehabilitation research. This study aimed to quantify this transition hesitation through a novel approach to analysing data from a physical activity monitor based on a tri-axial accelerometer and compare results from two populations; stroke patients and age-matched unimpaired controls. Methods Stroke patients living at home with early supported discharge (n=34, 68.9YO ± 11.8) and age matched controls (n=30, 66.8YO ± 10.5) wore a physical activity monitor for 48hrs. The outputs from the monitor were then used to determine the transitions from sedentary to walking. The time delay between a sedentary posture ending and the start of walking classified four transition types: 1) fluent (<=2s), 2) hesitant (>2s<=10s), 3) separated (>10s) and 4) a change from sedentary with no registered walking to a return to sedentary. Results Control participants initiated walking after a sedentary posture on 92% of occasions. Most commonly (43%) this was a fluent transition. In contrast stroke patients walked after changing from a sedentary posture on 68% of occasions with only 9% of transitions classed as fluent, (p<0.05). Discussion/Conclusion A new data analysis technique reports the frequency of walking following a change in sedentary position in stroke patients and healthy controls and characterises this transition according to the time delay before walking. This technique creates opportunities to explore everyday mobility in greater depth

    A Deep Chandra Observation of the AGN Outburst and Merger in Hickson Compact Group 62

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    We report on an analysis of new Chandra data of the galaxy group HCG 62, well known for possessing cavities in its intragroup medium (IGM) that were inflated by the radio lobes of its central active galactic nucleus (AGN). With the new data, a factor of three deeper than previous Chandra data, we re-examine the energetics of the cavities and determine new constraints on their contents. We confirm that the ratio of radiative to mechanical power of the AGN outburst that created the cavities is less than 10^-4, among the lowest of any known cavity system, implying that the relativistic electrons in the lobes can supply only a tiny fraction of the pressure required to support the cavities. This finding implies additional pressure support in the lobes from heavy particles (e.g., protons) or thermal gas. Using spectral fits to emission in the cavities, we constrain any such volume-filling thermal gas to have a temperature kT > 4.3 keV. For the first time, we detect X-ray emission from the central AGN, with a luminosity of L(2-10 keV) = (1.1 +/- 0.4) x 10^39 erg s^-1 and properties typical of a low-luminosity AGN. Lastly, we report evidence for a recent merger from the surface brightness, temperature, and metallicity structure of the IGM.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS, 14 pages, 9 figure

    An Energetic AGN Outburst Powered by a Rapidly Spinning Supermassive Black Hole or an Accreting Ultramassive Black Hole

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    Powering the 10^62 erg nuclear outburst in the MS0735.6+7421 cluster central galaxy by accretion implies that its supermassive black hole (SMBH) grew by ~6x10^8 solar masses over the past 100 Myr. We place upper limits on the amount of cold gas and star formation near the nucleus of <10^9 solar masses and <2 solar masses per year, respectively. These limits imply that an implausibly large fraction of the preexisting cold gas in the bulge must have been consumed by its SMBH at the rate of ~3-5 solar masses per year while leaving no trace of star formation. Such a high accretion rate would be difficult to maintain by stellar accretion or the Bondi mechanism, unless the black hole mass approaches 10^11 solar masses. Its feeble nuclear luminosities in the UV, I, and X-ray bands compared to its enormous mechanical power are inconsistent with rapid accretion onto a ~5x10^9 solar mass black hole. We suggest instead that the AGN outburst is powered by a rapidly-spinning black hole. A maximally-spinning, 10^9 solar mass black hole contains enough rotational energy, ~10^62 erg, to quench a cooling flow over its lifetime and to contribute significantly to the excess entropy found in the hot atmospheres of groups and clusters. Two modes of AGN feedback may be quenching star formation in elliptical galaxies centered in cooling halos at late times. An accretion mode that operates in gas-rich systems, and a spin mode operating at modest accretion rates. The spin conjecture may be avoided in MS0735 by appealing to Bondi accretion onto a central black hole whose mass greatly exceeds 10^10 solar mass. The host galaxy's unusually large, 3.8 kpc stellar core radius (light deficit) may witness the presence of an ultramassive black hole.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Modifications: adopted slightly higher black hole mass using Lauer's M_SMBH vs L_bulge relation and adjusted related quantities; considered more seriously the consequences of a ultramassive black hole, motivated by new Kormendy & Bender paper published after our submission; other modifications per referee comments by Ruszkowsk

    Exploring Zeptosecond Quantum Equilibration Dynamics: From Deep-Inelastic to Fusion-Fission Outcomes in 58^{58}Ni+60^{60}Ni Reactions

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    Energy dissipative processes play a key role in how quantum many-body systems dynamically evolve towards equilibrium. In closed quantum systems, such processes are attributed to the transfer of energy from collective motion to single-particle degrees of freedom; however, the quantum many-body dynamics of this evolutionary process are poorly understood. To explore energy dissipative phenomena and equilibration dynamics in one such system, an experimental investigation of deep-inelastic and fusion-fission outcomes in the 58^{58}Ni+60^{60}Ni reaction has been carried out. Experimental outcomes have been compared to theoretical predictions using Time Dependent Hartree Fock and Time Dependent Random Phase Approximation approaches, which respectively incorporate one-body energy dissipation and fluctuations. Excellent quantitative agreement has been found between experiment and calculations, indicating that microscopic models incorporating one-body dissipation and fluctuations provide a potential tool for exploring dissipation in low-energy heavy ion collisions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, including Supplemental Material - Version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    A Powerful AGN Outburst in RBS 797

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    Utilizing 50\sim 50 ks of Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging, we present an analysis of the intracluster medium (ICM) and cavity system in the galaxy cluster RBS 797. In addition to the two previously known cavities in the cluster core, the new and deeper X-ray image has revealed additional structure associated with the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The surface brightness decrements of the two cavities are unusually large, and are consistent with elongated cavities lying close to our line-of-sight. We estimate a total AGN outburst energy and mean jet power of 36×1060\approx 3 - 6 \times 10^{60} erg and 36×1045\approx 3 - 6 \times 10^{45} erg s1^{-1}, respectively, depending on the assumed geometrical configuration of the cavities. Thus, RBS 797 is apparently among the the most powerful AGN outbursts known in a cluster. The average mass accretion rate needed to power the AGN by accretion alone is 1M\sim 1 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}. We show that accretion of cold gas onto the AGN at this level is plausible, but that Bondi accretion of the hot atmosphere is probably not. The BCG harbors an unresolved, non-thermal nuclear X-ray source with a bolometric luminosity of 2×1044\approx 2 \times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1}. The nuclear emission is probably associated with a rapidly-accreting, radiatively inefficient accretion flow. We present tentative evidence that star formation in the BCG is being triggered by the radio jets and suggest that the cavities may be driving weak shocks (M1.5M \sim 1.5) into the ICM, similar to the process in the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 20 pages, 11 low-resolution figure

    Leveraging 3D Technology for Students with Autism: An innovative university-community collaboration for skill development and vocational exploration

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    This article describes a university-community collaboration in which an inter-professional team partnered to provide students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a paid job opportunity to apply 3D modelling skills for a local construction company. Providing meaningful vocational opportunities to improve the transition to adulthood for individuals with ASD is imperative, as individuals with ASD have unemployment rates that are some of the highest of all disabilities. This novel evidence-supported educational program was designed to develop 3D technology skills, explore vocational careers and promote social engagement through shared interests for transition-age youth with ASD. Both parents and students reported many successful outcomes, including increase in student self-confidence, social and technology skill development and the opportunity for vocational exploration by these young people. Implications of the case study are reported in relation to university-community partnerships and the critical role of community collaboration in addressing the high rates of unemployment in individuals with autism

    A study of high-redshift AGN feedback in SZ cluster samples

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    We present a study of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback at higher redshifts (0.3 &lt; z &lt; 1.2) using Sunyaev-Zel'dovich selected samples of clusters from the South Pole Telescope and Atacama Cosmology Telescope surveys. In contrast to studies of nearby systems, we do not find a separation between cooling flow (CF) clusters and non-CF clusters based on the radio luminosity of the central radio source (cRS). This lack may be due to the increased incidence of galaxy-galaxy mergers at higher redshift that triggers AGN activity. In support of this scenario, we find evidence for evolution in the radio-luminosity function of the cRS, while the lower luminosity sources do not evolve much, the higher luminosity sources show a strong increase in the frequency of their occurrence at higher redshifts. We interpret this evolution as an increase in high-excitation radio galaxies (HERGs) in massive clusters at z &gt; 0.6, implying a transition from HERG-mode accretion to lower power low-excitation radio galaxy (LERG)-mode accretion at intermediate redshifts. Additionally, we use local radio-to-jet power scaling relations to estimate feedback power and find that half of the CF systems in our sample probably have enough heating to balance cooling. However, we postulate that the local relations are likely not well suited to predict feedback power in high-luminosity HERGs, as they are derived from samples composed mainly of lower luminosity LERGs