218 research outputs found

    Dispositivo IoT de baixo consumo e longo alcance alimentado por energia coletada de campos magnéticos provenientes de condutores carregados

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    Orientador: Prof. Horacio Tertuliano dos Santos Filho, PhD.Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/04/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de dispositivo IoT autossuficiente, que utiliza energia coletada de campo magnético como fonte de energia principal e tecnologia de comunicação LoRa. A abordagem adotada é inovadora, um a vez que dispensa o uso de sistemas ativos de gerenciamento de energia, fazendo uso apenas de um super capacitor como redundância de energia e conversores CC-CC para adequação dos níveis de tensão. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que o protótipo se apresentou como um a alternativa promissora, comprovando sua capacidade de manter-se em funcionamento por mais de 20 dias, mesmo em condições prolongadas de interrupção da fonte de energia. A utilização de dispositivos mais eficientes e autônomos tem se tornado cada vez mais relevante, sobretudo em locais remotos ou em condições adversas, visando à redução da necessidade de substituição de baterias ou até mesmo o seu uso. Dessa forma, o estudo apresentado neste trabalho contribui significativam ente para o avanço de dispositivos IoT mais eficientes, autônomos e economicamente viáveis, com grande potencial de aplicação em diversos contextos comerciais e industriais. As descobertas obtidas nesse estudo podem ser úteis para futuras pesquisas e estudos na área de IoT e fontes alternativas de energia.Abstract: The present study aims to develop a prototype of a self-sufficient IoT device that uses magnetic field-collected energy as the main energy source and LoRa communication technology. The approach adopted is innovative as it eliminates the need for active energy management systems, using only a supercapacitor as energy redundancy and CC-CC converters for voltage level adjustment. The research results demonstrated that the prototype presented itself as a promising alternative, proving its ability to remain operational for more than 20 days, even under prolonged conditions of energy source interruption. Furthermore, using more efficient and autonomous devices has become increasingly relevant, especially in remote locations or adverse conditions, aiming to reduce the need for battery replacement or even their use. Thus, the study presented in this work contributes significantly to the advancement of more efficient, autonomous, and economically viable IoT devices, with great potential for application in various commercial and industrial contexts. The findings obtained in this study may be helpful in future research and studies in IoT and alternative energy sources

    El arte y el aprendizaje de las normas de conocimiento en enfermeira

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    Objectivo Identificar a perceção dos estudantes acerca da utilização da arte como estratégia pedagógica na aprendizagem dos padrões de conhecimento em enfermagem; Identificar as dimensões de cada padrão valorizadas na análise das obras de arte. Método Estudo descritivo e misto. A colheita de dados com recurso a um questionário, aplicado a 31 estudantes de enfermagem. Resultados Na análise do discurso dos estudantes está implícito que o conhecimento empírico inclui: conhecimento científico, tradição e natureza dos cuidados. O conhecimento estético implica: expressividade, subjetividade e sensibilidade. O autoconhecimento, a experiência, a atitude reflexiva e a relação com os outros são as subcategorias do conhecimento pessoal e a moral e a ética suportam o conhecimento ético. Conclusão É possível aprender os padrões de conhecimento através da arte, sobretudo do estético, ético e pessoal. É necessário investigar mais as estratégias pedagógicas que contribuam para a aprendizagem dos padrões de conhecimento em enfermagem.Objetivos Identificar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la utilización del arte como estrategia pedagógica en el aprendizaje de los patrones del conocimiento en enfermería; Identificar las dimensiones de cada patrón valoradas en el análisis de las obras de arte. Método Estudio descriptivo y mixto. La recogida de datos con recurso a una encuesta aplicada a treinta y un estudiantes de enfermería. Resultados En el análisis del discurso de los estudiantes está tácito que el conocimiento empírico incluye: conocimiento científico, tradición y naturaleza de los cuidados. El conocimiento estético implica: expresividad, subjetividad y sensibilidad. El autoconocimiento, la experiencia, la actitud reflexiva y la relación con los demás son las subcategorías del conocimiento personal, mientras que la moral y la ética soportan el conocimiento ético. Conclusión Es posible aprender los patrones del conocimiento a través del arte, sobretodo del estético, del ético y del personal. Es necesario investigar más las estrategias pedagógicas que contribuyan al aprendizaje de patrones de conocimiento de enfermería.Objective To identify the perception of the students about the use of art as a pedagogical strategy in learning the patterns of knowing in nursing; to identify the dimensions of each pattern valued in the analysis of pieces of art. Method Descriptive mixed study. Data collection used a questionnaire applied to 31 nursing students. Results In the analysis of the students’ discourse, it was explicit that empirical knowledge includes scientific knowledge, tradition and nature of care. The aesthetic knowledge implies expressiveness, subjectivity and sensitivity. Self-knowledge, experience, reflective attitude and relationships with others are the subcategories of personal knowledge and the moral and ethics support ethical knowledge. Conclusion It is possible to learn patterns of knowledge through art, especially the aesthetic, ethical and personal. It is necessary to investigate further pedagogical strategies that contribute to the learning patterns of nursing knowledge

    Linear dimensional change, compressive strength and detail reproduction in type IV dental stone dried at room temperature and in a microwave oven

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    The type IV dental stone is widely used for the fabrication of dyes and master casts for fixed and removable partial prostheses. It is typically normal to wait at least 24 hours for the casts to dry prior to beginning the laboratory procedures. The waiting time has been shown to be greatly reduced by using microwave drying. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the influence of drying techniques at room temperature and microwave oven on the linear dimensional change, compressive strength and detail reproduction in type IV dental stones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three type IV dental stone brands were selected; elite Rock, Shera Premium and Durone IV. Two different drying protocols were tested in 4 groups (n=10); G1 - room temperature (25±4ºC) dried for 2 hours; G2 - room temperature dried for 24 hours; G3 - room temperature dried for 7 days and G4 - microwave oven dried at 800 W for 5 minutes and after 2 hours at room temperature. After drying, the samples were assayed for dimensional charges. The sample surface was submitted to the ImageTool 3.0 software for compressive strength in a universal testing machine with a cell load of 50 KN at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minutes and the detail reproduction was analyzed with a stereomicroscope at 25x magnification. The statistical analysis of the linear dimensional change and compressive strength data were conducted by the ANOVA test followed by the Tukey test (


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    This article maps the set of empirical research on Digital Democracy in Brazil aiming to identify characteristics, patterns and trends in an interdisciplinary field. This research analyzed 267 scientific articles published between 2002 and 2018, collected through four platforms (Scielo, DOAJ, SPELL and Google Scholar). A set of bibliometric indicators was applied, using a quantitative-qualitative method based on content analysis technique. Among the main conclusions, it was demonstrated that there is a predominance of the male gender among the first authors of the articles, although there are less gender inequalities according with the researcher's expertise area. Despite the evolution of the field of studies and the digital character of the research objects, there is no frequent use of automated data collection instruments. Political participation, transparency and deliberation are the three most discussed topics. Websites and social media are the most studied technological objects. In methodological terms, content analysis significantly predominates in the articles, which indicates that there is a low variety of analysis techniques and a weak methodological sophistication.Este artigo faz um mapeamento da pesquisa empírica sobre Democracia Digital no Brasil, buscando identificar características, padrões e tendências deste campo interdisciplinar. O estudo analisou 267 artigos científicos publicados entre 2002 e 2018, rastreados por meio de quatro indexadores (Scielo, DOAJ, SPELL e Google Acadêmico). Foi aplicado um conjunto de indicadores bibliométricos, fazendo também uso de um método quanti-qualitativo a partir de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Dentre as principais conclusões, demonstrou-se que existe predominância do gênero masculino entre os primeiros autores dos artigos, embora haja variações a depender da área de atuação do(a) pesquisador(a). Não obstante a evolução do campo e o caráter digital dos objetos, há um baixo uso de  softwares e instrumentos de extração automatizada de dados. Participação política, transparência e deliberação são os três temas mais abordados. Websites e mídias sociais são os objetos tecnológicos mais estudados. Em termos metodológicos, a análise de conteúdo prepondera de maneira significativa nos artigos, denotando que também há um déficit tanto em relação à variação de técnicas utilizadas quanto em relação à sofisticação metodológica, notadamente no que se refere à análise de dados

    A method for verifying the uniformity in fertilizer dispenser flow

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    The success of crops is directly related to effective planting and fertilization, especially regarding yield factors like plants per area and final yield. Thorough evaluations are vital to understanding modern methods in these operations. Current regulations and their broaden scope highlight the need for more specific approaches. This study aimed to validate a new method for assessing the effectiveness of helical and fluted dosing mechanisms with two granulated fertilizer formulations (04-14-08 [GF1] and 04-30-10 [GF2]) at different speeds (4, 7, and 10 km/h) in a controlled setting. We collected flow data, organized it, checked for normality, and subjected it to variance analysis. The fluted dispenser showed better flow at 4 km/h and 7 km/h. The GF1 formulation produced higher flows in both dispensers, with the helical design outperforming. The flow for GF1 increased linearly with speed. For GF2, the best flow rate was at 7 km/h. In summary, our new method effectively evaluated the factors under study, offering insights into the function and potential improvements of the technologies used


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    A utilização de resíduos industriais, como o lodo de curtume, em substratos para produção de mudas é uma alternativa para redução de custos de produção, e para destinação dos resíduos industriais. O cultivo de pimentas tem ganhado espaço no mercado brasileiro favorecendo principalmente a agricultura familiar, onde um dos desafios é diminuir o custo de produção. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de lodo de curtume bovino adicionado ao substrato comercial na germinação, desenvolvimento e qualidade de mudas de pimenta biquinho. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 7 tratamentos, sendo dois substratos comerciais: Provaso® (TP) e Bioplant® (TL0); e cinco diferentes proporções de lodo desidratado (10, 30, 50, 70 e 90%) misturados ao substrato Bioplant®. Avaliou-se nesse experimento o percentual de germinação, características de desenvolvimento e Índice de Qualidade de mudas de Dickson (IQD). O potencial germinativo foi maior para os tratamentos com adição de lodo de curtume ao substrato comercial Bioplant®. Os melhores resultados para as características de desenvolvimento das mudas ocorreram com a adição de lodo desidratado ao substrato Bioplant® nos intervalos de 30 a 70% de lodo no substrato. O índice de qualidade de mudas foi maior para a mistura de 30% de lodo de curtume desidratado com Bioplant®

    Seed sensor position on seeder performance at varying speeds

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    ABSTRACT: The uniformity of seed distribution and sowing speed directly impact crop quality and productivity. This experiment assessed how the position of the sowing monitoring sensor influences the distribution of cotton seeds using a pneumatic meter at different operating speeds. The experiment employed a completely randomized two-factor factorial design on a static simulation bench. The first factor involved the sensor installation sites (upper, middle, and lower portions of the conductor tube and conveyor belt), while the second factor encompassed simulated speeds of 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, and 11.0 km/h. Parameters such as frequency of double, flawed, and acceptable spacing, coefficient of variation, and precision index were measured based on five replications of 250 consecutive spacing. The results indicated that the sensor’s placement significantly influences reading accuracy. Optimal results were observed when the sensor was positioned at the final portion of the conductor tube, providing more accurate seed deposition, and facilitating decision-making

    Effects of exposure to a cafeteria diet during gestation and after weaning on the metabolism and body weight of adult male offspring in rats

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    In the present study, we investigated whether maternal exposure to a cafeteria diet affects the metabolism and body composition of offspring and whether such an exposure has a cumulative effect during the lifetime of the offspring. Female rats were fed a control (CON) or a cafeteria (CAF) diet from their own weaning to the weaning of their offspring. At 21 d of age, male offspring were divided into four groups by diet during gestation and after weaning (CON-CON, CON-CAF, CAF-CON and CAF-CAF). Blood was collected from dams (after weaning) and pups (at 30 and 120 d of age) by decapitation. CAF dams had significantly greater body weight and adipose tissue weight and higher concentrations of total cholesterol, insulin and leptin than CON dams (Student’s t test). The energy intake of CAF rats was higher than that of CON rats regardless of the maternal diet (two-way ANOVA). Litters had similar body weights at weaning and at 30 d of age, but at 120 d, CON-CAF rats were heavier. At both ages, CAF rats had greater adipose tissue weight than CON rats regardless of the maternal diet, and the concentrations of TAG and cholesterol were similar between the two groups, as were blood glucose concentrations at 30 d of age. However, at 120 d of age, CAF rats were hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic and hyperleptinaemic regardless of the maternal diet. These findings suggest that maternal obesity does not modulate the metabolism of male offspring independently, modifying body weight only when associated with the intake of a cafeteria diet by the offspring

    Peaches phenology and production submitted to foliar nitrogen fertilizer and calcium nitrate

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    Choosing cultivars that require less chilling temperatures to overcome dormancy is crucial, for example, peaches that grow in subtropical areas, which is not an appropriate climate for them. Thus, alternative techniques are necessary to induce sprouting. Yet there are not many available products in market, restricting options for fruit growers to a reduced number of chemical molecules, which are often harm the health to applicators. Therefore, this study aimed to assess phenological cycles and productive performance of three peach cultivars, submitted to foliar nitrogen fertilizer and calcium nitrate to induce sprouting. This study took place at Experimental Orchard of School of Agriculture (FCA, UNESP), Botucatu, state of São Paulo. Three peach cultivars were evaluated: ‘Douradão’, ‘BRS Kampai’ and ‘BRS Rubimel’ by applying four doses of foliar nitrogen fertilizer (FNF) at 0, 1.25, 2.50 and 3.75%; associated with 4% calcium nitrate. A 3x4 factorial arrangement (3 cultivars X 4 FNF doses) in a randomized block design was used, with 4 replicates and 2 plants per plot, totalizing 96 plants. Results indicated that FNF positively affected cultivars development, providing wider sprouting, flowering and fruit set; consequently, greater production. Then FNF became a good alternative to induce sprouting in peaches at mild winter temperatures. Moreover, ‘BRS Rubimel’ presented high sowing percentage associated with low flowering and fruit set percentages, that is, low production mainly caused by its lack of adaptability to studied region