1,362 research outputs found

    Negative archaeology. The archaeological borders of the present

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    [ES] La arqueología está tratando de redefinir su relación con los objetos. Este cambio ocurre al tiempo en que Occidente atraviesa una nueva expansión de la sociedad de consumo, que confirma su ruptura definitiva con la generación que protagonizó el éxodo rural de mediados de s.XX. En este trabajo se plantea una revisión de las condiciones que permiten ahondar en esa ruptura y que determinan a su vez nuestra relación con la materialidad. Para ello se parte de una reconsideración de la relación pasado/presente y de las dinámicas que marcan esa diferencia. Nos encontramos en un momento en el que se está cambiando la experiencia del tiempo y con ella, la integridad del objeto arqueológico. Con el nombre de Arqueología Negativa se trata de explorar la frontera que determina la producción del pasado en un presente ocupado en homogeneizar cualquier tipo de diferencia. La arqueología es una disciplina única para desactivar ese proceso, o al menos para atestiguar las dinámicas a las que parecen destinarse los objetos. Para ello, se presenta el concepto de obsolescencia como un intento de nombrar el problema.[EN] Nowadays, archaeology is trying to redefine its relation with objects. This change is taking place at the same time as the West is breaking once and for all with the generation who did the rural exodus in the mid of the twentieth century. The present paper proposes a revision of the conditions that allow us to both define this rupture and at the same time determine our affinity with materiality. This is done through a reconsideration of the relation between the past and the present and the dynamics marking this difference. We are situated in a moment when the experience of time is shifting and thus so is the integrity of archaeological objects. Under the name of Negative Archaeology, the border between past and present is explored. This border determines the creation of the past in a present which intends to homogenise changes. Archaeology is a unique discipline which could prevent this process, or at least bear witness to the dynamics to which objects seem to be subjected. Obscolescence is introduced as a concept in an attempt to name the aforementioned problem.Peer Reviewe

    La extraña virtud

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     Algorithms of definition and the automated control of integrity, and also false detection algorithm and erroneous exception algorithm ets are given. Importance Sampling Technique is in more details considered. Приведены алгоритмы определения и автоматизированного контроля целостности, ложного обнаружения, ошибочного исключения. Детально рассмотрен метод важных выборок. Наведено алгоритми визначення й автоматизованого контролю цілісності, хибного виявлення, помилкового вилучення. Детальніше розглянуто метод істотних вибірок

    Beowulf 1563a and Blissian Metrics

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    A. J. Bliss, in his authoritative and influential monograph on The Metre of Beowulf (1967), analysed l. 1563a, hē ġefēng þā fetelhilt, as a member of his group (4) of verses beginning with finite verbs. In verses of that group, in which the verb is the last particle before the first stressed element, alliterating finite verbs are thought to be an integral part of the alliterative scheme of the line and hence to be metrically stressed. This means that, according to Bliss, l. 1563a is a Type 1A2a with hē and ġe- in anacrusis. This analysis is compatible with Bliss’s definition of anacrusis, according to which any two unstressed syllables can be in the extrametrical prelude to a verse. As this essay shows, however, personal pronouns are not normally found in anacrustic positions in the poem, and so it appears reasonable to believe that seemingly anacrustic hē is not part of the authorial reading, but a result of scribal misapprehension of the text in the exemplar. After considering several possibilities and solutions, this article proposes cancellation of hē on the grounds that the scribe found the absence of a pronominal subject at that point confusing, and so decided to supply one to make the syntax of the passage closer to the syntax of late Old English verse. Emendation to ġefēng þā fetelhilt does not change Bliss’s analysis of l. 1563a as a Type 1A2a, but it does mean that that verse should be considered a member not of group (4), but of group (3): the verb is the only particle before the first stressed element. The essay concludes by reminding readers of Bliss’s monograph that his definition of anacrusis can be accepted as long as pronouns and linguistic elements other than verbal prefixes and proclitic ne are excluded from the definition

    Monitoring water-soil dynamics and tree survival using soil sensors under a big data approach

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    ArticleThe high importance of green urban planning to ensure access to green areas requires modern and multi-source decision-support tools. The integration of remote sensing data and sensor developments can contribute to the improvement of decision-making in urban forestry. This study proposes a novel big data-based methodology that combines real-time information from soil sensors and climate data to monitor the establishment of a new urban forest in semi-arid conditions. Water-soil dynamics and their implication in tree survival were analyzed considering the application of di erent treatment restoration techniques oriented to facilitate the recovery of tree and shrub vegetation in the degraded area. The synchronized data-capturing scheme made it possible to evaluate hourly, daily, and seasonal changes in soil-water dynamics. The spatial variation of soil-water dynamics was captured by the sensors and it highly contributed to the explanation of the observed ground measurements on tree survival. The methodology showed how the e ciency of treatments varied depending on species selection and across the experimental design. The use of retainers for improving soil moisture content and adjusting tree-watering needs was, on average, the most successful restoration technique. The results and the applied calibration of the sensor technology highlighted the random behavior of water-soil dynamics despite the small-scale scope of the experiment. The results showed the potential of this methodology to assess watering needs and adjust watering resources to the vegetation status using real-time atmospheric and soil datainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exogamy, endogamy and illegitimate children: family strategies of genoese traders at Granada during Modern Age (16th-18th centuries)

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    Los mercaderes genoveses como otros grupos nacionales -flamencos, franceses, ingleses- que comerciaban en los principales puertos y ciudades de la Monarquía Hispánica, formaron pequeñas facciones o colonias rodeadas de la población local durante la Edad Moderna. Para el caso de la colonia genovesa de la ciudad de Granada, especialmente para aquellos a los que el asentamiento era siempre preferible a la vuelta a Génova, se planteaba la difícil elección entre una integración en la élite granadina, no siempre fácil o ventajosa, o la endogamia de casar dentro del mismo grupo ligur de la ciudad. En este artículo analizamos las dos opciones y algunos comportamientos o estrategias familiares llevadas a cabo por los genoveses, especialmente en lo que a los enlaces matrimoniales se refiere, así como la sorprendente abundancia de hijos ilegítimos habidos en mujeres castellanas que aparecen en este colectivo, tal vez consecuencia de lo anteriorGenoese merchants and other national groups, traders at major ports and cities of the Monarquía Hispánica (Flemish, French, English) formed small colonies or factions surrounded by locals during the Modern Age. In the case of the Genoese colony of the city of Granada, especially those that the settlement was preferable to return to Genoa, there was the difficult choice between integration, not always easy or advantageous, in the elite of Granada or endogamic marriages with the same national group. In this paper we analyze the two options and some behaviors or family strategies undertaken by the Genoese in particular as regards marriages and the surprising abundance of illegitimate children incurred in Castilian women who appear in this study, such once consequence of the above

    Negative Archaeology. The Archaeological Borders of the Present

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    La arqueología está tratando de redefinir su relación con los objetos. Este cambio ocurre al tiempo en que Occidente atraviesa una nueva expansión de la sociedad de consumo, que confirma su ruptura definitiva con la generación que protagonizó el éxodo rural de mediados de s.XX. En este trabajo se plantea una revisión de las condiciones que permiten ahondar en esa ruptura y que determinan a su vez nuestra relación con la materialidad. Para ello se parte de una reconsideración de la relación pasado/presente y de las dinámicas que marcan esa diferencia. Nos encontramos en un momento en el que se está cambiando la experiencia del tiempo y con ella, la integridad del objeto arqueológico. Con el nombre de Arqueología Negativa se trata de explorar la frontera que determina la producción del pasado en un presente ocupado en homogeneizar cualquier tipo de diferencia. La arqueología es una disciplina única para desactivar ese proceso, o al menos para atestiguar las dinámicas a las que parecen destinarse los objetos. Para ello, se presenta el concepto de obsolescencia como un intento de nombrar el problema.Nowadays, archaeology is trying to redefine its relation with objects. This change is taking place at the same time as the West is breaking once and for all with the generation who did the rural exodus in the mid of the twentieth century. The present paper proposes a revision of the conditions that allow us to both define this rupture and at the same time determine our affinity with materiality. This is done through a reconsideration of the relation between the past and the present and the dynamics marking this difference. We are situated in a moment when the experience of time is shifting and thus so is the integrity of archaeological objects. Under the name of Negative Archaeology, the border between past and present is explored. This border determines the creation of the past in a present which intends to homogenise changes. Archaeology is a unique discipline which could prevent this process, or at least bear witness to the dynamics to which objects seem to be subjected. Obscolescence is introduced as a concept in an attempt to name the aforementioned problem

    Rich, noble and powerful: the image of genoese merchant of the Kingdom of Granada in the Modern Age

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    Historiography on the image of Genoese merchants in Spain in the Modern Age, almost always using literary sources, has resulted in a pejorative view of the Ligurian. Greedy profiteers, unscrupulous lenders, one of the causes of the decline of the Spanish Monarchy. However, locally, between the elites and the people, this vision is not as negative or at least, not as biased. In the Kingdom of Granada, Genoese are powerful allies, customers, clients and patrons of the spanish elite, splendid match for marriageable daughters and patrons of arts and introducers of architectural styles. Their wealth and power is admired and envied, becoming the Genoese a real cultural and religious reference for oligarchies of Granada. This article is about the image of Genoese merchants through civil and religious chronicles, commercial letters, judicial and notarized documents in Granada. In these sources, the utmost negative view becomes more positive, the Genoese were perceived as wealthy, powerful and nobles, although they were really not.La historiografía sobre la imagen de los mercaderes genoveses en la España de la Edad Moderna, utilizando fuentes casi siempre literarias, ha redundado en una visión peyorativa de los ligures. Avaros, usureros, prestamistas sin escrúpulos, una de las causas del declive de la Monarquía Hispánica. Sin embargo, a nivel local, entre las élites y el pueblo, esta visión ya no es tan negativa o al menos no tan sesgada. En el Reino de Granada, los genoveses son aliados poderosos, compradores, clientes y patrones de la élite castellana, grandes partidos para hijas casaderas y mecenas de las artes e introductores de estilos arquitectónicos. Su riqueza y poder es admirado y envidiado, llegando a ser los genoveses verdaderos referentes culturales y religiosos de las oligarquías granadinas. En este artículo se trata la imagen del mercader genovés a través de crónicas civiles y religiosas, epistolarios mercantiles, documentación notarial y judicial. En estas fuentes, la visión totalmente negativa pasa a ser mucho más positiva, percibiendo a los genoveses como: ricos, nobles y poderosos, aunque no lo fueran realmente

    Greed to be their vassals: Letters of genoese Rolando Levanto to Cúllar ́s council about the sale of their jurisdiction, “alcabalas” and “tercias” (1628-1629)

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    Se publican cuatro cartas del mercader genovés Rolando Levanto al concejo de Cúllar acer - ca de la venta de su jurisdicción, tercias y alcabalas. Dichas cartas suponen un interesante elenco documental que permite dilucidar las complejas negociaciones llevadas a cabo por los concejos, es decir, por las nuevas oligarquías surgidas en las villas tras la repoblación que los controlaban, y los factores genoveses durante la venta masiva de jurisdicciones en los comienzos del reinado de Felipe IV y el interés de ciertas villas de pasar de jurisdicción real a señorial, así como las grandes dificultades de la época para realizar transacciones financieras debido a la devaluación de la moneda y el llamado “premio de la plata”.It is published four letters between genovese Rolando Levanto and Cullar ́s council about the sale of jurisdiction, “alcabalas” and “tercias” from his Majesty ́s and the offer of Cúllar to be duke of Alba ́s vassals. Those letters supposes an interesting documentary cast that it seen complex negotiations carried on by councils –that is to say new oligarchies that control them raised after repopulation - and ligurian agents in massive sales of jurisdictions at the beginning of king Felipe IV ́s reign. Some towns ́ jurisdiction passed from the Crown to lordships with great difficulties to realize financial transactions because of revolution of prices, inflation and “premio de la plata”

    What else can we do to prevent diabetic retinopathy?

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    Diabetic retinopathy; Modifiable risk factors; Neurovascular unitRetinopatía diabética; Factores de riesgo modificables; Unidad neurovascularRetinopatia diabètica; Factors de risc modificables; Unitat neurovascularThe classical modifiable factors associated with the onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy are the suboptimal control of blood glucose levels and hypertension, as well as dyslipidaemia. However, there are other less recognised modifiable factors that can play a relevant role, such as the presence of obesity or the abnormal distribution of adipose tissue, and others related to lifestyle such as the type of diet, vitamin intake, exercise, smoking and sunlight exposure. In this article we revisit the prevention of diabetic retinopathy based on modulating the modifiable risk factors, as well as commenting on the potential impact of glucose-lowering drugs on the condition. The emerging concept that neurodegeneration is an early event in the development of diabetic retinopathy points to neuroprotection as a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent the advanced stages of the disease. In this regard, the better phenotyping of very early stages of diabetic retinopathy and the opportunity of arresting its progression using treatments targeting the neurovascular unit (NVU) are discussed.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona