49 research outputs found

    Numerical study of coherence of optical feedback in semiconductor laser dynamics

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    The nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor laser with coherent, as compared to incoherent, delayed optical feedback systems have been discussed and contrasted in prior research literature. Here, we report simulations of how the dynamics change as the coherence of the optical feedback is systematically varied from being coherent to incoherent. An increasing rate of phase disturbance is used to vary the coherence. An edge emitting, 830nm, Fabry Perot semiconductor laser with a long external cavity is simulated. Following this study, consideration of prior and future experimental studies should include evaluation of where on the continuum of partial coherence the delayed optical feedback sits. Partial coherence is a parameter that will affect the dynamics

    Modeling and simulations of beam stabilization in edge-emitting broad area semiconductor devices

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    A 2+1 dimensional PDE traveling wave model describing spatial-lateral dynamics of edge-emitting broad area semiconductor devices is considered. A numerical scheme based on a split-step Fourier method is presented and implemented on a parallel compute cluster. Simulations of the model equations are used for optimizing of existing devices with respect to the emitted beam quality, as well as for creating and testing of novel device design concept

    Semiconductor mode-locked lasers with coherent dual mode optical injection: Simulations, analysis and experiment

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    Using a delay differential equations model we study the dynamics of a passively mode-locked semiconductor laser with dual frequency coherent optical injection. The locking regions where the laser pulse repetition rate is synchronized to the separation of the two injected frequencies were calculated numerically and measured experimentally. Asymptotic analysis performed in the limit of the small injection field amplitude revealed the dependence of the locking regions on the model parameters, such as optical bandwith, absorber recovery time and linear losses

    Hybrid mode-locking in edge-emitting semiconductor lasers: Simulations, analysis and experiments

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    Hybrid mode-locking in a two section edge-emitting semiconductor laser is studied numerically and analytically using a set of three delay differential equations. In this set the external RF signal applied to the saturable absorber section is modeled by modulation of the carrier relaxation rate in this section. Estimation of the locking range where the pulse repetition frequency is synchronized with the frequency of the external modulation is performed numerically and the effect of the modulation shape and amplitude on this range is investigated. Asymptotic analysis of the dependence of the locking range width on the laser parameters is carried out in the limit of small signal modulation. Our numerical simulations indicate that hybrid mode-locking can be also achieved in the cases when the frequency of the external modulation is approximately twice larger and twice smaller than the pulse repetition frequency of the free running passively mode-locked laser fP . Finally, we provide an experimental demonstration of hybrid mode-locking in a 20 GHz quantum-dot laser with the modulation frequency of the reverse bias applied to the absorber section close to fP =2

    Nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers with active optical feedback

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    An in-depth theoretical as well as experimental analysis of the nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers with active optical feedback is presented. Use of a monolithically integrated multi-section device of sub-mm total length provides access to the short-cavity regime. By introducing an amplifier section as novel feature, phase and strength of the feedback can be separately tuned. In this way, the number of modes involved in the laser action can be adjusted. We predict and observe specific dynamical scenarios. Bifurcations mediate various transitions in the device output, from single-mode steady-state to self-pulsation and between different kinds of self-pulsations, reaching eventually chaotic behavior in the multi-mode limit

    Frequency locking of modulated waves

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    We consider the behavior of a modulated wave solution to an S1\mathbb{S}^1-equivariant autonomous system of differential equations under an external forcing of modulated wave type. The modulation frequency of the forcing is assumed to be close to the modulation frequency of the modulated wave solution, while the wave frequency of the forcing is supposed to be far from that of the modulated wave solution. We describe the domain in the three-dimensional control parameter space (of frequencies and amplitude of the forcing) where stable locking of the modulation frequencies of the forcing and the modulated wave solution occurs. Our system is a simplest case scenario for the behavior of self-pulsating lasers under the influence of external periodically modulated optical signals