7 research outputs found

    The Vacuolar Pathway in Macrophages Plays a Major Role in Antigen Cross-Presentation Induced by the Pore-Forming Protein Sticholysin II Encapsulated Into Liposomes

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    Cross-presentation is an important mechanism for the differentiation of effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from naïve CD8+ T-cells, a key response for the clearance of intracellular pathogens and tumors. The liposomal co-encapsulation of the pore-forming protein sticholysin II (StII) with ovalbumin (OVA) (Lp/OVA/StII) induces a powerful OVA-specific CTL activation and an anti-tumor response in vivo. However, the pathway through which the StII contained in this preparation is able to induce antigen cross-presentation and the type of professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) involved have not been elucidated. Here, the ability of mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DCs) and macrophages (BM-MΊs) stimulated with Lp/OVA/StII to activate SIINFEKL-specific B3Z CD8+ T cells was evaluated in the presence of selected inhibitors. BM-MΊs, but not BM-DCs were able to induce SIINFEKL-specific B3Z CD8+ T cell activation upon stimulation with Lp/OVA/StII. The cross-presentation of OVA was markedly decreased by the lysosome protease inhibitors, leupeptin and cathepsin general inhibitor, while it was unaffected by the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin. This process was also significantly reduced by phagocytosis and Golgi apparatus function inhibitors, cytochalasin D and brefeldin A, respectively. These results are consistent with the concept that BM-MΊs internalize these liposomes through a phagocytic mechanism resulting in the cross-presentation of the encapsulated OVA by the vacuolar pathway. The contribution of macrophages to the CTL response induced by Lp/OVA/StII in vivo was determined by depleting macrophages with clodronate-containing liposomes. CTL induction was almost completely abrogated in mice depleted of macrophages, demonstrating the relevance of these APCs in the antigen cross-presentation induced by this formulation

    Panorama of the Intracellular Molecular Concert Orchestrated by Actinoporins, Pore-Forming Toxins from Sea Anemones

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    Actinoporins (APs) are soluble pore-forming proteins secreted by sea anemones that experience conformational changes originating in pores in the membranes that can lead to cell death. The processes involved in the binding and pore-formation of members of this protein family have been deeply examined in recent years; however, the intracellular responses to APs are only beginning to be understood. Unlike pore formers of bacterial origin, whose intracellular impact has been studied in more detail, currently, we only have knowledge of a few poorly integrated elements of the APs' intracellular action. In this review, we present and discuss an updated landscape of the studies aimed at understanding the intracellular pathways triggered in response to APs attack with particular reference to sticholysin II, the most active isoform produced by the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus. To achieve this, we first describe the major alterations these cytolysins elicit on simpler cells, such as non-nucleated mammalian erythrocytes, and then onto more complex eukaryotic cells, including tumor cells. This understanding has provided the basis for the development of novel applications of sticholysins such as the construction of immunotoxins directed against undesirable cells, such as tumor cells, and the design of a cancer vaccine platform. These are among the most interesting potential uses for the members of this toxin family that have been carried out in our laboratory


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