71 research outputs found

    ROS generating BODIPY loaded nanoparticles for photodynamic eradication of biofilms

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    Bacterial biofilms can pose a serious health risk to humans and are less susceptible to antibiotics and disinfection than planktonic bacteria. Here, a novel method for biofilm eradication based on antimicrobial photodynamic therapy utilizing a nanoparticle in conjunction with a BODIPY derivative as photosensitizer was developed. Reactive oxygen species are generated upon illumination with visible light and lead to a strong, controllable and persistent eradication of both planktonic bacteria and biofilms. One of the biggest challenges in biofilm eradication is the penetration of the antimicrobial agent into the biofilm and its matrix. A biocompatible hydrophilic nanoparticle was utilized as a delivery system for the hydrophobic BODIPY dye and enabled its accumulation within the biofilm. This key feature of delivering the antimicrobial agent to the site of action where it is activated resulted in effective eradication of all tested biofilms. Here, 3 bacterial species that commonly form clinically relevant pathogenic biofilms were selected: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans. The development of this antimicrobial photodynamic therapy tool for biofilm eradication takes a promising step towards new methods for the much needed treatment of pathogenic biofilms

    Osmosis with active solutes

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    Despite much current interest in active matter, little is known about osmosis in active systems. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate how active solutes perturb osmotic steady states. We find that solute activity increases the osmotic pressure, and can also expel solvent from the solution - i.e. cause reverse osmosis. The latter effect cannot be described by an effective temperature, but can be reproduced by mapping the active solution onto a passive one with the same degree of local structuring as the passive solvent component. Our results provide a basic framework for understanding active osmosis, and suggest that activity-induced structuring of the passive component may play a key role in the physics of active-passive mixtures.Comment: 6 page

    A case for increased private sector involvement in Ireland's national animal health services

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    Non-regulatory animal health issues, such as Johne's disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and mastitis will become increasing important, with ongoing globalisation of markets in animals and animal products. In response, Ireland may need to broaden the scope of its national animal health services. However, there have been concerns about the respective roles and responsibilities (both financial and otherwise) of government and industry in any such moves. This paper argues the case for increased private sector involvement in Ireland's national animal health services, based both on theoretical considerations and country case studies (the Netherlands and Australia). The Dutch and Australian case studies present examples of successful partnerships between government and industry, including systems and processes to address non-regulatory animal health issues. In each case, the roles and responsibilities of government are clear, as are the principles underpinning government involvement. Furthermore, the roles and responsibilities (financial and otherwise) of the Dutch and Australian industry are determined through enabling legislation, providing both legitimacy and accountability. There are constraints on the use of EU and national government funds to support non-regulatory animal health services in EU member states (such as Ireland and the Netherlands)

    Nursing Care and Patient Safety: Visualizing Medication Organization, Storage and Distribution with Photographic Research Methods

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    In this qualitative study, we adapted photographic research methods from earlier nursing research to identify factors related to organization, storage and distribution that could lead to errors in the selection, preparation and administration of medications. The research excerpt presented here was developed in a clinical unit of an urban Brazilian public hospital. The research participants were nurses working at that unit and students from the two final semesters of the Undergraduate Nursing Course. We collected digital photographs of the medication system and subsequently used photo elicitation to review the images with research participants, so as to obtain their perceptions and narratives of working with medications in the unit. We report selected findings here on the organization, storage and distribution of medications, which indicate there is room to improve the safety of the medication system.En este estudio cualitativo, se adoptó el método de investigación fotográfica de estudios anteriores, para identificar factores relacionados a la organización, acondicionamiento y distribución, los que podrían conducir a errores en la selección, preparación y administración de medicamentos. Esta parte de la investigación que se presenta fue desarrollada en una unidad de clínica médica de un Hospital Público, en Brasil. Los participantes de la investigación fueron enfermeros que trabajaban en aquella unidad y estudiantes de los dos últimos semestres del Curso de Graduación en Enfermería. Fueron obtenidas fotografías digitales del sistema de medicación y subsecuentemente, se obtuvieron las fotos para analizar las imágenes con los participantes de la investigación, a fin de obtener sus percepciones y narrativas al respecto del trabajo con medicamentos en aquella unidad. Se presenta una selección de los principales hallazgos de la investigación sobre organización, acondicionamiento y distribución de medicamentos, indicando que hay espacio para mejorar la seguridad del sistema de medicación.Neste estudo qualitativo, adaptou-se o método de pesquisa fotográfica de estudos anteriores, para identificar fatores relacionados à organização, acondicionamento e distribuição que poderiam levar a erros na seleção, preparo e administração de medicamentos. O recorte da pesquisa apresentado foi desenvolvido em unidade de clínica médica de um hospital público, Brasil. Os participantes da pesquisa foram enfermeiros que trabalhavam naquela unidade e acadêmicos dos dois últimos semestres do curso de graduação em Enfermagem. Obtiveram-se fotografias digitais do sistema de medicação e, subsequentemente, utilizou-se a elicitação das fotos para rever imagens com os participantes da pesquisa, a fim de obter suas percepções e narrativas a respeito do trabalho com medicamentos, naquela unidade. Apresenta-se uma seleção dos principais achados da pesquisa sobre organização, acondicionamento e distribuição de medicamentos, indicando que há espaço para melhorar a segurança do sistema de medicação