50 research outputs found

    Koi herpesvirus disease in carp

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    A disease in the koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi) and the common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio), caused by the herpesvirus and accompanied by a high mortality rate, has spread across numerous fish ponds all over the world since 1998, resulting in massive mortality and significant financial losses. The herpesvirus-like virus, called the koi herpesvirus (KHV) has been isolated and identified from the koi and the common carp in the course of the incidences of massive mortalities. The first appearance of a disease with a high mortality in the common and the koi carp caused by the koi herpesvirus (KHV) was described in 1998 in Israel and the United States of America (USA). Since that time, a large number of cases of outbreaks of this disease have been confirmed throughout the world, including the USA, Israel, and a large number of European countries. The deaths occurred seasonally, in late spring or early autumn, when the water temperature was from 18-28ºC. The most important factor of the environment that affects the occurrence and gravity of this disease is the water temperature. This disease is currently considered one of the factors that present the biggest threat to populations of the common and the koi carp. Diseased fish are disoriented, their movements uncoordinated, their breathing rapid, gills swollen, and they have local skin lesions. The virus was isolated from tissue of diseased fish and cultivated on a KF-1 (koi fin cells) cell line. Electronic microscopy examinations revealed virus identical viral particles of the Herpesviridae family. Analyses of the virion polypeptide and DNA established differences between the KHV and the previously known herpesvirus of the Cyprinida family, Herpesvirus cyprini (CHV), and the virus of the channel catfish (Channel catfish virus - CCV). In the years 2004 and 2005, high mortality was established among one-year and two-year carp fry on three fish ponds. At two ponds, the deaths occurred among one year and two-year carp fry during the spring period, when the water temperature was over 18ºC. During the autumn period, mortality was recorded among one-year carp fry at water temperatures above 23ºC. On the grounds of the determined pathomorphological changes and the high mortality during the period of the year when the temperature was above 18ºC, we suspect that KHV is also present in fish ponds in Serbia, even though the virus itself has not been isolated. The objective of this work is briefly to present the relevant data on this disease which is inflicting significant losses to carp production, to show the current distribution of this disease, the diagnostic methods, and the possibilities for the prevention and control of KHV

    Currency risk of public debt in Serbia: Current status and European lessons

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    Currency risk, and its effect on public debt, is becoming more important in economic analysis, particularly in highly dollarized countries like Serbia. The aim of this paper is to analyse the currency structure of the public debt in Serbia and the associated risks, and to present the recommendations for improving public debt management based on international experiences. This paper analyses the currency structure of public debt of Serbia over the period 2004-2016, the comparative indicators of dollarization in Serbia and selected countries of the region, as well as the currency risk movements. The currency structure of the public debt of Serbia characterizes the predominance of three currencies - dinar, dollar and euro. Serbia is the most euroised country in the region, along with a marked highest share of dollar debt in total public debt. As a result, due to currency mismatch, the public debt of Serbia is exposed to high currency risk. Based on the presented successful examples of public debt management in Hungary and Poland, as countries with a low level of dollarization, the recommendations for improving public debt management system in Serbia are presented in the final section of our paper

    Detection and genotyping of classical swine fever virus isolates in Serbia

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    Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious disease of pigs leading to significant economic losses worldwide. Classical swine fever virus can be classified into three genogroups, each consisting of three or four subgroups. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the genotypes of CSFV isolates in Republic of Serbia. This study, based on the sequences analysis of partial E2 gene and 5' non coding region (NCR) of 15 CSFV isolated during 2006-2008 from domestic pigs, revealed that all were clustered into genetic group 2.3. Additionally, we showed that the two most often used real time RT-PCR assays were able to detect all local CSF viruses circulated in Serbia in the last years during intensive vaccination campaign against CSF. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31075 and TR 31088

    Evidence of Aujeszky s disease in wild boar in Serbia

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    Background: Aujeszkys disease is a viral disease of suids caused by Suid Herpesvirus 1. The disease has worldwide distribution with significant economic impact. In Serbia, there is neither an Aujeszkys disease eradication nor national vaccination programme of domestic pigs. Since clinical symptoms of Aujeszkys disease are not specific, it is important to establish a link between clinical signs and presence of ADV active infection in wild boars. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of active infection within wild boar showing signs of ADV and also to examine relationship between isolates from domestic pigs and wild boar. Having in mind that virus has not been previously isolated from wild boars in Serbia, we report the first isolation of Suid Herpesvirus 1 from this species in Serbia. Results: Tissue and serum samples from 40 wild boars from eastern Serbia were examined for evidence of Aujeszkys disease (AD). Suid Herpesvirus 1 (SHV1), the cause of AD was isolated on PK15 cell line from three tissue samples, inducing cytopathic effect (CPE) with syncytia forming, and viral genome was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in eight samples. Genetic analysis of us4, us9 and ul49.5 partial sequences showed high homology between ADV isolates from wild boars and between isolates from wild boars and domestic animals. Neutralizing antibodies were not detected by virus neutralisation test (VNT) in sera from four out of eight PCR positive wild boars suggesting recent infection in those animals. Conclusions: This is the first demonstration of Aujeszkys disease virus (ADV) in the wild boar population in Serbia although seroconversion has been detected previously

    Epizootiološka situacija afričke kuge svinja u Evropi

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    African swine fever (ASF) is a viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar. Due to the very serious socioeconomic consequences, the disease is one of the most important ones nowadays. African swine fever is an enzootic disease in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Sardinia, and Trans Caucasus countries. After its occurrence in Georgia in 2007, ASF spread to Armenia and Russian Federation, and in 2008. to Azerbaijan. Since then, its progressive moving toward the west has been recorded. Despite the number of undertaken preventive and control measures in the European Union (EU), ASF has been still spreading. During 2017, the disease has been reported in domestic pigs in Estonia, Italy-Sardinia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. ASF cases in domestic pigs have also been reported in Moldova in 2017. The number of diagnosed cases in wild boar in 2017 is much higher than in domestic pigs. ASF outbreak in wild boar in the Czech Republic well describes the possible viral 'jump' into a new region. The source of infection hasn't been confirmed yet, but it is common that such leaps are due to either swill feeding or improperly disposal of food rather than to the animal movements. Since the lack of effective vaccine makes eradication even more difficult, the prevention of viral entry into the new areas is of the most importance. With the same aim, since 2011.the surveillance of ASF has been implemented in Serbia.Afrička kuga svinja (AKS) je virusna bolest domaćih i divljih svinja. Socioekonomske posledice ove bolesti svrstavaju je u najznačajnije bolesti današnjice. Afrička kuga svinja je enzootska bolest u mnogim zemljama južno od Sahare, na Sardiniji i Kavkazu. Pošto se pojavila 2007. godine u Gruziji, AKS se iste godine proširila na Jermeniju i Rusiju, a 2008. na Azerbejdžan. Od tada se beleži progresivno kretanje virusa ka zapadu. Uprkos svim preventivnim i kontrolnim merama koje se sprovode u Evropskoj uniji (EU), afrička kuga svinja se i dalje širi. Tokom 2017. godine kod domaćih svinja je dokazana u Estoniji, Italiji - Sardinija, Letoniji, Litvaniji, Poljskoj, Rumuniji i Ukrajini. Slučajevi AKS kod domaćih svinja u Moldaviji su takođe registrovani i u 2017. godini. Broj dijagnostikovanih slučajeva kod divljih svinja u 2017. je značajno veći u odnosu na broj slučajeva kod domaćih. Pojava AKS u Češkoj 2017. godine kod divljih svinja predstavlja veliki "skok" virusa u novo područje. Izvor infekcije još uvek nije potvrđen, ali je uobičajeno da se ovakve pojave dešavaju kao posledica hranjenja životinja ostacima hrane, a ne zbog kretanja životinja. Budući da je iskorenjivanje AKS veoma otežano u odsustvu efikasne vakcine, prevencija unosa virusa u nova područja je od najvećeg značaja. Sa tim ciljem, u Srbiji se od 2011. godine sprovodi nadzor kod divljih svinja na afričku kugu

    Detekcija i genotipizacija izolata virusa klasične kuge svinja u Srbiji

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    Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious disease of pigs leading to significant economic losses worldwide. Classical swine fever virus can be classified into three genogroups, each consisting of three or four subgroups. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the genotypes of CSFV isolates in Republic of Serbia. This study, based on the sequences analysis of partial E2 gene and 5' non coding region (NCR) of 15 CSFV isolated during 2006-2008 from domestic pigs, revealed that all were clustered into genetic group 2.3. Additionally, we showed that the two most often used real time RT-PCR assays were able to detect all local CSF viruses circulated in Serbia in the last years during intensive vaccination campaign against CSF.Klasična kuga svinja (CSF) je visoko kontagiozno oboljenje svinja koje dovodi do značajnih ekonomskih gubitaka širom sveta. Na osnovu genetske strukture, virus klasicne kuge svinja podeljen je utri genogrupe, od kojih svaka ima tri ili četiri podgrupe. Nedostaju podaci o tome koji genotipovi virusa klasične kuge svinja na teritoriji Republike Srbije cirkulišu u prijemčivoj populaciji. Sekvencioniranjem dela E2 gena i 5’nekodirajućeg regiona (NCR) 15 izolata virusa klasične kuge svinja prikupljenih u periodu od 2006-2008 godine, poreklom od domaćih svinja, dokazano je da svi pripadaju genetskoj grupi 2.3. Uz to, dokazano je i da je upotrebom dva najčešće korišćena real time RT-PCR protokola moguće detektovati sve lokalne izolate virusa klasične kuge svinja koji cirkulišu u Srbiji poslednjih godina, u kojoj se uporedo vršila i intenzivna vakcinacija protiv ove bolesti

    The Role of Macrophage Inhibitory Factor in TAA-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Mice: Modulatory Effects of Betaine

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    Macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) is a multipotent cytokine, involved in the inflammatory response to infections or injuries. This study investigates the role of MIF in liver fibrosis and the modulating effect of betaine on MIF in thioacetamide (TAA)-induced liver fibrosis. The wild-type and knockout MIF−/− C57BL/6 mice were divided into the following groups: control; Bet group, which received betaine; MIF−/−; MIF−/−+Bet; TAA group, which received TAA; TAA+Bet; MIF−/−+TAA; and MIF−/−+TAA+Bet group. After eight weeks of treatment, liver tissue was collected for further analysis. The results revealed that TAA-treated MIF-deficient mice had elevated levels of hepatic TGF-β1 and PDGF-BB, as well as MMP-2, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 compared to TAA-treated wild-type mice. However, the administration of betaine to TAA-treated MIF-deficient mice reduced hepatic TGF-β1 and PDGF-BB levels and also the relative activities of MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-1, albeit less effectively than in TAA-treated mice without MIF deficiency. Furthermore, the antifibrogenic effect of MIF was demonstrated by an increase in MMP2/TIMP1 and MMP9/TIMP1 ratios. The changes in the hepatic levels of fibrogenic factors were confirmed by a histological examination of liver tissue. Overall, the dual nature of MIF highlights its involvement in the progression of liver fibrosis. Its prooxidant and proinflammatory effects may exacerbate tissue damage and inflammation initially, but its antifibrogenic activity suggests a potential protective role against fibrosis development. The study showed that betaine modulates the antifibrogenic effects of MIF in TAA-induced liver fibrosis, by decreasing TGF-β1, PDGF-BB, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and the deposition of ECM (Coll1 and Coll3) in the liver

    Altered Mitochondrial Function in MASLD: Key Features and Promising Therapeutic Approaches

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    Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), formerly known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), encompasses a range of liver conditions from steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Its prevalence, especially among patients with metabolic syndrome, highlights its growing global impact. The pathogenesis of MASLD involves metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, genetic factors and, notably, mitochondrial dysfunction. Recent studies underscore the critical role of mitochondrial dysfunction in MASLD’s progression. Therapeutically, enhancing mitochondrial function has gained interest, along with lifestyle changes and pharmacological interventions targeting mitochondrial processes. The FDA’s approval of resmetirom for metabolic-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) with fibrosis marks a significant step. While resmetirom represents progress, further research is essential to understand MASLD-related mitochondrial dysfunction fully. Innovative strategies like gene editing and small-molecule modulators, alongside lifestyle interventions, can potentially improve MASLD treatment. Drug repurposing and new targets will advance MASLD therapy, addressing its increasing global burden. Therefore, this review aims to provide a better understanding of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in MASLD and identify more effective preventive and treatment strategies

    Important bacterial diseases and their control in rainbow trout in Serbian aquaculture

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    Global freshwater fish production in aquaculture has grown rapidly in recent decades. This constant growth, involving novel forms of intensive aquaculture, has increased global movements of fish and boosted various anthropogenic stresses to aquatic ecosystems, so rainbow trout aquaculture has encountered the emergence and outbreaks of many bacterial diseases. Due to the need to effectively prevent and control disease outbreaks, vaccines have become an important technology in intensive trout aquaculture. In this review, the applications of specific vaccines against important bacterial diseases of rainbow trout in Serbian aquaculture are summarized

    Modeling the kinetics of essential oil hydrodistillation from plant materials

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    The present work deals with modeling the kinetics of essential oils extraction from plant materials by water and steam distillation. The experimental data were obtained by studying the hydrodistillation kinetics of essential oil from juniper berries. The literature data on the kinetics of essential oils hydrodistillation from different plant materials were also included into the modeling. A physical model based on simultaneous washing and diffusion of essential oil from plant materials were developed to describe the kinetics of essential oils hydrodistillation, and two other simpler models were derived from this physical model assuming either instantaneous washing followed by diffusion or diffusion with no washing (i.e. the first-order kinetics). The main goal was to compare these models and suggest the optimum ones for water and steam distillation and for different plant materials. All three models described well the experimental kinetic data on water distillation irrespective of the type of distillation equipment and its scale, the type of plant materials and the operational conditions. The most applicable one is the model involving simultaneous washing and diffusion of the essential oil. However, this model was generally inapplicable for steam distillation of essential oils, except for juniper berries. For this hydrodistillation technique, the pseudo first-order model was shown to be the best one. In a few cases, a variation of the essential oil yield with time was observed to be sigmoidal and was modeled by the Boltzmann sigmoid function