19 research outputs found

    Review on the problem of dry socket

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    U radu je prikazan alveolit kao problem u stomatološkoj nauci i u svakodnevnoj praksi. Kompleksna problematika razmatrana je na osnovu triju parametara: etiologije, frekvencije i terapije, koji su promatrani u svjetlu podataka mnogih stručnjaka uz komparaciju s rezultatima našega rada na ovoj tematici.In this work the dry socket is presented as the problem in the stomatologic science and the every day practice. The complexity of the problem was studied on the basis of three param eteres: etiology, frequency and therapy, which were observed by help of comparison of data obtained by many other experts and the results of our own work on this subject

    System of classical nonlinear oscillators as a coarse-grained quantum system

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    Constrained Hamiltonian dynamics of a quantum system of nonlinear oscillators is used to provide the mathematical formulation of a coarse-grained description of the quantum system. It is seen that the evolution of the coarse-grained system preserves constant and minimal quantum fluctuations of the fundamental observables. This leads to the emergence of the corresponding classical system on a sufficiently large scale

    Contact application of Lamiaceae botanicals reduces bean weevil infestation in stored beans

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    The bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus, Say) is a serious pest of stored bean seeds. Bean weevil control relies heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides. In the search for a sustainable alternative, the residual contact toxicity and anti-oviposition activity of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils as well as their dominant components (thymol, alpha-pinene, 1,8-cineole and linalool) were tested against A. obtectus adults. Out of the seven tested botanicals, T. vulgaris oil, thymol and linalool exhibited the highest toxic potential (>90% mortality). Females were less susceptible than males. The insecticidal activity of these botanicals was much greater when they were applied on glass compared to direct application to the bean. All tested botanicals reduced oviposition by bean weevil females. T. vulgaris oil, thymol and a-pinene also deterred bean weevil oviposition, as revealed by a two-choice test. Our research shows that T. vulgaris oil and thymol are promising and sustainable alternatives to synthetic pesticides for protecting stored beans against the bean weevil

    Review on the problem of dry socket

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    U radu je prikazan alveolit kao problem u stomatološkoj nauci i u svakodnevnoj praksi. Kompleksna problematika razmatrana je na osnovu triju parametara: etiologije, frekvencije i terapije, koji su promatrani u svjetlu podataka mnogih stručnjaka uz komparaciju s rezultatima našega rada na ovoj tematici.In this work the dry socket is presented as the problem in the stomatologic science and the every day practice. The complexity of the problem was studied on the basis of three param eteres: etiology, frequency and therapy, which were observed by help of comparison of data obtained by many other experts and the results of our own work on this subject

    Judgement of paintings belonging to different tendencies in the 20th century painting

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    In this study Trifunović’ hypothesis that there are three objective lines in the development of modern art was psychologically evaluated. According to Trifunović, in the first line (Cézanne - cubism - neoplasticism - suprematism) the geometrization of form prevails, in the second (Van Gogh - expressionism - abstract expressionism) the use of color is dominant, whereas the main features of the third line (Gauguin - fauvism) are symbolic use of color and reduction of perspective. Fifteen reproductions of paintings that represent the three developmental lines were used as stimuli. The subjects were asked to judge the stimuli on nine bipolar 7-step scales. These scales constitute the three factors of instrument SDF 9: Evaluation, Arousal and Regularity (3 scales x 3 factors = 9 scales). Four clusters of paintings were obtained: Abstract-expressionistic (moderate Evaluation, high Arousal and low Regularity), Figural-expressionistic (very low Evaluation, low Arousal and high Regularity), Constructivistic (moderate Evaluation, low Arousal and high Regularity) and Realistic (high Evaluation, high Arousal and high Regularity). The results partially confirm Trifunović’ hypothesis indicating that, besides the formal features, the content (abstract vs. figural) is also significant factor of subjective clustering of paintings

    Meeting the coming organizational risk challenges in human resources

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    The research presented in this paper concerns challenges of organizational risk in the field of human resources. Research goals are to determine the degree of importance and influence of human risks in order to achieve a more favorable environment for successful business. The empirical research has been conducted in Serbia during 2015, with a sample of 43 companies from the Processing industry. There were mathematical and statistical methods, multiple regression analysis and logistic regression used. Group's core results showed that over 80% of production companies are aware of the human resources risks and their importance for the business. The contribution of this paper is to prove the scientific significance of the upcoming risks of human resources establishing theoretical and empirical knowledge about the need to improve organization approach to managing these risks

    INTEND Project D 3.2 Megatrends validation and impact assessment

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    This document illustrates the findings regarding megatrend validation and impacts assessment on the transport concept of the future priorities that have been illustrated in Deliverable D 2.2 and D 3.1 of INTEND project. The validation is carried out through the application of the Analytic network process (ANP). Analytic Network Process method taking into account clusters of megatren

    INTEND Project D 3.2 Megatrends validation and impact assessment

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    This document illustrates the findings regarding megatrend validation and impacts assessment on the transport concept of the future priorities that have been illustrated in Deliverable D 2.2 and D 3.1 of INTEND project. The validation is carried out through the application of the Analytic network process (ANP). Analytic Network Process method taking into account clusters of megatren

    Unapređenje održavanja uređaja specijalne namene realizacijom modernizacije analognog filtera / Improvements of the maintenance of special purpose devices by analog filter modernization / Упрощение обслуживания устройств специального назначения путем модернизации аналогового фильтра

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    U radu će biti izvršena analiza i poređenje pokazatelja pouzdanosti dve vrste uređaja specijalne namene koji se koriste u radio-relejnim sistemima. Na osnovu rezultata sprovedene analize, stečenog iskustva iz domena najvišeg nivoa održavanja uređaja, predložiće se modernizacija postojećeg analognog radio-frekventnog filtera sa odgovarajućim digitalnim filterom. Predložena modernizacija unapređuje tehnološki proces održavanja uređaja, poboljšava karakteristike pogodnosti za održavanjem, povećava pouzdanost u radu uređaja uz znatno smanjenje troškova održavanja uređaja. / This paper deals with an analysis and a comparison of the reliability of two types of special-purpose devices used in radio-relay systems. Based on the results of the analysis and the experience in top-level domains device maintenance, this paper proposes a modernization method of the existing analog radio-frequency filter with an appropriate digital filter. The proposed modernization of the technological process improves the characteristics of maintainability, increases reliability in performance while dramatically reducing the cost of equipment maintenance. / В работе проведен анализ и сравнение показателей надежности двух типов специальных устройств, которые используются в радиорелейных системах. Основываясь на результатах проведенного анализа, опыта, накопленного при эксплуатации устройств при обеспечении поддержки доменов верхнего уровня, предложен способ модернизации, путем замены существующего аналогового радио-частотного фильтра на соответствующий цифровой фильтр. Предлагаемый способ модернизации упрощает технологические процессы по обслуживанию устройств, облегчает ремонтопригодность, увеличивает надежность, значительно снижая затраты при эксплуатации

    Poboljšanje modela tehnologije srednjeg nivoa održavanja radio-relejnih uređaja / Improving a technology model for intermediate maintenance of radio-relay devices / Повышение качества технологической модели среднего уровня поддержки радиорелейного устройства

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    U radu su sprovedena istraživanja načina poboljšanja tehnologije srednjeg nivoa održavanja radio-relejnih uređaja. Poboljšani model tehnologije održavanja biće primenjen u praksi tokom korektivnog odr- žavanja radio-relejnih uređaja. Rezultati dobijeni tokom primene predloženog modela poslužiće za donošenje zaključaka o uspešnosti primene definisanog modela tehnologije održavanja. / В данной работе описаны проведенные исследования по методам повышения качества технологической модели среднего уровня радиорелейных устройств. Усовершенствованная технологическая модель будет применяться в процессе поддержки радиорелейных устройств. По результатам применения предлагаемой модели можно будет сделать вывод о преимуществах данной техноло- гической модели по поддержке радиорелейных устройств. / The work was conducted to investigate the manner of improving the technology of intermediate level maintenance of radio-relay devices. The Improved model of maintenance techniques will be applied in practice during corrective maintenance of radio-relay devices. The results obtained during the application of the proposed model will serve to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the defined model of maintenance technology