12 research outputs found

    Self-propagating High Temperature Synthesis of Pink Corundum

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    Pigments based on pink corundum have been obtained by self-propagating high temperature synthesis in Cr2O3-Al2O3-Al system using a small amount of chromium oxide (up to 0.5 wt %) in the composition of the green mixture. Absorption bands of pink corundum in visible reflectance spectrum at λ=560 nm (17850 cm−1) and 400 nm (25000 cm−1) correspond to electron transitions 4А2g→4T2g(4F) and 4А2g→4T1g(4F). Increasing chrome oxide content to 5 wt.% in initial charge mixture leads to pigment darkening due to inclusions of Cr2O3. Synthesized pigments can be used as a component of glaze ceramic colors for porcelain

    Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of pink corundum

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    Pigments based on pink corundum have been obtained by self-propagating high temperature synthesis in Cr2O3-Al2O3-Al system using a small amount of chromium oxide (up to 0.5 wt %) in the composition of the green mixture. Absorption bands of pink corundum in visible reflectance spectrum at λ=560 nm (17850 cm−1) and 400 nm (25000 cm−1) correspond to electron transitions 4А2g→4T2g(4F) and 4А2g→4T1g(4F). Increasing chrome oxide content to 5 wt.% in initial charge mixture leads to pigment darkening due to inclusions of Cr2O3. Synthesized pigments can be used as a component of glaze ceramic colors for porcelain

    Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of pink corundum

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    Pigments based on pink corundum have been obtained by self-propagating high temperature synthesis in Cr2O3-Al2O3-Al system using a small amount of chromium oxide (up to 0.5 wt %) in the composition of the green mixture. Absorption bands of pink corundum in visible reflectance spectrum at λ=560 nm (17850 cm−1) and 400 nm (25000 cm−1) correspond to electron transitions 4А2g→4T2g(4F) and 4А2g→4T1g(4F). Increasing chrome oxide content to 5 wt.% in initial charge mixture leads to pigment darkening due to inclusions of Cr2O3. Synthesized pigments can be used as a component of glaze ceramic colors for porcelain

    Value-meaning Barriers in Research Activity of Junior Scientists

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    Contents of value-meaning barriers are covered that acquire certain specifics in research activity and influence formation of meaning-forming research motivation of junior scientists. Such barriers were assumed to be conditioned by dissonance between dominating values and degree of their realization in junior researchers. Sample of respondents included 88 beginners: postgraduate students (n=65) and masters (n=23) of Tomsk high schools aged between 21 and 35 years. As research methods the expanded version of technique by M. Rokeach (proposed by M.S. Yanitsky and A.V. Seryy), methods of statistical analysis of results (frequency analysis, Mann-Whitney test) were used. Relevant value orientations of junior scientists are presented. Gender differences in value-meaning domain are revealed. Differences in values in postgraduate students and masters were found. Dissonance in degree of fulfillment of terminal and instrumental values has been established that indicates disturbances of value-meaning domain of the personality of junior scientists. Results add to scientific ideas about value-meaning barriers in research activity of junior scientists

    Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis of TiB2–MgAl2O4 Composites

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    Metal borides are widely used as heat-insulating materials, however, the range of their application in high-temperature conditions with oxidative medium is significantly restricted. To improve the thermal stability of structural materials based on titanium boride, and to prevent the growth of TiB2 crystals, additives based on alumina-magnesia spinel with chemical resistant and refractory properties have been used. The aim of this work is to study the structure of TiB2 with alumina-magnesia spinel additives obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). TiB2 structure with uniform fine-grained distribution was obtained in an MgAl2O4 matrix. The material composition was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (DRON-3M, filtered Со kα-emission), FTIR spectroscopy (Thermo Electron Nicolet 5700, within the range of 1300–400 cm−1), and scanning electron microscopy (Philips SEM 515). The obtained material represents a composite, where the particles of TiB2 with a size of 5 µm are uniformly distributed in the alloy of alumina-magnesia spinel


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    Introduction: young scientists engaged in creative activities face difficulties during scientific research, implementation and commercialisation of the results. The impossibility of coping with obstacles leads to the impairment of motivational and creative activity. The problem of studying the main semantic contents of difficult situations and strategies to cope with them becomes relevant as it is conducive to the process of personal development of young scientists. Materials and Methods: the authors used a questionnaire with open-ended questions for revealing the main difficulties and coping strategies in the process of research activity; COPE questionnaire adapted by E. Rasskazova, T. Gordeyeva, E. Osin; Style of Self-Regulation of Behaviour technique by V. I. Morosanova. Statistical data processing was carried out with descriptive statistics methods, analysis of frequencies, factor analysis (Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalisation), cluster analysis (furthest neighbour method and Ward’s method). Results: eight main semantic categories related to difficulties experienced in the process of performing the research work have been detected. The main ways of coping with arising difficulties have been identified. Types of respondents different in terms of coping strategies and regulatory-behavioural characteristics have been distinguished. Discussion and Conclusions: difficulties of self-organisation in time for realisation of new meanings, difficulties in structuring the research work and search for information act as psychological barriers provoking mental stress. The most efficient coping strategies in respondents are strategies Active coping and search for positive meaning and personal development. The inefficient coping strategy with difficulties complicating the process of self-development is Avoiding problems strategies

    Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of TiB2-MgAl2O4 composites

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    Metal borides are widely used as heat-insulating materials, however, the range of their application in high-temperature conditions with oxidative medium is significantly restricted. To improve the thermal stability of structural materials based on titanium boride, and to prevent the growth of TiB2 crystals, additives based on alumina-magnesia spinel with chemical resistant and refractory properties have been used. The aim of this work is to study the structure of TiB2 with alumina-magnesia spinel additives obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). TiB2 structure with uniform fine-grained distribution was obtained in an MgAl2O4 matrix. The material composition was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (DRON-3M, filtered Co kα-emission), FTIR spectroscopy (Thermo Electron Nicolet 5700, within the range of 1300–400 cm⁻¹), and scanning electron microscopy (Philips SEM 515). The obtained material represents a composite, where the particles of TiB2 with a size of 5 µm are uniformly distributed in the alloy of alumina-magnesia spinel