9 research outputs found

    Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Adriatic Sea

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    Plastika se zbog svoje Å”iroke uporabe može naći u svim dijelovima okoliÅ”a, gdje Å”tetno utječe na različite sastavnice okoliÅ”a, a toksični spojevi koje adsorbira prenose se kroz hranidbene lance te s vremenom dolaze do čovjeka. Odabrana istraživanja u ovom radu usredotočena su na karakterizaciju i kvantifikaciju mikroplastike pronađene u Jadranskom moru kao i na toksičnost mikroplastike. Istraživanja su pokazala da je najviÅ”e mikroplastike detektirano u području Sjevernog Jadrana. Provedena ispitivanja ekotoksičnosti mikroplastike primjenom testa s algama ukazuju na to da mikroplastika uzrokuje smanjenje brzine rasta i kretanja algi, obavljanje fotosinteze, fizičke deformacije te dolazi do smanjenja plodnosti i promjena u metaboličkim ciklusima. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.The widespread use of plastics has led to the accumulation of plastics in all parts of the environment where it adversely affects the ecosystem. Plastic pollution has the biggest impact on the marine ecosystems which assimilate about 12.7 million tons of plastic yearly. Because of incomplete degradation, plastic in marine environment is accumulated in the form of large clusters and microplastic. Microplastic has a harmful impact on marine organisms due to the accumulation of toxic compounds adsorbed on its particles, which could be passed through the food chain and eventually to humans. Certain researches discussed in this paper are focused on the characterization and quantification of microplastic found in the Adriatic Sea. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Solid-State Dispersions of Platinum in the SnO2 and Fe2O3 Nanomaterials

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    The dispersion of platinum (Pt) on metal oxide supports is important for catalytic and gas sensing applications. In this work, we used mechanochemical dispersion and compatible Fe(II) acetate, Sn(II) acetate and Pt(II) acetylacetonate powders to better disperse Pt in Fe2O3 and SnO2. The dispersion of platinum in SnO2 is significantly different from the dispersion of Pt over Fe2O3. Electron microscopy has shown that the elements Sn, O and Pt are homogeneously dispersed in Ī±-SnO2 (cassiterite), indicating the formation of a (Pt, Sn)O2 solid solution. In contrast, platinum is dispersed in Ī±-Fe2O3 (hematite) mainly in the form of isolated Pt nanoparticles despite the oxidative conditions during annealing. The size of the dispersed Pt nanoparticles over Ī±- Fe2O3 can be controlled by changing the experimental conditions and is set to 2.2, 1.2 and 0.8 nm. The rather different Pt dispersion in Ī±- SnO2 and Ī±-Fe2O3 is due to the fact that Pt4+ can be stabilized in the Ī±-SnO2 structure by replacing Sn4+ with Pt4+ in the crystal lattice, while the substitution of Fe3+ with Pt4+ is unfavorable and Pt4+ is mainly expelled from the lattice at the surface of Ī±-Fe2O3 to form isolated platinum nanoparticles

    Ferrate(VI) oxidation of priority pollutants

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    Sve veća primjena pesticida i farmaceutika dovodi do povećanja njihove koncentracije u vodama. Svrstavaju se u nova onečiŔćivala koja imaju potencijalno toksična svojstva za ljude, al i za cijeli ekosustav. Neki od tih spojeva, nalaze se na listi prioritetnih tvari Direktive 2013/39/EU pa se njihova koncentracija u vodenom okoliÅ”u kontinuirano prati. Takva onečiŔćivala teÅ”ko se uklanjaju konvencionalnim procesima obrade voda, pa se stoga pokuÅ”avaju razviti nove metode kojima bi se pospjeÅ”ilo uklanjanje. Napredni oksidacijski procesi pokazali su se kao vrlo uspjeÅ”nima u uklanjanju novih onečiŔćivala te je interes za takve procese u porastu. Napredne oksidacijske tehnike uključuju procese temeljene na osvjetljenju UV zrakama, ozonizaciji, Fentononovim reakcijama, ultrazvuku te upotrebi ferata(VI) u procesima oksidacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost oksidacije atrazina, simazina i diklofenaka feratom(VI). Ispitan je utjecaj pH i koncentracije oksidansa na konverziju navedenih onečiŔćivala.The growing implementation of pesticides and pharmaceuticals results in an increased concentration of these substances in water. They are categorized as a new group of pollutants that have potential toxic characteristics harmful not only for humans, but for the entire ecosystem. Therefore, some of these substances are listed as priority pollutants within Directive 2013/39/EU, meaning that their concentration in the water environment is continuously kept under surveillance. Pollutants of this kind are difficult to eliminate by conventional water treatment processes, which is why new and hopefully more effective methods are continuously developed. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved to be highly successful; accordingly the popularity of this approach increase constantly. AOPs include processes based on UV irradiation, ozonation, Fenton reactions, ultrasound treatment and oxidation by ferrate(VI) salts. The objective of this study was to estimate the potential of oxidation of atrazine, simazine and diclofenac using ferrate(VI). The impact of pH and oxidant concentration on the conversion of the mentioned pollutants was investigated

    Ferrate(VI) oxidation of priority pollutants

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    Sve veća primjena pesticida i farmaceutika dovodi do povećanja njihove koncentracije u vodama. Svrstavaju se u nova onečiŔćivala koja imaju potencijalno toksična svojstva za ljude, al i za cijeli ekosustav. Neki od tih spojeva, nalaze se na listi prioritetnih tvari Direktive 2013/39/EU pa se njihova koncentracija u vodenom okoliÅ”u kontinuirano prati. Takva onečiŔćivala teÅ”ko se uklanjaju konvencionalnim procesima obrade voda, pa se stoga pokuÅ”avaju razviti nove metode kojima bi se pospjeÅ”ilo uklanjanje. Napredni oksidacijski procesi pokazali su se kao vrlo uspjeÅ”nima u uklanjanju novih onečiŔćivala te je interes za takve procese u porastu. Napredne oksidacijske tehnike uključuju procese temeljene na osvjetljenju UV zrakama, ozonizaciji, Fentononovim reakcijama, ultrazvuku te upotrebi ferata(VI) u procesima oksidacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost oksidacije atrazina, simazina i diklofenaka feratom(VI). Ispitan je utjecaj pH i koncentracije oksidansa na konverziju navedenih onečiŔćivala.The growing implementation of pesticides and pharmaceuticals results in an increased concentration of these substances in water. They are categorized as a new group of pollutants that have potential toxic characteristics harmful not only for humans, but for the entire ecosystem. Therefore, some of these substances are listed as priority pollutants within Directive 2013/39/EU, meaning that their concentration in the water environment is continuously kept under surveillance. Pollutants of this kind are difficult to eliminate by conventional water treatment processes, which is why new and hopefully more effective methods are continuously developed. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved to be highly successful; accordingly the popularity of this approach increase constantly. AOPs include processes based on UV irradiation, ozonation, Fenton reactions, ultrasound treatment and oxidation by ferrate(VI) salts. The objective of this study was to estimate the potential of oxidation of atrazine, simazine and diclofenac using ferrate(VI). The impact of pH and oxidant concentration on the conversion of the mentioned pollutants was investigated

    Ferrate(VI) oxidation of priority pollutants

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    Sve veća primjena pesticida i farmaceutika dovodi do povećanja njihove koncentracije u vodama. Svrstavaju se u nova onečiŔćivala koja imaju potencijalno toksična svojstva za ljude, al i za cijeli ekosustav. Neki od tih spojeva, nalaze se na listi prioritetnih tvari Direktive 2013/39/EU pa se njihova koncentracija u vodenom okoliÅ”u kontinuirano prati. Takva onečiŔćivala teÅ”ko se uklanjaju konvencionalnim procesima obrade voda, pa se stoga pokuÅ”avaju razviti nove metode kojima bi se pospjeÅ”ilo uklanjanje. Napredni oksidacijski procesi pokazali su se kao vrlo uspjeÅ”nima u uklanjanju novih onečiŔćivala te je interes za takve procese u porastu. Napredne oksidacijske tehnike uključuju procese temeljene na osvjetljenju UV zrakama, ozonizaciji, Fentononovim reakcijama, ultrazvuku te upotrebi ferata(VI) u procesima oksidacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost oksidacije atrazina, simazina i diklofenaka feratom(VI). Ispitan je utjecaj pH i koncentracije oksidansa na konverziju navedenih onečiŔćivala.The growing implementation of pesticides and pharmaceuticals results in an increased concentration of these substances in water. They are categorized as a new group of pollutants that have potential toxic characteristics harmful not only for humans, but for the entire ecosystem. Therefore, some of these substances are listed as priority pollutants within Directive 2013/39/EU, meaning that their concentration in the water environment is continuously kept under surveillance. Pollutants of this kind are difficult to eliminate by conventional water treatment processes, which is why new and hopefully more effective methods are continuously developed. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved to be highly successful; accordingly the popularity of this approach increase constantly. AOPs include processes based on UV irradiation, ozonation, Fenton reactions, ultrasound treatment and oxidation by ferrate(VI) salts. The objective of this study was to estimate the potential of oxidation of atrazine, simazine and diclofenac using ferrate(VI). The impact of pH and oxidant concentration on the conversion of the mentioned pollutants was investigated

    Determination of toxicity of binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals and pesticides

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    Intenzivan gospodarski rast praćen porastom svjetske populacije, rezultirao je povećanjem onečiŔćenja voda. S ciljem očuvanja relativno ograničenih vodenih resursa, dolazi do povećanog interesa za praćenje tvari čija prisutnost u vodama predstavlja opasnost po vodeni okoliÅ”. Među ostalim, javila se i potreba za praćenjem farmaceutika i pesticida čiji je Å”tetni utjecaj na okoliÅ” očekivan, a njihova kontinuirana intenzivna upotreba dovodi do povećane koncentracije u vodama. Vodeni mediji najčeŔće kokteli raznih onečiŔćivala čije zajedničko djelovanje može rezultirati antagonističkim ili sinergističkim odstupanjem s obzirom na čisti aditivnim efekt. Neovisno o tome, procjena rizika i dalje se uglavnom provodi na temelju rezultata ispitivanja toksičnosti zasebnih onečiŔćivala. Za potrebe istraživanja, odabrano je Å”est farmaceutika: azitromicin, eritomicin, karbamazepin, oksitetraciklin, deksametazon i diklofenak te četiri pesticida: alaklor, izoproturon, diuron i klorfenvinfos te je analizirana njihova zasebna toksičnost, ali i toksičnost njihovih binarnih smjesa. Toksičnost je određena prema bakterijama Vibrio fischeri, a za opis toksičnosti binarnih smjesa primijenjena su dva matematička modela: aditivni model (engl. Concentration Adition model) i model neovisnog djelovanja (engl. Independent Action model).Intensive economic growth, followed by global population growth, has resulted with increased water pollution. In order to preserve relatively limited water resources, countries all over the world have started with monitoring of potentially dangerous substances in aquatic environment. This especially relates pharmaceuticals and pesticides whose concentration in the environment is increasing due to their continuous use.. Water pollutants are mostly mixtures comprised of different pollutants whose combined impact might result with antagonistic or synergistic deviation from pure additive toxic action. Nevertheless, the risk assessment is still mainly based on results of single pollutant toxicity. Six pharmaceuticals: azithromycin, erythromycin, carbamazepine, oxytetracycline, dexamethasone, and diclofenac, and four pesticides: alachlor, isoproturon, diuron, and chlorfenvinphos were selected for this research. Their individual toxicities were determined, as well as toxicities of their binary mixtures. Toxicity was measured toward Vibrio fischeri bacteria. Two mathematical models were applied to assess mixture effect: Concentration Addition model and Independent Action model

    Determination of toxicity of binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals and pesticides

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    Intenzivan gospodarski rast praćen porastom svjetske populacije, rezultirao je povećanjem onečiŔćenja voda. S ciljem očuvanja relativno ograničenih vodenih resursa, dolazi do povećanog interesa za praćenje tvari čija prisutnost u vodama predstavlja opasnost po vodeni okoliÅ”. Među ostalim, javila se i potreba za praćenjem farmaceutika i pesticida čiji je Å”tetni utjecaj na okoliÅ” očekivan, a njihova kontinuirana intenzivna upotreba dovodi do povećane koncentracije u vodama. Vodeni mediji najčeŔće kokteli raznih onečiŔćivala čije zajedničko djelovanje može rezultirati antagonističkim ili sinergističkim odstupanjem s obzirom na čisti aditivnim efekt. Neovisno o tome, procjena rizika i dalje se uglavnom provodi na temelju rezultata ispitivanja toksičnosti zasebnih onečiŔćivala. Za potrebe istraživanja, odabrano je Å”est farmaceutika: azitromicin, eritomicin, karbamazepin, oksitetraciklin, deksametazon i diklofenak te četiri pesticida: alaklor, izoproturon, diuron i klorfenvinfos te je analizirana njihova zasebna toksičnost, ali i toksičnost njihovih binarnih smjesa. Toksičnost je određena prema bakterijama Vibrio fischeri, a za opis toksičnosti binarnih smjesa primijenjena su dva matematička modela: aditivni model (engl. Concentration Adition model) i model neovisnog djelovanja (engl. Independent Action model).Intensive economic growth, followed by global population growth, has resulted with increased water pollution. In order to preserve relatively limited water resources, countries all over the world have started with monitoring of potentially dangerous substances in aquatic environment. This especially relates pharmaceuticals and pesticides whose concentration in the environment is increasing due to their continuous use.. Water pollutants are mostly mixtures comprised of different pollutants whose combined impact might result with antagonistic or synergistic deviation from pure additive toxic action. Nevertheless, the risk assessment is still mainly based on results of single pollutant toxicity. Six pharmaceuticals: azithromycin, erythromycin, carbamazepine, oxytetracycline, dexamethasone, and diclofenac, and four pesticides: alachlor, isoproturon, diuron, and chlorfenvinphos were selected for this research. Their individual toxicities were determined, as well as toxicities of their binary mixtures. Toxicity was measured toward Vibrio fischeri bacteria. Two mathematical models were applied to assess mixture effect: Concentration Addition model and Independent Action model

    Ferrate(VI) oxidation of priority pollutants

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    Sve veća primjena pesticida i farmaceutika dovodi do povećanja njihove koncentracije u vodama. Svrstavaju se u nova onečiŔćivala koja imaju potencijalno toksična svojstva za ljude, al i za cijeli ekosustav. Neki od tih spojeva, nalaze se na listi prioritetnih tvari Direktive 2013/39/EU pa se njihova koncentracija u vodenom okoliÅ”u kontinuirano prati. Takva onečiŔćivala teÅ”ko se uklanjaju konvencionalnim procesima obrade voda, pa se stoga pokuÅ”avaju razviti nove metode kojima bi se pospjeÅ”ilo uklanjanje. Napredni oksidacijski procesi pokazali su se kao vrlo uspjeÅ”nima u uklanjanju novih onečiŔćivala te je interes za takve procese u porastu. Napredne oksidacijske tehnike uključuju procese temeljene na osvjetljenju UV zrakama, ozonizaciji, Fentononovim reakcijama, ultrazvuku te upotrebi ferata(VI) u procesima oksidacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost oksidacije atrazina, simazina i diklofenaka feratom(VI). Ispitan je utjecaj pH i koncentracije oksidansa na konverziju navedenih onečiŔćivala.The growing implementation of pesticides and pharmaceuticals results in an increased concentration of these substances in water. They are categorized as a new group of pollutants that have potential toxic characteristics harmful not only for humans, but for the entire ecosystem. Therefore, some of these substances are listed as priority pollutants within Directive 2013/39/EU, meaning that their concentration in the water environment is continuously kept under surveillance. Pollutants of this kind are difficult to eliminate by conventional water treatment processes, which is why new and hopefully more effective methods are continuously developed. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved to be highly successful; accordingly the popularity of this approach increase constantly. AOPs include processes based on UV irradiation, ozonation, Fenton reactions, ultrasound treatment and oxidation by ferrate(VI) salts. The objective of this study was to estimate the potential of oxidation of atrazine, simazine and diclofenac using ferrate(VI). The impact of pH and oxidant concentration on the conversion of the mentioned pollutants was investigated

    Determination of toxicity of binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals and pesticides

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    Intenzivan gospodarski rast praćen porastom svjetske populacije, rezultirao je povećanjem onečiŔćenja voda. S ciljem očuvanja relativno ograničenih vodenih resursa, dolazi do povećanog interesa za praćenje tvari čija prisutnost u vodama predstavlja opasnost po vodeni okoliÅ”. Među ostalim, javila se i potreba za praćenjem farmaceutika i pesticida čiji je Å”tetni utjecaj na okoliÅ” očekivan, a njihova kontinuirana intenzivna upotreba dovodi do povećane koncentracije u vodama. Vodeni mediji najčeŔće kokteli raznih onečiŔćivala čije zajedničko djelovanje može rezultirati antagonističkim ili sinergističkim odstupanjem s obzirom na čisti aditivnim efekt. Neovisno o tome, procjena rizika i dalje se uglavnom provodi na temelju rezultata ispitivanja toksičnosti zasebnih onečiŔćivala. Za potrebe istraživanja, odabrano je Å”est farmaceutika: azitromicin, eritomicin, karbamazepin, oksitetraciklin, deksametazon i diklofenak te četiri pesticida: alaklor, izoproturon, diuron i klorfenvinfos te je analizirana njihova zasebna toksičnost, ali i toksičnost njihovih binarnih smjesa. Toksičnost je određena prema bakterijama Vibrio fischeri, a za opis toksičnosti binarnih smjesa primijenjena su dva matematička modela: aditivni model (engl. Concentration Adition model) i model neovisnog djelovanja (engl. Independent Action model).Intensive economic growth, followed by global population growth, has resulted with increased water pollution. In order to preserve relatively limited water resources, countries all over the world have started with monitoring of potentially dangerous substances in aquatic environment. This especially relates pharmaceuticals and pesticides whose concentration in the environment is increasing due to their continuous use.. Water pollutants are mostly mixtures comprised of different pollutants whose combined impact might result with antagonistic or synergistic deviation from pure additive toxic action. Nevertheless, the risk assessment is still mainly based on results of single pollutant toxicity. Six pharmaceuticals: azithromycin, erythromycin, carbamazepine, oxytetracycline, dexamethasone, and diclofenac, and four pesticides: alachlor, isoproturon, diuron, and chlorfenvinphos were selected for this research. Their individual toxicities were determined, as well as toxicities of their binary mixtures. Toxicity was measured toward Vibrio fischeri bacteria. Two mathematical models were applied to assess mixture effect: Concentration Addition model and Independent Action model