429 research outputs found

    Contextualized B2B Registries

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    Abstract. Service discovery is a fundamental concept underpinning the move towards dynamic service-oriented business partnerships. The business process for integrating service discovery and underlying registry technologies into business relationships, procurement and project management functions has not been examined and hence existing Web Service registries lack capabilities required by business today. In this paper we present a novel contextualized B2B registry that supports dynamic registration and discovery of resources within management contexts to ensure that the search space is constrained to the scope of authorized and legitimate resources only. We describe how the registry has been deployed in three case studies from important economic sectors (aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical) showing how contextualized discovery can support distributed product development processes

    Kleine Wabe - gesunde Biene? Forschungsprojekt zu Wabengröße und Varroa an der Fischermühle

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    Seit über hundert Jahren arbeiten die Imker mit künstlichen Waben auf sogenannten „Mittelwänden”. Aus Mittelwänden werden die gewickelten Bienenwachskerzen hergestellt. Ihnen wird ein Zellraster eingeprägt, das die Zellgröße der künstlichen Waben bestimmt. Die Bienen sind durch ihren Instinkt gebunden und bauen die Wabenzellen entsprechend dem eingeprägten Zellmaß. Aber handelt es sich dabei um das richtige, um das „natürliche” Zellmaß? Aufgrund von Erfahrungen aus den USA wurden Bienenvölker, die kleinere Zellen bauen, auf ihre Varroatoleranz getestet. Nur ein Teil der Völker war in der Lage, kleiner zu bauen. Kleinere Zellen schützen aber in keinem Fall vor deutlichen Verlusten durch die Varroamilbe

    B2B Infrastructures in the Process of Drug Discovery and Healthcare

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    In this paper we describe a demonstration of an innovative B2B infrastructure which can be used to support collaborations in the pharmaceutical industry to achieve the drug discovery goal. Based on experience gained in a wide range of collaborative projects in the areas of grid technology, semantics and data management we show future work and new topics in B2B infrastructures which arise when considering the use of patient records in the process of drug discovery and in healthcare applications

    A Reflection of Assessment of Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Child, Adolescent, and Adult Populations

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    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was initially introduced in the revised third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R) as a diagnosis to help characterize chronic and excessive worry. Today, GAD is one of the most common anxiety disorders in the general population and practice. Although GAD is an increasingly popular area of research, it remains in a premature state. This is evident by a lack of empirically supported assessment measures, intervention strategies, and treatment options. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review current empirically based assessment and treatment interventions for GAD commonly used in child, adolescent, and adult populations

    Olhos atentos para o sistema solar

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    O mundo em que vivemos é cheio de curiosidades e descobertas, principalmente quando se trata de Astronomia e é neste mundo fantástico que podemos conhecer a grandeza do Universo, fazendo com que cada vez mais queiramos novas descobertas. Conforme os PCNS “O século XV foi um momento muito marcante na área da Astronomia, foi quando começaram a surgir os paradigmas da Ciência moderna por meio de diferentes filósofos Copérnico, Kepler e Galileu (séculos XVI e XVII) ” (PCN, 1998). No meio educacional o Sistema Solar é um dos temas mais trabalhados no Ensino Fundamental, utilizando–se de livros didáticos nos quais expõem principalmente o Sistema Solar, muitas das vezes de forma inautêntica e com escassez de informações. Pontanto, o PCN (1998) propõe para o 3o ciclo do Ensino Fundamental o tema específico do Sistema Solar e no 4o ciclo os fenômenos, estações do ano, fases da Lua e eclipses, envolvendo mais especificamente Terra, Sol e Lu

    Test exploration and validation using transaction level models

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    The complexity of the test infrastructure and test strategies in systems-on-chip approaches the complexity of the functional design space. This paper presents test design space exploration and validation of test strategies and schedules using transaction level models (TLMs). Since many aspects of testing involve the transfer of a significant amount of test stimuli and responses, the communication-centric view of TLMs suits this purpose exceptionally wel

    State Enterprise in International Mineral Markets

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    This study explores the implications for the international non-fuel mineral markets of the rapid growth of state enterprise in the mining and processing of minerals in the less developed countries (LDC). The first part defines state enterprise, and quantifies its prevalence and growth in LDC mineral industries. The particular characteristics of state enterprises are identified, and the implications of their behavior for international mineral markets are analyzed. In this regard, three hypotheses are formulated and assessed. 1) State enterprises are less flexible than private multinationals in adjusting capacity through the different phases of the business cycle. The increasing importance of state enterprises therefore results in greater price instability in international mineral markets. 2) State enterprises can disregard the political risk of explicit or covert nationalization. Ceteris paribus, the proliferation of state enterprise therefore results in more investment and capacity expansion in mineral rich LDCs that are considered especially "political risky" by the mining multinationals. Over time, this will lead to a closer geographical fit between geological potential and mineral extraction. 3) Takeovers by state enterprises of mineral activities in LDCs entails a substantial setting-up and learning cost. The widespread nationalizations of the 1960s and 1970s have typically been followed by extended periods of lesser efficiency, characterized by higher cost levels, and inability to operate the installations at full capacity or to establish new capacity. Output has been lower and prices higher during this learning period than they would have been under an uninterrupted private multinational regime. The second part of the study considers the support for the above hypotheses provided by three detailed case studies of nationalized mineral industries -- Indonesian tin, Venezuelan iron ore, and Zambian copper. These cases cover a range of experience in terms of minerals, continents, and levels of economic development in host countries. The third and final part of the study reviews the hypotheses in the light of the empirical work presented. Conclusions are formulated and generalizations derived from other countries and minerals

    Service-Interoperabilität für naturwissenschaftliche Anwendungen : Identifikation und Anpassung von komponentenbasierten Service-Mediatoren

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    In der Softwareentwicklung wird die Serviceorientierung als neues Realisierungsparadigma propagiert. Sie erlaubt lose gekoppelte Services bedarfsbezogen in Workflows zu aggregieren. Hierbei ist die Überbrückung der Heterogenität dieser Services ein anerkanntes Problem von hohem wirtschaftlichem Interesse. Es besteht der Bedarf die Service-Interoperabilität weitestgehend automatisch herzustellen. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Konzept für Service-Mediatoren entwickelt, die über eine offene und erweiterbare, software-unterstützte Prozedur (semi-)automatisch identifiziert und problembezogen in einen Workflow eingebettet werden können. Service-Mediatoren über\-brücken die Heterogenität der einzelnen Services und erzielen so die geforderte Service-Interoperabilität. Die offene Architektur und Entwicklung dieser Prozedur erlaubt erstmals die Vorteile gängiger Ansätze zu integrieren. Um einmal entwickelte Service-Mediatoren in verschiedenen Workflows einsetzen und wiederverwenden zu können, bedarf es ihrer gezielten Identifikation und Anpassung. Leider stellt gerade die Suche nach benötigten Service-Mediatoren ein besonders schwieriges Problem da. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn erst mehrere geeignet verknüpfte Service-Mediatoren zusammen die Service-Interoperabilität erreichen und bereits bei der Suche diese Kombination identifiziert werden muss. Die Aspekte der Suche und der Anpassung erfordern eine Beschreibungssprache, die die Fähig\-keiten eines Service-Mediators sowohl syntaktisch als auch semantisch beschreiben kann. Mit der Mediator Profile Language (MPL) wurde eine derartige, auf OWL basierende Beschreibungssprache entwickelt, die die Grundlage des entworfenen Komponentenmodells der Service-Mediatoren bildet. Sie erlaubt u. a. die Beschreibung der Komposition mehrerer Service-Mediatoren, sowie deren Konfiguration über zustandsbehaftete Eigenschaftsfelder. Die semantische Annotation eines Service-Mediators geschieht hierbei über Konzepte einer Domänenontologie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Matchmaking-Algorithmen zur Suche entwickelt, die eine Identifikation adäquater Service-Mediatoren und deren Komposition erlauben. Durch den Einsatz von Ontologien zur semantischen Annotation der Service-Mediatoren kann die Suche auch über rein syntaktische Merkmale hinaus durchgeführt werden. Trotz der den Servicebeschreibungen innewohnenden Unschärfe wurde ein Verfahren realisiert, welches die Servicebeschreibungen auf MPL abbildet und dabei eine automatische Annotation durch die Konzepte einer Ontologie vornimmt. Die Matchmaking-Algorithmen wurden auch auf das Problem der semantischen Suche nach Service-Operationen übertragen. Die entwickelten ontologiebasierten Matchmaking-Verfahren liefern im Vergleich zu Standard-IR-Techniken signifikant bessere Ergebnisse, wie durch entsprechende Benchmarks mit anschließender Messung von Precision und Recall gezeigt werden konnte.Service Interoperability for Science Applications - Identification and Adaptation of Component-Based Service MediatorsService-orientation is a new software paradigm for building distributed, component-based software. It allows the aggregation of loosely coupled services into value-added workflows. In this context the gap between heterogeneous services is an accepted problem with particular commercial interest. Thus, there is the need to create service interoperability semi-automatically. In this thesis the concept of service mediators is developed. Through a software-aided procedure service mediators are identified, adapted and integrated into workflows in order to bridge the heterogeneity of different services. Service mediators are software components realizing for instance transformation facilities. The open architecture of the developed procedure allows the integration of benefits from current approaches. The discovery of relevant service mediators is a difficult problem, especially if several service mediators have to be combined adequately to reach the desired service interoperability. One major challenge is that such compositions have to be identified during discovery. The discovery and adaptation phases of the software-aided procedure require a suitable description of the capabilities of service mediators. Such a description should contain both syntactical and semantical information. The OWL-based Mediator Profile Language (MPL) addresses these issues. MPL permits among other things the description of compositions of service mediators as well as their customization by stateful properties. Semantical information is assigned by concepts of a domain ontology. In this dissertation different matchmaking algorithms were developed supporting the user in identifying relevant service mediators as well as new compositions of service mediators. Requirements for service mediators are derived from service descriptions and represented by query profiles in MPL. Even though the service descriptions are fuzzy the query generation algorithm automatically creates semantical annotations by mapping syntactical information to concepts of the domain ontology. These annotations are also stored within the query profile. Due to the application of the domain ontology the discovery process enables not only syntactical matchmaking but also semantical matchmaking. Furthermore, the matchmaking algorithms were transferred to the problem of discovering service operations. By measuring precision and recall it could be shown that ontology-based matchmaking is advantageously over standard information retrieval techniques

    EEC Mineral Policy — Some Proposals for Change in the 1980s

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    SUMMARY The EEC perceives a mutuality of interest between itself and the Third World in the area of minerals. This was the basis for the introduction in the second Lomé Convention of several mineral?related instruments, including the Sysmin scheme, possible joint?financed mining projects, and a window for EIB lending to mining and energy. Of these, the Sysmin scheme was the most substantial, but its implementation so far has revealed a number of problems. In view of the very modest success of these measures, there is a need for new initiatives, particularly in three areas of potential mutual advantage: the promotion of exploration, emergency purchases of minerals from selected ACP states when prices are exceptionally low, and the encouragement of mineral revenue stabilisation funds. RESUMEN Política minera de la CEE. Algunas proposiciones de cambio para la décade de 1980 La CEE percibe la existencia de intereses mutuos entre ella y el Tercer Mundo en el área de los minerales. Esta fue la base para la introducción de varios instrumentos relativos a la minería en la Segunda Convención de Lomé, incluyendo el programa Sysmin, posibles proyectos mineros de financiamiento conjunto y una ventanilla para préstamos del BEI a la minería y la energía. El más sustancial de éstos fue el programa Sysmin, no obstante que hasta ahora su implementación ha revelado algunos problemas. El éxito muy modesto de estas medidas, demuestra la necesidad de nuevas iniciativas, especialmente en tres áreas de la mutua ventaja potencial: la promoción de exploraciones, el surgimiento de compras de minerales por parte de estados seleccionados del Africa, Caribe y Pacífico, cuando los precios son excepcionalmente bajos y, el fomento de fondos de estabilización de utilidades mineras. RÉSUMÉ La Polétique Minérale de la CEE — Quelques Propositions de Changements pour les années 80 La CEE entrevoit un intérêt mutuel entre elle et le Tiers?Monde dans le secteur des minéraux. Cela était à la base de l'introduction, lors de la deuxième Convention de Lomé, de plusieurs mécanismes relatifs aux minéraux, comprenant le plan Sysmin, d'éventuels projets d'exploitation minière conjointement financés, et une ouverture pour un prêt de la BIE à l'exploitation minière et à l'énergie. De tous, le plan Sysmin était le plus important, mais son exécution a jusqu'à présent soulevé quelques problèmes. Etant donné le succès très modeste de ces mesures, de nouvelles initiatives sont nécessaires, particulièrement dans trois domaines à avantage mutuel potentiel: la promotion de l'exploration, achats urgents de minéraux provenant d'une sélection d'états d'ACP à un moment où les prix sont exceptionnellement bas, et l'encouragement de fonds de stabilisation des revenus minéraux

    Automatic annotation of bioinformatics workflows with biomedical ontologies

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    Legacy scientific workflows, and the services within them, often present scarce and unstructured (i.e. textual) descriptions. This makes it difficult to find, share and reuse them, thus dramatically reducing their value to the community. This paper presents an approach to annotating workflows and their subcomponents with ontology terms, in an attempt to describe these artifacts in a structured way. Despite a dearth of even textual descriptions, we automatically annotated 530 myExperiment bioinformatics-related workflows, including more than 2600 workflow-associated services, with relevant ontological terms. Quantitative evaluation of the Information Content of these terms suggests that, in cases where annotation was possible at all, the annotation quality was comparable to manually curated bioinformatics resources.Comment: 6th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications (ISoLA 2014 conference), 15 pages, 4 figure