11,600 research outputs found

    In the chaos of today's society: The dynamics of collapse as another shift in the quantum anthropology of Heidi Ann Russell

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    The presented study introduces a new theoretical model of collapse for social, cultural, or political systems. Based on the current form of quantum anthropology conceptualized by Heidi Ann Russell, further development of this field is provided. The new theoretical model is called the spiral model of collapses, and is suggested to provide an analytical framework for collapses in social, cultural, and political systems. The main conclusions of this study are: 1) The individual crises in the period before a collapse of social, cultural, and political systems form the trajectory of a conical helix similar to a vortex. 2) The occurrences of crises in the period before a collapse have the shape of the trajectory on the surface of the circular cone with a convex wall narrowing up to its peak. The shape of this cone is based on the Fibonacci sequence coiled into the three-dimensional space. 3) The constant circular movement along the trajectory of crises can occur in exceptional situations in the development of social, cultural, and political systems; however, such a state is always temporary. In such cases, the trajectory of the crisis does not follow the Fibonacci sequence, but the shape of a regular helix. Remaining on the trajectory of a regular helix in the long-term is highly improbable for social, cultural, and political systems. 4) The creation of new potentialities after the final collapse of a system is explained by the conception of topological inversion, when the heretofore embodied part of the energy-information field returns to the global, wave-particle energy-information potential. 5) The global, wave-particle energy-information potential is a source of energy-information for future embodiments in the sense of the future collapses of wave functions

    Inflation in the US Economy: It Is a Problem or Not?

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    This paper provides brief analysis of selected macroeconomical indicators of US economy and tries to sketch out possible future development of these variables. The main conclusion is that United States may be really threatened by possible inflation pressures in the future, as well as by possible pressures on its nominal exchange rate depreciation.Inflation; financial crisis; monetary aggregates; product

    Limits of the applicability of the social structural model in Czech rural areas

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    This article focuses on the voting behaviour of citizens in rural areas of the Czech Republic. Within the theoretical embodiment of the relationships between the individual in a social structure and voting behaviour, a so-called social-structural model for voting behaviour is often mentioned. However, when explaining the behaviour of the voting behaviour of citizens living under the conditions of the Czech Republic the applicability of this model is of course disputable. Due to the predominant inconsistencies of the social status of citizens of rural areas, it is not at all possible to determine the hypothesis of the applicability of a social-structural model of voting behaviour for citizens living in the conditions of the Czech rural countryside. The aim of this article is, through a case study of Zatec region, to prove the predominant (in)consistency of the social status of the given population.Social structural model, voting behaviour, class identification, rural areas, social status, status (in)consistencies, left-wing right-wing continuum, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, GA, IN,

    Covered Interest Rate Parity: The Case of the Czech Republic

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    This paper tries to find out, whether the Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIRP) theory was valid for exchange rate CZK/EUR during the period ranging from May 2001 to November 2007. As a main tool, a common OLS regression was chosen. It was augmented by MA(1) process of residuals and by ARCH (6) model of residuals’ variance. The results show, that the CIRP theory was not valid during selected period. However, it seems apparent, that the main factors for 3-month forward exchange rate CZK/EUR determination were an interest rate differential and a nominal spot exchange rate. This is fully consistent with the CIRP theory.Covered interest rate parity, exchange rate, interest rate, foreign exchange markets

    Human Beings in Quantum Anthropology: A Paradox of the Discontinuous Experience of Quantum Spacetime

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    This paper is a shortened version of an invited lecture held at the University of Copenhagen (Department of Anthropology) on 28 March 2019