43 research outputs found

    Emission Line Stars In and Beyond the Perseus Arm

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    I present low-resolution (Dl 6 A° ) follow-up spectroscopy of 370 Ha emitters (12 . r . 17) identified with IPHAS, in a 100 deg2 wide section of the Galactic plane that is located between ` = (120 ; 140 ) and b = (1 ; +4 ). Classical Be stars are found to be the most numerous group of the observed targets ( 60%). Sixty-eight classical Be stars have also been observed at higher spectral resolution (Dl 24 A° ) and S/N ratio, which allows spectral typing to an estimated precision of 1 sub-type. Colour excesses were measured via spectral energy distribution fitting of flux-calibrated data. I took care to remove the circumstellar contribution to the measured colour excess, using an established scaling to the Ha equivalent widths. In doing so, this method of correction was re-evaluated and modified to better suit the data at hand. Spectroscopic parallaxes were measured constraining the luminosity class via estimates of distances to main sequence A/F stars, which are found within a few arcminutes of each classical Be star on the sky. In order to probe the structure of the outer Galactic disc, I studied the spatial distribution of 63 out of 248 classical Be stars identified. Their cumulative distribution function with respect to the distance is statistically compatible both with a smooth exponential density profile and with a simple spiral arms representation. The distribution of reddenings of classical Be stars is compared with estimates of the total Galactic reddening along their sightlines. It is expected that the measured reddenings match the integrated Galactic values, for distant stars located outside the Galactic dust layer, or they are smaller than the asymptotic values if the stars are less distant. The outcome meets expectations, and lends support to the conclusion that the measured reddenings are determined to a precision of 10%. The sample of 248 objects doubles the number of known classical Be stars in this part of the Galactic plane. Unlike the pre-existing bright sample, the new objects are seen at large distances, between 2 – 8 kpc with typical E(BV) 0:9. Only four stars are members of known clusters. Ten classical Be stars are proposed to be well beyond the putative Outer Arm, at distances larger than 8 kpc. The large sample of stars, which has been identified here, is the result of a successful selection and analysis of classical Be stars that is offered for more exploitation in future. The proposition is that GAIA observations will use the present sample of classical Be stars as a new tracer of the Galactic disc

    Gaia 0007-1605: an old triple system with an inner brown dwarf-white dwarf binary and an outer white dwarf companion

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    We identify Gaia 0007–1605 A,C as the first inner brown dwarf–white dwarf binary of a hierarchical triple system in which the outer component is another white dwarf (Gaia 0007–1605 B). From optical/near-infrared spectroscopy obtained at the Very Large Telescope with the X-Shooter instrument and/or from Gaia photometry plus spectral energy distribution fitting, we determine the effective temperatures and masses of the two white dwarfs (12,018 ± 68 K and 0.54 ± 0.01 M¿ for Gaia 0007–1605 A and 4445 ± 116 K and 0.56 ± 0.05 M¿ for Gaia 0007–1605 B) and the effective temperature of the brown dwarf (1850 ± 50 K; corresponding to spectral type L3 ± 1). By analyzing the available TESS light curves of Gaia 0007–1605 A,C we detect a signal at 1.0446 ± 0.0015 days with an amplitude of 6.25 ppt, which we interpret as the orbital period modulated from irradiation effects of the white dwarf on the brown dwarf's surface. This drives us to speculate that the inner binary evolved through a common-envelope phase in the past. Using the outer white dwarf as a cosmochronometer and analyzing the kinematic properties of the system, we conclude that the triple system is about 10 Gyr old.Postprint (published version

    Blue extreme disk-runaway stars with Gaia EDR3

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    Since the discovery of hypervelocity stars in 2005, it has been widely believed that only the disruption of a binary system by a supermassive black hole at the Galactic center (GC), that is, the so-called Hills mechanism, is capable of accelerating stars to beyond the Galactic escape velocity. In the meantime, however, driven by the Gaia space mission, there is mounting evidence that many of the most extreme high-velocity early-type stars at high Galactic latitudes do originate in the Galactic disk and not in the GC. Moreover, the ejection velocities of these extreme disk-runaway stars exceed the predicted limits of the classical scenarios for the production of runaway stars. Based on proper motions from the Gaia early data release 3 and on recent and new spectrophotometric distances, we studied the kinematics of 30 such extreme disk-runaway stars, allowing us to deduce their spatial origins in and their ejection velocities from the Galactic disk with unprecedented precision. Only three stars in the sample have past trajectories that are consistent with an origin in the GC, most notably S5-HVS1, which is the most extreme object in the sample by far. All other program stars are shown to be disk runaways with ejection velocities that sharply contrast at least with classical ejection scenarios. They include HVS5 and HVS6, which are both gravitationally unbound to the Milky Way. While most stars originate from within a galactocentric radius of 15kpc, which corresponds to the observed extent of the spiral arms, a group of five stars stems from radii of about 21-29kpc. This indicates a possible link to outer Galactic rings and a potential origin from infalling satellite galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Runaway blue main-sequence stars at high Galactic latitudes. Target selection with Gaia and spectroscopic identification

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    Motivated by the historical identification of runaway main-sequence (MS) stars of early spectral type at high Galactic latitudes, we test the capability of Gaia at identifying new such stars. We have selected ~2300 sources with Gaia magnitudes of GBP - GRP < 0.05, compatible with the colors of low-extinction MS stars earlier than mid-A spectral type, and obtained low-resolution optical spectroscopy for 48 such stars. By performing detailed photometric and spectroscopic analyses, we derive their atmospheric and physical parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, radial velocity, interstellar reddening, spectrophotometric distance, mass, radius, luminosity, and age). The comparison between spectrophotometric and parallax-based distances enables us to disentangle the MS candidates from older blue horizontal branch (BHB) candidates. We identify 12 runaway MS candidates, with masses between 2 and 6 Msun. Their trajectories are traced back to the Galactic disc to identify their most recent Galactic plane crossings and the corresponding flight times. All 12 candidates are ejected from the Galactic disc within 2 to 16.5 kpc from the Galactic center and possess flight times that are shorter than their evolutionary ages, compatible with a runaway hypothesis. Three MS candidates have ejection velocities exceeding 450 km/s, thus, appear to challenge the canonical ejection scenarios for late B-type stars. The fastest star of our sample also has a non-negligible Galactic escape probability if its MS nature can be confirmed. We identify 27 BHB candidates, and the two hottest stars in our sample are rare late O and early B type stars of low mass evolving towards the white dwarf cooling sequence.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; abbreviated abstract; 16 pages, 13 figures, 5 table

    The Gaia DR2 halo white dwarf population: the luminosity function, mass distribution and its star formation history

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    We analyze the volume-limited nearly complete 100 pc sample of 95 halo white dwarf candidates identified by the second data release of Gaia. Based on a detailed population synthesis model, we apply a method that relies on Gaia astrometry and photometry to accurately derive the individual white dwarf parameters (mass, radius, effective temperature, bolometric luminosity and age). This method is tested with 25 white dwarfs of our sample for which we took optical spectra and performed spectroscopic analysis. We build and analyse the halo white dwarf luminosity function, for which we find for the first time possible evidences of the cut-off at its faintest end, leading to an age estimate of ≃12±0.5\simeq12\pm0.5 Gyr. The mass distribution of the sample peaks at 0.589 M⊙0.589\,M_{\odot}, with 71%71\% of the white dwarf masses below 0.6 M⊙0.6\,M_{\odot} and just two massive white dwarfs of more than 0.8 M⊙0.8\,M_{\odot}. From the age distribution we find three white dwarfs with total ages above 12 Gyr, of which J1312-4728 is the oldest white dwarf known with an age of 12.41±0.2212.41\pm0.22 Gyr. We prove that the star formation history is mainly characterised by a burst of star formation that occurred from 10 to 12 Gyr in the past, but extended up to 8 Gyr. We also find that the peak of the star formation history is centered at around 11 Gyr, which is compatible with the current age of the Gaia-Enceladus encounter. Finally, 13%13\% of our halo sample is contaminated by high-speed young objects (total age<7 Gyr). The origin of these white dwarfs is unclear but their age distribution may be compatible with the encounter with the Sagittarius galaxy.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    SDSS J124043.01+671034.68 : the partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent thermonuclear ignition?

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    The white dwarf SDSS J124043.01+671034.68 (SDSS J1240+6710) was previously found to have an oxygen-dominated atmosphere with significant traces of neon, magnesium, and silicon. A possible origin via a violent late thermal pulse or binary interactions has been suggested to explain this very unusual photospheric composition. We report the additional detection of carbon, sodium, and aluminium in far-ultraviolet and optical follow-up spectroscopy. No iron-group elements are detected, with tight upper limits on titanium, iron, cobalt, and nickel, suggesting that the star underwent partial oxygen burning, but failed to ignite silicon burning. Modelling the spectral energy distribution and adopting the distance based on the Gaia parallax, we infer a low white dwarf mass, Mwd = 0.41 ± 0.05 M. The large space velocity of SDSS J1240+6710, computed from the Gaia proper motion and its radial velocity, is compatible with a Galactic rest-frame velocity of 250 km s−1 in the opposite direction with respect to the Galactic rotation, strongly supporting a binary origin of this star. We discuss the properties of SDSS J1240+6710 in the context of the recently identified survivors of thermonuclear supernovae, the D6 and LP 40−365 stars, and conclude that it is unlikely related to either of those two groups. We tentatively suggest that SDSS J1240+6710 is the partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent a thermonuclear event

    SDSS J124043.01+671034.68 : the partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent thermonuclear ignition?

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    The white dwarf SDSS J124043.01+671034.68 (SDSS J1240+6710) was previously found to have an oxygen-dominated atmosphere with significant traces of neon, magnesium, and silicon. A possible origin via a violent late thermal pulse or binary interactions have been suggested to explain this very unusual photospheric composition. We report the additional detection of carbon, sodium, and aluminium in far-ultraviolet and optical follow-up spectroscopy. No iron-group elements are detected, with tight upper limits on iron, cobalt and nickel, suggesting that the star underwent partial oxygen burning, but failed to ignite silicon burning. Modelling the spectral energy distribution and adopting the distance based on the Gaia parallax, we infer a low white dwarf mass, M(wd)=0.41+/-0.05Msun. The large space velocity of SDSS J1240+6710, computed from the Gaia proper motion and its radial velocity, is compatible with a Galactic rest-frame velocity of ~250km/s in the opposite direction with respect to the Galactic rotation, strongly supporting a binary origin of this star. We discuss the properties of SDSS J1240+6710 in the context of the recently identified survivors of thermonuclear supernovae, the D6 and LP 40-365 stars, and conclude that it is unlikely related to either of those two groups. We tentatively suggest that SDSS J1240+6710 is the partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent a thermonuclear event.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A hidden population of white dwarfs with atmospheric carbon traces in the Gaia bifurcation

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    The ESA Gaia space mission has revealed a bifurcation of the white dwarf (WD) sequence on the color magnitude diagram in two branches: A and B. While the A branch consists mostly of WDs with H-rich atmospheres, the B branch is not completely understood. Although invoked to be populated mainly by He-rich WDs, the B branch overlaps a ∼0.8M⊙\sim 0.8M_\odot evolutionary track with a pure He envelope, fact that would imply an unexpected peak in the WD mass distribution. In cold He-rich WDs, it is expected that the outer convective zone penetrates into deep C-rich layers, thus leading to a slight C contamination in their surfaces at ∼10,000\sim 10,000K. Here we aim at studying the Gaia bifurcation as the natural consequence of C dredge-up by convection in cold He-dominated WDs. Relying on accurate atmosphere models, we provide a new set of evolutionary models for He-rich WDs employing different prescriptions for the C enrichment. On the basis of these models, we made a population synthesis study of the Gaia 100pc WD sample to constrain the models that best fit the bifurcation. Our study shows that He-rich WD models with a slight C contamination below the optical detection limit can accurately reproduce the Gaia bifurcation. We refer to these stars as stealth DQ WDs because they do not exhibit detectable C signatures in their optical spectra, but the presence of C in their atmosphere produces a continuum absorption favouring the emission in bluer wavelengths, thereby creating the B branch of the bifurcation. Also, we show that the mass distribution for He-rich WDs obtained when a stealth C contamination is considered is consistent with the mass distribution for H-rich WDs and with the standard evolutionary channels for their formation. We conclude that stealth DQ WDs can account for the lower branch in the Gaia bifurcation. The C signatures of these stars could be detectable in Ultra-Violet spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Carbon-oxygen ultra-massive white dwarfs in general relativity

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    We employ the La Plata stellar evolution code, LPCODE, to compute the first set of constant rest-mass carbon-oxygen ultra-massive white dwarf evolutionary sequences for masses higher than 1.29 Msun that fully take into account the effects of general relativity on their structural and evolutionary properties. In addition, we employ the LP-PUL pulsation code to compute adiabatic g-mode Newtonian pulsations on our fully relativistic equilibrium white dwarf models. We find that carbon-oxygen white dwarfs more massive than 1.382 Msun become gravitationally unstable with respect to general relativity effects, being this limit higher than the 1.369 Msun we found for oxygen-neon white dwarfs. As the stellar mass approaches the limiting mass value, the stellar radius becomes substantially smaller compared with the Newtonian models. Also, the thermo-mechanical and evolutionary properties of the most massive white dwarfs are strongly affected by general relativity effects. We also provide magnitudes for our cooling sequences in different passbands. Finally, we explore for the first time the pulsational properties of relativistic ultra-massive white dwarfs and find that the period spacings and oscillation kinetic energies are strongly affected in the case of most massive white dwarfs. We conclude that the general relativity effects should be taken into account for an accurate assessment of the structural, evolutionary, and pulsational properties of white dwarfs with masses above 1.30 Msun.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.1414