56 research outputs found


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    U posljednja dva desetljeća u marketinÅ”koj literaturi mnogo se pažnje posvećivalo vremenskom određivanju cijene proizvoda/usluge. Rezultat toga istraživanja su modeli dinamičkog zadavanja cijene, tj. modeli koji opisuju kako se cijena proizvoda/usluge mijenja s vremenom. Ti modeli između ostalog obuhvaćaju kako postojeće znanje o životnom ciklusu proizvoda, tako i teoriju o difuziji novog proizvoda kroz tržiÅ”te. Na tržiÅ”tu je neprestano prisutna izmjena i prerada informacija, drugim imenom učenje. Na primjer, poduzeća uče kako smanjiti cijenu proizvodnje, uče o svojim kupcima i o drugim konkurentskim poduzećima. PotroÅ”ači uče o osobinama proizvoda i o njihovim proizvođačima. Rezultati sve te izmjene informacija odražavaju se na cijenu proizvoda. Cijena može biti posljedica učenja, ili može biti instrument kojim se nastoji potaknuti učenje. U ovom članku opisana je ta međusobna povezanost učenja i određivanja cijene

    Collaboration between Industry and Science: Motivation Factors, Collaboration Intensity and Collaboration Outcome

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    Collaboration between industry and science is considered one of the most important aspects of the innovation system. Innovation capability being crucially linked with the level of communication between scientific institutions and industry, it is important to understand why and how intensively companies collaborate with scientists, and how they rate such collaboration. The present paper explores how motives for collaboration and company approach to innovation and technology influence collaboration with scientists. The paper also examines differences among small, medium sized and large companies. Since collaboration between science and industry is expected to have a positive impact on a companyā€™s innovation capabilities, we explored how selected innovation indicators are affected by collaboration


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    Services have different characteristics than products, and naturally we would expect this to be refl ected in innovation development practices of service companies. Although there exist empirical studies that address this issue in developed economies, no study to date investigated this question in a transition country. In particular, this paper explores whether service firms in Croatia are inclined to adopt modern business tools like new product development process, and whether they differ in the use of business functions in product development. The paper is based on an empirical study of Croatian companies performed in spring 2002.Karakteristike usluga razlikuju se od karakteristika proizvoda, pa bismo zato prirodno očekivali da razvitak inovacija u uslužnim tvrtkama pokazuje različitosti u usporedbi s razvitkom inovacija u proizvodnim poduzećima. Iako u svijetu postoje empirijske studije o karakteristikama inoviranja u uslužnim djelatnostima, nijedna od njih ne odnosi se na tranzicijske zemlje. Ovaj članak ima za cilj ispitati koliko su uslužna poduzeća u Hrvatskoj sklona prihvatiti moderne metode - kao Å”to je, npr., proces razvijanja novog proizvoda, i razlikuju li se u upotrebi poslovnih funkcija u razvijanju inovacija od proizvodnih poduzeća. Članak se osniva na empirijskom istraživanju hrvatskih poduzeća koje je provedeno u proljeće godine 2002

    Girl Power: Creating More with Less

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    Studies show that women are very productive employees, but that as business owners, compared to their male counterparts, they run companies that earn less, grow at a lesser rate, and employ a smaller number of employees. One of the explanations for this discrepancy argues that indicators such as sales, turnover or profit do not measure performance adequately because they are dependent on the size of the firm. Since women often make a conscious decision to keep their companies small, these performance measures may not adequately represent women-owned businesses. We study a panel of micro firms across all industries, from three EU countries of comparable size (Croatia, Slovenia, and Slovakia) in the period 2010 ā€“ 2019. Results indicate that female-owned firms have higher values of both turnover per asset and value added per asset. Additionally, results suggest that during recession years, female-led firms show a degree of resilience to these adverse effects, and they manage to increase their turnover per asset by 3 to 4 percent on average, compared to male-led firms. We conclude that although women-owned micro firms tend to have less resources compared to menā€™s, women can create larger output per asset, suggesting capability to combine those resources in a very effective way

    Application of potential method to survey analysis

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    This paper examines an alternative method for analyzing a collection of Likert items in the multi-criteria decision framework. Likert items are compared in pairs and organized in a set of weighted digraphs which are aggregated according to the Potential Method rules. In combination with Factor Analysis this approach gives respondentsā€™ preferences on the scale which approximates a measurable value function. As an application of the proposed methodology, we examine a potential set of incentives and explore the degree to which they would be accepted by the industry. We use Potential Method to elicit firmā€™s preferences for given incentives and we seek to explain the difference in these preferences by the firm/market factors. Data is collected through a survey of 190 Croatian enterprises performed in 2002

    The Effects of Innovation Activities in SMEs in the Republic of Croatia

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    The ultimate goal of innovation activities is the improvement of business results. Although a number of studies have dealt with innovation in SMEs, few have investigated results of innovation development. As these results depend on the innovating firm, our goal in this paper is to explore the firm-specific factors that have impact on innovation results. These factors include not only classic features like firm ownership, proportion of highly educated employees, and the market in which the firm operates, but also the firmā€™s market orientation and its readiness to implement strategic and management changes. The paper seeks to contribute to the extant literature by exploring how firm-specific factors impact innovation results

    Relationship Between Enterprises and Scientists: Motivation Factors, Collaboration Intensity and Collaboration Outcome

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    Suradnja između gospodarstva i znanstvene zajednice smatra se jednim od najvažnijih dijelova inovacijskog sustava. Kako je inovacijska sposobnost industrije bitno vezana sa stupnjem komunikacije između znanstvenih institucija i gospodarstva, važno je razumjeti zbog čega poduzeća surađuju sa znanstvenim institucijama, koliko intenzivno surađuju te kako ocjenjuju tu suradnju. U članku je istraženo kako motivi suradnje, te značajke tvrtke vezane uz inovacije i tehnologije utječu na suradnju sa znanstvenicima. Ujedno su istražene različitosti između malih, srednjih i velikih tvrtki. Kako se očekuje da suradnja znanosti i gospodarstva ima povoljno djelovanje na inovacijsku sposobnost poduzeća, ispitano je kako suradnja utječe na odabrane indikatore inovativnosti.Industry-science relationship is considered one of the crucial parts of innovation system. This is why it is important to understand what motivates firms to seek collaboration. It is also important to comprehend what determines intensity of collaboration, and to investigate collaboration outcomes. This paper explores possible motivations for collaboration and then examines in which extent these motivations together with firm characteristics determine collaboration intensity. It investigates the impact of collaboration on selected innovation indicators. The paper explores differences among small, medium and large firms related to industry-science collaboration

    Girl Power: Creating More with Less

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    Studies show that women are very productive employees, but that as business owners, compared to their male counterparts, they run companies that earn less, grow at a lesser rate, and employ a smaller number of employees. One of the explanations for this discrepancy argues that indicators such as sales, turnover or profit do not measure performance adequately because they are dependent on the size of the firm. Since women often make a conscious decision to keep their companies small, these performance measures may not adequately represent women-owned businesses. We study a panel of micro firms across all industries, from three EU countries of comparable size (Croatia, Slovenia, and Slovakia) in the period 2010 ā€“ 2019. Results indicate that female-owned firms have higher values of both turnover per asset and value added per asset. Additionally, results suggest that during recession years, female-led firms show a degree of resilience to these adverse effects, and they manage to increase their turnover per asset by 3 to 4 percent on average, compared to male-led firms. We conclude that although women-owned micro firms tend to have less resources compared to menā€™s, women can create larger output per asset, suggesting capability to combine those resources in a very effective way

    Diffusion Models in Marketing: How to Incorporate the Effect of External Influence?

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    U marketingu se difuzijski modeli tradicionalno koriste za modeliranje dinamike životnog ciklusa proizvoda, za predviđanje potražnje za novim proizvodom te kao pomoć pri donoÅ”enju odluka u vezi s uvođenjem proizvoda na tržiÅ”te. Od kada su se počeli koristiti u marketingu, difuzijski su modeli postali vrlo kompleksni. Ta je složenost posljedica potrebe da se poveća prognostička sposobnost modela i da se oni Å”to viÅ”e prilagode potrebama menadžera. Vezano s time, jedan od izazova u difuzijskom modeliranju jest inkorporiranje marketinÅ”kih varijabli. Ovaj članak nudi okvir unutar kojeg se mogu sistematizirati difuzijski modeli u marketingu, pri čemu se poseban naglasak stavlja na ulogu marketinÅ”kih varijabli. U članku su uspoređeni različiti modeli, te su izložene njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Ujedno su ponuđene neke smjernice za buduća istraživanja.Diffusion models have been used traditionally in marketing for capturing the lifecycle dynamics of a new product, for forecasting the demand for a new product, and as a decision aid in making pre-launch, launch and post-launch strategic choices. Since their entrance into marketing, diffusion models have become increasingly complex. This complexity has been driven by the need to enhance the forecasting capability of these models and to improve their usefulness as a decision-making tool for managers. One of the challenges of diffusion modeling is to incorporate external influences in models, most notably the influence of marketing mix variables. This paper offers a framework for systematizing diffusion models in marketing, with a special emphasis on the role of marketing mix variables. Different models are compared and their advantages and disadvantages discussed. Suggestions for further research are also offered

    Innovation development in leading Croatian enterprises: Review of the most important findings

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    Unatoč velikom zanimanju za razvoj inovacija u hrvatskim poduzećima, postoji nedostatak sistematskih studija o toj temi. Ovaj članak se temelji na istraživanju u kojem je sudjelovalo 100 vodećih hrvatskih poduzeća. U članku se daje pregled najvažnijih rezultata u vezi sa strukturom inovacija, te inovativnosti proizvoda i procesa, pri čemu se uzima u obzir veličina tvrtke. Istražuje se odakle dolaze ideje za nove proizvode, te na koji su način uvjeti za uspjeÅ”nost novih proizvoda povezani s njihovim razvojem. U članku se također govori o strukturiranom procesu razvoja novih proizvoda, postupku koji pomaže poduzećima da učinkovitije i s većim izgledima za uspjeh pristupe razvoju novih proizvoda.There is much talk in Croatia about the capability of Croatian companies to innovate. However, there is a lack of systematic studies on innovations development in Croatia. This paper aims to bridge that gap by reporting on a study that was performed on 100 leading Croatian companies. The paper addresses the structure of innovation in surveyed leading companies, and examines the novelty level of new products and processes. It explores whether firms of different sizes differ in their innovation output, and whether the continuity with which firms perform research activities has any impact on their innovation output. The sources of new product ideas are explored, as well as some preconditions for the new product success. As managing new product development improves the success rate, this paper examines the prevalence of such processes in companies. The impact of the new product development process on the innovation output is explored
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