248 research outputs found

    A Psychological Study of Fate in Arthur Miller’s The Man Who Had All the Luck

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    Fate plays a big role in human life. It is also known as luck, destiny, and fortune. People believe that fate is not under the control of man. They have a wrong interpretation of fate because they connect the entire situation  with fate. This paper explains the psychological concept of fate revealed in the play, The Man Who Had All the Luck, written by Arthur Miller. Miller tells the power of mind brilliantly rather than the fate in this play. This play is not only a social study but also a psychological study. This paper focuses on the fate and chance of man. People value fate without knowing the power of mind which is responsible for their destruction. Through the characters of the play, we can understand the importance of choices in our life. Fate is not responsible for our failure or success but our choices or decisions are responsible. That is why, Arthur Miller has said about the play, “trying to weigh how much of our lives is a result of our character and how much is a result of our destiny” (Arthur Miller, xix)

    Refractive index of a transparent liquid measured with a concave mirror

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    This paper describes the spherical concave mirror method for measuring the index of refraction of transparent liquids. We derived the refractive index equation using Snell's law and the small-angle approximation. We also verified the validity of this method using the traditional spherical mirror and thin-lens Gaussian equations.Comment: IOPart, 8 pages, 4 figure

    Extensive Gingival Enlargement in Siblings : A case report

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    Gingival fibromatosis is characterised by varying degrees of fibrotic gingival overgrowth that can be caused by a variety of aetiological factors. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is a rare genetic disorder, characterised by a slowly progressive, benign enlargement of keratinised gingiva. The condition may be found in an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, the former being more common. It usually develops as an isolated disorder but can be one feature of a multisystem syndrome. Accordingly, HGF has been divided into two forms: non-syndromic and syndromic. The gingival enlargement can be localised or generalised, but usually involves both arches. The authors describe a case of non-syndromic generalised severe HGF, involving the maxillary and mandibular arches in two brothers. This report focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and control of the disease. The pattern of inheritance and histopathologic characteristics are also emphasised.

    A Cross-Sectional Study of prevalence of Prostate lesions and inter-Observer Variability in Histopathological Reporting

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    Introduction: To report the prevalence of various prostate lesions in the general population through cadaver prostates and to determine the interobserver variability for reporting high-grade lesions of the prostate. Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out on 110 autopsy specimens of healthy prostate with deceased age over 40 years. The specimens were grossed, sectioned, stained and reported independently by the primary investigator resident and the senior professor. The lesions were categorized into prostatitis, benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) further graded as low grade (LGPIN) and high grade (HGPIN) and prostate cancer (PCa). Inter-rater kappa agreement was used to find the strength of agreement between the pathologists. Results: Among 110 prostate specimens, only 8(7.27%) cases had normal prostate with 72 (65.4%) having BPH and 12(10.9%) cases having prostatitis. There were 17 cases of PIN with 11 cases of HGPIN and 6 cases of LGPIN. Malignancy was seen in only a single case (95% Confidence Interval: 0% - 2.71%). The primary resident missed 4 cases of HGPIN and 2 cases of LGPIN. Interobserver agreement between the resident and senior pathologist was fair (Kappa 0.282, p value=0.335). Conclusion: In conclusion, prostate lesions remain latent and show high prevalence in general population without causing any symptoms. The study depicts a high interobserver variability of reporting the high-grade lesions of prostate since they cause a diagnostic dilemma with PCa. The consultation with uropathologists and use of molecular markers must be included in the diagnostic panel while reaching a final diagnosis. &nbsp

    Effect of Nuclear Family in Participation of Activities

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    In nuclear families parents pay more attention to child education; they plan school, college, career after discussion with field experts. Such consciousness increases their intention towards quality education. Parents belonging to nuclear family pay more money rather than a conventional family. Parents have become more concerned for child In other families attention on a child is distributed and unable to concentrate child only. This social trend influence child performance and quality education. They have a financial plan also regarding the study

    Dual Molecular Signals Mediate the Bacterial Response to Outer-Membrane Stress

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    In Gram-negative bacteria, outer-membrane integrity is essential for survival and is monitored by the σ[superscript E] stress-response system, which initiates damage-repair pathways. One activating signal is unassembled outer-membrane proteins. Using biochemical and genetic experiments in Escherichia coli, we found that off-pathway intermediates in lipopolysaccharide transport and assembly provided an additional required signal. These distinct signals, arising from disruptions in the transport and assembly of the major outer-membrane components, jointly determined the rate of proteolytic destruction of a negative regulator of the σ[superscript E] transcription factor, thereby modulating the expression of stress-response genes. This dual-signal system permits a rapid response to dysfunction in outer-membrane biogenesis, while buffering responses to transient fluctuations in individual components, and may represent a broad strategy for bacteria to monitor their interface with the environment.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI-16892)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM-36278

    Benefits of Matching Domain Structure for Planning Software: The Right Stuff

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    We investigated the role of domain structure in software design. We compared 2 planning applications, for a Mission Control group (International Space Station), and measured users speed and accuracy. Based on our needs analysis, we identified domain structure and used this to develop new prototype software that matched domain structure better than the legacy system. We took a high-fidelity analog of the natural task into the laboratory and found (large) periformance differences, favoring the system that matched domain structure. Our task design enabled us to attribute better periormance to better match of domain structure. We ran through the whole development cycle, in miniature, from needs analysis through design, development, and evaluation. Doing so enabled inferences not just about the particular systems compared, but also provided evidence for the viability of the design process (particularly needs analysis) that we are exploring

    Inactivation of Cone-Specific Phototransduction Genes in Rod Monochromatic Cetaceans

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    Vertebrate vision is mediated by two types of photoreceptors, rod and cone cells. Rods are more sensitive than cones in dim light, but are incapable of color discrimination because they possess only one type of photosensitive opsin protein (rod opsin = RH1). By contrast, cones are more important for vision in bright light. Cones also facilitate dichromatic color vision in most mammals because there are two cone pigment genes (SWS1, LWS) that facilitate color discrimination. Cone monochromacy occurs when one of the cone opsins (usually SWS1) is inactivated and is present in assorted subterranean, nocturnal, and aquatic mammals. Rod monochromacy occurs when both cone photoreceptors are inactivated, resulting in a pure rod retina. The latter condition is extremely rare in mammals and has only been confirmed with genetic evidence in five cetacean lineages, golden moles, armadillos, and sloths. The first genetic evidence for rod monochromacy in these taxa consisted of inactivated copies of both of their cone pigment genes (SWS1, LWS). However, other components of the cone phototransduction cascade are also predicted to accumulate inactivating mutations in rod monochromats. Here, we employ genome sequences and exon capture data from four baleen whales (bowhead, two minke whales, fin whale) and five toothed whales (sperm whale, Yangtze River dolphin, beluga, killer whale, bottlenose dolphin) to test the hypothesis that rod monochromacy is associated with the inactivation of seven genes (GNAT2, GNB3, GNGT2, PDE6C, PDE6H, CNGA3, CNGB3) in the cone phototransduction cascade. Cone-monochromatic toothed whales that retain a functional copy of LWS (beluga whale, Yangtze River dolphin, killer whale, bottlenose dolphin) also retain intact copies of other cone-specific phototransduction genes, whereas rod monochromats (Antarctic minke whale, common minke whale, fin whale, bowhead whale, sperm whale) have inactivating mutations in five or more genes in the cone phototransduction cascade. The only shared inactivating mutations that were discovered occur in the three Balaenoptera species (two minke whales, fin whale), further suggesting that rod monochromacy evolved independently in two clades of baleen whales, Balaenopteroidea and Balaenidae. We estimate that rod monochromacy evolved first in Balaenopteroidea (∼28.8 Ma) followed by P. macrocephalus (∼19.5 Ma) and Balaenidae (∼13.0 Ma)

    Antiangiogenic activity of zinc and zinc-sorafenib combination using the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay: a descriptive study

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    Background: Zinc, a trace element, is known for downregulating several proangiogenic growth factors and cytokines. However, its antiangiogenic activity is not adequately studied. The present study was aimed to evaluate the possible antiangiogenic activity of zinc via the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Also, the antiangiogenic activity of the combination therapy of zinc with various doses of sorafenib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, was evaluated.Methods: A pilot study was initially conducted so as to select suitable doses of zinc and sorafenib. The antiangiogenic activity after combining zinc 2.5 μg/embryo with sorafenib 1, and 2 μg/embryo was also evaluated. The antiangiogenic activity was quantified in terms of total length of blood vessels, number of junctions, number of branching points, and mean length of the blood vessels.Results: Zinc 2.5 μg/embryo showed significant (p 0.05) to that of sorafenib 2 μg/embryo.Conclusions: Zinc caused significant antiangiogenic activity in the CAM assay. The lack of addition/synergism in the zinc-sorafenib combination could have been due to the variability in the dose/ratio selection. Addition of zinc to sorafenib therapy could improve treatment tolerability, reduce cost of therapy, and reduce the emergence of drug resistance. Future mechanistic studies could identify the exact pharmacodynamics of zinc as an angiogenesis inhibitor

    Influence of elevated carbon dioxide and ammonium nutrition on growth and nitrogen metabolism in wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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    Growth under elevated CO2 (EC) conditions inhibits nitrate (NO3-) assimilation in crop plants, hence ammonium (NH4+) nutrition is beneficial compared to NO3– nutrition under EC conditions. In the present study, an attempt was made to compare the suitability NH4 + vs mixed NH4 + + NO3 – nutrition in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Wheat seedlings supplied with NH4+ alone or with both NH4+ + NO3– as nitrogen (N) source and grown under ambient (380 μl/l, AC) or elevated (600±50 μl/l, EC) CO2 conditions were analyzed for growth and biochemical parameters. Plants receiving only NH4+ as N source showed significant reduction in growth parameters. The negative effects of NH4+ nutrition were manifested in form of reduced root length, root surface area and thinner leaves under EC. Negative effects of NH4+ nutrition were ameliorated in plants receiving mixed NH4 + + NO3 – nutrition. Supplementing NO3 – -N with NH4+ -N led to the enhancement of various morphological and biochemical parameters in EC grown plants. Activity and gene expression of the enzymes, nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase was significantly higher in plants supplied with both NH4+ + NO3– ions and grown in EC, as compared to plants grown in AC, resulting in lesser reduction in N content of the EC grown plants. Our study indicates that mixed NH4+ + NO3– nutrition will be more suitable for wheat cultivation under high CO2 conditions in future