82 research outputs found

    Magnetic nulls and super-radial expansion in the solar corona

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    Magnetic fields in the sun's outer atmosphere -- the corona -- control both solar-wind acceleration and the dynamics of solar eruptions. We present the first clear observational evidence of coronal magnetic nulls in off-limb linearly polarized observations of pseudostreamers, taken by the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (CoMP) telescope. These nulls represent regions where magnetic reconnection is likely to act as a catalyst for solar activity. CoMP linear-polarization observations also provide an independent, coronal proxy for magnetic expansion into the solar wind, a quantity often used to parameterize and predict the solar wind speed at Earth. We introduce a new method for explicitly calculating expansion factors from CoMP coronal linear-polarization observations, which does not require photospheric extrapolations. We conclude that linearly-polarized light is a powerful new diagnostic of critical coronal magnetic topologies and the expanding magnetic flux tubes that channel the solar wind

    Reconnectionless CME eruption: putting the Aly-Sturrock conjecture to rest

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    We demonstrate that magnetic reconnection is not necessary to initiate fast CMEs. The Aly-Sturrock conjecture states that the magnetic energy of a given force free boundary field is maximized when the field is open. This is problematic for CME initiation because it leaves little or no magnetic energy to drive the eruption, unless reconnection is present to allow some of the field to escape without opening. Thus, it has been thought that reconnection must be present to initiate CMEs. This theory has not been subject to rigorous numerical testing because conventional MHD numerical models contain numerical diffusion, which introduces uncontrolled numerical reconnection. We use a quasi-Lagrangian simulation technique to run the first controlled experiments of CME initiation in the complete lack of reconnection. We find that a flux rope confined by an arcade, when twisted beyond a critical amount, can escape to an open state, allowing some of the surrounding arcade to shrink and releasing magnetic energy from the global field. This mechanism includes a true ideal MHD instability. We conclude that reconnection is not a necessary trigger for fast CME eruptions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter

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    A major remaining challenge for heliophysicsis to decipher the magnetic structure of the chromosphere, due to its "large role in defining how energy is transported into the corona and solar wind" (NASA's Heliophysics Roadmap). Recent observational advances enabled by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS) have revolutionized our view of the critical role this highly dynamic interface between the photosphere and corona plays in energizing and structuring the outer solar atmosphere. Despite these advances, a major impediment to better understanding the solar atmosphere is our lack of empirical knowledge regarding the direction and strength of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere. Such measurements are crucial to address several major unresolved issues in solar physics: for example, to constrain the energy flux carried by the Alfven waves propagating through the chromosphere (De Pontieuet al., 2014), and to determine the height at which the plasma Beta = 1 transition occurs, which has important consequences for the braiding of magnetic fields (Cirtainet al., 2013; Guerreiroet al., 2014), for propagation and mode conversion of waves (Tian et al., 2014a; Straus et al., 2008) and for non-linear force-free extrapolation methods that are key to determining what drives instabilities such as flares or coronal mass ejections (e.g.,De Rosa et al., 2009). The most reliable method used to determine the solar magnetic field vector is the observation and interpretation of polarization signals in spectral lines, associated with the Zeeman and Hanle effects. Magnetically sensitive ultraviolet spectral lines formed in the upper chromosphere and transition region provide a powerful tool with which to probe this key boundary region (e.g., Trujillo Bueno, 2014). Probing the magnetic nature of the chromosphere requires measurement of the Stokes I, Q, U and V profiles of the relevant spectral lines (of which Q, U and V encode the magnetic field information)

    Three-Dimensional Morphology of a Coronal Prominence Cavity

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    We present a three-dimensional density model of coronal prominence cavities, and a morphological fit that has been tightly constrained by a uniquely well-observed cavity. Observations were obtained as part of an International Heliophysical Year campaign by instruments from a variety of space- and ground-based observatories, spanning wavelengths from radio to soft-X-ray to integrated white light. From these data it is clear that the prominence cavity is the limb manifestation of a longitudinally-extended polar-crown filament channel, and that the cavity is a region of low density relative to the surrounding corona. As a first step towards quantifying density and temperature from campaign spectroscopic data, we establish the three-dimensional morphology of the cavity. This is critical for taking line-of-sight projection effects into account, since cavities are not localized in the plane of the sky and the corona is optically thin. We have augmented a global coronal streamer model to include a tunnel-like cavity with elliptical cross-section and a Gaussian variation of height along the tunnel length. We have developed a semi-automated routine that fits ellipses to cross-sections of the cavity as it rotates past the solar limb, and have applied it to Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) observations from the two Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. This defines the morphological parameters of our model, from which we reproduce forward-modeled cavity observables. We find that cavity morphology and orientation, in combination with the viewpoints of the observing spacecraft, explains the observed variation in cavity visibility for the east vs. west limb

    Is the High-resolution Coronal Imager Resolving Coronal Strands? Results from AR 12712

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    Following the success of the first mission, the High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was launched for a third time (Hi-C 2.1) on 2018 May 29 from the White Sands Missile Range, NM, USA. On this occasion, 329 s of 17.2 nm data of target active region AR 12712 were captured with a cadence of ≈4 s, and a plate scale of 0farcs129 pixel−1. Using data captured by Hi-C 2.1 and co-aligned observations from SDO/AIA 17.1 nm, we investigate the widths of 49 coronal strands. We search for evidence of substructure within the strands that is not detected by AIA, and further consider whether these strands are fully resolved by Hi-C 2.1. With the aid of multi-scale Gaussian normalization, strands from a region of low emission that can only be visualized against the contrast of the darker, underlying moss are studied. A comparison is made between these low-emission strands and those from regions of higher emission within the target active region. It is found that Hi-C 2.1 can resolve individual strands as small as ≈202 km, though the more typical strand widths seen are ≈513 km. For coronal strands within the region of low emission, the most likely width is significantly narrower than the high-emission strands at ≈388 km. This places the low-emission coronal strands beneath the resolving capabilities of SDO/AIA, highlighting the need for a permanent solar observatory with the resolving power of Hi-C

    Fine-scale Explosive Energy Release at Sites of Prospective Magnetic Flux Cancellation in the Core of the Solar Active Region Observed by Hi-C 2.1, IRIS, and SDO

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    The second Hi-C flight (Hi-C 2.1) provided unprecedentedly high spatial and temporal resolution (~250 km, 4.4 s) coronal EUV images of Fe ix/x emission at 172 Å of AR 12712 on 2018 May 29, during 18:56:21–19:01:56 UT. Three morphologically different types (I: dot-like; II: loop-like; III: surge/jet-like) of fine-scale sudden-brightening events (tiny microflares) are seen within and at the ends of an arch filament system in the core of the AR. Although type Is (not reported before) resemble IRIS bombs (in size, and brightness with respect to surroundings), our dot-like events are apparently much hotter and shorter in span (70 s). We complement the 5 minute duration Hi-C 2.1 data with SDO/HMI magnetograms, SDO/AIA EUV images, and IRIS UV spectra and slit-jaw images to examine, at the sites of these events, brightenings and flows in the transition region and corona and evolution of magnetic flux in the photosphere. Most, if not all, of the events are seated at sites of opposite-polarity magnetic flux convergence (sometimes driven by adjacent flux emergence), implying likely flux cancellation at the microflare's polarity inversion line. In the IRIS spectra and images, we find confirming evidence of field-aligned outflow from brightenings at the ends of loops of the arch filament system. In types I and II the explosion is confined, while in type III the explosion is ejective and drives jet-like outflow. The light curves from Hi-C, AIA, and IRIS peak nearly simultaneously for many of these events, and none of the events display a systematic cooling sequence as seen in typical coronal flares, suggesting that these tiny brightening events have chromospheric/transition region origin

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure

    CLASP2: High-Precision Spectro-Polarimetery in Mg II h & k

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    The international team is promoting the CLASP2 (Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter 2) sounding rocket experiment, which is the re-flight of CLASP (2015). In this second flight, we will refit the existing CLASP instrument to measure all Stokes parameters in Mg II h k lines, and aim at inferring the magnetic field information in the upper chromosphere combining the Hanle and Zeeman effects. CLASP2 project was approved by NASA in December 2016, and is now scheduled to fly in 2019