203 research outputs found


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    Low back pain (LBP) merupakan keluhan tersering yang menjadi penyebab utama terbatasnya akitifitas fisik. Akupunktur adalah salah satu terapi alternatif untuk mengobati LBP. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan derajat nyeri low back pain sebelum dan sesudah pengobatan akupunktur di klinik Harapan Bunda Sentra Medika Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan di ruang klinik dokter spesialis saraf Harapan Bunda Sentra Medika Banda Aceh mulai bulan September hingga November 2014. Sampel adalah pasien keluhan low back pain yang berjumlah 50 orang, ditetapkan melalui purposive sampling. Alat ukur nyeri menggunakan Visual Analog Scale (VAS) untuk mengukur derajat nyeri LBP sebelum dan setelah sesi terapi akupunktur. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan derajat nyeri yang signifikan antara sebelum akupunktur (PRC) dan sesudah 1 akupunktur (PAC 1) (p=0.000, ?= 0.05), sesudah 1 & Sesudah 2 (PAC 2) (p=0.000, ?=0.05), dan PAC 1 & PAC 2 (P=0.000, ? = 0.05). Rerata skor nyeri pada PRC adalah 6,152, PAC 1 4,714, PAC 2 3,264. Artinya terapi akupunktur sangat efektif dalam menurunkan derajat nyeri LBP akut & kronis di klinik Harapan Bunda Sentra Medika Banda Aceh.Kata kunci : Akupunktur, LBP, Nyer


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    AbstractThis article discusses about metaphysics in al Farabi's peripatetic philosophy, particularly about happiness. In the historical study of philosophy, this belief was grounded through the peripatetic method. In this peripatetic tradition, there are several central themes that become profound discourses in philosophical discourse, including metaphysical concepts. The metaphysical concept has a unique distinction in its position in Islamic philosophy. One of them is from Al-Farabi's view, which views that mastery of metaphysical concepts has an important role in creating happiness. For this reason, this paper will discuss what is the peripatetic tradition in history, metaphysical concepts that exist in the realms of Islamic philosophy and discuss the relationship between metaphysical concepts and the concept of happiness owned by Islamic philosophers, namely Abu Nasir Muhammad bin al-Farakh Al-Farabi (872-951)

    The Manuscript Collection Values of Radya Pustaka Museum, Surakarta, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the value of the manuscript belonging to the Radya Pustaka Museum Library and explore the fundamentals of collecting the manuscript in the museum by describing the history of the manuscript for the Javanese community. The manuscript collection of Radya Pustaka Museum Library is one of the cultural heritages of Indonesia. The collection of such manuscripts has historical, cultural, archeological, artistic and educational values; therefore, all these are valuable for education to be preserved. The history of Radya Pustaka Museum functioning as a site to store manuscripts has significance, especially, to Javanese and is considered as cultural heritages owned by Indonesia. The richness and diversity of the manuscripts owned by a nation can prove the existence of its culture in the past. The values contained in the manuscripts and the physical texts can enchance the understanding of the past culture which can be used as a future representative. Identifying the value of the manuscript can help librarians determine priorities for conservation measures to extend the life of the manuscript. In addition, it can be used to propose funding for donors from the government and the community

    Analisis Keterbukaan Ekonomi Dan Ekspor Di Indonesia: Studi Empiris Pada Dampak Covid-19 Dan Peperangan Rusia-Ukraina

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    Global economic uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war has had an impact on the supply chain of goods and services. In the midst of global economic turmoil, Indonesia's trade performance has had a positive average trade balance in the last 5 years. This study examines the impact of economic conditions on trade openness and exports in Indonesia, and assesses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War. The research method used is ARDL to to examine the short-run and long-run effects of variables using monthly data from 2017 to 2022. The findings show that the Inflation variable has a positive impact on trade openness and exports in Indonesia, this contradiction with Romer's hypothesis and implies that the possibility of Indonesia's international trade is in line with the approach of the Ricardian model. The addition of Covid-19 cases has a negative impact on trade openness, while the pandemic period has a positive impact on exports. The variables of the Russia-Ukraine war have a negative but not significant impact. Policy recommendations are to maintain domestic productivity in order to maintain the needs of goods and services, as well as domestic and foreign supply chain

    Digital Marketing Sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Rayyan Aqiqah Dalam Menjangkau Target Pasar

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    Entering the era of marketing 4.0, marketing methods have shifted or transformed from traditional/conventional ways (offline) to electronic or digital ways (online), namely marketing methods using digital devices, namely websites and social media. This concept has begun to be applied by Aqiqah and food catering business actors in the city of Medan, namely Rayyan Aqiqah in marketing their service products anytime (real-time) and anywhere if connected to interconnection networking (internet). The problems raised, namely:. How is the digital marketing as strategy Rayyan Aqiqah's to reach its target market. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological approach regarding digital marketing as a marketing communication strategy for an Rayyan Aqiqah in reaching the target market, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. While the theory used in this research is the theory of integrated marketing communication strategy, Digital marketing strategy element Digital Comersialitation 4C Thomas Joseph theory, and marketing communication digital strategy AISAS model Dentsu theory. The results of this study explain that the Digital Marketing concept implemented by business people, namely Rayyan Aqiqah has succeeded in promoting, marketing and obtaining a more massive target market, namely prospective consumers to use service and product service in digital media and are able to maintain bussiness continuity against bussiness competitors kind

    Analysis of money supply Indonesia: The vector autoregression model approach

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    Endogenous money is a major component of the Post Keynesian economy. This refers to the theory that the existence of money in an economy is driven by real economic upheaval. In this study examines the effect of macroeconomic variables on the amount of money in circulation in Indonesia during the period of global economic recession in 2008 and 2016. The analytical tool used was the Vector Autoregression (VAR) in the period January 2006 - July 2016. From the results of the study, that the variable Amount Money Supply, BI Rate, Exchange Rates, Government Revenues and Inflation have a long-term cointegration relationship. VAR estimation results in the short run show that M2 and BI Rate have a positive effect on M2 movement, Government Revenues and Inflation have a negative effect on M2


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    Pendidikan pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) memiliki kurikulum yang fokus menyiapkan peserta didik siap bersaing dalam bekerja maupun ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Namun tidak seluruhnya peserta didik memiliki minat untuk bekerja setelah lulus. Dimana peserta didik memiliki beragam minat untuk bekerja, berwirausaha dan melanjutkan studi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dilakukan penelitian tentang studi minat bekerja, berwirausaha dan melanjutkan studi peserta didik kompetensi Keahlian Kelistrikan Pesawat Udara di SMKN 12 Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui minat bekerja, berwirausaha dan melanjutkan studi peserta didik pada kategori tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Metode yang digunakan dalan penelitian kali ini yaitu metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dimana bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang keadaan yang ada pada masa sekarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 109 responden di SMKN 12 Bandung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket yang ditujukan kepada peserta didik. Hasil pengolahan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut : (1) Pada kategori tinggi 44% peserta didik menyatakan ingin bekerja, 18,3% ingin berwirausaha, dan 29,4% ingin melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dimana pada kategori tinggi yaitu peserta didik berminat dalam waktu yang dekat; (2) Pada kategori sedang 49,5% peserta didik menyatakan ingin bekerja, 53,2% ingin berwirausaha, dan 41,3% ingin melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dimana pada kategori sedang yaitu peserta didik berminat namun tidak dalam waktu yang dekat; (3) Pada kateogri rendah 6,4% peserta didik kurang berminat untuk bekerja, 28,4% kurang berminat untuk berwirausaha dan 29,4% kurang berminat untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dimana pada kategori rendah yaitu peserta didik kurang berminat. Education at the Vocational High School (SMK) level has a curriculum that focuses on preparing students to be ready to compete in work and to a higher level. However, not all students have an interest in working after graduation. Where students have a variety of interests for work, entrepreneurship and continuing studies. Based on this, research was carried out on the study of interest in work, entrepreneurship and continuing the study of students of Aircraft Electrical Expertise competencies at SMKN 12 Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in working, entrepreneurship and continuing the study of students in the high, medium and low categories. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach, which aims to obtain a picture of the current situation. This research was conducted on 109 respondents at SMKN 12 Bandung. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire aimed at students. The results of the processing that have been carried out are as follows: (1) In the high category 44% of students said they wanted to work, 18.3% wanted to be entrepreneurial, and 29.4% wanted to continue their studies to a higher level where in the high category were participants students interested in the near future; (2) In the medium category 49.5% of students said they wanted to work, 53.2% wanted to be entrepreneurial, and 41.3% wanted to continue their studies to a higher level where in the medium category, students are interested but not in the near future ; (3) In the low category, 6.4% of students are less interested in work, 28.4% are less interested in entrepreneurship and 29.4% are less interested in continuing their studies to a higher level where in the low category students are less interested


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    Halal market has emerged as a sector of new development and creating market potential in the global economy. Sharia Financial Institutions (SFI) has an important role as an intermediation between unit deficits and surpluses in the economy with sharia principles. As the development of halal products and industries make SFI have an important role in encouraging the growth, literacy and potential of the halal industry. In this paper we will present the ideas and roles of SFI in encouraging the potential of halal industry in Indonesia. The purpose of writing this paper is to provide an overview of the potential, prospects and literacy of the halal industry in Indonesia; and provide an overview and idea of the role of SFI sector in encouraging halal ecosystems and industries.Keywords: Islamic Financial Institutions, Halal Industry, Halal Ecosyste

    Assessing Library Science Programme Students’ Method in Countering Hoax on Social Media

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    This research aims to assess library science students’ method at Universitas Indonesia in countering hoax on social media. As future professional librarians, Universitas Indonesia Library Science Programme students should have the ability and skill to counter hoax, especially on social media. In addition, this research is the best practice illustrating the importance of information literacy teaching especially in the era where a lot of hoax circulating on social media. Result of this research shows that Universitas Indonesia Library Science students as many as 61.2% apply instruction or tips to tackle hoax on social media, the rest 37.9% students sometimes apply instruction or tips to tackle hoax. There are 84.5% students who already had reliable news websites and their reaction when receiving news is they click the link to read it all (79.3%). The interesting part is there is no student who responds in expression, shares it again or even comments before reading the whole news. This shows that students have already had the ability to identify information before they share it through social media. Then information literacy teaching in the curriculum of Universitas Indonesia Library Science Programme should be designed to teach students how to evaluate information and understand information critically
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