8 research outputs found

    Modelo estadístico predictivo para el padecimiento de pie diabético en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II

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    Fundamento: La necesidad de prever y estudiar el padecimiento de pie diabético es una cuestión primordial y representa un gran reto médico, disminuir el padecimiento de pie diabético puede traducirse en resultados positivos para mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes, además de la incidencia en el aspecto socioeconómico, debido a la alta prevalencia de la diabetes en la población laboralmente activa.Objetivo: diseñar un modelo estadístico predictivo para el padecimiento de pie diabético en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con pacientes atendidos en la Clínica del Diabético de Cienfuegos, en el período 2010-2013. Como varibles, se analizaron los factores de riesgo que influyeron de forma significativa en el padecimiento de pie diabético. Para la elaboración del modelo se emplearon técnicas multivariadas de regresión logística binaria y árboles de decisión con algoritmo de detector automático de interacciones mediante Chi-cuadrado.Resultados: se obtuvieron dos modelos que se comportaron de forma similar a partir de los criterios de comparación considerados con este propósito: porcentaje de clasificación correcta, sensibilidad y especificidad. Se estableció la validación a través de la curva característica de funcionamiento del receptor. El modelo con algoritmo de detector automático de interacciones mediante Chi-cuadrado fue el de mejores resultados predictivos.Conclusión: el uso de los árboles de decisión a través del algoritmo de detector automático de interacciones mediante Chi-cuadrado, garantiza una capacidad predictiva adecuada, factible para ser aplicada en la Clínica del Diabético del municipio de Cienfuegos, provincia Cienfuegos.</p

    Brief history of distance education in Cuba and the world

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    Distance education has recently become a very useful educational practice due to the dynamics of today's world, the advances in the Information and Communication Technologies, as well as the need to achieve quality education overcoming distances and promoting personal growth and intellectual maturity of a growing number of people of all genres and latitudes. This paper aims to conduct a historical review of this type of education in Cuba and the world, from its origins to present times, for which a literature review was conducted covering different countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Cuba, so that it can help all those who study this subject

    Medios de enseñanza con nuevas tecnologías versus preparación de los docentes para utilizarlos

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    Los medios de enseñanza constituyen uno de los componentes del proceso docente educativo que favorece la concepción científica del mundo y la asimilación de los conocimientos de los estudiantes. Han sido utilizados desde los orígenes de la educación hasta la actualidad, pero no se han mantenido estáticos, sino que han ido evolucionando con los adelantos científicos y técnicos. El objetivo del trabajo es valorar el desarrollo de los medios de enseñanza en correspondencia con la preparación del personal docente para su utilización. Una revisión bibliográfica demostró que existen insuficiencias en el conocimiento de los profesores para utilizar los medios de enseñanza cuyo soporte se encuentra en las Tecnologías de la Información, por lo que la preparación en este sentido se hace impostergable, teniendo en cuenta que cada vez más se generaliza la aplicación de dichas tecnologías a la educación en general y especialmente a los medios de enseñanza

    Distance learning course for scientific articles writting.

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    <strong>Background:</strong> Scientific publications within Medical Sciences are an important factor for professionals to achieve services of excellence. However, the training to write this kind of articles is not enough. <strong><br />Objective:</strong> To design a theoretical and practical course of composition and style for scientific articles publications. <br /><strong>Methods:</strong> Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study including 50 professionals of the Medical School Branch. The main difficulties that they face to publish an article were determined and a distance learning course was designed on this basis, using the Moodle platform. <strong><br />Results:</strong> All the surveyed individuals referred that among the main causes limiting their ability to publish scientific articles are: little practical knowledge about the requirements to write scientific articles, not receiving any subject enhancing textual composition during their academic formation, and not attending to any post-graduate course aimed at improving academic writing for publication. A curse of 10 hours (theoretical part) and 30 hours (practical part) divide into five chapters including stylistic, methodological and compositional elements. <strong><br />Conclusions:</strong> This course helps improving the composition of scientific articles written by professional and their further publication in scientific journals

    Situation that presents the spelling in Cuba and in other Spanish-speaking countries at the end of the first decade of XXI century.

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    The Spanish language is the social communication link from a large number of people distributed in different regions of the world and deserve protection and preservation. The correct spelling of the texts is a way to defend and preserve our language, because the written word is the one permanently fixed language. Speaking of the correct spelling of words we are talking about spelling, this item is diffucult today. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the situation presents spelling of Spanish-speaking countries in the late first decade of the twenty-first century, through a literature review to update readers and constitutes a starting point for further work. A literature search was conducted in different countries, among which are: Spain, Mexico, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Cuba, where it was observed that the spelling is deficient in all matters, covers all levels of education, even professionals, as well as widespread concern about their treatment

    Distance learning course for scientific articles writting.

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    Background: Scientific publications within Medical Sciences are an important factor for professionals to achieve services of excellence. However, the training to write this kind of articles is not enough. Objective: To design a theoretical and practical course of composition and style for scientific articles publications. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study including 50 professionals of the Medical School Branch. The main difficulties that they face to publish an article were determined and a distance learning course was designed on this basis, using the Moodle platform. Results: All the surveyed individuals referred that among the main causes limiting their ability to publish scientific articles are: little practical knowledge about the requirements to write scientific articles, not receiving any subject enhancing textual composition during their academic formation, and not attending to any post-graduate course aimed at improving academic writing for publication. A curse of 10 hours (theoretical part) and 30 hours (practical part) divide into five chapters including stylistic, methodological and compositional elements. Conclusions: This course helps improving the composition of scientific articles written by professional and their further publication in scientific journals

    Cardiovascular Reactivity: its Association with Physical Activity, and Some Hemodynamic and Anthropometric Variables

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    Background: several studies show the influence of physical activity as a protective factor of the cardiovascular system. New evidence forcorroborating this are needed to ensure the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Objective: to determine the relationship between cardiovascular hyperactivity, physical activity and some homodynamic and anthropometric variables in normotensive individuals. Methods: a descriptive correlational cross-sectional study was conducted. The universe of the study consisted of the population between 15 and 74 of the municipality of Cienfuegos in 2010, the sample was 644. The variables were considered: sex, skin colour, age, height, weight, index of body mass, abdominal waist, blood pressures: systolic, diastolic, average and differential (basal and sustained weight test) and physical activity. Pearson Chi- square test was calculated and t was applied for comparison of average independent samples with a significance level of p = 0,05. Prevalence ratios were determined with a confidence interval of 95 %. Results: the prevalence of cardiovascular hyperactivity was higher in the group of 65-74 years and males. Cardiovascular hyperactives showed values of the average hemodynamic variables studied cardiovascular over normoreactive. There is an association between physical activity and better cardiovascular response in normal weight individuals. Conclusions: there is an association between increased blood pressure and obesity in cardiovascular hyperactivity. Physical activity is associated with cardiovascular normoreactivity in normal weight

    A Spelling Course for Students in the Health Technology Bachelor Degree

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    Background: As part of control tests taken by students, problems in the use of the language emerged. Therefore, it was uniformly established how to deal with spelling mistakes through the implementation of Instruction 1 / 2009. Objective: To design a spelling course for students in the Health Technology Bachelor Degree. Methods: A descriptive-observational study was conducted from January to March 2010. The sample consisted of 120 first year students. The main methods used were: document analysis, surveys and educational testing. Results: As main causes of spelling mistakes students identified the lack of rules knowledge, the lack of reading habits and little use of the dictionaries. The most frequent mistakes identified in the diagnostic test were: written accent (we are working with Spanish speaking students), changes, omissions or additions and agreement. This course covers a total of 60 hours and emphasizes in six general issues: following the guidelines of Instruction 1 / 2029, starting with a diagnostic test, using a textual approach, promoting mostly practical activities, following productive teaching methods with an emphasis on inductive and deductive procedures and highlighting the systematization of the teaching process as a didactic principle. Conclusions: The design of this course contributes to eliminate spelling mistakes in students