52 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of shelf sea marine ecosystems to temporal resolution of meteorological forcing

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    Phytoplankton phenology and the length of the growing season have implications that cascade through trophic levels and ultimately impact the global carbon flux to the seafloor. Coupled hydrodynamic‐ecosystem models must accurately predict timing and duration of phytoplankton blooms in order to predict the impact of environmental change on ecosystem dynamics. Meteorological conditions, such as solar irradiance, air temperature and wind‐speed are known to strongly impact the timing of phytoplankton blooms. Here, we investigate the impact of degrading the temporal resolution of meteorological forcing (wind, surface pressure, air and dew point temperatures) from 1‐24 hours using a 1D coupled hydrodynamic‐ecosystem model at two contrasting shelf‐sea sites: one coastal intermediately stratified site (L4) and one offshore site with constant summer stratification (CCS). Higher temporal resolutions of meteorological forcing resulted in greater wind stress acting on the sea surface increasing water column turbulent kinetic energy. Consequently, the water column was stratified for a smaller proportion of the year producing a delayed onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom by up to 6 days, often earlier cessation of the autumn bloom, and shortened growing season of up to 23 days. Despite opposing trends in gross primary production between sites, a weakened microbial loop occurred with higher meteorological resolution due to reduced dissolved organic carbon production by phytoplankton caused by differences in resource limitation: light at CCS and nitrate at L4. Caution should be taken when comparing model runs with differing meteorological forcing resolutions. Recalibration of hydrodynamic‐ecosystem models may be required if meteorological resolution is upgraded

    Oceanic biogeochemical characteristic maps identified with holistic use of satellite, model and data

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    This is the final published version.Ocean province level plankton community exhibit heterogeneity across Arctic, Nordic, Atlantic Gyre and Southern Ocean provinces. GreenSeas research is an international FP7 consortium that includes Arctic, Atlantic and Southern Ocean based research teams who are analysing the planktonic ecosystem. We are looking at how the planktonic ecosystem responds to environmental and climate change. Using Earth Observation monitoring data we report new results on identifying generic plankton characteristics observable at a province level, and also touch on spatial and temporal trends that are evident using a holistic analysis framework. Using advanced statistical methods this framework compares and combines Earth Observation information together with an in-situ Oceanic plankton Analytical Database and up to 40 year ocean general circulation biogeochemical model (OGCBM) time series of the equivalent plankton and sea-state measures of this system. Specifically, we outline the use of the GreenSeas Analytical Database, which is a harmonised set of Oceanic in-situ plankton and sea-state measures covering different cruises and time periods. The Analytical Database information ranges from plankton community, primary production, nutrient cycling to physical sea state temperature and salinity measures. The combined analysis utilises current, 10 year+ Earth Observations of ocean colour and sea surface temperature metrics and interprets these together with biogeochemical model outputs from PELAGOS, ERSEM & NORWECOM model runs to help identify planktonic based biomes. Generic planktonic characteristic maps that are equivalently observable in both the Earth Observations and numerical models are reported on. Both ocean surface and sub-surface signals are analysed together with relevant Analytical Database biome extracts. We present the current results of this inter-comparison & discuss challenges of identifying the province level plankton dominance with the satellite, model and data. In particular we discuss the strategic importance of systematically analysing the knowledge present in the existing key long term Oceanic observation platforms through such holistic analysis frameworks. These maps help to enhance and improve current biogeochemical models, our understanding of the plankton community structure and predictions used for future assessment of climate change

    Using Probability Density Functions to Evaluate Models (PDFEM, v1.0) to compare a biogeochemical model with satellite-derived chlorophyll

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    Global biogeochemical ocean models are invaluable tools to examine how physical, chemical, and biological processes interact in the ocean. Satellite-derived ocean color properties, on the other hand, provide observations of the surface ocean, with unprecedented coverage and resolution. Advances in our understanding of marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry are strengthened by the combined use of these resources, together with sparse in situ data. Recent modeling advances allow the simulation of the spectral properties of phytoplankton and remote sensing reflectances, bringing model outputs closer to the kind of data that ocean color satellites can provide. However, comparisons between model outputs and analogous satellite products (e.g., chlorophyll a) remain problematic. Most evaluations are based on point-by-point comparisons in space and time, where spuriously large errors can occur from small spatial and temporal mismatches, whereas global statistics provide no information on how well a model resolves processes at regional scales. Here, we employ a unique suite of methodologies, the Probability Density Functions to Evaluate Models (PDFEM), which generate a robust comparison of these resources. The probability density functions of physical and biological properties of Longhurst's provinces are compared to evaluate how well a model resolves related processes. Differences in the distributions of chlorophyll a concentration (mg m−3) provide information on matches and mismatches between models and observations. In particular, mismatches help isolate regional sources of discrepancy, which can lead to improving both simulations and satellite algorithms. Furthermore, the use of radiative transfer in the model to mimic remotely sensed products facilitates model–observation comparisons of optical properties of the ocean.</p

    The Impact of Insulin Pump Therapy on Glycemic Profiles in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Data from the OpT2mise Study

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    Background: The OpT2mise randomized trial was designed to compare the effects of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple daily injections (MDI) on glucose profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes. Research Design and Methods: Patients with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of ≥8% (64 mmol/mol) and ≤12% (108 mmol/mol) despite insulin doses of 0.7-1.8 U/kg/day via MDI were randomized to CSII (n=168) or continued MDI (n=163). Changes in glucose profiles were evaluated using continuous glucose monitoring data collected over 6-day periods before and 6 months after randomization. Results: After 6 months, reductions in HbA1c levels were significantly greater with CSII (-1.1±1.2% [-12.0±13.1 mmol/mol]) than with MDI (-0.4±1.1% [-4.4±12.0 mmol/mol]) (P&lt;0.001). Similarly, compared with patients receiving MDI, those receiving CSII showed significantly greater reductions in 24-h mean sensor glucose (SG) (treatment difference, -17.1 mg/dL; P=0.0023), less exposure to SG &gt;180 mg/dL (-12.4%; P=0.0004) and SG &gt;250 mg/dL (-5.5%; P=0.0153), and more time in the SG range of 70-180 mg/dL (12.3%; P=0.0002), with no differences in exposure to SG&lt;70 mg/dL or in glucose variability. Changes in postprandial (4-h) glucose area under the curve &gt;180 mg/dL were significantly greater with CSII than with MDI after breakfast (-775.9±1,441.2 mg/dL/min vs. -160.7±1,074.1 mg/dL/min; P=0.0015) and after dinner (-731.4±1,580.7 mg/dL/min vs. -71.1±1,083.5 mg/dL/min; P=0.0014). Conclusions: In patients with suboptimally controlled type 2 diabetes, CSII significantly improves selected glucometrics, compared with MDI, without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia

    Sensing coral reef connectivity pathways from space

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    Coral reefs rely on inter-habitat connectivity to maintain gene flow, biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Coral reef communities of the Red Sea exhibit remarkable genetic homogeneity across most of the Arabian Peninsula coastline, with a genetic break towards the southern part of the basin. While previous studies have attributed these patterns to environmental heterogeneity, we hypothesize that they may also emerge as a result of dynamic circulation flow; yet, such linkages remain undemonstrated. Here, we integrate satellite-derived biophysical observations, particle dispersion model simulations, genetic population data and ship-borne in situ profiles to assess reef connectivity in the Red Sea. We simulated long-term (>20 yrs.) connectivity patterns driven by remotely-sensed sea surface height and evaluated results against estimates of genetic distance among populations of anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the eastern Red Sea coastline. Predicted connectivity was remarkably consistent with genetic population data, demonstrating that circulation features (eddies, surface currents) formulate physical pathways for gene flow. The southern basin has lower physical connectivity than elsewhere, agreeing with known genetic structure of coral reef organisms. The central Red Sea provides key source regions, meriting conservation priority. Our analysis demonstrates a cost-effective tool to estimate biophysical connectivity remotely, supporting coastal management in data-limited regions

    Towards an end-to-end analysis and prediction system for weather, climate, and Marine applications in the Red Sea

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    AbstractThe Red Sea, home to the second-longest coral reef system in the world, is a vital resource for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Red Sea provides 90% of the Kingdom’s potable water by desalinization, supporting tourism, shipping, aquaculture, and fishing industries, which together contribute about 10%–20% of the country’s GDP. All these activities, and those elsewhere in the Red Sea region, critically depend on oceanic and atmospheric conditions. At a time of mega-development projects along the Red Sea coast, and global warming, authorities are working on optimizing the harnessing of environmental resources, including renewable energy and rainwater harvesting. All these require high-resolution weather and climate information. Toward this end, we have undertaken a multipronged research and development activity in which we are developing an integrated data-driven regional coupled modeling system. The telescopically nested components include 5-km- to 600-m-resolution atmospheric models to address weather and climate challenges, 4-km- to 50-m-resolution ocean models with regional and coastal configurations to simulate and predict the general and mesoscale circulation, 4-km- to 100-m-resolution ecosystem models to simulate the biogeochemistry, and 1-km- to 50-m-resolution wave models. In addition, a complementary probabilistic transport modeling system predicts dispersion of contaminant plumes, oil spill, and marine ecosystem connectivity. Advanced ensemble data assimilation capabilities have also been implemented for accurate forecasting. Resulting achievements include significant advancement in our understanding of the regional circulation and its connection to the global climate, development, and validation of long-term Red Sea regional atmospheric–oceanic–wave reanalyses and forecasting capacities. These products are being extensively used by academia, government, and industry in various weather and marine studies and operations, environmental policies, renewable energy applications, impact assessment, flood forecasting, and more.</jats:p

    Phototrophic biofilms and their potential applications

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    Phototrophic biofilms occur on surfaces exposed to light in a range of terrestrial and aquatic environments. Oxygenic phototrophs like diatoms, green algae, and cyanobacteria are the major primary producers that generate energy and reduce carbon dioxide, providing the system with organic substrates and oxygen. Photosynthesis fuels processes and conversions in the total biofilm community, including the metabolism of heterotrophic organisms. A matrix of polymeric substances secreted by phototrophs and heterotrophs enhances the attachment of the biofilm community. This review discusses the actual and potential applications of phototrophic biofilms in wastewater treatment, bioremediation, fish-feed production, biohydrogen production, and soil improvement