195 research outputs found

    The Impact of Urbanization on Agriculture Sector: A Case Study of Peshawar, Pakistan

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    By recognizing the socio-economic factors of urbanization, that lead to the loss of agricultural land it is important to design policies for combating agriculture land loss. This study aim is to identify the socio economic factors that cause land loss in Peshawar. The dependent variable urban population is used as a proxy to measure urbanization. We examined five explanatory variables, arable land, GDP per capita growth, agriculture value added (% of GDP), agriculture value added (annual % of growth) and cereal production. The results indicates that both agriculture value added %   of GDP and agricultural value added annual % of growth had a negative relationship with the urban population , it means that as the urbanization rises more and more agricultural land is converted to non agricultural uses which lead to the reduction of agricultural production. The result shows the urgent attention of the policy makers towards the policy implication for the land management to prevent further agricultural land loss

    Corporate Influence in World Bank Lending

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    The World Bank withholds loan disbursements in order to build a reputation for enforcing conditionality, and multinational firms lobby for these funds to be released. Using data drawn from World Bank reports, we find evidence that (1) participation by Fortune 500 multinational corporations as project contractors and (2) investments by these firms are associated with disbursements that are unjustified by project performance. In addition, these measures of corporate interest are associated with inflated project evaluations. These effects are limited to multinational corporations headquartered in the United States or Japan, suggesting that the influence of private actors depends on access to particular national policy networks. In contrast to the evidence of corporate influence, we find no consistent evidence of geopolitical influences

    ER/K linked GPCR-G protein fusions systematically modulate second messenger response in cells.

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    FRET and BRET approaches are well established for detecting ligand induced GPCR-G protein interactions in cells. Currently, FRET/BRET assays rely on co-expression of GPCR and G protein, and hence depend on the stoichiometry and expression levels of the donor and acceptor probes. On the other hand, GPCR-G protein fusions have been used extensively to understand the selectivity of GPCR signaling pathways. However, the signaling properties of fusion proteins are not consistent across GPCRs. In this study, we describe and characterize novel sensors based on the Systematic Protein Affinity Strength Modulation (SPASM) technique. Sensors consist of a GPCR and G protein tethered by an ER/K linker flanked by FRET probes. SPASM sensors are tested for the β2-, α1-, and α2- adrenergic receptors, and adenosine type 1 receptor (A1R), tethered to Gαs-XL, Gαi2, or Gαq subunits. Agonist stimulation of β2-AR and α2-AR increases FRET signal comparable to co-expressed FRET/BRET sensors. SPASM sensors also retain signaling through the endogenous G protein milieu. Importantly, ER/K linker length systematically tunes the GPCR-G protein interaction, with consequent modulation of second messenger signaling for cognate interactions. SPASM GPCR sensors serve the dual purpose of detecting agonist-induced changes in GPCR-G protein interactions, and linking these changes to downstream signaling

    Lesser of Two Evils: Allocating Resources to Opposition Districts in Pakistan

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    Though many scholars find that incumbent party legislators benefit from higher access to distributive resources than opposition ones, there is less attention on how resources are distributed among opposition districts. In most contexts, opposition districts cannot be fully cut off from funds and opposition legislators get credit for spending in their constituencies, which harms the ruling party. I argue that, in such situations, the incumbent party will discriminate between its own legislators and opposition ones but this discrimination will be based on opposition swing districts being punished rather than opposition strongholds. Using data on federal development funds from Pakistan and fixed-effects estimators, I show that the difference in funds between opposition and ruling party legislators is driven by opposition swing districts while their core areas have similar access as the incumbent party’s own districts. The findings further our understanding of distributive politics and have potential implications for long-term development patterns

    A case series on uterine arteriovenous malformations: A Life-threatening emergency in young women

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    Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare condition, with few cases reported in the literature. Despite being rare, it is a potentially life-threatening condition in women of child-bearing age. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of prolonged or irregular vaginal bleeding, which, otherwise, can lead to critical complications ending up in severe morbidity and mortality. This case series describes four cases of young Asian women aged between 33 and 38 years who presented with irregular vaginal bleeding. Trans-abdominal ultrasound of the pelvis showed increased vascularity with multi-directional blood flow in the uterus. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed an arteriovenous malformation in all cases. All cases remained stable through the diagnostic journey. Embolization of the arteriovenous malformation was performed successfully in three cases and one case was managed conservatively on hormones. Later, two of them conceived within a year and had live births at term. The aim of reporting these cases is to share the common presentation of this condition and our experience in making the diagnosis and treatment of such patients. Although a few cases are reported world over, none was reported earlier from Pakistani Asian women

    Insight into Mechanisms of Multiplicity of GPCR-G protein Signaling

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    G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) are sensory proteins that transduce a wide range of extracellular stimuli including drugs, neurotransmitters, and hormones into diverse physiological responses by activating intracellular effectors (G proteins or arrestins). Dysfunction in GPCR signaling is implicated in many disease states including cardiomyopathies, neuropathies, and cancer. Multiple factors complicate dissection of GPCR-G protein signaling in live cells. First, there is an imbalance between the number of distinct GPCRs and G proteins. For example, in the human genome, there are over 700 GPCRs but only 16 G proteins. Next, GPCRs are known to adopt multiple structural conformations and differentially activate functionally distinct G proteins through mechanisms that are poorly understood. Additional complexity arises from differences in cellular GPCR and G protein concentrations, localization of GPCR and G protein to micro-domains, and regulation by regulatory elements (RGS’s, GRKs, and arrestins). How the cell prevents misfiring and interprets cross talk between different GPCR-G protein interactions remains an ongoing area of research. Studies presented herein aim to understand the mechanisms of specificity and multiplicity of GPCR signaling in live cells. The first set of studies explores the mechanisms by which GPCRs selectively activate one or more G proteins. Sensors were designed based on the well-established interaction between GPCRs and peptides derived from the Gα C-terminal α5 helix, a known determinant of the specificity of GPCR-G protein interaction. Proof-of-concept studies demonstrate that the Gα C-terminus probes for a G protein-selective conformation of GPCRs in live cells. Following ligand stimulation, G protein-activating GPCR conformations interact specifically with the corresponding Gα C-terminus. Additional collaborative efforts using molecular dynamic simulation (MD), revealed hot spot residues on the Gαs and Gαq C-termini that confer specificity of GPCR-G protein interactions. A second set of MD and functional studies identified the role of conserved Gαi residues, L32 and D333, in G protein activation. A parallel set of studies examines the influence of GPCR and G protein concentration and interaction strengths on downstream second messenger response. Therein, the well-characterized ER/K linker was leveraged to tether GPCRs to G proteins. The ER/K linker sets the effective concentration of the tethered GPCR-G protein and thus enabled a pairwise comparison across fusions. Linker length systematically modulated association between cognate and non-cognate G proteins; however, it only tuned cognate second messenger response downstream of the Gs, Gi, and Gq coupled receptors. Agonist stimulation provides changes in FRET (ΔFRET) comparable to those previously reported using co-expressed FRET/BRET pairs. Hence, the SPASM sensors serve the dual purpose of probing agonist-stimulated changes in GPCR-G protein interaction while examining the downstream response using the same construct. These two parallel approaches seek to better understand the mechanism regulating multiplicity in the GPCR-G protein signaling pathway. Findings shed light into the structural basis of GPCR activation and provide a mechanism for ligand-dependent GPCR-G protein selection. Initial studies provide proof of concept for the use of fusions to probe the multiplicity of GPCR-G protein signaling in live cells, however, additional research is needed to explore the functional consequence of these findings in a physiologically relevant context.PHDCell and Developmental BiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137079/1/rumalik_1.pd

    Aplicación del modelo de gravedad aumentada de las TIC: análisis por sectores en la región de Asia Pacífico

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    The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in commerce improves the commercial structure and economic capacity of a country. This study empirically assesses the impact of ICTs on international trade in 36 countries in Asia and the Pacific, at the sectoral level, between 2007 and 2018. The study evaluates whether ICTs improve international trade by hiring the gravity model of international trade and increasing it with the ICT variable. An ICT development indicator (IDI) is formed by joining seven different ICT variables that show ICT infrastructure, use, and skills. Using the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood (PPML) estimation technique, this study shows that ICTs improve trade by reducing transaction costs. The findings reveal that information and communication technology positively and significantly influence international trade in all sectors of the Asia-Pacific region, and that trade intensifies when both trading partners have a high endowment of information and communications technology. The study recommends that governments in developing countries upgrade their ICT infrastructure levels.El uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) en el comercio mejora la estructura comercial y la capacidad económica de un país. Este estudio evalúa empíricamente el impacto de las TIC en el comercio internacional en 36 países de Asia y el Pacífico a nivel sectorial entre 2007 y 2018. El estudio prueba si las TIC mejoran el comercio internacional mediante la contratación del modelo de gravedad del comercio internacional al aumentarlo con la variable TIC. Un indicador de desarrollo de las TIC (IDI) se forma uniendo siete variables TIC diferentes que muestran la infraestructura, el uso y las habilidades de las TIC. Al emplear la técnica de estimación de Poisson pseudo-máxima verosimilitud (PPML), este estudio muestra que las TIC mejoran el comercio al reducir los costos de transacción. Las conclusiones revelan que la tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones influye positiva y significativamente en el comercio internacional en todos los sectores de la región de Asia y el Pacífico y que el comercio se intensifica cuando ambos interlocutores comerciales tienen una alta dotación de tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones. El estudio recomienda que los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo actualicen sus niveles de infraestructura TIC

    Predictive accuracy of anti mullerian hormone as indicator of ovarian follicle loss in cyclophosphamide treated mice

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    Objective: To evaluate the strength of anti-mullerian hormone in reflecting the stages of ovarian toxicity-induced by cyclophosphamide.Methods: This study was conducted in December 2014 and comprised female mice that were divided into four groups: group A served as control, group B received three weekly injections of cyclophosphamide, group C was co administered alpha-tocopherol along with cyclophosphamide, while group D solely received alpha-tocopherol. The ovaries were evaluated for follicular dynamics, and anti-mullerian hormone was assessed using mouse enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. The data was analysed using SPSS 19.Results: There were 40 mice in the study. Histological analysis revealed severely reduced ovarian reserve in group B(p\u3c0.01).In group C alpha-tocopherol conserved the ovarian reserve to near normal, thus follicle count was significantly higher than group B (p\u3c0.05). However, this moderate reduction was still lower than the controls (p\u3c0.01). Furthermore, the number of corpus lutea and atretic follicles were significantly higher in groups B and C (p\u3c0.01). Regarding hormonal analyses in comparison to controls, anti-mullerian hormone levels were low in group B (p\u3c0.01), while group C reported an insignificant fall in serum anti-mullerian hormone levels (p=0.101).Conclusions: There was substantial evidence that anti-mullerian hormone monitoring during chemotherapy administration may fulfil the criteria of earliest diagnostic indicator of secondary infertility

    Do Voters (Dis)like Dynastic Politicians? Experimental Evidence from Pakistan

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    While an extensive comparative politics literature focuses on the mechanisms that facilitate the emergence and persistence of political dynasties, we know relatively little about voters’ views on them. A survey experiment in Pakistan, a country where dynasticism is common, allows us to study how voters perceive and evaluate politicians with dynastic ties. We find that dynastic politicians are perceived as lower quality and less supportive of universalistic policies than their non-dynastic peers. Additionally, respondents report a lower preference of voting for such candidates themselves, suggesting that the “dynastic electoral advantage” documented in previous research is elite-driven. Our findings suggest that voters also perceive non-dynastic candidates needing to be more qualified to overcome the higher entry barriers created by dynasticism. These results also have important implications for the quality of representation in many developing countries, where entrenched political families continue playing key roles in national and local politics

    The Fiqh and Shari’ah Dimensions of Seerah in the Contemporary Era

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    In the perspective of the modern period, this study aims to investigate the Fiqh and Shari’ah aspects of the Seerah (the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad). This study's main goal is to shed light on the Seerah's relevance and applicability in modern Muslim life, particularly in the context of Islamic law and jurisprudence. The goal of the study is to clarify the Seerah's crucial importance as a source of instruction and law for the contemporary issues that the Muslim community worldwide is dealing with. The goals of this study includes a thorough examination of the Seerah in light of current moral and legal concerns. It aims to evaluate how the Seerah's guiding principles and practices can influence contemporary Fiqh decisions and Shari’ah compliance. This study uses a multifaceted methodology that includes an analysis of traditional Islamic scriptures, Fiqh judgments, and modern Islamic jurisprudence literature. Along with secondary materials like scholarly publications and legal opinions, primary sources like the Quran and Hadith are considered. The study's conclusions highlight how the Seerah continues to be relevant in addressing current ethical, legal, and societal issues. It emphasizes how Shari’ah law, which is based on the Seerah, is flexible and adaptable enough to offer direction and solutions to modern problems. Muslims can navigate the complexity of the modern world while maintaining their religion and principles by consulting the Seerah, which has emerged as an important and dynamic source. The Seerah's influence on Islamic jurisprudence and adherence to Shari’ah in the modern day is a topic that this study encourages more discussion and investigation. Keywords: Shari’ah, Fiqh Seerah, Quran, Hadith, Contemporary Er