44 research outputs found

    Spacetime-Free Approach to Quantum Theory and Effective Spacetime Structure

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    Motivated by hints of the effective emergent nature of spacetime structure, we formulate a spacetime-free algebraic framework for quantum theory, in which no a priori background geometric structure is required. Such a framework is necessary in order to study the emergence of effective spacetime structure in a consistent manner, without assuming a background geometry from the outset. Instead, the background geometry is conjectured to arise as an effective structure of the algebraic and dynamical relations between observables that are imposed by the background statistics of the system. Namely, we suggest that quantum reference states on an extended observable algebra, the free algebra generated by the observables, may give rise to effective spacetime structures. Accordingly, perturbations of the reference state lead to perturbations of the induced effective spacetime geometry. We initiate the study of these perturbations, and their relation to gravitational phenomena

    Group Fourier transform and the phase space path integral for finite dimensional Lie groups

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    We formulate a notion of group Fourier transform for a finite dimensional Lie group. The transform provides a unitary map from square integrable functions on the group to square integrable functions on a non-commutative dual space. We then derive the first order phase space path integral for quantum mechanics on the group by using a non-commutative dual space representation obtained through the transform. Possible advantages of the formalism include: (1) The transform provides an alternative to the spectral decomposition via representation theory of Lie groups and the use of special functions. (2) The non-commutative dual variables are physically more intuitive, since despite the non-commutativity they are analogous to the corresponding classical variables. The work is expected, among other possible applications, to allow for the metric representation of Lorentzian spin foam models in the context of quantum gravity.Comment: 7 pages, correction to the applicability of coordinates plus other minor correction

    Quantization maps, algebra representation and non-commutative Fourier transform for Lie groups

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    The phase space given by the cotangent bundle of a Lie group appears in the context of several models for physical systems. A representation for the quantum system in terms of non-commutative functions on the (dual) Lie algebra, and a generalized notion of (non-commutative) Fourier transform, different from standard harmonic analysis, has been recently developed, and found several applications, especially in the quantum gravity literature. We show that this algebra representation can be defined on the sole basis of a quantization map of the classical Poisson algebra, and identify the conditions for its existence. In particular, the corresponding non-commutative star-product carried by this representation is obtained directly from the quantization map via deformation quantization. We then clarify under which conditions a unitary intertwiner between such algebra representation and the usual group representation can be constructed giving rise to the non-commutative plane waves and consequently, the non-commutative Fourier transform. The compact groups U(1) and SU(2) are considered for different choices of quantization maps, such as the symmetric and the Duflo map, and we exhibit the corresponding star-products, algebra representations and non-commutative plane waves.Comment: 36 pages; matches published version plus minor correction

    Asymptotic Analysis of the Ponzano-Regge Model with Non-Commutative Metric Boundary Data

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    We apply the non-commutative Fourier transform for Lie groups to formulate the non-commutative metric representation of the Ponzano-Regge spin foam model for 3d quantum gravity. The non-commutative representation allows to express the amplitudes of the model as a first order phase space path integral, whose properties we consider. In particular, we study the asymptotic behavior of the path integral in the semi-classical limit. First, we compare the stationary phase equations in the classical limit for three different non-commutative structures corresponding to the symmetric, Duflo and Freidel-Livine-Majid quantization maps. We find that in order to unambiguously recover discrete geometric constraints for non-commutative metric boundary data through the stationary phase method, the deformation structure of the phase space must be accounted for in the variational calculus. When this is understood, our results demonstrate that the non-commutative metric representation facilitates a convenient semi-classical analysis of the Ponzano-Regge model, which yields as the dominant contribution to the amplitude the cosine of the Regge action in agreement with previous studies. We also consider the asymptotics of the SU(2){\rm SU}(2) 6j6j-symbol using the non-commutative phase space path integral for the Ponzano-Regge model, and explain the connection of our results to the previous asymptotic results in terms of coherent states

    On UV/IR Mixing via Seiberg-Witten Map for Noncommutative QED

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    We consider quantum electrodynamics in noncommutative spacetime by deriving a θ\theta-exact Seiberg-Witten map with fermions in the fundamental representation of the gauge group as an expansion in the coupling constant. Accordingly, we demonstrate the persistence of UV/IR mixing in noncommutative QED with charged fermions via Seiberg-Witten map, extending the results of Schupp and You [1].Comment: 16 page

    Spacetime-Free Approach to Quantum Theory and Effective Spacetime Structure

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    Motivated by hints of the effective emergent nature of spacetime structure, we formulate a spacetime-free algebraic framework for quantum theory, in which no a priori background geometric structure is required. Such a framework is necessary in order to study the emergence of effective spacetime structure in a consistent manner, without assuming a background geometry from the outset. Instead, the background geometry is conjectured to arise as an effective structure of the algebraic and dynamical relations between observables that are imposed by the background statistics of the system. Namely, we suggest that quantum reference states on an extended observable algebra, the free algebra generated by the observables, may give rise to effective spacetime structures. Accordingly, perturbations of the reference state lead to perturbations of the induced effective spacetime geometry. We initiate the study of these perturbations, and their relation to gravitational phenomena