491 research outputs found

    Immobilization of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase on Weakly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Beads

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    Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase was immobilized on weakly basic macroporous anion exchange resin beads Lewatit MP-64. After the adsorption the enzyme was crosslinked by glutaraldehyde: The activity of the immobilized enzyme was investigated in the pH 8.9 recirculation reactor system at 303 K. It was found that the immobilized enzyme was destabilized upon addition of semicarbazide hydrochloride to the buffer solution. A greater amount of protein was attached to the support when ethanol was present in the enzyme solution, but the activity of the bound enzyme was lower than in the absence of ethanol


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    The cause of permanent work disability in professional drivers

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    U razdoblju od 1984. do 1989. godine u Centru za prevenciju, dijagnostiku i ocjenjivanje radne sposobnosti radnika u Rijeci pregledano je 8139 profesionalnih vozača od kojih je 347 ocijenjena trajno nesposobnim. U odnosu na Pravilinik o zdravstvenim uvjetima kojima moraju udovoljavati vozači motornih vozila, 130 vozača je potpuno nesposobno za sve vozačke kategorije (A, B, C, D i E kategorije). Više od polovice nesposobnih profesionalnih vozača bilo je u dobnoj skupini između 18 i 47 godina života. Najčešći uzrok nesposobnosti profesionalnih vozača bile su bolesti i stanja organa vida s 34,3% od nesposobnih, na drugom mjestu je alkoholizam s 19%, a na trećem bolesti i stanja koštanog sustava i lokomotornog aparata s 11,5% od ukupnog broja nesposobnih vozača. Prikazani su i rezultati drugih autora koji su se bavili zdravstvenom problematikom vozača amatera i profesionalaca.In the period from 1984 to 1989 a total of 8139 professional drivers were examined in the Centre for Prevention, Diagnosis and Assessment of Work Ability in Rijeka. Of this number 347 were assessed as permanently disabled. On the basis of the Regulations on Health Requirements, with which motor vehicle drivers must comply, 130 of these 347 drivers were completely disabled for all driving categories (A, B, C, D and E categories). More than half the disabled professional drivers were aged from 18 to 47 years. The most frequent cause of disability of professional drivers was disease of the eyes and defective sight (34.3% of disabled). The second cause was alcoholism (19%) and the third cause was disease and conditions of the skeletal system and locomotor apparatus (11.5% of the total number of disabled drivers)

    Emergencies in movement disorders

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    Movement disorders constitute a large group of diseases that affect the control of voluntary motor activity without a direct impact on sensation and strength. Usual clinical course is slow, progressive and can be treated in an outpatient clinic. However, there are several emergencies regarding movement disorders that are serious medical conditions and may result in death if not recognized and treated promptly. Every neurologist should be aware of these states because they can develop during the course of a patient’s illness. The aim of this review is to provide key features of the most common emergen- cies in movement disorders, including drug-induced emergencies, emergencies in Parkinson’s disease, chorea and ballismus, tics, myoclonus and dystonia


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    Cilj: Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi bolesti i srodna zdravstvena stanja kandidata za vozače, vozače amatere i profesionalce koji su bili uzrokom nesposobnosti vozača u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji u razdoblju od 1996. do 2016. godine pregledanih u privatnoj Zdravstvenoj ustanovi za medicinu rada. Ispitanici i metode rada: Ukupno je bilo pregledano 39.503 vozača, dok je istraživanjem obuhvaćeno 188 nesposobnih vozača od čega je bilo 175 vozača amatera i 13 vozača profesionalaca. Među vozačima amaterima bilo je 153 vozača muškaraca i 22 žene. Među vozačima profesionalcima bili su samo muškarci. Podatci o vozačima dobiveni su analizom bolesti iz kartona vozača koji se čuvaju u zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Bolesti su prikazane prema Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti i srodnih zdravstvenih problema – 10. revizija (MKB-10). Dijagnosticirane bolesti usklađene su prema pravilnicima o zdravstvenim pregledima vozača i kandidata za vozače. Rezultati: Nesposobni vozači (n=188) prikazani su prema dobnim skupinama, spolu, zanimanjima, dijagnozama bolesti i najčešćim bolestima. Jedan vozač ocijenjen je temeljem ocjene radne sposobnosti za posao. Najčešće bolesti koje su bile uzrokom nesposobnosti u vozača amatera su psihijatrijske bolesti (mentalna retardacija, demencije, alkoholizam, štetna uporaba psihoaktivnih tvari i druge) i čine 68 % svih nesposobnih, a slijede bolesti oka, 14,8 % svih nesposobnih vozača. Kod profesionalnih vozača najčešći uzroci nesposobnosti bili su bolesti oka i alkoholizam. Zaključak: U našem istraživanju najviše nesposobnih vozača amatera bilo je u skupini umirovljenika. U odnosu na vrste pregleda najveći broj nesposobnih bio je u dobnim skupinama od 18 do 57 godina, dakle u radno sposobnoj populaciji. Najčešći uzrok nesposobnosti vozača bile su psihijatrijske bolesti, među njima mentalna retardacija, alkoholizam, demencije i štetna uporaba psihoaktivnih tvari, kao i bolesti oka. Od neuroloških bolesti uzrok su bili epilepsija i posljedice cerebrovaskularne bolesti. Kod profesionalnih vozača uzrok nesposobnosti bile su bolesti oka i alkoholizam.Objective: The aim of the study was to identify diseases and related health conditions of the candidates for drivers, amateur drivers and professionals, and causes of their incompetence for drivers in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County during the 1996-2016 period, examined in a private health care facility. Patients and Methods: A total of 39,503 drivers were surveyed, while 188 incapable drivers were covered, of which 175 amateur drivers and 13 professional drivers were surveyed. Among amateur drivers, there were 153 men and 22 women. Among professional drivers, there were only men. Driver data were obtained by analyzing their medical records stored at a health facility. Diseases were described according to the International Classifi cation of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision. Diagnosed diseases were aligned according to the Regulations on Driver and Driver Health Checks. Results: Incompetent drivers (n=188) were presented according to age groups, gender, occupation, disease diagnoses and most common diseases. One driver was assessed on the basis of the work-ability assessment. The most common diseases causing amateur driver inability were psychiatric disorders (mental retardation, dementia, alcoholism, abuse of psychoactive substances, and others), which accounted for 68% of all incompetent drivers, followed by eye diseases (14.8%). Among professional drivers, the most common causes of inability were eye diseases and alcoholism. Conclusion: In our study, most inactive amateur drivers were in the group of retired people. According to age, the largest number of incompetent drivers were in the 18 to 57 age groups, i.e. active population. The most common causes of driver inability were psychiatric illnesses, including mental retardation, alcoholism, dementia and abuse of psychoactive substances, followed by eye diseases. Of neurological diseases, the causes were epilepsy and cerebrovascular disease sequels. Among professional drivers, the leading causes of disability were eye disease and alcoholism

    Modelling and Optimization of the (R)-(+)-3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic Acid Production Catalyzed with D-lactate Dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus leishmannii Using Genetic Algorithm

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    A mathematical model for the enzymatic kinetics of the synthesis of (R)–(+)–3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid (DHPL) was developed. The synthesis was catalyzed by D-lactate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus leishmannii. Since this enzyme requires NADH as a coenzyme, formate dehydrogenase system was used for NADH regeneration. Kinetic constants of both enzymes were estimated independently from initial reaction rate experiments. The developed mathematical model was verified by the batch reactor experiment (volumetric productivity in this experiment was 4.76 g dm–3 d–1). Optimization of initial reaction conditions for DHPL synthesis was performed using the genetic algorithm (GA). The genetic algorithm as a flexible optimization tool had been used to obtain the experimental conditions where maximal volumetric productivity could be achieved. The optimal initial conditions were found in the investigated parameter area: c3,4-dihydroxyphenylpyruvic acid = 4.69 mmol dm–3, cNAD+= 4.95 mmol dm–3, cformate = 36.85 mmol dm–3, D-lactate dehydrogenase = 3 mg cm–3, formate dehydrogenase = 2.94mg cm–3 and the reaction time 8.5 min. At these conditions volumetric productivity of 93.06 g dm–3 d–1 can be achieved