319 research outputs found

    A new theorem in particle physics enabled by machine discovery

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    AbstractA widespread objection to research on scientific discovery is that there has been a noticeable dearth of significant novel findings in domain sciences contributed by machine discovery programs. The implication is that the essential parts of the discovery process are not captured by these programs. The aim of this note is to document for the AI audience a novel finding in particle physics that was enabled by the machine discovery program PAULI reported previously. This finding consists of a theorem that expresses the minimum number of conservation laws that are needed, mathematically speaking, to account for any consistent experimental data on particle reactions. This note also reports how a puzzle raised by the theorem—its conflict with physics practice—is resolved

    An Application of Total-Colored Graphs to Describe Mutations in Non-Mendelian Genetics

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    Any gene mutation during the mitotic cell cycle of a eukaryotic cell can be algebraically represented by an isotopism of the evolution algebra describing the genetic pattern of the inheritance process. We identify any such pattern with a total-colored graph so that any isotopism of the former is uniquely related to an isomorphism of the latter. This enables us to develop some results on graph theory in the context of the molecular processes that occur during the S-phase of a mitotic cell cycle. In particular, each monochromatic subset of edges is identified with a mutation or regulatory mechanism that relates any two statuses of the genotypes of a pair of chromatids.Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía FQM-32

    Reverse latitudinal diversity gradients, exceptions that prove the rule?

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    La mayoría de grupos taxonómicos siguen un Gradiente Latitudinal de Diversidad y son más diversos cuanto más nos acercamos a los trópicos. Sin embargo, existen notables excepciones a este patrón capaces de proporcionar información adicional acerca de los mecanismos que lo generan. Aunque existe una gran variedad de hipótesis destinadas a explicar los gradientes de diversidad, es necesario encontrar mecanismos capaces de explicar simultáneamente el patrón general y sus excepciones. La conservación de nicho y el efecto del tiempo para especiación cumplen con este requisito. Estás hipótesis predicen una mayor diversidad de organismos en aquellos ambientes donde los distintos grupos taxonómicos se originaron y donde habrían contado con mayor tiempo para el proceso de diversificación dado que existe una retención evolutiva de las condiciones ancestrales. En este trabajo, revisamos la literatura científica que ha abordado el estudio de excepciones al Gradiente Latitudinal de Diversidad, discutimos las explicaciones ofrecidas en conexión con la conservación de nicho y ofrecemos ejemplos de cómo la historia biogeográfica puede servir como fuente de información auxiliar para inferir los nichos ancestrales. Si bien es probable que sean muchos los mecanismos que generan los patrones que observamos en la naturaleza, explicaciones como la conservación de nicho y el tiempo para especiación nos acercan a entender cómo se han configurado los patrones de diversidad a grandes escalas a lo largo de la historia evolutiva de los organismos.Most taxonomic groups follow a Latitudinal Diversity Gradient and tend to be more diverse as we approach the tropics. Nevertheless, there are important exceptions to such pattern, which can provide with additional information on the mechanisms that generate it. Despite the large amount of hypotheses proposed to explain diversity gradients, it is still necessary to find hypotheses able to explain both the general pattern and the exceptions to it. Niche conservatism and the time-for-speciation effect meet this requirement by predicting higher diversity of organisms in the environments where they have had longer periods to diversify, based on an evolutionary retention of the conditions under which different taxonomic groups originated. Here we review the scientific literature tackling the study of exceptions to the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient, discuss the explanations for reverse patterns in connection to niche conservatism and offer examples of how biogeographic history can be used as an auxiliary source to infer ancestral niches. While it is likely that multiple mechanisms generate current diversity patterns, explanations such as niche conservatism and time-for-speciation bring us closer to the understanding of how large scale diversity patterns have been configured along the evolutionary history of the organisms.I. Morales-Castilla está financiado por el Programa Integrado de IC&DT (No. 1/SAESCTN/ALENT-07-0224-FEDER-001755). R. García-Valdés está financiado por el proyecto POIC10-0311-0585, de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

    Santilli autotopisms of partial groups

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    This paper deals with those partial groups that contain a given Santilli isotopism in their autotopism group. A classification of these autotopisms is explicitly determined for partial groups of order n ≤ 4

    Extension of Santilli's isotopies to non-injective isoalgebras

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    Santilli's isotopies constitute a new branch of mathematics characterized by axiom-preserving isotopic lifting of units, products, numbers, fields, topologies, geometries, algebras, groups, etc., with numerous novel applications in physics, chemistry and other quantitative sciences. The continuation of these studies requires deeper research on non-injective isotopies. The main goal of this paper is to generalize the usual isotopic construction model to obtain non-injective isoalgebras, by using so many new laws * and isounities in the general set associated with the Santilli's isotopy, as laws has the initial structure. In this way, the study of the properties of this general set is very useful. In fact, this study constitutes the MCIM isotopic construction model, which has been studied by the authors since 2001. In this model, there are a main isounit and a main *-law, which determine the mathematical isostructure, and some secondaries ones, which determine the laws in this isostructure. So, the study of all these elements can determine how to build a non-injective isotopy, by taking into consideration the different factors on which the main isounit depends

    Los isonúmeros o el porqué de ser 2 x 3 = 5/√7

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    Uno de los aspectos en los que se basa la enseñanza de las Matemáticas es el manejo del elemento unidad. En este sentido, los números 0 y 1 juegan un papel fundamental. Ahora bien, una de las propiedades en la que basamos la importancia de tal elemento es su unicidad dentro de la estructura en la que se encuentre. Lo que se pretende en la presente comunicación es mostrar cómo puede afectar esta unicidad en un futuro al alumnado, en la visión del mundo real en que vivimos. Para ello, se hace ver que no existe una unidad absoluta y se muestra que si redefinimos las operaciones matemáticas que usualmente utilizamos, podemos llegar a una nueva aritmética, más acorde con algunos aspectos de la realidad

    A particular case of extended isotopisms: Santilli's isotopisms

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    Due to a mathematical necessity, it has been proved that it is convenient to give a new interpretation of the multiplicity of Santilli's isounity Ib = Ib(x, v, t, µ, ρ, ...) of any Santilli's isotopism, as a family of classical Bruck's isotopisms. In this paper we prove that every Santilli's isotopism is indeed an extended isotopism

    An approach to the isotheory by means of extended pseudoisotopisms

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    Based on the traditional concept of isotopism, extended isotopisms were introduced by the authors in 2006 in order to provide a fundamental basis to the isotheory of Santilli. Since that first attempt, distinct studies on extended isotopisms have focused on the construction of partial Latin squares having a Santilli autotopism in their autotopism group. In order to deal with new structures, we introduce in this paper the concept of extended pseudoisotopism. This is based on the use of onto linear transformations that are not necessarily injective. Some examples are exposed throughout the paper

    Why are neutral elements immutable?

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    It is not exaggerated to say that all of the people, included the youngest, know the important role played by the elements 0 and 1 in Mathematics. One of the main reasons for these elements (normally named units, although its right name is neutral elements) to be fundamental is their uniqueness within any mathematical structure. However, the main goal of this paper is to show that these roles could be discussed by redefining the usual mathematical laws, quite more in agreement with some aspects of the reality, particularly in the physical world

    The general set in the MCIM Isotopic Model

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    To obtain a bigger number of mathematical and physical applications of the Santilli’s isotheory, the latest studies have shown the necessity of analyzing isotopic models which use non associative laws. The main goal of this paper is to give a generalization of the isotopic construction model based on the multiplication (MCIM), which is useful to obtain non associative mathematical isostructures